Scientists have reported that the universe is facing a slow but sure death. Such a rather cloudy forecast is based on the fact that energy is being lost in galaxies.
Researchers have studied 220 galactic systems in the Universe and have come to some rather sad conclusions. The staff of the European Southern Observatory, in the course of their work, have faced a global decrease in the level of energy that should be present in every galactic system. Unfortunately, scientists started talking with confidence that it is falling catastrophically. This means slow death for the universe.
The main reason for such irreversible phenomena in outer space is that stars cannot renew themselves as often as they did several decades ago. This means that the Universe is losing the vitality that the energy released by the stars gave it. To make it clear to society, the experts gave an example of a person who is gradually aging and eventually dies. This comparison is identical to the processes taking place in the Universe. However, scientists have not been able to name the exact date of the actual ending for Earth.
Victoria Rudkovskaya