Allen Dulles - Master Of Covert Operations - Alternative View

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Allen Dulles - Master Of Covert Operations - Alternative View
Allen Dulles - Master Of Covert Operations - Alternative View

Video: Allen Dulles - Master Of Covert Operations - Alternative View

Video: Allen Dulles - Master Of Covert Operations - Alternative View
Video: The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles and Their Secret World War 2024, October

… Against many and the most

The strong is powerless when he is alone …

Homer, Odyssey

We begin a story about people who are still considered symbols of American intelligence and who at one time in the West were christened "Knights of the Cold War", and in our country - "Knights of the cloak and dagger." Although the assessments of their role in modern history are diametrically opposed, they still arouse genuine interest among researchers, and their methods and ideas are still in demand by modern special services. There are several reasons for this.

First, both Dulles and Angleton were members of the "founding club" of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Second, it was they who formulated the goals, ideas, and the "unwritten code of American intelligence." Thirdly, it was they who left the most striking mark on the activities of the CIA, consistently implementing their ideas in practice. Fourth, it was they who put the CIA over the government and other political institutions of their country.

The CIA was created on September 18, 1947 on the basis of the National Security Act of 1947 signed by President Harry Truman on July 26, 1947, one of the initiators of the development of which was a successful lawyer, during the Second World War, a senior officer of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and Mission Leader to Switzerland Allen Welch Dulles. A year later, US President Truman put him in charge of a commission of three lawyers with experience in intelligence, whose duties included checking the activities of the new intelligence structure.

"The National Security Act of 1947," said Allen Dulles, "gave the intelligence service a more powerful position in our government than that of any other government in the world."

Promotional video:

President Harry Truman signs the National Security Act
President Harry Truman signs the National Security Act

President Harry Truman signs the National Security Act.

Under this law, the functions of the CIA were outlined in five short paragraphs:

1. Advise the National Security Council on matters related to such intelligence activities of government agencies and departments that are relevant to national security.

2. Make recommendations to the National Security Council regarding the coordination of such intelligence activities.

3. To collate and evaluate intelligence information relevant to national security, and ensure that intelligence is disseminated appropriately to members of the government, provided that the (CIA - Ed.) Department should have neither police powers, nor prosecutions, nor the right to lead. the law in execution, nor the functions of the internal security organs.

4. To carry out, in the interests of existing intelligence agencies, such additional functions of a general nature, which, by the decision of the National Security Council, can be more effectively performed in a centralized manner.

5. To carry out, as directed by the National Security Council, other functions and duties related to intelligence and related to ensuring national security.

In these dry clerical lines, the key was the concept of "other functions" that the CIA can carry out in accordance with the directives of the National Security Council, subordinate to the President of the United States, and which in fact means conducting any covert operations and interfering in the affairs of other countries in order to establish a dominant position in the world.

Descendants of Aeneas

The future of Allen Welch Dulles was predetermined already from the moment he was born into a family in which the number of politicians, military, diplomats and lawyers exceeded every conceivable value. The family was founded by Joseph Dulles, who fled Ireland in 1778, who settled in South Carolina and became rich in the slave trade.

His grandfather, John Watson Foster, a member of the American Civil War, rose to the rank of colonel and was envoy to Mexico, Russia and Spain, and then became the 32nd US Secretary of State under President Benjamin Harrison. His career began with the extermination of Indians and the appropriation of their lands, and it was he who staged a coup d'état in Hawaii in 1893, overthrowing Queen Liliuokalani. While in the diplomatic service, he created and headed the intelligence service of the US State Department. Allen's uncle - Robert Lansing - was the 42nd US Secretary of State, holding this post from 1915-1920 under President Woodrow Wilson.

FBI reference on Allen Dulles
FBI reference on Allen Dulles

FBI reference on Allen Dulles.

All members of the Dulles-Foster family were brought up in the spirit of "American exceptionalism." As Americans, they were everything. It was they who determined what is good and what is evil, while remaining "on the other side of good and evil." Hence, the rest of the world was seen by young bulls as morally backward and racially inferior, and America had to conquer it under the flag of free enterprise, that is, the freedom to subordinate everyone and everything to its will.

Highly educated, having received a multidisciplinary education in the elite educational institutions of Auburn, Paris, New York and Princeton, Allen Dulles worked as a missionary in India, China and Japan, later defended his doctoral dissertation in law. In April 1916, he entered the diplomatic service, starting work in Vienna, and during the First World War - in Bern, moving to the intelligence of the State Department, created by his grandfather. At the Versailles Peace Conference, Allen and his older brother John acted as assistants and legal advisers to the American delegation led by their uncle, Secretary of State Robert Lansing. Then Allen worked in Berlin, Constantinople and Washington, honing his espionage skills during social receptions and diplomatic receptions.

It was in Turkey that he met the Arabist and historian Harry St. John (Jack) Philby, the father of Harold Adrian Russell Philby, who, under the name of Kim Philby, became a Soviet intelligence officer. However, the story of Kim Philby's father is no less exciting. As a professional diplomat and intelligence officer, Jack Philby is rightfully considered the founding father of Saudi Arabia, a lobbyist for American oil corporations and the ancestor of many processes in the Middle East, whose influence we see to this day.

In 1926, Dulles left the Foreign Service and 15 years with his brother practiced law at Sullivan & Cromwell ("Sullivan and Cromwell"), the most powerful corporate law firm on Wall Street, whose clients were the largest American and foreign companies and financial institutions: Standard Oil, General Electric, Rockefeller bank group, Morgan, DuPont de Nemours, Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Bank of New York, American Banknote Co., United Fruit Company and others.

By the way, Sullivan & Cromwell represented on the American continent the interests of the German concerns Krupp AG and IG Farben, whose close cooperation with the Nazis was the subject of special proceedings at the Nuremberg trials. There is overwhelming evidence that Allen Dulles met with Adolf Hitler on multiple occasions to discuss the financial issues of the Nazis coming to power. Later, Soviet intelligence tracked the close relationship of the Dulles brothers with Hjalmar Schacht, President of the Reichsbank and the Minister of Economy of the Third Reich.

From that time on, the brothers, closely associated with the uncrowned "kings" of America, began to form around themselves a promising group of supporters who, throughout the post-war years, will determine the foreign policy of the American administration, regardless of the party affiliation of the owner of the White House.

It is worth dwelling on one of the Dulles brothers' associates. In the late 1930s, their attention was attracted by the young vice president of investment bank Dillon, Read & Co. Paul Nitze comes from a family of German immigrants. Subsequently, friendship with the Dulles brothers, as well as a successful marriage with the daughter of the CFO of Standard Oil, opened the way for him to big politics and elevated him to the rank of the architect of the Cold War.

The Dulles brothers' attitude to democratic institutions was especially evident when President Roosevelt began to pursue his "new course" aimed at bringing the American socio-economic system out of the Great Depression. The elder brother, John Dulles, having gathered his clients, simply recommended that they ignore all the initiatives of the presidential administration: "Do not obey, resist his laws with all your might, and soon everything will be fine." Indeed, the US Supreme Court found the "New Deal" policy to be contrary to the US Constitution, and in 1934 the main measures for its implementation were curtailed.

“The Dulles brothers were obsessed with chess players,” recalled one of his contemporaries. - Allen could not be distracted from the long fight with his brother. The Dulles Brothers will bring the same strategic anchor to the global political game.” All this gave the brothers the illusion that they are omnipotent and better represent the national interests of the country than the "white collars" from the State Department.

However, the entry of the United States into World War II slightly adjusted the brothers' plans to create an American empire. In 1942, Allen joined the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), headed by Colonel William Donovan, a World War I veteran, a brilliant lawyer and millionaire, a brave, educated and adventurous man. Allen soon became head of the OSS branch in Bern.

William Donovan in the 1940s
William Donovan in the 1940s

William Donovan in the 1940s.

In 1943, Allen blatantly ignores Roosevelt's political doctrine, which was the official White House directive for the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany, criminal prosecution of the Nazi party, representatives of the German financial and industrial elites, intelligence officers and war criminals, and begins his secret separate negotiations with representatives of the Third Reich.

Today it is established that it was Dulles who helped to escape punishment for many Nazis, providing them with channels and resources to escape to Italy, Spain, Portugal, with subsequent transfer to North and South America and the Middle East. It was the Dulles brothers who were ardent opponents of the denazification of post-war Germany, who recruited Nazi criminals to realize their goals. This also includes the concealment and legalization of Nazi foreign exchange funds and looted assets through the Vatican Bank, the Bank for International Settlements, as well as through its connections in political and financial circles of the world. And all this is not only for their own benefit, but also for the benefit of their clients, that is, by order of the world elite, who did not break their ties with German industrial, financial and political partners during the years of the Nazi regime in Germany. This topic is so complex and multifaceted, it includes so many aspects of global politics and private interests of the Dulles brothers clan that it is hardly possible to fully cover it in this short article.

Allen Dulles in the late 1950s
Allen Dulles in the late 1950s

Allen Dulles in the late 1950s.

As you know, the main result of the Second World War was the complete dismantling of the multipolar model of the world. Multipolarity as a structure of international relations based on the comparability of the aggregate military, economic, political, ideological and other potentials of a number of countries has ceased to exist. Moreover, the foundations for its restoration have disappeared. Of the former seven great powers (Great Britain, Germany, Italy, USSR, USA, France and Japan), four were in a state of complete ruin, and Britain's resources were radically undermined. Only the USA and the USSR withdrew from the war, retaining their economic potential and increasing their military power. A situation of bipolarity has developed in the world, in which between the USSR and the USA, on the one hand, and all other members of the international community, on the other,a gigantic gap has formed in the possibilities for carrying out their own domestic and international policies. And from that moment it is the Soviet Union and the United States that become the main actors in international relations and irreconcilable rivals in the struggle for the "main prize" - determining the path along which all other countries liberated from fascism, as well as third world countries and colonies the national liberation movement was growing. The future of humanity was being well as third world countries and colonies where the national liberation movement was growing. The future of humanity was being well as third world countries and colonies where the national liberation movement was growing. The future of humanity was being decided.

The situation was complex and ambiguous. Although the USSR suffered immeasurably more from the occupation and devastation, and also suffered great demographic losses, it received support from the communist and left-wing parties of Western European states, especially France, Italy and Greece. The confrontation on the continent continued to escalate.

At this moment, having gained a monopoly on nuclear weapons, the American ruling circles openly bet on confrontation with their recent ally and stab him in the back, dubbed the Cold War, covering him up with declarative statements about personal freedom and human rights. At the same time, special emphasis is placed on defense against the mythical “Soviet threat”, “defense of national interests,” “defense of the values of the free world and democracy,” etc. This new rhetoric is an expression of the former predatory aspirations of the world elites, "Were only a continuation of the crusade to the east. For this, the "Knights of the Cold War", professing the religion of the cloak and dagger, were needed.

After the war, Allen Dulles returned to private legal practice for some time, participated in election campaigns, and held the high post of treasurer of the Republican Party. But he did not break his ties with the intelligence community, and soon his hour struck. Together with General Donovan, he becomes the developer of the national security concept and the creator of the centralized intelligence service.

Believing that war with the Soviet Union is inevitable, in the spring of 1948, Dulles declared that representatives of the American intelligence community should see themselves as participants in the crusade against Joseph Stalin as well as against Adolf Hitler. On August 23, 1951, Harry Truman appoints Allen Dulles deputy director of the CIA for planning and the head of the department in charge of subversive (covert) operations, and on February 10, 1953, General Dwight Eisenhower, elected the new president of the United States, swears him in as director of the CIA. Dulles became the first civilian to replace two generals and two admirals as head of the CIA and the American intelligence community. In many respects, his appointment was facilitated by four circumstances: extreme anti-Sovietism; the political weight of his older brother John Foster Dulles,the secretary of state in the Eisenhower administration; the high position of the brothers in the Republican Party and the financial world; and membership in the Ivy League (Ivy League), a kind of “forge of personnel” of the US ruling elite. During this period, there was no more charming official in Washington than Allen Dulles. But under the guise of a good-natured grandfather, there was an unscrupulous politician who lived in subversive intelligence activities, completely carried away by covert operations and espionage in all its forms.completely carried away by covert operations and espionage in all its forms.completely carried away by covert operations and espionage in all its forms.

Brothers John and Allen Dulles in the 1950s
Brothers John and Allen Dulles in the 1950s

Brothers John and Allen Dulles in the 1950s.

New Argonauts

The next eight years were a triumph for Allen Dulles. With the approval of the ruling circles, he began to defend the interests of America and its elites through covert operations around the world. It was under him that direct interventions in the internal affairs of sovereign states, military coups and political assassinations began to be actively practiced. And this "signature style" will remain with the CIA forever. According to the memoirs of colleagues, Dulles, for whom the nickname Mommy (Mommy) was fixed, brought the spirit of business to the department, the CIA itself began to be called "The Firm", and the employees - "kids". But, as it is sung in the song of Vladimir Vysotsky:

It is worth noting that Allen Dulles himself called himself "Secretary of State for Unfriendly States."

Highlighting the importance and relevance of the CIA, President Eisenhower wrote in a letter to Dulles: “I wish you and your colleagues at the Central Intelligence Agency every success in your extremely important work that you are doing for our country … I know that all the staff of the department will continue [to do] everything in their power for all of us."

President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Secretary of State John Dulles in the 1950s
President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Secretary of State John Dulles in the 1950s

President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Secretary of State John Dulles in the 1950s.

In full compliance with the provisions of the National Security Act of 1947, the key body for managing and coordinating intelligence activities is the National Security Council, chaired by Eisenhower himself. From 1953 to 1960, the President personally participated in more than 300 of its 350 meetings. It was during this period that the most important directives of the council on intelligence activities and interaction of special services were adopted.

Despite all these egregious crimes, in his memoirs, Allen Dulles himself writes with regret that understanding and support of the activities of American intelligence cannot be expected if the CIA “knows something about the CIA and some people in the executive and legislative bodies of the state apparatus, and the rest continue to draw information about intelligence from materials whose authors have never been in it."

The structure of the CIA under Allen Dulles
The structure of the CIA under Allen Dulles

The structure of the CIA under Allen Dulles.

Today, a lot is known about the specifics of the main tool used to protect the symbols and principles of the "free world", that is, the Central Intelligence Agency. And now we can say for sure that this information leaves no doubt about its incompatibility with morality, legality and the very principles of the Western community, which positions itself exclusively in a system of positive coordinates. And this is only a tool, let alone the hand and will of those who used it.

For almost all these years, the CIA leader Dulles has been working with the same assistants who played their leading roles in the "Great Game" of the tough confrontation between world systems and their intelligence services. Here they are:

- Charles Pierre Cablebell, Air Force General, West Point graduate, former Air Force chief of intelligence, served as his first deputy.

- Richard Bissell, Doctor of Economics and Administrative Director of the Marshall Plan, became Deputy Planning (Covert Operations) and the direct organizer of the opposition to the Castro regime.

- Robert Emory, a Harvard Law School professor with experience in intelligence during the war years, oversaw the entire flow of information and analytical work.

And from the same time begins the career rise of James Jesse Angleton - the future Deputy Director of the CIA. The nature of their friendship is evidenced by the fact that it was Angleton who was the main steward at the funeral of Allen Dallas on February 1, 1969.

It is believed that Angleton had only one nickname given to him by his colleagues during the Second World War. For his rather characteristic emaciated look, colleagues behind the back called him Cadaver - translated from English as "Corpse".

James Angleton's passport, 1950s
James Angleton's passport, 1950s

James Angleton's passport, 1950s.

If you look at Angleton's photograph today, no one can say that this man played a key role in the Cold War in 1950-1970 as the head of the CIA's planning and external counterintelligence. Someone thinks that he was unique, others doubted his sanity. As one of the CIA officers recalled, he played the role of "the Delphic oracle, he was rarely seen, but he was often consulted."

An ardent anti-communist, obsessed with the idea of the KGB penetrating all levels of American democracy and government, he accused many of his colleagues and fellow citizens of disloyalty, treason and double-dealing, without solid evidence, and ruined several hundred lives and careers.

Senator John F. Kennedy and Allen Dulles, July 23, 1960
Senator John F. Kennedy and Allen Dulles, July 23, 1960

Senator John F. Kennedy and Allen Dulles, July 23, 1960.

Allen Dulles' undivided rule did not end until the next president, John F. Kennedy, in 1961. The formal reason for his resignation from the post of director of the CIA was the shameful failure of the Bay of Pigs operation - the attempted amphibious assault and incursion of Cuban mercenaries into Cuba to overthrow Fidel Castro, as well as the new president's anger for repeatedly misleading him and members of the National Security Council about the chances of success., the support of Fidel Castro by the population and the real military potential of the Cuban army and self-defense forces. Kennedy vowed to completely reorganize intelligence and bring it under the control of the White House. “Another such failure,” he told his brother, Robert Kennedy, “and my career is over.”

Ironically, it was Allen Dulles who became a key member of the Commission to Investigate the Assassination of 35th US President John F. Kennedy ("Warren Commission"), who was killed on November 22, 1963 by gunfire in Dallas, Texas, during his campaign tour.

However, despite the fact that Allen Dulles really created the CIA in its modern form, despite the fact that under his direct leadership plans were developed and secret operations were carried out to overthrow regimes unfriendly to America, the foreign policy of the allies was adjusted, etc., his activities were far from as successful as American authors portray it.