Poles Are Still Warriors . - Alternative View

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Poles Are Still Warriors . - Alternative View
Poles Are Still Warriors . - Alternative View

Video: Poles Are Still Warriors . - Alternative View

Video: Poles Are Still Warriors . - Alternative View
Video: I Asked Bill Gates What's The Next Crisis? 2024, October

The gentry is running wild again

Time and again news feeds are full of messages about the Russophobic activity of the Poles. For people who have not studied history, this is strange: why such fierce hatred?

In my opinion, Nazi (not to be confused with nationalist) sentiments are traditionally strong in Poland. From hoary antiquity, we know that Poles, like scavengers, are always ready to attack the weak.

When the European religious wars raged, Poland was converted to Catholicism. The Holy See immediately found application to the two dominant qualities of the character of the Poles: excessive pride and greed.

They were destined for the role of the main Slavic antagonist of Russia. The calculation was verified and calculated in a European way - the Slavic peoples must be given another "pole of power." To create an opportunity and temptation for the Slavs to play on the feelings and contradictions of the leaders. This is a standard European approach, not without reason, however, attributed to Jews (it is interesting that the words Jew and Europe have the same root …).

The gentry was brought up, supported and directed by the papal Jesuits. Basically, of course, against Russia. For centuries, the inferiority complex of the "underestimated nation" was cultivated and the image of the culprit of all ills was instilled.

Joint parade of Polish-German troops in 1938 in Czechoslovakia
Joint parade of Polish-German troops in 1938 in Czechoslovakia

Joint parade of Polish-German troops in 1938 in Czechoslovakia.

Promotional video:

European hyena

If Russians all over the world have always been associated with a bear (the most powerful land predator), then the image of a hyena stuck to Poland with the light hand of Churchill. Always adheres to the strong side and is ready to break the weakened one.

The Poles became diligent students of the papal legates. They defiled the entire history known to us and betrayed the Russians as best they could. And they were always forgiven and helped, for some ridiculous reason they were considered brothers.

In the middle of 1919, Józef Pilsudski said: “If events develop as I suppose, then in 5-6 months, perhaps I could reach Moscow and drive the Bolsheviks out of there … I will order to write on the walls of the Kremlin:“Speak Russian is prohibited. Closed within the borders of the sixteenth century, cut off from the Black and Baltic Seas, deprived of the land and mineral wealth of the South and Southeast, Russia could easily become a second-class power, unable to seriously threaten Poland's newfound independence. Poland, as the largest and strongest of the new states, could easily secure a sphere of influence for itself, which would stretch from Finland to the Caucasus Mountains."

The first European fascist is Pilsudski (center)
The first European fascist is Pilsudski (center)

The first European fascist is Pilsudski (center).

In the fall of 1920, the Polish commandant of the camp in Brest-Litovsk, to the Russian prisoners of war who arrived, said: "I have no right to kill you, but I will feed you so that you yourself will die." The Poles killed 60 - 80 thousand Russian prisoners in concentration camps. The conditions in which the Russians were held captive were such that the Russians died like flies from hunger, stomach diseases and from epidemics. And I don’t remember the apology from the Poles….

Poland flirted with the Third Reich as best it could and snatched a piece for itself during the partition of Czechoslovakia. And then, it was her turn once again (the fifth to be precise), to be torn apart, initiating the Second World War.

Germans on the state border of Poland are breaking the barrier
Germans on the state border of Poland are breaking the barrier

Germans on the state border of Poland are breaking the barrier.

In a friendly European family of peoples

At first, the gentry even tried to resist the Germans, but after a month of fighting, they completely lost the war … And then it flooded! It turned out that they were not some kind of losers, but finally joined the friendly European family of peoples (true under the Nazis, but this did not bother anyone in Europe).

In a united impulse, with enthusiasm, the whole of Europe responded to Hitler's call to join the Nazis in the crusade to the East (and Poland could not believe its unexpected happiness - here it is, the FALSE of all Polish DREAMS!). For more details on the hypocrisy of Europeans and Americans during WWII, read the article: "World War II. A Successful Business Project of the West?"

A small part of the Poles fought on the side of the allies in the anti-Hitler coalition in France, Norway, Syria, Egypt, Libya and Yugoslavia (everywhere, however, without much success).

Some Poles resisted the Nazis on their territory, as well as later Soviet troops (Home Army).

The Waffen SS cavalry squadron during a review in Warsaw, 100 thousand Poles joined its ranks
The Waffen SS cavalry squadron during a review in Warsaw, 100 thousand Poles joined its ranks

The Waffen SS cavalry squadron during a review in Warsaw, 100 thousand Poles joined its ranks.

At first everything went well …

The participation of Polish volunteers in the Wehrmacht turned out to be much more numerous. There was no violent mobilization into the German army in Poland - the Poles were drafted with great pleasure and so. At the train stations, the conscripts were usually seen off by the whole city, they sang songs in chorus, embarrassing practical German officers with their enthusiasm (they were soon banned from singing on wires, but this did not spoil the holiday).

Polish recruits wrote home letters full of tempting romance: French wine and women, the exoticism of the occupied countries, the benevolent attitude of the conquered population and all that … but that was only until 1941.



As always, the "Muscovites spoiled everything" by starting a real war of extermination with the invaders. Gradually, more and more, the attitude towards mobilization for military service became associated with certain death at the front (usually the Eastern). After Stalingrad, the gentry began to change their preferences (who to serve).

In total, more than 600 thousand Polish volunteers were drafted into the ranks of the German Armed Forces! Some of them were assigned to the SS troops (the prototype of the Ukrainian National Battalions). After the end of the war, 61 thousand "proud nobles" were captured.

Captured Poles
Captured Poles

Captured Poles.

Who wins? The USSR wins! Then we are with them

Attempt # 1: On August 14, 1941, a military agreement was signed in Moscow, providing for the formation of a Polish army on the territory of the USSR, for subsequent participation in the war against Germany, on the Soviet-German front. Its number was expected to be 30,000, but was subsequently increased to 96,000. The Soviet government, despite the severe lack of funds, allocated more than 400 mln. To the Poles. rubles.

Formed divisions trained long and hard, categorically refusing to go to the Western Front. However, at the same time, they persistently asked to send them to Iran - to the British. As a result, Stalin got tired of these parasites, and by September 1942, about 80,000 Polish soldiers and 37,000 members of their families were sent to Iran (and here they fussed at our expense). In fairness, it should be noted that approximately 17,000 Poles refused to leave and were sent to Soviet units.


Attempt # 2: in May 1943, the formation of new Polish units began, and in October 1943 they were sent to the front line. The results of their battles with the Germans were so deplorable that by the decision of the front leadership, the Poles were immediately sent to the rear for reorganization.

They were returned to the front only in January 1944, gradually increasing the number of troops and not stopping the training of replenishment. By the time the liberation of the Polish lands began, the Polish Army already numbered 100 thousand people. As a result, the Poles, next to the Soviet troops, nevertheless learned to fight before the storming of Berlin, their army already numbered 400 thousand soldiers.

Polish Army in Berlin
Polish Army in Berlin

Polish Army in Berlin.

Results of the war

And of course, it could not do without backstage intrigues and conspiracies against the USSR. The Polish government in exile, made huge plans: take it away, and this return and become almost the main European power …

But neither England nor France, unlike the USSR, harbored illusions and threw the Poles off the tail. Only thanks to Stalin's firm position, Poland received part of the territory of Germany, reparations from the Germans, and of course the fraternal help of the "elder brother" (half of whose country lay in ruins). And again, I do not remember the words of sincere gratitude from the officials….

As soon as the iron grip of the USSR weakened, Poland happily rushed to make up for lost time, harming Russia by all means. And this state of affairs is unlikely to change. The ambitions of the Poles are not the same …..

PS: By the way, they are so-so fighters - they were zeroed out five times, but they are not good at it. And also - a look at our common history, they may have the exact opposite of what is stated in the article.