Lovozero Tundra - The Most Ancient Midgard? - Alternative View

Lovozero Tundra - The Most Ancient Midgard? - Alternative View
Lovozero Tundra - The Most Ancient Midgard? - Alternative View

Video: Lovozero Tundra - The Most Ancient Midgard? - Alternative View

Video: Lovozero Tundra - The Most Ancient Midgard? - Alternative View
Video: GOW 4. Прохождение 2. Мидгард. Бесчувственный незнакомец. 2024, October

Some new discoveries are not made at a jump start. It is presented to us how Newton saw an apple falling in a tree and derived his theory, which was included in all world reference books. But few people know that after its publication, an editor came to Newton from the city newspaper and asked to expand the theory of gravity. Newton began to develop the theory further. The editor snatched the sheet from him and ran to the editorial office. Came back and again pushed Newton to continue. This is how a book was created, where Newton came to the physical laws of the structure of the solar system. We must understand that Newton already had all this formed in his head. The same happened with the table of the great Russian chemist Mendeleev. For many years he returned to creating a table: in a column, in a circle, in the form of a triangle. And he solved the problem, as we are told, in a dream.

Here are all of us who can read and have seen and studied the periodic table, will we be able to repeat it if such an insight descended upon us? Most would not be tarry to remember, and maybe understand it. Mendeleev knew each element of this, then not so big yet, valence, atomic weight and everything else. Although he was not a crammer … nor a businessman. So he sent one of his students to a chemist who was more successful in making money, giving the student a harder income. And the chemist sent the student back to Mendeleev. Mendeleev asked, in a personal conversation, in the reason for the refusal. "So he can't remember the formula (…)" Mendeleev takes a reference book from the table and reads it and says: "Is it so important to have this in your head if you have reference books and tables?" This is what I roughly described the story with Mendeleev.

Three years have passed since we found the oldest city on Mount Karnasurta … maybe even on the planet, which I called "Cassilia" - (a castle in the mountains), which is very close to the name "Castile of the Lappish" - a flower that grows only in front of Lovozero tundra, if you approach them from the side of the city of miners - Revda. (Revd is the fourth age of a reindeer roaring in search of a female).

For three years we held on to the idea that we had found Hyperborea … But over time, collecting materials on the legends about the appearance of mankind on the planet, I began to reject the idea of Hyperborea. The Hyperboreans came out of Iriy the Quietest (Quietest - Church, Slavic = most merciful). Sometimes spelled as "Irai" (IRAI). That in no way can be transferred to the Kola Peninsula or "Terskiy navolok" (Forest waterway through the passages from the White Sea to the Barents) or Terskiy coast - "forest coast" (northern coast of the White Sea).

If the first ascent occurred to the First Circus of Mount Raslak or the 1st Circus of Raslak on the map. I do not want you to be mistaken to think that this is a surname or a first name. “Raslak” from Lapp - “the mountainside overgrown with grass”, with the exact meaning “Ras-grass + lac-slope”. Although this is a mistake of geologists: Mount Raslak is located on the other side of the Raslak stream, which flows into the Sergevan stream and then, having already rounded the Lovozero tundra, flows into Lovozero. Sergevan comes from the permutation of the Russian Ivan Sergeevich, since in Lappish, first the father's name in our middle name, then the name. On the Raslaka mountain, on the map about 13 km from the city of Cassilia, I photographed these stones.

And if anyone says that nature did it, then I will be the first to throw a stone at his bad head. Taking into account the fact that this “triangle is about 13 thousand years old, and it has survived only due to the conservation of cold for most of its existence, it is possible to imagine the quality of its processing and polishing from the very beginning. We understand that the best erosion protection is excellent polishing, which prevents water from spreading microcracks on the surface of the slab when it freezes.


But back to the first ascent to the highest waterfall in the Eurasian continent … Its status is not yet officially fixed, but I think in the summer of 2019 we will be able to measure its height from 940 meters to approximately 500 or 450 meters. For a record, he needs to surpass the mark of 325 meters. When I studied the waterfalls of Eurasia and realized that this was at least the second place, and most likely the first, I decided to give it a name and chose the word "Siengis" in the Lappish language, which means "Thin", which reflects its flow.

Promotional video:

The first Circus of Raslak (I will write it as on the map) is a trail of a huge meteorite hitting a mountain of Falling Stones. Viktor Zakharenko is at one of the pieces of the meteorite, behind him is the 1st Circus and the wall with the Siengis waterfall, which is visible with a white stripe on the left edge of the frame. Directly behind Victor's back is the "Right Pocket" of the 1st Circus with three more waterfalls drying up in the warm summer, but there, in the center of the pocket, by the lake, the radiation level exceeds 1 Siebert. In the center of the Circus 0, 320 Siebert.


The material of which the fragments of the meteorite consist is no longer found either in the Second Circus or near Lake Svetly. So far, they have only been seen in the 1st Circus of Raslak. It can be assumed that the Midgard civilization, which left its traces in the Lovozero tundra, perished from the impacts of pieces of asteroids that created two Circus, which are also called "Eastern" and "Western".

Waterfall of the 1st Circus of Raslak - Siengis. In the spring it becomes a “talnik” and from the melted snow at the top its height reaches the top mark of the wall - about 970 meters. Then it moves to the position that you see in the photo. That is, 30 meters lower.


The water of the waterfall is absorbed by rubble and it is not yet clear where it falls. But we can assume so far that from the lake "Tsirkovoye", the water under the mountain spur flows into the Ilmen lake from which the mine takes water. It is from Lake Ilmen that the Sergevan river flows, into which a stream from the Raslaka mountain flows.

The impact of the asteroid was so powerful that the top of the mountain was pushed to the side. I'm talking about the mountain on the right in the photo below. And on the left side of the photo is the trail of the impact of the third asteroid, passing casually along the slope of Mount Karnasurt. Because of this blow, the city square got a slope towards the Elmorayok pass. There is information that it lies at the bottom of Seid Lake. But on the shores of the lake there are melted stones weighing under half a ton with all the signs of meteorite melting.


Now we return to Mount Karnasurta, the one on the left in the photo, and look at it from the side of the road to the Ilmensky mine.

From the road to the Ilmensky mine, we can see the "First Plateau" of Mount Karnasurta. In the nature of the Kola Peninsula, there is probably no second such place that most of all resembles a mountain cosmodrome, it is so flat and long, and wide enough to take on heavy aircraft.


It is not for nothing that Fersman himself wrote that the Lovozero tundras create an impression of artificial origin, if not for their size. I would like to add on my own that they are not of "artificial origin", but "are manned", or by the "White race" - migrants from another planet to Earth. In addition, there is a "Small Plateau" on the slope of the mountain, the shape of which is clearly visible only from the bus stop of the Ilmensky mine. In the photo above, it can be seen as a pale streak closer to the top.

The same artificial origin can be attributed to the "Settlement" of Lake Svetloye beyond Lovozero, about 15 km in a straight line on the map from the city. In the photo below you can see the edge of the Gorodishche plateau, the main part of the “settlement” can be seen as a light strip in front of the mountain, Lake Svetloye itself under the mountain, on which a shadow lies. The lake has a dam separating part of the lake, and this dam is an exact replica of the dam on Lake Labynkyr in Yakutia, with its legendary monster. Question: Why was the dam built on Lake Svetly? Maybe here your "Nessie" was found in those days?


Let's go back to Mount Karnasurta.


From the stop of the mine, the view of the "Small Plateau" is somewhat rounded, but this is the edge, and when you reach the plateau itself, you are convinced that even the Mi-26 is ready to receive it and not a single copy. On the border of the Small Plateau and the second ascent to the top of the mountain, there are slabs processed by human hands. It resembles stone slabs under the foundation of a small building. But these are not the slabs that Viktor Zakharenko found the very first, when he walked before me. We have not yet reached them. First, we have to walk for an hour and a half along the "Defensive Wall". Most likely it is a “fence” from visiting the multi-ton animals that existed at that time. For example, you can take five-ton woolly rhinos. No one would want such a herbivorous animal to graze in his orchards.

"Defensive wall" in the spring, when the snow in the ditch had not yet melted.


Defensive wall when the mountains were covered with the first snow. On the right below there will be the "First Plateau" - a cosmodrome for the Wymanns (Bytemen = 10 thousand people on one ship), on the left, higher up the slope of the Second Plateau, for smaller ships.

Ask me why I am so sure that the spaceport? This is prompted by another plateau, where on a huge area, about 6 by 4 kilometers, there are separate areas with five to ten plates at a great distance from each other. As if these are the houses of the caretakers behind the gardens or vegetable gardens. Like modern summer cottages, only made of stone slabs. The “defensive wall” starts from the mine itself and its area is used by the mine administration as a waste dump. In the photo you see traces of bulldozers, not geological all-terrain vehicles.


Let me remind you: the height of the wall is from 6 to 7 meters.

It all started with these two plates. On the ruler, you see decimeters marked in red and white. It was them that Viktor discovered first. And not only found it, but dug it out of the ground.


They are now lying at the side of the road to the city, on the "Garden Plateau". They are not the only ones here, but the smallest.


Behind me is the Garden Plateau. Go find here a stone with straight lines once found. Moreover, this is not a panorama, but only a small part of the "Garden Plateau", where about 60 finds are hiding. Here are just found once, then it is impossible to find due to the lack of landmarks. Only the pyramids and folding remains close to the finds.

Having overcome the stone isthmus between the end of the road and the top of the mountain, we find ourselves in the city of Cassilia. We now call it the capital of Midgard. The area of which has already grown from 400 by 600 meters, in the first hike up to 3 km by 5 km today.


A groove about 30 cm wide in the stone with a smooth exit to the surface. Why was this done in Midgard?

Just don't find fault with my Midgard. I didn't come to this version right away. When filming our first trip with Viktor not to the "Garden Plateau", but to the city of Cassilia, at the beginning of the film, for some reason I could not pronounce the seemingly not so difficult word "Hyperborea". Even then, the thought flashed through my mind that it was a symbol of the fact that we had not found Hyperborea. A year passed, then another, finds multiplied. Articles were written and films about our campaigns were posted on YouTube. The Seid Lake Anomaly was filmed. What kind of monster swam into the waters of the Elmorayok stream to greet us is still not clear. But it was never found out what kind of civilization worked with such slabs … You have noticed that the upper slabs lie on the lower ones even more in size.


But now I return to my historical work "Old Russian Statehood" and remember the beginning of history:

“Midgard- The Earth moves around Yarila. Midgard-Earth is the ancient name of the planet Earth, which our First Ancestors - the Clan Ases colonized more than 600,000 years ago. The colony of the White Race was created on the northern continent, which had no Neanderthal aborigines. For a long time, the settlers did not interfere with the ecological system of Midgard-Earth, having mastered only the Northern continent, which was separated from other land by the waters of the seas and oceans. The new Motherland was named Daariya - the Gift of the Gods, but our Ancestors understood by Gods something quite different from what is understood today. The gods were the people who, during their development, reached the level of influence on space and matter, as the level of the creator."

While we can firmly say that the death of Midgard belongs to the Flood 13 thousand years ago. And when it was formed … The question is open.

We recalculate 600 thousand years ago to the antediluvian calendar of 144 days a year and 12 hours a day through a coefficient = 5, 06. 600,000 -13,000 = 587,000 / 5.06 = 116,000 years before the Flood +13,000 = 129,000 years ago.

Here the "northern continent" is applied according to our modern concepts, since during the resettlement (maybe legendary and mythical) the land of the Kola Peninsula was in the subtropics. It was then -13 thousand years ago, “during the World Flood, when the Earth turned upside down,” as the oral Yakut epic says, found itself in a modern place, and now there can be no talk of life on Mount Karnasurt. In May it is still snowing, in early September it is already snowing. All of the above leads to the idea that civilization perished 13 thousand years ago. If Hyperborea seven thousand years ago used wood-earth fortresses, then here there are stone slabs of several tens of tons. I draw your attention to the phrase: "The northern (land), which was separated from the continent by the waters of the seas …" (there was no ocean then, the World Ocean was formed during the Flood). But not only by the seas,and by waterway from the White Sea to the Arctic Ocean, through Lake Imandra, from which the Lovozero tundras are on the right.


This is how I lead the Equator through the land of the continent of South America and Antarctica (which I call "Atlantis") until the Flood. And the North Pole was then located in the Congo.


When I from the "First Circus of Raslak" brought samples of dolomite cores to the Apatity Institute of Geology, I shocked them, since the marine sediments in the Lovozero tundra were not yet known. Here it is necessary to explain what happened. I was talking to a person who worked on core studies. Such a person did not have a geological education, he was simply given samples of minerals to which he should pay attention and send them for study to geological exploration, the same mine in Revda. Dolomite, an intermediate stage of marine sediments - between chalk and marble, was not interested in the combine and the cores remain abandoned at the drilling site. It is the samples of "silicified dolomite" that indicate that here, under the very wall of the 1st Circus of Raslak ", there was a tremendous temperature and pressure. But not a volcano where there is temperature but no pressure.

You can see how the city of Cassilia looks like on Mount Karnasurta on YouTube by typing "Pavel Shasherin" and find films about hiking in the Lovozero tundra on my page. One of them is "This is the city."

But there is not one find, which is in the photo below. On the left, you see not a crack on the stove, but the broken tip of the top tile, which lies on the second tile, and on the right, tiles of a greater thickness, about the width of the kitchen countertop. Wonderful job. Left in the same place, before the arrival of scientists.


Putting everything together, I come to the conclusion that the civilization we have found belongs to Midgard, and not to Hyperborea on Iria the Quietest or Irtysh.

And lastly, from left to right: Viktor Romanovich Zakharenko, Olga Vyacheslavovna Kononova, director of the museum, who always supports our undertakings and is the first to criticize them, trying to find a rational grain with our finds, and I am Pavel Shasherin on Olenegorsk Street.


And a member of the expedition with "Cosmopoisk", who visited the city with an overnight stay during the hurricane - "mountain" Pekingese Pushhok.


Blessed day to all!

Author: Pavel Shasherin