Rockefellers - Alternative View

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Rockefellers - Alternative View
Rockefellers - Alternative View

Video: Rockefellers - Alternative View

Video: Rockefellers - Alternative View
Video: Revelle Forum: David Rockefeller 2024, October

As will be said below, the clan itself, despite the excitement in the anti-system media (against mondialism), is by no means the most important center of mondialism, and the clan's biography itself is just an addition to the already published cycles (about the TC and the Order).

The Rockefeller clan is a family of industrialists, bankers, and politicians that descend from oil tycoons and billionaires John Davison Rockefeller (1839-1937) and his younger brother, William Avery Rockefeller, Jr., 1841– 1922), who founded the Standard Oil Company. The Rockefeller family owned one of the world's largest private fortunes in the oil business between the late 19th and early 20th centuries, largely thanks to the 'Standard Oil Company'. In addition, the Rockefellers are known for many years of partnership with the Chase Manhattan Bank - today it is JP Morgan Chase - in which they had a financial interest.

When the Great Fortune List was compiled in the United States of America after World War II, 21 members of the Rockefeller family were listed with assets valued at $ 3 billion and $ 17 million in annual income taxes. A considerable amount, but researchers of the history of Rockefeller wealth have long noted that these amounts do not reflect the unheard-of political and economic influence that the Rockefeller family and the enterprises controlled by it have on the US economy and the capitalist world as a whole, and even on the determination of their policies. A new count was made several years ago. According to him, taking into account even the fall in the value of the dollar in 1946, the Rockefellers' capital investments in various giant enterprises were already estimated at $ 6 billion. Adding to this the deposits in banks and the value of the clan's real estate,the sum of 7 billion dollars will be round. This in itself means that the financial weight of the Rockefeller clan has doubled since the end of the Second World War. And according to the most recent estimates, the clan's wealth has already reached $ 10 billion. (According to Wikipedia, John Rockefeller became the first dollar billionaire in history and is today the richest man in the world (was sic!).

In contrast, however, to such "lone wolves" as Getty, the Rockefeller's financial power is deliberately calculated divided into parts. For example, John D. Rockefeller Jr., the then head of the clan, in the year of his death (1960) with assets of $ 1 billion, was only 6th on the list of American super-rich. By the end of the 70s, another member of the clan, Mrs. Abby Rockefeller, was on the list of the rich, although she figured in one of the places of honor, but her property was estimated "only" at $ 300 million, and therefore she was 19th in this list. David Rockefeller, president of the second-largest Chase Manhattan Bank, with $ 280 million, was 23rd. The rest: the youngest - John-David, Lawrence, Winthrop and Nelson Rockefellers, each with $ 260 million, took 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th places. Already from this listing, the observer can easily guess that it is not in numbers that one should look for the true dimensions of the economic and political power of the Rockefeller dynasty. Getty is in 1st place. David Rockefeller, who is the CEO and president of Chase Manhattan Bank and is only in 19th place, has significantly more economic power.

Naturally, among the wealth of the Rockefeller clan, the most important place is occupied by various enterprises of Standard Oil, and above all Standard Oil of New Jersey. This is probably the largest industrial enterprise in the capitalist world. And the Rockefeller family owns about 15% of the shares in this enterprise, which practically means that the Rockefellers control this entire industrial giant. The situation is similar with the rest of Standard Oil enterprises: having 12-17% of shares, the Rockefellers actually manage them. To a lesser extent, but with great influence, the Rockefellers participate in the largest railroad companies in the United States and even in a certain part of the largest steel trusts. To this must be added the financial strength that Chase Manhattan Bank and New York's First National City Bank represent.control over which is in the hands of the Rockefellers. (This latter is the third largest banking house in the United States, so the Rockefellers have the final say in two of the Big Three.)

William Avery Rockefeller, the father of the future multi-billionaire, has collected all conceivable vices - a libertine, horse thief, charlatan, deceiver, bigamist, liar … William appeared in the city separately from his family - in Richford. On his chest was a sign "I am deaf and dumb." Thanks to her, William, nicknamed Big Bill, soon knew the ins and outs of every citizen. Bill's ears worked as well as radars that hadn't been invented yet. Soon he married his wife Eliza, and two years later John Rockefeller was born.

Neighbors called him Bill the Devil: some considered William a professional gambler, others a bandit. Bill prospered, and Eliza and the children lived from hand to mouth and worked tirelessly. She was not sure if her husband would come back again, and kept the house saving every cent. Half-starved, dressed in old clothes, in the morning they ran to school, then went to work in the fields, and after that they crammed their lessons. Honest poverty and hard work reigned at home, and Bill lived in sin and felt great. Vice did not want to be punished: Rockefeller Sr. began to get rich. He took up logging, bought a hundred acres of land, a smokehouse, expanded the house … His wife gave him seven children, the eldest of whom was born in 1839. It was this firstborn who later became the founder of the dynasty of billionaires and the "kerosene king." He inherited his father's passion for money. His name is John Davidson Rockefeller.

John Rockefeller did not become either a libertine or a bigamist, unlike his dad, he was never sued on charges of rape, but nevertheless he learned a lot from his father.

Promotional video:

John graduated from commercial school and, at only 16 years old, on September 26, joined the Hewitt and Tuttle Coal and Grain Trading Office in Cleveland as an accountant. Rockefeller will celebrate this day as his second birth.

At 19, he decided to become independent and opened his own thrift store with a capital of one thousand dollars. The money was given to him by his father at a rather high percentage: 10 percent a year! Rockefeller was lucky - the southern states announced their withdrawal from the Union and a civil war began. The federal government needed hundreds of thousands of uniforms and rifles, millions of cartridges, mountains of jerky, sugar, tobacco, and biscuits. The golden age of speculation came, and Rockefeller, who became a co-owner of a brokerage firm with a start-up capital of $ 4,000, made good money.

In 1862, when Rockefeller was 23 years old, he too was seized by the "oil rush", which, however, swept the entire state of Ohio, and he, without hesitation, built an oil refinery about 200 miles from Cleveland. This place was not chosen by Rockefeller by chance. The man with the face of a mummy was one of the first in the United States to appreciate the importance of transport for oil production. Evaluated and concluded: Cleveland, located near the American Great Lakes, at the intersection of two railway lines, will soon play a key role in the delivery of produced oil to the most developed industrial areas on the East Coast of the United States.

Rockefeller acquired a controlling stake in the Southern Refining Society. This company supplied crude oil to oil refineries and therefore, willy-nilly, was associated with the largest railway joint stock companies. At that time, in the territory where oil was extracted and processed, there were three large railway companies - Erie, Central and Pennsylvania. Rockefeller first made secret agreements with the heads of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. The details of these agreements became known to the public only much later, when the lawsuit against the "oil king" began. The essence of the agreement was that Rockefeller guaranteed the railway companies contracts for the transportation of a certain amount of crude oil. In return, Pennsylvania pledged to transport his oil at half the price, and pay Rockefeller a portion of the profits the railroad would make by charging higher transport fares from Rockefeller's competitors. In short, this meant that oil was cheaper for Rockefeller than his competitors, and they were faced with the choice of either going broke or getting rid of their businesses as soon as possible. And it was still the most delicate trick in Rockefeller's struggle with his competitors. In general, he bought up barrels and cisterns so that his competitors had nothing to transport oil. He organized the first industrial espionage system in the capitalist world and, with the help of this espionage network, bought up plots of land on which his competitors were going to lay their oil pipelines. He organized oil distillation companies,which seemed to be Rockefeller's competitors, but in fact were in his hands. And when his real competitors made deals with his imaginary competitors, confident that now they, together with new allies would fight against Rockefeller, they, to their horror, were convinced that they practically gave their enterprises into the hands of the enemy!

By 1870, Rockefeller had swallowed all his dangerous competitors and, with a capital of $ 1 million, organized the Standard Oil Company. It was then that he ran into the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, with which he had previously worked well. The fact is that the owners of Pennsylvania have already watched with concern that they are increasingly dependent on Rockefeller for oil supplies. In the end, they decided to throw all their forces into battle on the side of Rockefeller's only surviving competitor, the Empire oil refinery. In response, Rockefeller, his Standard Oil company, flooded all the oil producing companies with their agents, who began buying up all the crude oil at much higher prices than the Empire representatives. Having raised the price of crude oil first,the firm "Standard Oil" then began to sell crude oil, which had already been distilled for kerosene, at a much cheaper price, just in those cities where the firm "Empire" also sold its refined oil. This, of course, meant for Rockefeller high material costs and increased commercial risk, but he knew that if he succeeded in breaking the Empire's alliance with Pennsylvania, he would later return more than the money he had at stake in this dangerous game. And the "price war" began against competitors from the Empire - Pennsylvania union, as a result of which the allies were in such a desperate situation that Pennsylvania was forced to literally transport the Empire oil for free, but still could not resist the dumping Rockefeller.meant for Rockefeller high material costs and increased commercial risk, but he knew that if he succeeded in breaking the Empire's alliance with Pennsylvania, he would later return more than the money he had at stake in this dangerous game. And the "price war" began against competitors from the Empire - Pennsylvania union, as a result of which the allies were in such a desperate situation that Pennsylvania was forced to literally transport the Empire oil for free, but still could not resist the dumping Rockefeller.meant for Rockefeller high material costs and increased commercial risk, but he knew that if he succeeded in breaking the Empire's alliance with Pennsylvania, he would later return more than the money he had at stake in this dangerous game. And the "price war" began against competitors from the Empire - Pennsylvania union, as a result of which the allies were in such a desperate situation that Pennsylvania was forced to literally transport the Empire oil for free, but still could not resist the dumping a result of which the allies were in such a desperate situation that Pennsylvania was forced to literally transport the Empire's oil for free, but still could not resist Rockefeller's a result of which the allies were in such a desperate situation that Pennsylvania was forced to literally transport the Empire's oil for free, but still could not resist Rockefeller's dumping.

In the meantime, discontent among workers at the Pennsylvania Transportation Company began as the railroad company tried to compensate for its losses for free shipping by firing workers and cutting wages. Rockefeller spy and counterintelligence agents appeared among the railway workers, dressed in work clothes. It was they who began to incite the railway workers, calling for violent and even armed protests. The provocateurs and their owners were not afraid that the workers of "Pennsylvania" would have to pay in blood for this unprepared rebellion. In July 1877, the famous "Depot Riot" broke out at the Pittsburgh Locomotive Depot. The Pennsylvania executives called in the police, who with the first salvo killed 20 rioting workers. After this volley, a real uprising began. For a time, the rioters dispersed the police, and a crowd of railroad workers began to set fire to, pouring oil, steam locomotives of the "Pennsylvania" company and fuel tanks. By the morning "Pennsylvania" turned for help to Washington, to the White House, from where units of the federal army were sent and thrown against the rioting workers. New volleys of weapons followed, more and more dead and wounded fell to the ground. Of course, Rockefeller's agents, fulfilling their provocative role, disappeared. And when the volleys died down and the smoke from the burned-out trains cleared, it became obvious that Rockefeller, at the cost of the blood of railway workers, put an end to the alliance between the Empire and Pennsylvania firms. 500 oil tank cars, 1 thousand freight cars, 120 steam locomotives died in the fire. The Pennsylvania Company went to bow to Rockefeller and accepted all his terms. By the end of the negotiations, the owner of Standard Oil distributed among the transport companies on favorable terms the shares of each firm in the oil supplies. From that day on, practically no one in America had the right to supply oil anywhere without the permission of Standard Oil.

As a result of the victory over the Pennsylvania firm in 1899 in the United States of America, the entire refining industry fell into the hands of the Standard Oil group. The 34 joint-stock companies that were part of the Rockefeller trusts included 80 refineries, which employed more than 100 thousand people. American industrial historian Ida Tarbell wrote: "In the second half of the 19th century, the fear of American entrepreneurs about Standard Oil can only be compared with the awe of the rulers of European countries for Napoleon at the beginning of the century."

At the head of the Standard, Rockefeller continued to amass wealth. The Standard has become a regular customer of the Berghof Service, the notorious strike-breaking enterprise. The head of this company, Mr. Berghof, who called himself "the king of strikebreakers", also mentions the company "Standard Oil" in his memoirs as "the first of his clients." It was the Berghof and his gang of thugs in the summer of 1913 that distinguished themselves in the famous "Ludlow massacre". Ludlow is a small town in Colorado, near which was one of the mines that belonged to the Rockefeller empire. The miners in protest against the inhuman living and working conditions left the mines and rebelled against the "Standard". At the direction of Rockefeller, the management of the mine, in agreement with the Colorado state police, first brought there strikebreakers - retired police officers,fugitive soldiers and wanted criminals and tried to use them to disrupt the strike. They were led by the people of the Berghof. However, it was not possible to disrupt the strike, and, despite the hardships, the workers of the Rockefeller mine held out for many months. The thugs built a campground around the barracks, where the workers dug in and did not let the strikebreakers pass. Finally, the troops of the regular American army were thrown against the miners. The soldiers, defending the interests of Rockefeller, opened volley fire on the strikers.the troops of the regular American army were thrown against the miners. The soldiers, defending the interests of Rockefeller, opened volley fire on the strikers.the troops of the regular American army were thrown against the miners. The soldiers, defending the interests of Rockefeller, opened volley fire on the strikers.


The "Rockefeller Empire" trampled the workers fighting for their rights. She prepared the same fate for her competitors.

The largest, second largest in the world oil fields at that time were in Tsarist Russia. Here, oil wells increased the wealth of the Nobel family of Sweden and the English Rothschilds. "Standard" managed to conclude a business agreement with representatives of these firms, creating a joint company to develop oil fields in Russia. But Rockefeller failed to establish himself here. First of all, because the Anglo-Dutch concern Royal Dutch Shell, which emerged at the end of the century, had much stronger ties with the then owners of Baku oil.

Royal Dutch-Shell was the most serious competitor to Standard in other regions of the world. The conflict that broke out between these two oil predators was perhaps the most merciless war in oil history. This was due to the possession of the Chinese market. At the turn of the century, when oil was still used mainly for lighting, China, with its 400 million inhabitants, was a tempting market despite the country's extraordinary backwardness. In thousands of Chinese villages, "Standard" gave away kerosene lamps to poor peasants for free, hoping that later they would be filled with Rockefeller kerosene. Since, however, Royal Dutch Shell owned the giant oil fields in Indonesia, which was much closer to the Chinese market than Rockefeller,Standard lamps were mainly filled in Chinese villages with kerosene from Shell refineries. To conquer the Chinese market, Rockefeller tried to repeat on a global scale the same method of "price war" with which he once conquered the domestic American market. However, in China, the situation was less favorable, and in the end Rockefeller was forced to seek agreements with the owners of the Royal Dutch Shell company.

The consequences of this "price war" led, in particular, to the fact that in 1928 the large oil trusts divided the world among themselves, and subsequently created an international oil cartel.

At the end of 1917, when not only the German army, but also the French began to experience difficulties with oil, French Prime Minister Clemenceau turned to the then President Wilson for help. Standard Oil, which knew how to benefit from any kind of liquid, supplied Europe with almost 15 million tons of oil in the last 18 months of the war. For 18 months, its profit amounted to 200 million dollars. This amount does not include, of course, the profit received by the subsidiaries of "Standard", which became nominally independent after the partition, which, naturally, also migrated into the pockets of the Rockefeller clan.

After the First World War, Standard's growth on an international scale accelerated, although now more often in production it had to yield something to its main competitor, Royal Dutch Shell. (For example, when in 1921 Venezuelan dictator Gomez began to squander the country's oil treasures, one of Rockefeller's subsidiaries, Standard Oil of Indiana, sent a delegation to the dictator. She sat in the waiting room of the President of Venezuela, while James Rothschild, meanwhile, on behalf of the company Shell bargained with the dictator over the price of oil treasures.)

A similar division of oil wealth took place between the two world wars in the Middle East. Here, in individual countries - from Iran to Saudi Arabia - the Standard Oil concern shared its oil wealth with its allies, depending on how great the military or political influence of England or France was in a particular country and how much it could hinder Rockefeller's appetite. Before the Second World War in this area, the British were more powerful masters, which means that the share of "Standard" was, accordingly, more modest. Of the Middle East oil, it accounted for "only" 15%, but that 15% also included the oil deposits of the largest oil supplier - Saudi Arabia. Ibn Saud, the father of the current king of Saudi Arabia, sold the first region of the country's oil deposits to the Rockefellers for $ 247,000 in the 1930s. During,Since then, the Rockefeller dynasty has received an average of 500% return on capital per year from these oil fields.

Before World War II, the management of the dynasty passed to his son - John D. Rockefeller II. After the outbreak of World War II, Standard Oil had subsidiaries and stakes in almost all areas of the German war industry. For example, Standard Oil has a cartel agreement with the I. G. Farben ", who played such an important role in Hitler's wars of conquest. Under this agreement, Standard left the German market for artificial rubber and gasoline, and the I. Mr. Farben "pledged not to appear with his products in the American markets. Concern "I. G. Farben "during the war, made profit from oil products manufactured under American patents. Standard Oil raked in for its patents from I. G. Farben "high profits, for example, for aviation gasoline, produced by the Germans all the years of the war using a special technology for refining oil. These sums were transferred by members of the cartel to each other through South America. Moreover, in the initial period of the war, Standard Oil, also through South America, supplied first-class aviation gasoline for Goering's air armadas.

The Rockefellers had a hand in the selection of the members of the Nuremberg court: after all, they had to ensure that their agreement with the Nazi trust did not surface. A man named Howard Peterson, a senior US War Office official who appointed American judges to the Nuremberg Trials, was a lawyer for Standard Oil before serving in the army and, as such, dealt with Standard Oil's I. G. Farben . His boss, Forrestal (the one who later went mad and committed suicide), before becoming US Secretary of Defense, was one of the leaders of the Dillon Reed Banking House, also owned by the Rockefeller concern.

The Rockefeller dynasty played a decisive role in opening the era of the Cold War. So from the end of 1947, John McCloy, a former legal adviser to the largest Rockefeller bank, Chase Manhattan, became the American High Commissioner for War in Germany, the sovereign dictator of the American occupation zone.

The largest oil company of the Rockefellers, Standard Oil of New Jersey, was later renamed Exxon. Three thousand managers run her daily activities. They are constantly looked for and selected in universities by people from special departments. The situation is exactly the same in three other American oil monopolies (SOK. AL, Gulf Oil, and Mobil), behind which there are branches of Standard Oil. So in the union of the so-called "Seven Sisters", the largest oil monopolies in the world, the "tallest", the eldest, and her three younger sisters still belong to the Rockefellers.

David Rockefeller became the dynasty's commercial director. In his hands was the Chase Manhattan Bank, which still plays a decisive role in managing the finances of not only the Rockefeller enterprises, but also other oil monopolies belonging to the Seven Sisters group (such as Shell or British petroleum ).

Nelson Rockefeller was elected Governor of New York four times in his life.

After serving as an "apprentice" in the director's office of the family bank Chase Manhattan, Nelson Rockefeller entered the government of President Roosevelt in 1940 as Secretary of State. He also worked out the foundations of American policy in Latin America after the Second World War. And in 1952, he was elected Governor of New York State for his first term. From that time on, he was considered one of the leaders of the Republican Party. Regardless of the posts he held at that time, in fact, he determined in American foreign policy the candidacies of two secretaries of state of the United States of America one after the other - in a very crucial period of the formation of the country's foreign policy! One of them was Dean Raek, who led the US State Department during the Vietnam War,and before that, for eight years - President of the Rockefeller Foundation. He was appointed to the post of Secretary of State on the personal recommendation of Nelson Rockefeller. The other is Kissinger, who served as a national security adviser in the Nixon administration before becoming secretary of state. He later became Secretary of State and almost single-handedly directed the foreign policy of the United States. Kissinger was, literally, Nelson Rockefeller's man. By the time he was "promoted" to the administration, he was a professor at Harvard University. He first became a political advisor to Nelson to take up the post of secretary of state, served in the Nixon administration as a national security adviser. He later became Secretary of State and almost single-handedly directed the foreign policy of the United States. Kissinger was, literally, Nelson Rockefeller's man. By the time he was "promoted" to the administration, he was a professor at Harvard University. He first became a political advisor to Nelson to take up the post of secretary of state, served in the Nixon administration as a national security adviser. He later became Secretary of State and almost single-handedly directed the foreign policy of the United States. Kissinger was, literally, Nelson Rockefeller's man. By the time he was "promoted" to the administration, he was a professor at Harvard University. He first became a political advisor to Nelson Rockefeller. He first became a political advisor to Nelson Rockefeller. He first became a political advisor to Nelson Rockefeller.

Zbigniew Brzezinski was also a protege of the Rockefeller clan. In 1973, David Rockefeller agreed with Brother Nelson to create a so-called "Trilateral Commission." (already written about her)

So Nelson Rockefeller invited Kissinger to join political work from Harvard University. Nelson and David jointly tracked down at Columbia University and Brzezinski, who became the secretary of the "tripartite commission." It was here, in the commission created by the Rockefellers, Brzezinski met with future President Carter and Harold Brown, who later, in the Carter administration, became Secretary of Defense.

In the 20th century, the family was actively involved in construction projects, as a result of which many buildings associated with their name appeared in the United States. The most famous of these is the Rockefeller Center, built at the beginning of the Great Depression in midtown Manhattan with solely family money. In addition, it is the New York Museum of Modern Art; neo-Gothic Riverside Church; 'The Cloisters', a branch of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, which has a collection of medieval art; skyscrapers 'One Chase Manhattan Plaza' and 'Empire State Plaza' the famous Lincoln Center and the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, destroyed on September 11, 2001.

Major Rockefeller donations led in 1889 to the founding of the University of Chicago, which houses the first American Nobel Prize in physics, Albert Abraham Michelson, awarded in 1907. In addition, the clan financially supports Ivy League universities and other large colleges and universities, a total of 75 higher education institutions, including Harvard University and Columbia University, Dartmouth College, Princeton (Princeton University), Stanford (Stanford University), Yale (Yale University), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Brown (Brown University),Cornell University and University of Pennsylvania. Rockefeller financial assistance is provided to overseas universities, including the London School of Economics, University College London and many others.

The older and younger generations of Rockefellers also helped found Rockefeller University in 1901, the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission in 1910, the Bureau of Social Hygiene and the International Health Commission in 1913, and the Rockefeller Museum in Israel (Israel) in 1925-1930.

In addition, the Rockefeller Foundation has established a number of awards, grants and fellowships.

The Rockefeller Archive Center, which until 2008 was a division of Rockefeller University, has a three-story underground bunker under a mansion on the family estate in Pocantico. It is a huge repository of personal and official documents, as well as the correspondence of family members and many historical documents, which in total contains more than 70 million pages of documents and a collection of 42 scientific, cultural, educational and charitable organizations. Only censored documents of deceased family members are open to researchers, and records relating to living Rockefellers are not yet available to historians.

To date, the direct heir to the main assets of David Sr. should be his son - David Rockefeller Jr. He is Vice President and Former Chairman of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Vice Chairman of Rockefeller Family & Associates, Director and Former Chairman of Rockefeller & Co, Manager of the Rockefeller Foundation Trust. The second son of David Sr., Richard died in 2014 in a plane crash in New York, where he flew to congratulate his father on his 99th birthday. David Sr. has four daughters, two of whom are also heads of large companies and are actively involved in enriching the family.

In The conclusions

The head of the clan died. What does this event mean for the Rockefellers?

David Rockefeller was almost 102 years old. Of course, at this age, he was not the main "think tank" of the clan, therefore, his departure did not become some kind of strong change in the structure of the clan itself (the family, in fact, was ruled by his closest heirs).

What does this event mean for the so-called TNCs (an international supranational association of world elites coordinating their actions through the Bilderberg Club (BC), Trilateral Commission (TC), and other mondialist platforms)?

First, the principle is the same as with the clan itself. David himself has not been the direct leader of his projects - BC and TC for a long time.

Secondly, as noted in previous cycles, the TNC conglomerate is not the exclusive domain of Rockefeller. The Rockefellers only supervise the American wing of TNK - the Trilateral Commission and the associated organization of Yale University - The Order (Skull and Bones 322). British Wing - The (University of Oxford) Group is overseen by the oldest Rothschild clan. About the influence of the Rothschilds on the geopolitics of Europe and Britain in particular.

The Rothschild clan itself, in addition to Britain, having branches in France, Austria and Germany - thus it is no longer so much an Anglo-Saxon center as a pan-European connecting link, although concentrating mainly on the territory of Albion (and having connections with the City, the British aristocracy and the local intelligence).

Both wings are coordinated through a discussion platform - Round Table.

In this regard, it is incorrect to say that only the Rockefeller clan or only the Rothschild clan rules everything. In such closed structures, consisting of representatives of several elites, government can only take place through council. An exemplary system of such management can be seen in the example of the Italian mafia:

This or that territory is divided into spheres of influence between families. Every family is run by a don. The Dons make up a Commission, where they coordinate their actions and resolve conflict situations. Each don has a "consigliere" who runs a legal (open-source) business.