Man Is Not A Body, But A More Subtle Substance - Alternative View

Man Is Not A Body, But A More Subtle Substance - Alternative View
Man Is Not A Body, But A More Subtle Substance - Alternative View

Video: Man Is Not A Body, But A More Subtle Substance - Alternative View

Video: Man Is Not A Body, But A More Subtle Substance - Alternative View
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It is the practice of out-of-body travel that makes it possible to move from blind faith to the knowledge that with the death of the physical body, a person's consciousness does not die. Indeed, during out-of-body exits, we leave the physical shell and do not die at the same time. We retain the ability to think, be aware and even remember what happened earlier. And then, returning back to the body, we return to our everyday activities, preserving the memory of this experience. And an important role in realizing the fact of the existence of consciousness outside the body is played by conscious out-of-body exits, which, unlike spontaneous ones, as a rule, do not cause people to experience panic attacks and erroneous assumptions about their death.

For example, here is how the Russian researcher of lucid dreams and out-of-body travel V. Radov describes his first conscious experience in his book "Out of the Body":

As you can see, it is the conscious practice of leaving the body that allows, instead of panic throwing and convulsive attempts to return to the body, to carefully study this experience and come to quite definite conclusions on its basis. And to the most important of them, which is that certain forces acting in the reality of the physical world, they diligently intimidate us with the fear of physical death, so that, using this fear of ours, we can manipulate us by means of a system of false knowledge and parasitic values imposed on us. … And it is practical experience, like nothing else, that is capable of destroying this darkness imposed on our consciousness by a parasitic force hostile to us, leading to its true “awakening” and a significant “expansion” of the boundaries of our perception of reality.

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