Rothschilds: Heirs Of The Khazaria - Alternative View

Rothschilds: Heirs Of The Khazaria - Alternative View
Rothschilds: Heirs Of The Khazaria - Alternative View

Video: Rothschilds: Heirs Of The Khazaria - Alternative View

Video: Rothschilds: Heirs Of The Khazaria - Alternative View
Video: Lord Rothschild presentation 8 Nov 2018 Sothebys NYC 2024, October

He who controls the amount of money in any country is the absolute master of all industry and trade. And when you begin to understand that the entire system is very easily controlled in one way or another by a few very powerful people at the top, you will understand how periods of inflation and depression occur.

US President James Garfield. A few weeks after he made this statement, he was killed on July 12, 1818.

1045 years ago - 3 lime (July) 964, the squad of the Rus prince Svyatoslav Igorevich (Khorobroi) from the Rurikovich clan won a crushing victory over the army of the Khazar Kagan. The capital of the Jewish Khazaria - Itil was taken by the army of Svyatoslav and destroyed, then the key fortresses of Khazaria, which formed the basis of its parasitic power, were taken and destroyed.

The Rothschilds are a branched clan of bankers whose history goes back centuries, spreading its influence throughout the world.

The Rothschilds descend from the Khazars who fled to Europe. After the fall of Khazaria, the Khazars could not flee to the south and to the Middle East. They were driven by the Persians, they were driven by the Armenians, they were driven by the Alans. They were driven by many peoples with whom the Khazars historically waged wars and considered them as their enemies.

So they moved to Europe, and it was Europe that accepted them.

The history of the Rothschilds as a clan in the service of the Antichrist dates back to 1743, when the German-born Frankfurt moneylender Meer Amschel Bauer hung a red sign over his front door. This sign was a six-pointed star - the symbol of the shield of the tribe of Dan, - which from the point of view of geometry and kabbalistic numerology means the number 666. From a geometric point of view, as S. Nilus points out in his book "There is Nearby at the Doors", the so-called Star of David is undoubtedly, the seal of the antichrist, a figure containing 6 corners, 6 vertices and 6 sides, and representing the number 666.

By the way, the Jews before the XVIII century. the six-pointed star was not considered a symbol of Judaism. From the Khazar circles of the Danite-Kabbalists, people emerged who aspired to the renewal of Judaism. It was they who determined the further fate of the six-pointed star - the shield of the tribe of Dan, calling it Magen David. First, Magen David becomes popular in Western Europe, and then in Eastern Europe.

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From the point of view of kabbalism, the six-pointed star symbolizes the reign of Moshiach in this world and over humanity instead of God. The first six symbolizes power in physical space (control over territory, economy, finance and demographic processes). The second six means power in the mental space (over consciousness), which includes control of politics, psychological processes and information. The third six is power in the spiritual space, which implies the introduction of a universal religion, morality and culture. Faith in one God will be replaced by faith in Satan.

The Rothschild clan comes from the Khazars who ended up in Europe and seized key economic levers of government there.

This, of course, applied to finance. After all, their idol was the golden calf, which they worshiped religiously. Through money and bribery, they brought many governments under control and thus seized political power.

They have been achieving this goal for centuries now, honing their destructive methods, combining them into one big strategy, the chronology of the formation of which emerges from the chronology of the clan. ("Rothschild's Control of Central Banks" https:// www. Bushstole04. Com / monetarysystem / rothschild_bank. Htm)

1815: The five Rothschild brothers work to secure the supply of gold to Wellington's army (via Nathan in England) and the Napoleonic army (via Jacob in France) and begin their policy of funding both sides in the wars.

This is repeated in every war, including the American Civil War, where they financed simultaneously the armies of the South and North, the Civil War in Russia when they financed both Whites and Reds, and World War II when they financed both Hitler and the anti-Hitler coalition.

So, then, in 1815, the Rothschild brothers first created all the possibilities for themselves, prepared, so to speak, the foundation for turning this policy into a matrix in the future. That war was a kind of training ground where banks created by the Rothschilds throughout Europe were involved. It was then that they tested the degree of destructiveness of the impact of the network on the state hierarchy and saw the effectiveness of this impact. The network as a supranational, global technology of invisible Khazaria, as an anti-system that counteracts the system of traditional statehood, has been tested in its entirety - through the inclusion of network infrastructure and through the use of network means.

The network of Rothschild banks acted as the infrastructure, and secret agents using secret routes for movement and contacts with both warring parties acted as the means of its cell. These were traders, merchants who were allowed to cross the English and French blockades. These agents were also engaged in the collection of intelligence information, which allowed the Rothschilds to keep abreast of all matters in the war and use the collected intelligence information for profitable gambling on the stock exchange.

For example, knowing that England is winning the war, the Rothschilds instruct their employees to sell British bonds, spreading the rumor that England is losing. Financial market participants, believing these rumors, are beginning to massively sell British bonds for next to nothing. In parallel with this, the shadow cells of the Rothschild network in the person of secret agents begin to quickly buy up bonds. After that, news arrives that England has won the war, and the price of bonds is skyrocketing. The Rothschilds end up with twenty times the profit. Thus, after the defeat of Napoleon, the Rothschilds, having bought up a huge amount of British bonds, put the British economy under full control and force the British government to establish the Bank of England under the control of the same Rothschilds. Economic occupation is followed by political occupation,and England becomes a colony of the invisible Khazaria.

Nathan Meyer Rothschild was known for his vicious curses and threats. After, following the Congress in Vienna (September - June 1814), convened over the plans of the Rothschilds to form a world government, the Russian Tsar Alexander I thwarted these plans, Nathan Rothschild cursed him, and swore that he himself or someone from his descendants they will destroy the entire family of the king, up to the very last member of the royal dynasty. 100 years passed, and the descendants of Nathan Rothschild were among the sponsors of the Russian revolution and the Bolsheviks who killed the entire royal family. (Lev GUNIN "GULAG of Palestine", Canada, 1995).

1827: Sir Walter Scott publishes his Life of Napoleon, and in the second volume he writes that the French Revolution was planned by the Illuminati (Adam Weishaupt) and financed by the bankers of Europe (the Rothschilds).

1849: Gutel Schnaper, wife of Meer Amschel Rothschild, dies. Before her death, she said: "If my sons do not want wars, then there will be no war."

1861-1865 - the foundations that caused the civil war in the United States were practically prepared and provoked by the Rothschilds. Their agent was George Bickley, founder of the Knights' Union of the Golden Circle. On the one hand, the Rothschilds, through Bickley, organized propaganda in support of the Confederate states that had left the Union. On the other hand, in the rest of the Rothschild states through “J. P. Morgan”and“August Belmont”talked about the advantages of preserving the Union.

The Rothschilds financed both. The Rothschild Bank of London financed the Army of the North, the Bank of Paris financed the Army of the South.

Lincoln, realizing this game, refused to pay huge interest to the Rothschilds in 1862 and 1863. Moreover, he instructed Congress to start printing dollars in order to be able to pay off the army of the North.

1864: President Lincoln learns that the Russian Tsar Alexander II turned against the Rothschilds, denying them their continuous efforts to create a central bank under their control in Russia. The same struggle against the onslaught of the Rothschilds, but already in America, was led by Lincoln himself. He turned to Alexander II to assist in the civil war. The tsar responded to this request and sent an Atlantic squadron under the command of Admiral Popov to the port of New York, and Admiral Lisovsky's Pacific squadron to San Francisco. The king ordered "to be ready for battle with any enemy forces and take command of Lincoln!" Thus, the tsar made it clear to England, France and Spain that in case of their intervention, Russia would support President Lincoln. Lincoln subsequently won the Civil War.

1865: In his address to Congress, Lincoln declared: “I have two main enemies - the Army of the South in front of me and the financial institution in the rear. Of these two, the one in the rear is my main enemy. Later that year, President Lincoln was assassinated.

1881: President James Garfield (20th President of the United States, only in power for 100 days) said two weeks before he was assassinated: “He who controls the amount of money in our country is the absolute master of all industry and commerce, and when you understand that the entire system is easily controlled in one way or another by a few powerful people at the top, then you don't need to explain how periods of inflation and depression occur."

1891: The leader of the British Labor Party made the following statement about the Rothschilds: “This gang of blood-sucking parasites has caused untold misery and suffering in Europe throughout this century and has amassed its exorbitant fortune mainly through provoking wars between states may quarrel. If there is any sorrow in Europe, if rumors of war begin to circulate and the human mind becomes clouded with horror in anticipation of changes and disasters, you can be sure that the hook-nosed Rothschild is playing his games somewhere near the area of unrest. Such comments worried the Rothschilds, and by the late 1980s they bought the news agency Reuters in order to gain control of the media.

It is believed that by the end of the 19th century, the Rothschild clan controlled half of the world economy. (Lev GUNIN "GULAG of Palestine", Canada, 1995).

This technology of subordination of governments and states was well described by Nathan Rothschild (1777-1836): "Who controls the issue of money controls the government." “It doesn't matter which puppet sits on the throne in the British Empire. The person who controls the issue of money in Britain controls the British Empire, and I control the issue of money in Britain."

Therefore, it is no coincidence that the Balfour Declaration was addressed to Baron Walter Rothschild in 1917, which expressed support from the British government circles for the idea of creating a Zionist state in Palestine.

The Rothschilds played a key role in the formation and strengthening of the Zionist movement and the creation of the State of Israel.

1897: The Rothschilds in Munich organize the first Zionist convention and found the World Zionist Organization. However, due to opposition from local Jewish circles, the work of the congress was moved to Basel (Switzerland) and resumed on 29 August. Theodor Herzl was elected president of the Zionist organization. Its symbol was the red six-pointed Rothschild star, depicted on the Zionist flag, which became the flag of Israel 51 years later.

1912: George Conroy, in the December issue of Truth, wrote about the key banker Jacob Schiff, who played a key role in orchestrating the Russian revolution: "Schiff is the head of the large private banking house Kuhn, Loeb and Co, which represents the interests of the Rothschilds on this side of the Atlantic."

1913: The Rothschilds found the Anti-Defamation League to blame anti-Semitism on those who raise doubts or challenge the global elite. In the same year, the Federal Reserve System is created, which is approved by the law on the Federal Reserve adopted on December 23, about which Congressman Charles Lindber said: “The law establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs this law, the invisible government of the monetarist power will be legalized … This banking and currency law committed the greatest crime of all time."

As a private company with profits in excess of $ 150 billion, the Fed has never published a report in history.

1914: The Rothschilds take control of the three main news agencies in Europe Wolff (Germany), Reuters (England), Havas (France). The Rothschilds used Wolff to manipulate public consciousness in Germany to persuade the people and the country to war. From that time on, the Rothschilds ceased to be criticized in the media, because it was their media.

1918: The Rothschilds ordered the Bolsheviks under their control to kill Tsar Nicholas II and his family. It was important for them to show that the murder of the entire family, including women and children, is what will happen to anyone who tries to cross the road to the Rothschilds.

1919: After the end of the First World War, the Versailles Peace Conference is held, where Israel is recognized as the homeland of the Jews. England gains control of Palestine. At the time, only 1% of the Palestinian population was Jewish. The conference was hosted by its boss, Baron Edmund de Rothschild.

The influence of the Rothschilds was so great that one French commentator in the 19th century stated: "There is only one power in Europe, and that is the Rothschilds."

The Rothschilds are one of the largest Khazar dynastic clans associated with Freemasonry (Illuminati), and with the goal of creating a new world order.

For this purpose they went and go to any crimes, including the organization of the bloodiest revolutions and world wars, where Russia was invariably the main target.

Immediately after the revolution in Russia, which was financed by Khazar bankers, the Rothschild / Rockefeller Chase Bank seized power over centralized capital and the Russian state.

Christian Rakovsky (Chaim Reykover), a former bloody dictator of Soviet Ukraine, a personal friend of Trotsky, one of the founders of the Communist International, a member of the Illuminati lodge and a former Soviet ambassador in Paris, during interrogation in 1938 made shocking statements about the revolution and the plans of the Rothschilds. The materials of the interrogation of Rakovsky were later published in the book "Red Symphony". He confirmed that the Rothschild Illuminati were planning to use communism to establish a world dictatorship of the super-rich.

Rakovsky says this about Trotsky: “Have you read the biography of Trotsky? Remember her first revolutionary period. He is still a very young man; after his escape from Siberia, he lived for some time among the emigrants in London, Paris and Switzerland; Lenin, Plekhanov, Martov and other leaders look at him only as a promising convert. But during the first split, he already dares to stand independently, trying to become the arbiter of the unification. In 1905 he turns 25, and he returns to Russia alone, without a party and without his own organization … Trotsky is the first figure during the revolution in Petrograd. It really was. Only he alone comes out of it, gaining influence and popularity. Neither Lenin, nor Martov, nor Plekhanov are gaining popularity. They only preserve it or even lose it somewhat. How and why does the unknown Trotsky rise, with one stroke gaining power higher than that which had the oldest and most influential revolutionaries? Very simple: he is getting married. Together with him, his wife, Sedova, arrives in Russia. Do you know who she is? She is the daughter of Zhivotovsky, united with bankers Warburgs, companions and relatives of Yakov Schiff, i.e. by the financial group that, as I said, also financed the 1905 revolution. This is the reason why Trotsky in one fell swoop becomes the head of the revolutionary list. And right there you have the key to his true personality. Leap Forward to 1914 Trotsky is behind the people who attempted the assassination of the Archduke, and this attempt sparked a European war. Do you really believe that the attempt and the war are just coincidences … ". With one stroke, gaining power higher than that which had the oldest and most influential revolutionaries? Very simple: he is getting married. Together with him, his wife, Sedova, arrives in Russia. Do you know who she is? She is the daughter of Zhivotovsky, united with bankers Warburgs, companions and relatives of Yakov Schiff, i.e. by the financial group that, as I said, also financed the 1905 revolution. This is the reason why Trotsky in one fell swoop becomes the head of the revolutionary list. And right there you have the key to his true personality. Leap Forward to 1914 Trotsky is behind the people who attempted the assassination of the Archduke, and this attempt sparked a European war. Do you really believe that the attempt and the war are just coincidences … ". With one stroke, gaining power higher than that which had the oldest and most influential revolutionaries? Very simple: he is getting married. Together with him, his wife, Sedova, arrives in Russia. Do you know who she is? She is the daughter of Zhivotovsky, united with bankers Warburgs, companions and relatives of Yakov Schiff, i.e. by the financial group that, as I said, also financed the 1905 revolution. This is the reason why Trotsky in one fell swoop becomes the head of the revolutionary list. And right there you have the key to his true personality. Leap Forward to 1914 Trotsky is behind the people who attempted the assassination of the Archduke, and this attempt sparked a European war. Do you really believe that the attempt and the war are just coincidences … ".which the oldest and most influential revolutionaries had? Very simple: he is getting married. Together with him, his wife, Sedova, arrives in Russia. Do you know who she is? She is the daughter of Zhivotovsky, united with bankers Warburgs, companions and relatives of Yakov Schiff, i.e. by the financial group that, as I said, also financed the 1905 revolution. This is the reason why Trotsky in one fell swoop becomes the head of the revolutionary list. And right there you have the key to his true personality. Leap Forward to 1914 Trotsky is behind the people who attempted the assassination of the Archduke, and this attempt sparked a European war. Do you really believe that the attempt and the war are just coincidences … ".which the oldest and most influential revolutionaries had? Very simple: he is getting married. Together with him, his wife, Sedova, arrives in Russia. Do you know who she is? She is the daughter of Zhivotovsky, united with bankers Warburgs, companions and relatives of Yakov Schiff, i.e. by the financial group that, as I said, also financed the 1905 revolution. This is the reason why Trotsky in one fell swoop becomes the head of the revolutionary list. And right there you have the key to his true personality. Leap Forward to 1914 Trotsky is behind the people who attempted the assassination of the Archduke, and this attempt sparked a European war. Do you really believe that the attempt and the war are just coincidences … ".united with the bankers Warburgs, partners and relatives of Jacob Schiff, i.e. by the financial group that, as I said, also financed the 1905 revolution. This is the reason why Trotsky in one fell swoop becomes the head of the revolutionary list. And right there you have the key to his true personality. Leap Forward to 1914 Trotsky is behind the people who attempted the assassination of the Archduke, and this attempt sparked a European war. Do you really believe that the attempt and the war are just coincidences … ".united with the bankers Warburgs, partners and relatives of Jacob Schiff, i.e. by the financial group that, as I said, also financed the 1905 revolution. This is the reason why Trotsky in one fell swoop becomes the head of the revolutionary list. And right there you have the key to his true personality. Leap Forward to 1914 Trotsky is behind the people who attempted the assassination of the Archduke, and this attempt sparked a European war. Do you really believe that the attempt and the war are just coincidences … ". Leap Forward to 1914 Trotsky is behind the people who attempted the assassination of the Archduke, and this attempt sparked a European war. Do you really believe that the attempt and the war are just coincidences … ". Leap Forward to 1914 Trotsky is behind the people who attempted the assassination of the Archduke, and this attempt sparked a European war. Do you really believe that the attempt and the war are just coincidences … ".

According to Rakovsky, Kerensky was brought to power in order to provoke bloodshed and surrender the entire state to communism, which he did. Trotsky thus gets the opportunity to occupy the entire state apparatus. That is, the Bolsheviks took what the Khazar bankers gave them. Kerensky, according to Rakovsky, initiated into some of the secrets of the Khazar tycoons, was an accomplice of Trotsky.

In 1937, a small book "Trotsky and the Jews behind the Russian revolution" was written and published in the USA ("Trotsky and the Jews behind the Russian revolution", reprinted in 1980 USA, Christian Defense League. Translated by John Galepeno. Moscow, 2003). Its author, a Russian, an emigrant from Russia, a former civil war commissar, writes: “The Rothschild Empire, which includes England and France, has long dreamed of annexing the innumerable natural resources of Russia. Kerensky's democratic government, supported by Rothschild, created favorable conditions for the predominance of the Zionists … It was the Rothschild group of Zionists who overthrew the tsar in 1917 …"

“If the civil war was the result of the struggle of political parties, it would quickly end. Both white and red would quickly fizzle out. What was actually going on was a war between the Rothschild Mafia and the Schiff Mafia, who constantly stimulated this war with finances. This explains why the civil war lasted so long. This explains why the civil war was much more brutal than the just-ended world war. This was because, in fact, it was not a war, but a deliberate extermination of peoples in order to maximize depopulation, depopulation of Russia. Maximum depopulation opened the way for financial kings to use the natural resources of Russia for their own benefit."

By the way, the Khazars reviled Stalin all the time for repression. But here is what Rakovsky says: “Thus, after the death of Lenin, when Trotsky was left alone with Stalin, who began his feverish activities, we already foresaw our defeat in the Central Committee. We had to think quickly in this situation, and we decided to pretend to be Stalin's allies, to become Stalinists, even greater than himself, to begin to go too far and thereby sabotage his policies. You know the rest yourself."

And what kind of "feverish activity" did Stalin begin, about which Rakovsky spoke? The first thing that Stalin did was that he appealed to all the working people of the country to send forward honest people to the Party. This ensured an influx of new young forces not infected with Trotskyism. Of the total number of communists - 735 thousand in 1924 - 241.5 thousand were representatives of this call. And Stalin also put forward the slogan - "We are Russian revolutionaries." He addressed the people: “We are 50-100 years behind the advanced countries. We must make good this distance in ten years. Either we do it, or they will crush us."

The Rothschild-financed war called Trotsky's "world revolution" continued in Hitler's world war.

Hitler was also financed by the Rothschilds. They committed crimes against their people, sacrificed the lives of many Jews in order to use this as a pretext for the formation of the state of Israel.

Many historical facts indicate that all coups and wars since the end of the 18th century were inspired by the Rothschilds.

1939: IG Farben, the world's leading chemical manufacturer, began to maximize its production. Almost the entire volume of these products was used to arm Germany before World War II. The company was controlled by the Rothschilds.

Rakovsky testifies that the same forces that elevated and brought Trotsky to power gave "Hitler the opportunity to triumph."

“They” finally saw that Stalin could not be overthrown by a coup d'état, and their historical experience dictated to them the decision “bis” (repetition): to do to Stalin what was done to the tsar.

As Rakovsky notes, there was one difficulty here that seemed insurmountable to us. There was no aggressor state in all of Europe. None of them were conveniently located geographically and did not have an army sufficient to attack Russia. If there was no such country, then “they” had to create it. Only one Germany had the appropriate population and positions suitable for an attack on the USSR and was capable of defeating Stalin; you can understand that the Weimar Republic was not conceived as an aggressor from either the political or the economic side; on the contrary, it was convenient for invasion. Hitler's fleeting star shone on the horizon of hungry Germany. A pair of keen eyes fixed their attention on her. The world has witnessed its lightning-fast rise.

1940: Hansjurgen Koehler, in his book Inside The Gestapo, writes the following about Hitler's grandmother Maria Anna Schicklgruber. look in this posh mansion. " This information is confirmed by Walter Langer (“The Mind Of Hitler”), who states: “Adolf's father, Alois Hitler, was the illegitimate son of Anna Maria Schicklgruber … Anna Maria Schicklgruber was living in Vienna at the time she became pregnant. Then she worked as a servant in the house of Baron Rothschild. As soon as the fact of her pregnancy became known to the owners, she was sent back home, where Alois was born."

Rakovsky argues that when the National Socialist Party experienced a growth crisis in 1929 and lacked financial resources, “they” sent their ambassador there. Rakovsky calls his name. It was one of the Warburgs. In direct negotiations with Hitler, they agreed to finance the National Socialist Party, and Hitler received millions of dollars sent to him from Wall Street in two years, and millions of marks from German financiers through Schacht. The maintenance of the SA and the SS, as well as the financing of the elections that took place, which gave Hitler power in his hands, is made with dollars and marks sent by "Them"

The paradox was that they were fighting for communism in the form of a global state. Stalin, in contrast, acted as a nationalist and statesman. Rakovsky confirmed that Stalin was not actually a communist. According to Rakovsky, "Stalin was not capable of realizing a single Marxist theory." Stalin was only called a communist, but he was not such in ideology and deeds. Objectively, he held imperial positions, and therefore he was comparable to the king for them. Hitler, on the other hand, fought “against the autocratic king Koba I,” and therefore objectively Hitler was a revolutionary communist whom they brought to power to fight against our statehood.

After the war, in 1948, President Gary Truman, under pressure from the Rothschilds, recognized the State of Israel. For this they gave him $ 2,000,000 for the election campaign. They declared Israel to be the first Jewish state in Palestine, and within half an hour after that President Truman announced that the United States was the first foreign state to recognize this. The flag of Israel was presented. The emblem on the flag was the symbol of the Rothschilds - a six-pointed star. This symbol infuriated many Jews, who believed that the oldest Jewish symbol, the Menorah, should have become the symbol. It has also been argued that the so-called Star of David is not even a Hebrew symbol.

On June 4, 1963, President John F. Kennedy signs Executive Order 11110, which returned the US government's right to issue money without going through the Rothschild-owned Federal Reserve. Less than six months later, on November 22, President Kennedy was assassinated by what many believe by the Rothschilds, for the same reason they assassinated President Lincoln in 1865. He wanted to print American money for the good of the American people, not for the enrichment of a bunch of foreigners plundering and fomenting war. Executive Order 11110 was overturned by President Lyndon Johnson on the same day President Kennedy was assassinated.

Let's continue the chronology of the Rothschild clan. In 1980, such a global phenomenon as privatization began. From the very beginning, the Rothschilds are behind this to seize control of all state assets around the world.

In 1987, Edmond de Rothschild created the World Bank (World Conservation Bank), whose activities are aimed at transferring the debts of third world countries to this bank, and receiving land from these states, that is, their territories, as payment for debts.

In 1995, atomic energy expert Kitty Little claims that the Rothschilds now control 80% of the world's uranium reserves, making them monopolies in nuclear energy.

Finally, in 1998, the European Central Bank was created in Frankfurt, the city where the Rothschild clan originated.

The Rothschilds were at the head of a geopolitical conspiracy against the USSR in 1991. The then Soviet Prime Minister Valentin Pavlov publicly announced him in the spring of 1991.

By the end of the 1980s, the “fifth column” was no longer afraid of anything and quite openly privatized the country. Gorbachev authorized the creation in Moscow of a powerful international commercial Bank for Public Financing and Lending for National Programs (BNP). Its main shareholders were supposed to be the Swiss bank of the Rothschilds Banque Privee Edmond de RothschildSA, as well as the largest American financial corporations Morgan and Rockefeller. The Rothschilds demanded from the Commission for the Study of Natural Forces and Resources of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR to conduct a total inventory of all continental resources. And then the KGB announced that the leaders of a number of joint ventures involved in the creation of the BNP are connected with the international mafia! In addition, it became known that the flow of drug dollars from drug syndicates went to Switzerland. And a significant proportion of these funds settled in the banks of the Rothschilds.

Money laundering was controlled by Israel. The banker brothers Guy and David de Rothschild made contributions to Israel through the largest Zionist organization in France, the United Social Jewish Fund, of which they were president and treasurer.

The brewing scandal was extinguished, and it was decided to invest the drug dollars in Soviet perestroika. In carrying out this large-scale enterprise, major domestic officials were under attack. Then the course was finally and openly taken to destroy the USSR …

By the way, Mikhail Khodorkovsky "out of custody" transferred his shares (which is 53%) to Lord Jacob Rothschild … This means that Khodorkovsky was only the nominal owner of YUKOS.

The world government of the invisible Khazaria is headed by them - the Rothschild dynasty. They carry the Khazar dominant trait - the thirst to fight and kill. Christ denounced this passion of the spiritual leaders of the then arising religion of the Antichrist: “Your father is the devil, and you want to fulfill the desires of your father; he was a murderer from the beginning and did not stand in the truth, for there is no truth in him; when he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own, for he is a liar and the father of lies”(John 8:44).

Organized by the Rothschilds and the world government, the First World War resulted in 10 million killed and 20 million wounded. The revolution in Russia cost the lives of another 30 million. This is only during the five-year period of Trotsky-Lenin in power, that is, until 1924.

World War I brought Edward Rothschild and the Khazar world government over $ 100 billion. And then they wanted to repeat it, and they brought Hitler to power and staged World War II, which cost tens of millions more killed.

Both the one and the other world wars were aimed primarily at achieving religious goals. As a result of the First World War, the Orthodox monarchical statehood and the Russian Tsar, who was against the creation of a Zionist state in Palestine, were destroyed. As a result of World War II, this state, created on the basis of not ethnic, but religious identity of the Khazars and their spiritual leader, the tribe of Dan, was nevertheless established.

Now the Rothschilds and other bankers have organized a financial crisis and put on the agenda the Third World War, which is supposed to destroy the traditional national statehood, as a result of some provocation, to destroy the al-Aqsa mosque, to build the Third Temple and, having exhausted humanity with the war completely, on the ruins of national statehood to create a Global kaganate, bring the Antichrist to power, passing him off as the "chief peacemaker" and the king of all peoples.

The highest ranks of the army of the antichrist, first of all, include the Rothschild financial magnates with their headquarters in London - the founders and inspirers of the world organization of the Khazar Zionists, obsessed with a passion for global domination and wealth and capable of any crime for this.

Heinrich Heine said: "Money is the god of our time, and Rothschild is their prophet."

The Rothschilds and their agents, the Rockefellers, play a key role in organizing the global disintegration, using the Federal Reserve System as their weapon of state destruction.

It is known that Baron Alfred Rothschild from London was the ideologist of the law on the Federal Reserve System in the United States.

Andrew Hitchcock ("History of the Money Changers", 2006) and Eustace Malins ("Secrets of the Federal Reserve", 1991) show that the Federal Reserve Bank is the absolute leader of world finance and is involved in organizing crimes on a global scale, including revolutions and wars. …

Hitchcock stresses that "the main goal of the Federal Reserve System is to build a world state, a corporate New World Order." But this is the goal of the Invisible Khazaria.

Let me remind you of the words of Nathan Rothschild: “It doesn't matter which puppet sits on the throne in the British Empire. The person who controls the issue of money in Britain controls the British Empire, and I control the issue of money in Britain."

Now the Rothschilds control money in the United States and therefore control this country.

In 1787, Thomas Jefferson said: “If the American people are ever allowed to control the issue of their money, first through inflation and then through deflation, the banks and corporations that grow around them will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent conquered by their fathers. Everything is exactly as if it was said only yesterday.

In 1907, the bankers decided to do just that. Rothschild and Jacob Schiff, the head of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., speaking at the New York Chamber of Commerce, stated almost an ultimatum, the essence of which was as follows: “Until we have a central bank with adequate control of credit resources, this the country will experience the worst and most far-reaching financial crisis in its history."

Indeed, the crisis has begun. Rothschild agent JP Morgan and his accomplices collapsed the stock market as a result of a conspiracy. And Congress went to meet Morgan. He made money out of nothing, and Congress allowed it. He released $ 200 million and became a hero. Then a law was signed establishing the National Monetary Commission. This commission was to study the banking problem and make recommendations to Congress. Naturally, JP Morgan and his accomplices entered the commission. The committee is chaired by Senator Nelson Aldridge, the maternal grandfather of Vice President Nelson Rockefeller and David Rockefeller, who will become head of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Senator Aldridge immediately took a trip to Europe, where he consulted with the private central banks of England, France and Germany, that is, with Rothschild, Rothschild and Rothschild.

After Aldridge's return from Europe, a bankers meeting took place, at which, in addition to Aldridge, there was also Paul Warburg, who received a salary from Kuhn, Loeb & Company to lobby for the creation of a private central bank in America. Jacob Schiff was also present.

The families of the Rothschilds, Warburgs and Schiffs intertwined as a result of marriage unions, became practically one family and made up what is now called the Illuminati. Their goal is to dominate the planet through the dictatorship of a world government, a global army and a microchipped population.

After Woodrow Wilson was elected President of the United States in 1913, Morgan, Paul Warburg, Bernard Baruch and others proposed a new plan, which Warburg called the Federal Reserve.

And the leadership of the Democratic Party came out in support of this plan and for the adoption of an appropriate law that would establish the creation of what is still called the Federal Reserve System.

Prosecutor Alfred Crozier then said in this regard: "The law gives bankers an extremely dangerous power - to make money."

In 1911, that is, before Woodrow Wilson was elected president, Rothschild's agent and close adviser to Wilson, Edward Mandel House, wrote a book called Philip Drew - Administrator. It was a novel in form, but in fact, a detailed plan for the future US government, which should "establish socialism in the form that Karl Marx dreamed of it."

The Schiffs, Warburgs, Cannes, Rockefellers and Morganans made House their confidante. One of the institutions that House described was the Federal Reserve System. House was assigned by the Rothschilds to Wilson as an adviser. And thus, the real power in America did not belong to the President of the United States.

They do it to this day - they assign their agents to the presidents as advisers. This is their technology. All of the close advisers to the leaders of countries such as France, Britain and the United States were either from the Rothschild family or were controlled by them.

The Federal Reserve Act was signed into law on December 22, 1913. The timing was right when the senators left for the Christmas holidays. Moreover, the senators were promised by the leadership that during the holidays the law would not be put to a vote. Subsequently, due to the fact that the adoption took place during the Christmas holidays, this event was called "the beating of babies."

Eustace Malins writes: “Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal System Act on December 23, 1913. History has proven that on this day the Constitution ceased to be the governing law of the American people and our freedoms were transferred to a small group of international bankers."

The United States as a state and the American people, deprived of their freedoms as a result of the conspiracy of the Khazar bankers, found themselves hostages of this group, focused on the destruction of national statehood by provoking wars, revolutions and crises.

At one time, the House Banking and Housing Committee issued a report entitled "The Directors of the Federal Reserve: A Study of Corporate and Banking Impact." As this report suggests, the top of the hierarchical structure of the leadership of the Federal Reserve Bank is as follows.

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is owned by people who have inspired and instigated the most important political and economic events since 1914 and who own the largest banks. These are the Rothschilds - Rothschild Bank (London, Berlin, Paris), Lazard Brothers - Lazard Brothers (Paris), Israel Moses Seif - Israel Moses Seif Banks (Italy), Schiffs Kuhn Loeb Bank (Germany, New York), Warburgs - Warburg Bank (Amsterdam, Hamburg), Lehman Brothers - Lehman Brothers (New York), Goldman Sachs (New York), Rockefellers (New York) and Morgan (New York).

That is, the bulk of those who own the Fed are foreigners. And it is they who decide the fate. The Federal Reserve Corporation prints money and lends it to the US government for its own benefit.

The interests of this corporation are at the heart of the vast majority of American laws and regulations concerning virtually all aspects of society. Thus, all spheres of the country's life, including its leadership, were under the control of the Federal Reserve System, which gave reason to call the FRS a STATE. Thus, the laws in the United States are considered to be private. And all those who officially write them - the Institute of Federal Law, all sorts of law professors - are none other than agents of the interests of foreign banks. The result is an oligarchy of lawyers and bankers who control the three branches of government in America. As a result, the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution was abolished, the original text of which reads: “If a citizen of the United States accepts,attempts to obtain or retain any aristocratic title or honorary title, or, without the consent of Congress, accepts or attempts to retain any gift, official pension, office, allowance or any other reward from any emperor, king, prince or foreign power, such person ceases to be considered a citizen The United States and forfeits the right to hold any position of trust."

As a consequence of the violation of the Constitution in the United States, what was called the "shadow government" appeared, which, being supranational and anti-national in its essence, began to control state power and exercise leadership in the country.

So in the United States the opinion was formed, which is expressed in the following quotation: “America became a bankrupt state, which completely became the property of creditors. They own Congress, they own the executive, they own the judiciary. They own all the structures of government. Do you have a birth certificate? It also belongs to them."

In fact, a Khazar model of governing the country - dirarchy - dual power has been formed in the United States. This means that there is a nominal control center - the US government (kagan), and there is a real control center (bek) - the leadership of the Invisible Khazaria (the world government of the Global Kaganate). But the presence of two centers of control is a sign of a network that is a departure from the statist model, which gives stability, built on hierarchy. But since the network a priori fights against the hierarchy, the dirarchic (polycentric) model lays dynamite under the American and generally Western statehood. But this is exactly what the Khazars need - to destroy the national statehood and erect the Global Kaganate of Antichrist on its ruins.

This symbolic, highly figurative word "ruins" was included in the title of a series of articles devoted to the financial crisis in the British Guardian. This series is titled briefly and succinctly - "The Road to Ruins". Under this heading, on January 26, 2009, the Guardian published an article (Julia Finch "Twenty-five people at the heart of the meltdown …"), which named twenty-five people responsible for the financial disaster. The publication, in particular, says: "The most severe economic crisis since the Great Depression is not a natural, objective phenomenon, but a man-made, artificially created catastrophe …" And then the names of those who provoked all this are called.

And here we find all the same bankers and all the same banks, historically involved in all sorts of abominations and tragedies. In the first place, as you would expect, is the Federal Reserve System (read the Rothschilds). In second place is the Bank of England (these are also the Rothschilds).

They write about this Bank that the word "crown" in England is associated not with the royal family, but with the Bank of England (EC Knuth "The Empire of the City"). "The international financial oligarchy uses the allegory 'crown' as a symbol of power and has its headquarters in old London … - the giant Bank of England is a privately owned institution not controlled by the British Parliament and is, in fact, a sovereign world power." And further it is noted that the Rothschilds who own the bank “continue to influence the world economy. It is known that they are behind the process of uniting the European countries into one political entity, which is the next step towards the creation of a world government that controls the united world. " “The British Parliament is a slave to this invisible and inaudible power. Visible and audible leaders are just puppets dancing on command … The Rothschilds, through the Bank of England, rule most of the world."

In third place among the organizers of the current financial crisis, the Guardian places the bank Goldman Sachs, which is part of the global financial oligarchy. Among those to blame, we also find those associated with the Fed Lehman Brothers.

The article also names various surnames such as Clinton, Bush Jr., British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, speculator Soros, former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan and others. But it is obvious that they are either puppets of the "invisible and inaudible power" of the Khazar Kaganate, or part of it.

The army of bankers in their war for power used what billionaire Voren Buffet called "financial weapons of mass destruction."

As it turned out, financial weapons of mass destruction are linked to another WMD - narcotic. Everything is natural: some criminal money is connected with others of the same criminal. At the end of January 2009, UNODC Executive Director Antonio Maria Costa said in an interview with the Austrian weekly Profil that drug money is very often the only capital available at a time when the crisis is spiraling out of control. According to Costa: “In many cases, drug money is the only liquid investment capital at this stage. In the second half of 2008, liquidity was the main problem in the banking system, and thus liquid capital became an important factor."

The UN Office on Drugs and Crime found evidence that "interbank loans were financed with money from drug trafficking and other criminal activities." “There is evidence that banks are saving the day in this way,” Costa said.

At the same time, Costa refused to name the countries or banks that received money from drug trafficking and did not indicate what amounts were involved in these operations.

Well, what kind of fight against drugs and crime is this, if the names and addresses of the criminals are not named. And if they don't call it, then they cover it. And if they cover it, then they participate. And if they are afraid to name it, then we are talking about well-known and influential banks that control the processes. And there are very few such banks. They are just listed in the Guardian article. Correctly they called the rubric dedicated to the crisis - "The Road to Ruins" - to the ruins of human morality, to the ruins of law and order, and through this to the ruins of statehood. The crisis was also needed in order to launder the criminal money received from drug trafficking from Afghanistan, from other places and used by the Invisible Khazaria to wage a global criminal war, in the fire of which the Global Kaganate should materialize. The war waged by the United States, or rather,the American people exploited by the Khazars, who are now sacrificed to the idols of the tribe of Dan.

The Guardian article quotes Professor N. Raubini of New York University, who warned back in 2006 of the impending financial crisis, which recognized that the entire US banking system is now bankrupt. A great chance to make trades and buy everything at a low price. As Voren Buffet said, "This is a great time when you can buy a slice of the American future for the cheap."

Under the influence of the banking approach to the state and society, an amazing phenomenon occurred in the United States. The courts began to recognize only two classes of people - debtors and creditors. Is this not the beginning of slavery, a prologue to it?

But in the same way, the whole world is now divided - on the one hand, the debtor states, and on the other hand, the Khazar creditor banks, which are owned by bankers from the tribe of Dan. And these banks hold the states by the throats under the threat of bankruptcy and the Great Depression, and the states are forced to follow their lead. But this power is based on blackmail. She is not financially provided in any way. There are lies and deception behind it. It is based not on real money, but on the seized right of the bankers to manipulate and control it. There is an international Khazar creditor bank which, with the help of its agents inside a country and provocations, brings the situation in it to a financial crisis and the growth of revolutionary sentiments. Then the power in this country, in order to stay in power, turns to the bankers,and they stop the provocations organized by their own agents and settle the matter. The authorities, despite the fact that they have become completely dependent on the bank, are satisfied. She remained in power. But there comes a time when the bank demands to repay the loan. And there is nothing to pay. Then the power is paid in kind - with sovereignty and statehood, which ultimately leads to the collapse of statehood. But the destruction of statehood is the most important goal of the bankers of the tribe of Dan, the main condition for the creation of the Global Kaganate with the Antichrist at its head. It is for this reason that Russia, as a self-sufficient country, needs to get out of the New World Order scenario, where all the roles were written by the Danov tribe as a director. Russia needs to offer the world its own development scenario opposed to the Khazar, saving for it and for national states,able to bring them out of the bondage of bankers. This project should be based on the ideas of our country as the embodiment of the Third Rome - New Jerusalem. Holy Russia must come out and lead others from decay into creation.

The Rothschilds are key players in the current conspiracy of the bankers of the invisible Khazaria. The Rothschilds are believed to be the locomotive of the train to Russia through the Balkans, a train that carries NATO armies to fight against Russia.

The same scenario was played out by them during the Second World War. The former Yugoslavia is a phase in the crusade of the Rothschild Empire and other similar Khazar clans to the east, against Russia. The Balkans and Serbia found themselves in the path of this beast.

An important Rothschild company in this region is the Carlyle Group. Remember this name, we will come back to it.

The Rothschilds control and use as their tool the International Crisis Group, led by the main Rothschild agent and pathological Russophobe George Soros. It was he who was one of the main organizers of the anti-Russian revolutions in Yugoslavia, Georgia and Ukraine.

The Carlisle Group and the International Crisis Group have long supported separatists in Kosovo and pursued aggressive anti-Serb policies.

Kosovo is of great interest to the Rothschilds because it is, as it is called, "Serbian Kuwait" with huge reserves of lead, zinc, gold and coal. The Rothschilds have made large investments in this region. Therefore, the secession of Kosovo was very important for the interests of the Rothschilds.

To realize their destructive goals in the interests of building the Global Kaganate, the Rothschilds created a system of non-governmental organizations and foundations, among which a special place belongs to the Global Security Fund.

The Global Security Foundation is a giant Illuminati criminal foundation. His net worth is $ 65 trillion. This fund was founded for the realization of criminal goals - corruption of governments, murder, sponsoring terrorist and criminal organizations, etc.

Ashley Mote from the European Union, during his speech at one of the forums of this organization, asked the following question about the activities of this fund: “Mr. Chairman, I would like to draw your attention to the Global Security Fund, established in the early 1990s under the leadership of Jacob Rothschild … This is a Brussels-based foundation, and this is an unusual foundation. He is not involved in trade, he is not registered anywhere and he has an absolutely specific goal. It is used for geopolitical construction led by intelligence services. Earlier, I have asked a question about the possible involvement of EU intelligence resources in the management of funds intended for criminal purposes, bribery and bribery and having accounts in offshore zones. And I got no answer. To this question, I add another one:"What are the links between the European Union and the Global Security Fund and what is its relationship with the institutions of the European Union?"

Mr. Mote never received an answer to his question. Immediately after that, he was included in the list of the top ten persons to be liquidated.

Now the positions of the Rothschilds are very strong in Europe, Asia, especially in China, India, and also in Brazil. They are involved in major bankruptcy restructuring deals in the United States. The current financial crisis, provoked by the Khazar bankers, has dramatically increased these bankruptcies, and hence the need for this kind of services. This is where bankruptcy makes money.

These bankers are criminals who have committed and are planning to commit global crimes against humanity. Let's take another look, where are their roots from? Yes, geopolitically they are from Khazaria. But spiritually, whose crime are they continuing?

In the Gospel of John (12, 1-6) it is written: “Six days before Easter, Jesus came to Bethany, where there was Lazarus, who was dead, whom He raised from the dead. There they made Him a supper, and Martha served, and Lazarus was one of those reclining with Him. Mary, taking a pound of pure precious nard ointment, anointed Jesus' feet and wiped His feet with her hair; and the house was filled with the fragrance of the world. Then one of His disciples, Judas Simon Iscariot, who wanted to betray Him, said: Why not sell this ointment for three hundred denarii and give it to the poor? He said this not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief. He had a cash drawer with him and carried what was put there."

He could take as much as he wanted. But all this was not enough for him. And to get another 30 pieces of silver, he betrayed Christ. "More expensive than big money for a thief and a money-lover is only … - very big money."

Judas, let me remind you, was from the tribe of Dan, which later became the spiritual leader of Khazaria, first visible and then invisible. The tribe of Dan has worshiped and continues to worship the idol - the golden calf. Mingling with the Khazars, it lost its ethnicity, but retained its spirit of treason, theft, betrayal and Christ-selling. Now, in the face of bankers, the spirit of the tribe of Dan betrays and robs all of humanity, pushes it on the path of worshiping the golden calf. The financial crisis provoked by the bankers is aimed at making people, in search of their daily bread, stop thinking about God and start thinking only about material things - about money. About how to earn them by any means, even at the cost of a crime, at the cost of betraying Christ in order to find food for yourself. It is on this path that the Danit bankers are pushing humanity. This is the spiritual essence of the current financial crisis and the goal of the Khazar bankers - to turn everyone into Judas from the tribe of Dan. Judas betrayed the Savior through the direct suggestion of the devil: “Satan entered Judas, who was called Iscariot, one of the Twelve, and he went and spoke with the chief priests and rulers how to betray Him to them” (Luke 22: 3-4).

But, as you know, this is a self-destructive, suicidal path - the path of worshiping Antichrist, the path of death.

This gives rise to all sorts of pessimistic forecasts regarding the future of the United States.

And there is another parallel. Judas could use the money stolen from the apostolic community only on one condition: if the community ceased to exist. And he got his way. After Christ was taken captive, almost all of His disciples fled in fear.

Danite bankers, who took over the spiritual baton from Judas, want to take possession of the wealth of the United States, but they understand that this is possible only if this state ceases to exist, only if all states cease to exist.

As theologians write, Judas' greatest passion was the love of wealth - the love of money. And the most cherished desire, perhaps, is the post of Minister of Finance in the kingdom of the Messiah, where he could steal such amounts that the most successful thieves of the world never dreamed of. But Christ did not want to become the religious and political leader of Israel. He generally avoided direct conflict with the authorities. The idea that the Savior will renounce the Feat of the Cross, tempted by the earthly kingdom, is indeed satanic. After the crucifixion of Christ, the most terrible loss for Judas, probably, was that unfulfilled wealth, which Judas already considered his own. In his dreams, he already distributed the financial flows going to the treasury of the Messiah from all over the world. The Savior did not fight for earthly power.

Khazar bankers from the tribe of Dan come into direct conflict with the authorities, wishing to seize power in the earthly global kingdom. For them, the state is an enemy. With the help of the financial collapse they provoked in the states, they want to achieve the collapse of the national statehood in order to form their ministry of finance in the kingdom of the Antichrist, whom they will bring to power as a religious and political leader in order to fulfill this cherished dream.

The end of the Khazar bankers will be the same as the end of the money-lover and Christ-seller Judas, about whose betrayal St. John Chrysostom wrote: “Notice this, you money-lovers, and think what happened to the traitor? How did he lose money, and sin, and destroy his soul? Such is the tyranny of avarice! I didn’t use silver, neither the present life, nor the future life, but … I hanged myself."