Sanskrit - Evidence Of A Single Planetary State? - Alternative View

Sanskrit - Evidence Of A Single Planetary State? - Alternative View
Sanskrit - Evidence Of A Single Planetary State? - Alternative View

Video: Sanskrit - Evidence Of A Single Planetary State? - Alternative View

Video: Sanskrit - Evidence Of A Single Planetary State? - Alternative View
Video: World's First City Discovered by U.S. Spy Satellite 2024, October

In the early 60s of the 20th century, the Indian Sanskrit scholar Durga Prasad Shastri visited Russia. After two weeks, he said to the translator (N. Guseva): Stop translating! I understand what you are saying. You are speaking here some corrupted form of the Sanskrit! (No need to translate! I understand what you are saying. You are speaking a modified form of Sanskrit!). Returning to India, he published an article on the closeness of Russian and Sanskrit.

“If I was asked which two languages of the world are most similar to each other, I would answer without any hesitation: Russian and Sanskrit. And not because some words … are similar … Common words can be found in Latin, German, Sanskrit, Persian and Russian … It is surprising that our two languages have similar word structure, style and syntax. Let's add even more similarity of grammar rules. This arouses deep curiosity among everyone who is familiar with linguistics …

“When I was in Moscow, at the hotel they gave me the keys to room 234 and said“dwesti tridsat chetire”. In bewilderment, I could not understand whether I was standing in front of a nice girl in Moscow, or whether I was in Benares or Ujjain somewhere two thousand years ago. In Sanskrit 234 will be "dwishata tridasha chatwari". Is there a greater similarity possible? It is unlikely that there are two more different languages that have preserved the ancient heritage - such a close pronunciation - to the present day.

“I happened to visit the village of Kachalovo, about 25 km from Moscow, and to be invited to dinner with a Russian peasant family. An elderly woman introduced me to a young couple, saying in Russian “On moy seen i ona moya snokha” (He is my son and she is my daughter-in-law).

“How I wish that Panini, the great Indian grammarist who lived about 2600 years ago, could be here with me and hear the language of his time, so wonderfully preserved with all the smallest subtleties!

“The Russian word seen (son) is son in English and sooni in Sanskrit … The Russian word snokha is the Sanskrit snukha, which can be pronounced in the same way as in Russian. The relationship between a son and a son's wife is also described by similar words in two languages …

“Here is another Russian expression: To vash dom, etot nash dom (That is your home, this is our home). In Sanskrit: Tat vas dham, etat nas dham … Young languages of the Indo-European group, such as English, French, German and even Hindi, directly descending to Sanskrit, must use the verb is, without which the above sentence cannot exist in any of these languages. Only Russian and Sanskrit do without the linking verb is, while remaining completely correct both grammatically and ideomatically. The word is itself is similar to est in Russian and asti in Sanskrit. And even more than that, Russian estestvo and Sanskrit astitva mean "existence" in both languages … Not only the syntax and word order are similar, the very expressiveness and spirit are preserved in these languages in an unchanged initial form …

“In European and Indian languages there are no such means of preserving ancient linguistic systems as in Russian. The time has come to intensify the study of the two largest branches of the Indo-European family and to open some dark chapters of ancient history for the benefit of all peoples."

Promotional video:

The call of this scientist inspired few researchers to penetrate deeper into the ancient connection of the Russian North, the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans, with the modern cultures of Europe and Asia.

Russian language - Sanskrit (transcription in Russian letters)


hell (b) - hell (eat, swallow)

artel - arati (root, "rtha" - "order")


pampering, childishness - balatva (childhood)

white, light - balaksha to

shine - bhlas

god (merciful) - bhaga

goddess, virgin - devi, devik vigorous - bhadra

fear - bhaya, bhias

to be afraid - bhi, bhyas


- bhrat - rana, bhratra

brotherhood - bhratrtva

to take - bhr to

dawn - bhrej

eyebrow - bhruva to

wake up, awaken - budh

gurgle, dive, drown - bul

buran - bhurana bus

(fog) - beads to

be - bhu

being - bhavania, bhavya


vaga (weight, weight) - waha (carrying cargo)

shaft - shaft

roller - wali

vapa (paint, decoration) - vapus (beauty)

cook - var (water)

brews (cattle corral) - vara (fence)

you - you

know, introduction (knowledge) - view, ved, veda, vedana

vedun - vedin

widow - vidhava

spring - vasanta

all (village) - vish

all - vishva

wind (blowing) - vata (r), vayu hanging loop -

broadcasting post (speech) - vachana to

broadcast - vacha to

blow - to

twirl - vrt, jew's harp

water - udan, var, drive beer, lead - wad

to carry (by cart) - wah

wolf - vrka

wave, excitement - valana

hair - shaft

question (ask) - prashna, pracchh

gate, turn - vartana

rider - sadin

always - garden

to fall out - set

up avapad, remove - vishtha

knit with a loop - vesht blather

(speak) - vak


guess - bastard (to speak at will) to

gallop, to vomit (V. Dal) - gal (pour out)

gat (way) - gati (walking)

to say, sound - hlas

drive, beat - ghna

dialect - gavi

mountain gir, giri gir, giri

burning, ghrni flame ghrini

burn ghr ghri

throat gala gala

rob, grab, rake - hornbeam

mane, scruff - mane

thunderstorm, thunder - garja

There is no word for “beef” in Sanskrit, but a possible way of adding

this Russian word should be seen in two Sanskrit words:

“gavya” - “taken from a cow” and “adana” - “eating (eating)”.

chest - ghd

gnaw, devour - grae

gnawing, jaws - grasana

guk, call - ghu ghul

- gula

gus - hansa


give, give - yes, give give

- let's

press, compel - dabh

tribute, gift - the

giver is given - dada, give

two, two, two - two, move, two

door - dvar

brother-in-law - devr

virgin - devi

tar - dagdha (melted by heat)

day - dina

wood, log - gift

to keep - dhr

ten - dashan

miracle (sky, radiance) - diva

wondrous - divya

share (part) - gave a

house - I will give

to tear, to tear - dr

to tear, to run away -

wood wood, wooden -

another dravya - druha to

blow (to suck) - a

bad spirit, bad - to

blow (to go, strive) - to

blow (to blow up) - dhu

smoke - dhuma

hole - dara

hole - dryka


food (eating) is hell, adana

is, to eat is hell


sting - jal (tip)

wife - jani

alive - jiva

life (belly) - jivatva

live - jiv

(from) living, old - jita


Dawn (vaunted) - Jar

call - hwa, hve

anger, potion - Hel

call, rank - hwan

land - Hema

winter - Hema

winter, snow - himya

know - jnana

knowledge - jnana

noble (know) - dzhnata

connoisseur - Janaka

zorit, ruin - hr


go - and

yoke, yoke - south

silt - silt (soil) to

destroy, kill - a corpse

so - itas

To the

tub - kanduka (capacity) to

show (say) - katkh

how, which one, who to

whine - kan

karuna (bird of sorrow) - karuna (sorrowful)

touch, feel - chup

cough - kas

wedge, number - keel

when - kada

goat - Mack, Bucca

stake, pole - Khila

Copanca pond - kupaka

clumsy - kharva

braid (hair) - cache

which - Qatar's

purse - kosha

mount - klrip

fold - kraath

farmer - krshaka

cry - krka (throat)

blood - Kravis

bloody - Craven

crumbling - krsh

twisted - kruncha

(o) round - krukta

(so) crumbling - crushing

hook, bend - crunch

cover, cut - crunch (to do)

where - ku, kutas

fist - fist (five together)

sandpiper -

kulika kurlykat (crane) - chickens (kurankura)

curly - kurcha (curl)

kutok - kuta

heap - heap (convex)

L to

get along, play -

fondle, hug -

easy las -

sculpt laghu, stick - lime

modeling -

lie down, lie down - whether to

lick - dashing

sticky - liptaka

only (a little) - leash, lesha

catching, picking up -

babbling lava, babbling - paws

to love - lubkh to

beat (damage) - a loupe

beam, shine - hand to

cling - whether to

lalat, undead - lal


mastak - mastaka (head)

mother, mother, mom - matr, mata, ma

mga - magna (dying out)

honey - madhu

change - me to

die, to die - to

measure - to

fade, to darken - mrch

dead - a

month is dead - mas

fur, fleece -

stirring stirrer - stirring mekshana, stirring - stirring

mix, mixing - mishr

sack (leather) - mashaka

mlet - mlai

opinion - manas

think, believe - man

wet - mock

muzzle, shape (head) - murdkhan, murti murdhan, murti

wet - muck

mouse - fly

cheat, steal - mush

meat - mass

crush, grind - math


naked - nagna

sky - nabha

heaven - nabhasa

no - ned

no - no

low beads - nishka low

- nihina

low - nikun, perish - nikun (complete)

thread - nitya

nishknut, shut up -

new nikship - nava

novina (moon) - navina

us, our - us

nail - nagha

nose - nasa

night - nakta

well - well


both - ubha

fire - agni

sheep - avika

oko -

aksha ost - asthi

from - ud, ut

give - udda

to separate - udal to

clear his throat -

open duck - open utkr, opened - utkr to

sail away, move away - utchal


to fall - pad

fell (burning) -

daddy - daddy (defender)

steam (other) -

mouth pair - pash

pekota, heat - paka

foam - pyeong

first - purva (original)

dog - dog (hungry, eating)

oven - pack

baking - pachana

write - write

drink, nourish - pi, pa

pity - pita

swimming - swimming

to splash - plush

to swim, to swim -

floating (raft) -

full of

crooks - purna great mother - great mother -

pleasant, sweet - priya

awaken (sya) - prabudh

bend - prajna

recognize - prajna

prostrate - prastr, str

space - prastara

heat up, warm up - pratap

stretch - pratan

sprinkle prish prish

against - prati

chill out - prahlad

spin - prani

path - patha

traveler - pathika

swell, grow - push


to rejoice - to

dispel the cold, to whirl - a whirlwind

wound - a

wounded lie - a vranin

to grow - pox

roar - rav

roar - rav

rod, give birth - rodas (earth)

dew, juice - race

growth - rohat to

cut -

ore (red, red) - rodhra ruin

- ruh

sob - ore

prowl - pb


s, so - to

plant, sit - the garden

itself, the most - the

swara itself (scream, noise) - the swara to

sparkle - swar

light, whiteness - shvit (suite)

light, white - shveta (light)

your own - swat

property - matchmaker

brother-in-law - svaka

father-in-law, mother-in-law - svakr (to assimilate, to find)

heart - hard

seven (1 l.p.) - asmi

seed, grain - hirana

fortitude - sila (strength)

storyteller - kahala to

bore, mix -

merge heaps, eject - sridge

glorification - shravaniya

rumors (glory) - shrava

listen, hear - sru

mortal - march

death - death, marana

laugh - media

snow - snehya (slippery)

daughter-in-law - snusha

cathedral, meeting - sabha

meeting (general opinion) -

salty samvachana, bitter -

soaking salt, pouring out - sich, sik

sokha - sphya (stick-coral) to

sleep - swap (in Hindi - "sonna" to

sprinkle -

sleeping asleep - supta

stan, parking - sthana

(do) to catch, to ascend - stigh

pillar - stambha, stabh

stand - stha

essence, truth - satyam to

dry - shush, sush

drying - shushka, drying

son - sunu, suna


ta, this - that

tata, tyatya - tata

such - such

to carry, (y) to drag - tas

those, you - te

that - tad, tat

that same - tatsama

to create - to

warm the creature, to warm - tap

warmth - tapa to

rub - tinder

flow, move - tick

then - tada

torment, exhaust - there is

thin - tanuka

torit (road) - tharv

grass -


three, third - three, three three times - tris

tro - traias

three - trika

shake, tremble - tras

tight - tunga

tuz, beat - tudj

turit, drive - tour

you - tva

darkness - tama

pull - tan


run away, run away - the core

die - mrt

into account, be considered - cheat

tissue ducks - uta


walk - move to

cool, refresh - cold

chill, freshness - cool


slurp - cham (chew)

chomp (pig) - chushchusha

chalit (if.. from..) - Getting

chara, enchanting - goblet

cup - chashaka

four - chatvara

four - Catur

repair, commit - chi

eccentric fool - a miracle

a bit, a little bit - chut (small fry)


hut, shelter - shala


lot - shibham shiknut - kshi (calm down)

shilo - shira (tip) to

sew, © shivavat - siv

brother-in-law - shvashurya


eva - eva

eka, eky - eka

this, this - etad, etat

I am a

reality, a phenomenon - Java (appearance of the moon)

lamb, lamb - Yajna (sacrifice)

Yama (end) - Yama

eating, eating - Ardent adana

- Jara (lover)

in Russian and Sanskrit "s" and "sh" can be interchanged