Curvature Of Inner Time And Space - Alternative View

Curvature Of Inner Time And Space - Alternative View
Curvature Of Inner Time And Space - Alternative View

Video: Curvature Of Inner Time And Space - Alternative View

Video: Curvature Of Inner Time And Space - Alternative View
Video: Curvature of Space 2024, October

If Space and Time are interrelated substances, then when one is curved, of course, the other will also “get it”. Outwardly, this should look like a sharp (or not sharp - it all depends on the amount of curvature), a conspicuous discrepancy in the sizes of close and distant objects, the sizes of which were known in advance. People can see the world around them “as if through the lenses of a fish eye”, through a magnifying (less often - a diminutive) glass, as if through an air lens that suddenly appeared from nowhere. It is possible that the observer will witness completely unpredictable “miracles”, of which we can only predict a few.

Something like the one described is found in the stories, but the phrases thrown by them can be considered only circumstantial evidence: “… everything was clouded before my eyes”, “… I saw distant objects very clearly, as if through a telescope”, “… objects around them floated like liquid” … it is a matter of course that a person rarely pays attention to such "little things" when it comes to life and death.

It's another matter when it turns out after stress in a calm situation, without haste to restore the course of events. The most “convenient” reason to doubt that “something was wrong” is the stories in which those who escaped death “out of fear” crawl through the narrowest cracks and holes. In such cases, one does not have to suspect fat men of hidden gymnastics abilities, especially when it comes to holes smaller than the size of the head!

1977 - I heard a similar story from the pilots of the North Caucasian District: the An-2 pilot, while carrying out routine maintenance inside the cockpit, suddenly smelled burning and in horror jumped out through the hatch, which is designed to fire a rocket launcher during the flight! For those who do not know, the size of the hatch makes it possible to insert only a hand with a pistol, the designers did not envisage it for more, because in a normal and emergency stop, pilots leave the plane through the door in the cabin - but it was there that the fire was raging …

In the same An-2 aircraft, but already of the northern version, a hatch was made in the cockpit for emergency abandonment of the aircraft. The dimensions of the hatch are 113x105 cm. A pilot in winter uniform can hardly, but he can squeeze into the hatch with the appropriate bending of the hull - but he did not count on a larger hatch. So, pilot Pavel Alexandrovich Gorobchenko in 1998 remembered how in the Ulungi region of the Primorsky Territory, on the instructions of geologists, he ferried horses by air. When the last, tenth voyage was about to end, one of the horses stuck its head into the cockpit and “clapped its lips near the ear”. The cause of the accident, however, was not this, but a malfunction of the engine. The plane went into an emergency, sat down with difficulty in some clearing, almost overturning when the landing gear hit the hole. This is how P. Gorobchenko described the further: “We did not have time to remove the seat belts to get out of the plane,a horse flew past us like a bullet. It seemed the impossible happened. If someone had told me a minute before that a horse would jump out of the plane through the hatch, I would have considered such a person to be a madman. And yet the horse jumped out. However, she did not break anything on the plane. " [“ChiP” 1998, N 11/12, p.20] …

In the late 1970s, in one of the laboratories in Leningrad, before preparing the experiment, the locksmith was too lazy to immediately tighten all twelve bolts on the boiler lid, and the engineer, not knowing that the lid was temporarily held by only two bolts, raised the pressure to the maximum. As the eyewitness of the incident, Ambartsum Harutyunovich Mkhitaryan, later said, “suddenly there was a deafening explosion, everything happened instantly for everyone except the engineer. Before the explosion, he was in one place, and after the explosion, he was no longer on this site. As it turned out, he jumped over a high wall and hid from the flying cover under the stanita of a large unit. After a long time they tried to get him out of there. All in vain, the gap was much less than the width of his head and chest! I had to disassemble the unit.” [A. Mkhitaryan told me this story in February 1999] …

In the 1980s, I heard something similar from a border guard driver, who was a lot surprised when a not thin warrant officer accompanying the cargo from a UAZ overturned on a mountain road climbed out, almost jumped out, through the side flap of the windshield (width about 15 centimeters)! …

At that time, at the border at the outpost section, next to ours, it was possible to detain a very seasoned border violator, who took a whole 1.5 years to prepare for leaving the border. In his Moscow apartment, he set up something like a model of a standard Soviet alarm system covering the border. If you do not go into unnecessary secret details, then the system itself consists of many threads of a thorn, through which current pulses are passed, and in cases of short circuiting of wires or cutting any of them, the alarm signal immediately goes to the outpost.

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The violator of the border intended to slip through the thorn in a swallow jump. But how?! The distance between the wires is no more than 15 centimeters, and taking into account the thorns on the thorn, about 10 centimeters. At the same time, on one T-shaped fence there are two such layers - on both sides of the pillars, which means that you can really talk about an even smaller safe gap. The sparrow will fly by, but the crow will already close the wires … But this intruder did not spend so much time comprehending the teachings of yoga, in the end he learned to introduce himself into an altered state and in a jump fly between two pairs of barbed wire closely pressed to each other. I arrived at the border zone, approached a thorn, stripped to a naked torso (!), Ran away and overcame the system the first time - the alarm system “didn't even meow”! … However, this superhero was still detained by border guards,but how - I will keep silent about this …

By the way, if people could enter themselves into a state of accelerated internal Time, then automatically they could learn to pass through the narrowest cracks. As the aces of eastern martial arts talk about their abilities, after proper preparation they can slip between two sharp swords, which are approximately at the same distance from each other …

Vadim Chernobrov
