Nature Gave The Briton A Magic Apple - Alternative View

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Nature Gave The Briton A Magic Apple - Alternative View
Nature Gave The Briton A Magic Apple - Alternative View

Video: Nature Gave The Briton A Magic Apple - Alternative View

Video: Nature Gave The Briton A Magic Apple - Alternative View
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British farmer Ken Morrish was amazed when he discovered in his garden a beautiful ripe apple with one peculiarity - half of it was green. And half … in red

A villager in the British district of Dover has grown an unusual apple in his garden, writes The Daily Telegraph on September 25. One half of the fruit is red, and the other is green, and the color border is absolutely even.

The owner of the orchard, 72-year-old Ken Morrish, claims it is a Golden Delicious apple. It should be noted that these apples are yellow in color. Experts say that the probability of such an apple appearing did not exceed one chance in a million. The apple color is attributed to a rare genetic mutation.

According to Morrish, when he saw this apple, he could not believe his eyes. He has been growing apples for 45 years. The gardener told reporters that neighbors literally lined up in his garden to photograph the unusual apple.

Experts say that the chances of developing an apple variety that will look like this are extremely small. However, you can use the Morrisch Fruit to try. What the pensioner himself intends to do with the two-colored apple is unknown.

The color of the apple can be influenced by its receipt of sunlight during the ripening period. For example, British gardeners often place stickers on apples to get a picture on the surface of the fruit.