Psychological Protection Against Damage And Evil Eye - Alternative View

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Psychological Protection Against Damage And Evil Eye - Alternative View
Psychological Protection Against Damage And Evil Eye - Alternative View

Video: Psychological Protection Against Damage And Evil Eye - Alternative View

Video: Psychological Protection Against Damage And Evil Eye - Alternative View
Video: Mr Nikolaos Souvlakis "A psychological approach to evil eye" 2024, September

Quite often, I had to work with people who were convinced that their problems - with health, career, personal life, money, and anything else - were due to induced damage or the evil eye. Some colleagues are rather skeptical about such patients, considering it their duty to urgently convince the person. However, in my opinion, everything is not so simple here.


First of all, I want to clarify what I mean by damage and the evil eye. Each person has their own psychological complexes, which, in conflict with the inner world, with energy, cause discomfort, generate negative experiences and, of course, negatively affect mental well-being and the quality of life in general. If we talk directly about the evil eye and damage, they, as a rule, are caused by a feeling of fear, a sense of their own vulnerability, self-doubt. If a person (consciously or not) admits that he can be broken with the help of some magical manipulation or black envy, he becomes an easy target. His subconscious mind sends appropriate impulses into space, which can be interpreted as "I am weak," "I succumb to the influence," "I do not control my life," etc. He (of course,unwittingly) attracts certain circumstances, people who actualize his fears and complexes. And then they become aggravated, they begin to dictate their own conditions, changing the behavior and psychological state of a person (as you understand, it is far from for the better). Constant tension, uncertainty, dissatisfaction with oneself and the world, anxiety and pessimism naturally begin to manifest themselves at the event level: it becomes unpleasant to communicate with a person, and he loses acquaintances, then friends, and then close people try to avoid his company. He does not cope well with emotions and, accordingly, with everyday tasks. And now comes a black streak: problems with work, finances, family troubles … And tension, persistent stress negatively affect health.which actualize his fears and complexes. And then they become aggravated, they begin to dictate their own conditions, changing the behavior and psychological state of a person (as you understand, it is far from for the better). Constant tension, insecurity, dissatisfaction with oneself and the world, anxiety and pessimism naturally begin to manifest themselves at the event level: it becomes unpleasant to communicate with a person, and he loses acquaintances, then friends, and then close people try to avoid his company. He does not cope well with emotions and, accordingly, with everyday tasks. And now comes a black streak: problems with work, finances, family troubles … And tension, persistent stress negatively affect health.which actualize his fears and complexes. And then they become aggravated, they begin to dictate their own conditions, changing the behavior and psychological state of a person (as you understand, it is far from for the better). Constant tension, insecurity, dissatisfaction with oneself and the world, anxiety and pessimism naturally begin to manifest themselves at the event level: it becomes unpleasant to communicate with a person, and he loses acquaintances, then friends, and then close people try to avoid his company. He does not cope well with emotions and, accordingly, with everyday tasks. And now comes a black streak: problems with work, finances, family troubles … And tension, persistent stress negatively affect health.changing the behavior and psychological state of a person (as you know, not for the better). Constant tension, insecurity, dissatisfaction with oneself and the world, anxiety and pessimism naturally begin to manifest themselves at the event level: it becomes unpleasant to communicate with a person, and he loses acquaintances, then friends, and then close people try to avoid his company. He does not cope well with emotions and, accordingly, with everyday tasks. And now comes a black streak: problems with work, finances, family troubles … And tension, persistent stress negatively affect health.changing the behavior and psychological state of a person (as you know, not for the better). Constant tension, insecurity, dissatisfaction with oneself and the world, anxiety and pessimism naturally begin to manifest themselves at the event level: it becomes unpleasant to communicate with a person, and he loses acquaintances, then friends, and then close people try to avoid his company. He does not cope well with emotions and, accordingly, with everyday tasks. And now comes a black streak: problems with work, finances, family troubles … And tension, persistent stress negatively affect becomes unpleasant to communicate with a person, and he loses acquaintances, then friends, and then close people try to avoid his company. He does not cope well with emotions and, accordingly, with everyday tasks. And now comes a black streak: problems with work, finances, family troubles … And tension, persistent stress negatively affect becomes unpleasant to communicate with a person, and he loses acquaintances, then friends, and then close people try to avoid his company. He does not cope well with emotions and, accordingly, with everyday tasks. And now comes a black streak: problems with work, finances, family troubles … And tension, persistent stress negatively affect health.

It should be noted that such a scenario is often triggered by a specific event, which, in the sufferer's opinion, is the evil eye or worse. Someone looked bad, someone envied, or even openly expressed their dislike, wished evil, throwing in the face: "So that you were empty!" (or something harsher).

It happens that outwardly everything looks quite positive: people communicate (seemingly quite friendly), but one of the interlocutors is hostile, and his energy state is broadcast to a potential victim. If the second interlocutor has a "gentleman's set of complexes", which we mentioned, if on a conscious or subconscious level he feels his vulnerability and is ready for trouble, they will not keep themselves waiting long.

As you understand, such cases have nothing to do with black magic. Just imagine: if our hypothetical victim were strong, emotionally stable, confident in himself and in his luck, such curses would bounce off him like tennis balls off a wall. So the best defense is to work on yourself (on your own or under the guidance of a psychotherapist, mentor, coach). It is necessary to get rid of fears, form an adequate self-esteem and a healthy, positive attitude towards the world and others. Then no envious and sidelong glances and unkind wishes will be able to penetrate through the invisible protection of a person's healthy energy field.

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Until now, we have talked about the common evil eye. As for damage, this is a deliberate impact on a person in order to harm his health, personal life, business. And here, in contrast to the previous situation, there is no intermediate stage - there is only an action (some manipulations) and the final result (relatively speaking, the victim's misfortunes).

Of course, modern science does not recognize magic and witchcraft, but people have come to me more than once, confident that they have been corrupted or a terrible curse has been imposed on them. By the way, usually the problems were noticeably aggravated at the very moment when a person came to such a conclusion, or someone from relatives or acquaintances threw this idea to him.

I do not consider it necessary to persuade anyone: if a patient has problems, they need to work with them. I understand both damage and the evil eye as a kind of failure at the psycho-emotional and energy levels.

There are many methods for removing damage and the evil eye, including the ancient ones, which, if necessary, are resorted to by many modern psychologists. If you are working with someone who is convinced of the existence of witchcraft, the best way to help him is by offering a magical antidote. I am talking about psychoenergetic, breathing practices, psychotherapeutic techniques, which in certain situations can be given in a "magic package." I do not see any problem in the fact that during a hypnosis or therapy session you sometimes have to light candles, aromatic oils. You can use any, including magic or folk recipes, that help a person to relax, enter an altered state of consciousness, in order to work more productively in the future.

Complexity is different. Patients of a certain type often come with a specific request: to remove damage (evil eye, curse, correct karma, etc.). And when acute problems are solved, they do not want to work further.

And not everyone can be convinced that until the internal traumas and complexes are worked out, a person remains a magnet for troubles or, if you like, negative magical influences. If we speak the language of people "living" in the world of magic and mysticism, so that no damage or evil eye sticks, you need to become invulnerable, to gain protection. And this requires complex work on oneself, aimed at liberation from complexes, fears, internal blocks.


Well, now let's talk about ways to quickly and independently get rid of the manifestations of damage and the evil eye. In other words, to solve the most pressing problems.

Imagine that your main problem (be it a failed romance, lack of money, hated work or lack of it) is sitting in front of you. Imagine her in the guise of a person, an animal, a certain image, if necessary, first draw her "portrait". The most important thing is to find the problem, feel it inside yourself or next to you (behind your back, for example). Then it needs to be materialized, given shape. But now you can transform it into something positive.

It is important to understand here: negativity always breeds negativity. Anger, rejection, desire by any means to get rid of a traumatic situation invariably attract new failures. Trying to mentally drive away trouble is like cutting off your tail. Yes, it will get easier for a while, but sooner or later the troubles will return.

Therefore, I recommend turning to the light in your soul, to good feelings, to positive energy. Each person has these resources, even if at the moment he is crushed by problems. Find the light in yourself. You can turn to pleasant memories (as in the famous Harry Potter saga): they will help you create your own patronus, your personal protection and transfer light, creative energy (which can also be presented in the form of a concrete, visible image) to the problem. At the same time, it is important to get rid of negative feelings - irritation, fear, hostility caused by the presence of the very problem. Receive her and send her your gift. When positive and negative charges collide, neutralization occurs. Now your trouble has lost its power, power over you, it no longer poses a danger.

If a person is already at the limit and it is difficult for him to find the light in himself, you can turn to the sun for help. Imagine a powerful stream of sunlight. Enter it. Imagine how every cell of your body is filled with this light. Feel the warmth, feel all the tension go away. You are relaxed, calm and happy. Because in the sunlight, any negativity disappears, is transformed into pure creative energy.

Mikhail Miller, psychologist, hypnologist
