Secret Symbols On Money - Alternative View

Secret Symbols On Money - Alternative View
Secret Symbols On Money - Alternative View

What's on the money? Of course, the coats of arms of states, images of prominent personalities, primarily rulers, monuments of sculpture and architecture … However, they also contain symbols that are associated with world secret and occult societies. At least, that's what conspiracy theorists say, convinced that the world is ruled by secret orders.

First of all, we are talking about Masonic symbols. The founding of the order of Freemasons, or "Freemasons", dates back to the time of King Solomon and is associated with the construction of Jehovah's "Great Temple" in Jerusalem. Although, according to the official version, the doctrine of Freemasonry originated in the 18th century, and some researchers associate it with the ancient philosopher Hermes Trismegistus.

There is evidence that in Russia at the beginning of the XX century there was a secret society of Freemasons and mystics called "Golden Dawn", which included representatives of the highest aristocracy from Russia, Germany and the Baltic states.

The meetings of this society were allegedly occasionally attended by the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna herself. However, mystical knowledge did not help her avoid hardship and execution during the revolution, as well as save her family. Legend has it that in 1918 she painted on the wall of a house in Tobolsk, where the imperial family was imprisoned, a left-hand swastika - the emblem of the Golden Dawn. The swastika could also be seen on banknotes that were issued under the Provisional Government.

Subsequently, they tried to use it in the project of the emblem of the Red Army, and finally, it became the official symbol of the NSDAP in Germany. The five-pointed star, which, as you remember, was one of the symbols of Soviet power, is in fact an analogue of the magic pentagram.

It was worn not only by the Red Army men on their caps and Budenovka caps, but also by Hitler's attack aircraft, not only on their headdresses, but on the lapels of their uniforms. No wonder there is a version that the Second World War was in fact a confrontation between two occult forces … The most "actively" used such symbolism in the United States, by the beginning of the twentieth century, turned into the center of world capitalism.

According to the researcher Manly P. Hall, George Washington, Franklin, and the famous Marquis Lafayette - quite significant figures in American history - belonged to the mystery school that for many centuries controlled political life in the world. And the creation of an independent American state was not a coincidence at all, but a carefully thought-out and prepared act.

On the reverse side of the one-dollar bill, which was executed by order of the Vice President of the United States, Henry Wallace by the Russian émigré Sergei Makronovsky, who belonged to the Theosophical Society, and introduced into circulation in the late 1930s, "experts" find many Masonic signs and symbols before in total, the constantly repeating number 13, according to the teachings of Kabbalah, symbolizing 13 degrees of initiation.

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In the left corner of the bill is the inscription "The greal seal" ("Great seal"), and above it - the image of the Masonic truncated pyramid. The latter is, according to Masonic concepts, a symbol of world order and consists of thirteen tiers, built of bricks, and, according to experts, each brick is a designation of a separate people or state.

Depicted on banknotes, such a pyramid symbolizes the unity of all world money. Its top is a luminous Masonic triangle with the eye of the Great Architect of the Universe enclosed inside. Above - an inscription of thirteen letters in Latin "ANNUT COEPTIS".

This is a distorted quote from Virgil: "Be supportive of bold undertakings", meaning that only a select few are entrusted to rule the world … Between the base of the pyramid and the inscription about the "Great Seal" is another Latin saying: "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM" - "A new order for the ages ".

On the right side of the bill, we see an image of an eagle carrying a shield with thirteen light and dark stripes and holding in its right paw an acacia branch with thirteen leaves and thirteen blossoming flowers. In Freemasonry, acacia is revered as a sacred tree.

In its left paw, the bird holds a bundle of 13 arrows, which symbolize strength and knowledge that can pacify or even destroy the enemies of the order. In the eagle's beak there is a ribbon with a traditional Masonic slogan of 13 letters written on it: “E PLURIBUS UNUM” (“One from the Many”).

Above the bird we see the six-pointed Star of David, made up of thirteen Masonic five-pointed stars. It is a symbol of the "reconciliation of opposites", the unity of "Heaven and Earth". Another Latin motto is inscribed in the very center of the banknote: “IN GOOD WE TRUST” - “We believe in God”.

The fact is that faith in God is a prerequisite for membership in the Masonic order. Why did the Masons attach such importance to the placement of secret symbols on money? No wonder: money is a special kind of energy that people exchange with each other, parapsychologists say. And therefore they have a huge impact on humanity.