Magic Words - Alternative View

Magic Words - Alternative View
Magic Words - Alternative View

Video: Magic Words - Alternative View

Video: Magic Words - Alternative View
Video: Word Magic - How Words can be Used as Magic Spells (Updated Version - Without Music) 2024, October

Often in stressful situations, a person utters words that in everyday life are subjected to strict censorship and criticism from fighters for morality and "purity of language." But as soon as the "fighters" themselves find themselves in a similar situation, they completely forget about their principles. Pain or severe fright break the language taboos, and the person utters the "cherished words." And one should not think that profanity is the lot of the marginalized. On the contrary, the higher the intellectual level of a person, the more virtuoso and to the point, he uses "these words." Doctors, and people of this profession have a specific sense of humor, say that mat - has a mild anesthetic property. You say so from the heart, hitting the finger with a hammer, and immediately it becomes somehow easier to endure the pain.

Opinions of esotericists about the mat are different. Most of those who work with subtle matters believe that these words destroy the subtle field of a person, influence his aura and allow various entities of a lower order to invade it. Every swear word uttered by a person breaks through the natural defense, and he becomes an easy prey for various "leeches". So, one psychic assured that he sees how these entities immediately "flock" to a person using obscene words. They stay in his field and accompany him. The more a person swears, the more these entities are around him. They influence both himself and how others perceive him. A psychic speaks to such a person, people treat with distrust, apprehension and bypass him.

But is it really that bad, other experts say? Perhaps it is for the best if we are not "favored". Those who are interested in us, close in spirit and vibrations, will love us. And let the rest bypass the "tenth side", which means that such acquaintances are not so necessary in our life.

If we take this theory into service, then we can conclude that in "reasonable doses" - these words can and even should be used. The only question is what goal we pursue by uttering these or those curses.

There are several theories about the origin of swear words. The first, which does not stand up to criticism, says that the mate came to us during the Tatar-Mongol yoke. But other researchers say that the abuse was used long before the invasion of the Horde. Mat is a kind of secret language of symbols. It was needed so that the "uninitiated" did not understand what was at stake. The third theory says that mate is a deliberate substitution of concepts, the so-called. euphemisms. “That which cannot be said aloud,” which means that other words must be chosen. Our superstitious ancestors tried in this way to protect themselves from evil spirits, whose name cannot be named, but somehow it is necessary to "fight off" them. This theory is closest to the truth. The mat is not only an excellent "pain reliever", it is also a means to scare away evil spirits. All these "fabulous" expressions "perish,unclean "or" perish "actually sounded not so harmless for a modern cultured person.

Those witches who work with dark forces adhere to this particular theory. Why? Because there is no better weapon against a witch or other force than a selective mate. But what about prayer, a naive person will ask, assuming that evil spirits flee from the "holy word", the cross and incense. No way. The evil spirits of the cross and prayer are not afraid. Sorcerers know that they can be driven away and influenced only with the help of "strong words" and indecent gestures. Only such expressive vocabulary and gestures can create a protective field that neutralizes someone else's influence.

The most "harmless" gesture is a fig. Everyone knows this very well. As well as the fact that it is recommended to keep a fig in your pocket if there are fears that they want to jinx the person, or otherwise harm. You can feel free to show your cookie openly. By demonstrating in a way that you are not afraid of your opponent. Of course, a strong witch or magician cannot be scared away for a long time, but against evil spirits of a lower order, these words work flawlessly.

So, many, probably, came across the fact that things in the house suddenly begin to disappear literally from under the hands. Our ancestors said: "The brownie is playing." You can calm the naughty brownie. The most innocent thing that could be heard from our grandmothers and great-grandmothers is "Damn, damn play, and give it to me." Well, if these affectionate admonitions did not help, then "heavy verbal artillery" was used. And surprisingly things were found right away. Mushroom pickers and lovers of forest walks know that if you get lost firmly in the forest, then the "forester" will not let you go just like that. But there is no need to panic, more often than not, "wandering in three pines" can be stopped if you speak well. From a psychological point of view, this is quite understandable. Thus, a person concentrates, gathers his will into a fist, and drives away the panic that engulfs in such cases. Usually,reception works. And then a person himself chooses an explanation for this phenomenon: mystical or scientific.

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But it must be remembered that the mate works well on "intelligent" creatures from the twilight: these include both the goblin and the brownie. These "companions" of man, according to occultists, have a high organization of consciousness, despite the fact that they are at the very bottom of the hierarchical ladder. But the mate does not work very well on a werewolf: in this guise, a person loses his communication and cognitive abilities. He is driven only by animal instincts, so a "strong word" may not work. The creatures living next to us in the subtle world perfectly feel our mood, they can amuse themselves with the fears of people. The best way to "calm down" the "noisy spirit" who has been naughty in the apartment is to shout at him. If it does not help - swear from the heart. Knowledgeable people say that it works flawlessly.

Anna has always been “sharp on the tongue,” as they say in such cases. Both close friends and colleagues knew that she could easily put a person in their place, with just one word and a look. If this word did not help, then other expressions were used. And people immediately became intelligent. One day a friend turned to Anna. The husband left for a few days in another city, and Svetlana was very afraid to be left alone. She said that as soon as the spouse leaves, the devil begins to happen in the apartment. Svetlana was even afraid to turn off the light, but even when the electricity was on, someone was in charge. As soon as the woman left the kitchen, the sounds of opening cabinets were heard from there, and someone stamped cheekily. As soon as Sveta entered there, everything stopped. The woman tried to be baptized and read famous prayers. But the naughty spirit seemed to mock her. Anna easily agreed to help her friend. She believed in such phenomena, but she had her own method of dealing with them, far from reading prayers and making the sign of the cross.

The presence of the guest did not bother the brownie. As soon as the friends got ready to sleep and turned off the lights, he began to stomp and slam cabinet doors. As if in mockery, he knocked over several cans of spices and threw a bottle of water off the table. Anna could not stand this. She fearlessly walked into the kitchen, turned on the light, and surveyed the "battlefield." It is better not to write what she said at the same time. Her speech was long, bright and emotional. Silence reigned in the apartment. The woman added a few more unprintable expressions and promised the housekeeper that next time she would move from words to deeds, and he would have to look for a new home. Anna demonstratively and loudly slammed the kitchen door, turned off the electricity, and told her friend not to pay attention and not be afraid.

The women were waiting for the continuation. But it did not come, only from time to time from the kitchen came timid rustles and sounds reminiscent of whining. But the brownie did not dare to rattle cabinets and drop objects. Anna stayed with her friend the next night, and leaving home, she loudly declared that if her friend complains again, the spirit will be in a bad way. She advised Svetlana to continue to behave stricter with the poltergeist. Do not show your fear, and in case of disobedience, swear loudly and obscenely.

Similar advice can be given to those who become victims of energy vampires, those who like to scandal from scratch, unbalance a person, achieve a release of energy and "enjoy" it. Such creatures are inherently cowardly and a good "strong" word disarms them.

So, the question of whether it is worth using swear words or not is still open. After all, if they help in a difficult situation, then there is a benefit from them!