The Forbidden Zone Of The Temple Mount! - Alternative View

The Forbidden Zone Of The Temple Mount! - Alternative View
The Forbidden Zone Of The Temple Mount! - Alternative View

Video: The Forbidden Zone Of The Temple Mount! - Alternative View

Video: The Forbidden Zone Of The Temple Mount! - Alternative View
Video: Where was the TEMPLE located? - Derek Walker 2024, October

The Holy Grail has been sought all over the world since the Middle Ages. The vessel from which Jesus Christ himself took communion during the Last Supper, and in which Saint Joseph of Arimathea collected his blood after the crucifixion, is credited with magical properties, but for believers this is primarily one of the most important shrines of the Christian world. So where did one of the most important proofs of the life of Christ hide all this time? And most importantly: who did it?

In search of an answer to this question, researchers were able to penetrate where uninvited guests are shot to kill in the dungeon of Jerusalem.

After examining all the ancient archives, researchers came to the conclusion that the Holy Grail must be sought in the dungeons of the Temple Mount. But where exactly? Some of the underground communications are strictly classified and closed not only for tourists and even for scientists.

There are legends that many artifacts are kept in the most secret basements of the Temple Mount, one of them is the cradle of Jesus Christ, there is an assumption that it is the Holy Grail.


Historians have established that the Grail legends appeared in medieval texts in the second half of the 12th century, an interesting coincidence. It was then that an unusual religious theme began to be depicted on the walls in Byzantine churches: the baby Jesus sacrificed himself, turning his body and blood into saving food - bread and wine. This image was found in the temple of Jonah the Baptist in Mesopotamia.

Having studied the artifact in detail, historians have put forward the assumption that the Holy Grail may be the cradle of Christ stained with blood.

Many modern scholars believe that the Holy Grail is a metaphor that should not be taken literally. This point of view was also shared by medieval authors. For example, the poet Wolfram von Eschenbach wrote in his poem "Parzival" that the Grail is a magic stone. The writer emphasized that he did not invent this information, but found it in ancient oriental manuscripts.

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While the whole world is wondering what the Holy Grail is, the ministers of the Trier Cathedral claim that they already own a priceless artifact. The chiton of Jesus, which is kept in the temple, according to the clergy, was put on him during the crucifixion. It was allegedly brought to the small town of Trier by Saint Helen herself (mother of Constantine the Great).

Saint Helena
Saint Helena

Saint Helena.

The chiton is immersed in a silicone preservative, so it is impossible to make its radiocarbon analysis and determine its authenticity, nevertheless, the relic attracts millions of pilgrims every day.

There is a theory that the Holy Grail is some kind of personal thing of Jesus. In October 2016, archaeologists uncovered the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. There is an assumption that one of the reasons for the restoration work may be the search for the Holy Grail and perhaps the relic was found.