In Antarctica, They Found A Way To The Underworld - Alternative View

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In Antarctica, They Found A Way To The Underworld - Alternative View
In Antarctica, They Found A Way To The Underworld - Alternative View

UFO? Search coordinates: 66o30'02.22”S; 99o58'54.44”E.

The hole is located in the mountains. Well visible on satellite images. And a little further away there is an object that looks very much like an icy "flying saucer"

The discovery belongs to Joseph Skipper, a renowned virtual archaeologist from the United States. He usually "digs" on Mars and on the Moon, examining photographs transmitted from there by spacecraft and posted on the official websites of NASA and other space agencies. He finds a lot of surprising things that abruptly fall out of traditional notions.

The researcher's collection contains objects similar to the bones and skulls of humanoids. And those that (with a stretch, of course) can be mistaken for the remains of their - humanoids - civilized activities.


"Move". Coordinates: 66o36'12.36”S; 99o43'11.28”E

This time, the archaeologist became interested in the Earth - specifically Antarctica. And I found three oddities there at once - a hole, a "plate" and lakes.

I followed in Skipper's footsteps and found all the objects he found. Their coordinates are known, they are clearly visible on satellite images of the ice continent, posted on the Google Earth website.


Antarctica is not much different from Mars. Is that more oxygen. And the cold is the same. In some places the temperature drops to minus 90 degrees Celsius. There is only one fundamental difference - there are people in Antarctica, but not on Mars yet. But this does not mean that the ice continent has been studied much better than the Red Planet. There are enough riddles here and there.

We don't know if there is life on Mars. We do not know what is hidden under the many kilometers of Antarctic ice. And there is only a vague idea of what is happening on its surface. Surprisingly, there are more high-resolution images of Mars than Antarctica. It is possible to examine in detail the details of its relief only on a narrow strip in the area of Queen Mary Land, where surprises were found. And it would not be bad to look at other places. Especially those about which legends have been circulating for a long time.

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It is known that the Nazis were very interested in Antarctica. A number of expeditions were equipped there. And they even staked out a vast territory in the area of Queen Maud Land, calling it New Swabia. There, in 1939, on the coast, the Germans discovered a striking area of about 40 square kilometers, free of ice. With a relatively mild climate, with numerous non-freezing lakes. It was named the Schirmacher Oasis, after the German pioneer pilot. Subsequently, the Soviet polar station Novolazarevskaya was located here.

According to the official version, the Third Reich went to Antarctica to build bases there to guard its whaling fleets. But there are much more interesting suggestions. Although it is difficult to call them even sci-fi. A pile of some kind of mysticism.

In short, the story is as follows. Allegedly, during expeditions to Tibet, the Nazis found out that there is something inside Antarctica. Some large and warm cavities. And in them there is something left over either from aliens, or from an ancient highly developed civilization that once lived there. At the same time, in a separate story, it was argued that Antarctica was once Atlantis.

As a result, already at the end of the 30s of the last century, German submarines found a secret passage in the ice. And they got inside - into these very cavities.

Further, the legends diverge. According to one version, the Nazis built their cities under the ice, according to another - they conspired with the local inhabitants and settled in a free housing stock.

There - inside the ice continent - in 1945, a living Hitler was brought along with a living Eva Braun. Allegedly, he sailed in a submarine, accompanied by a numerous escort - a whole squadron of huge submarines (8 pieces) called the "Fuehrer's Convoy". And he lived until 1971. And according to some reports, right up to 1985.

The authors of the Antarctic myths place under the ice and "flying saucers" of the Third Reich, rumors about which are saturated with numerous books, films, TV shows and the Internet. They say that the Nazis also hid these devices inside. Then they improved and are still in operation, starting from mines in Antarctica. And UFOs are the very "saucers".


The tales of polar aliens and Germans are difficult to take any seriously. But … What to do with the hole, the "plate" and the lakes discovered by Joseph Skipper? One thing fits the other very well. Unless, of course, objects are what they look like.

UFOs can fly out of a hole in the mountains. The "plate" is real. Maybe even an alien one. Looks icy. And as if exposed as a result of either global warming, or weathering. Belongs to those guys who lived or live in the warm inner cavities of Antarctica.

Well, the lakes are just evidence that they - cavities - are. And they warm the oases. Like the Schirmacher oasis, which is far from the only one.

Antarctica is generally a strange place …

"Lake": 66o18'07,15”S; 100o47'51.16”E. 1. Queen Maud Land and Schirmacher Oasis. 2. Anomalies on Queen Mary Land - a "course", "plate" and "lake" were found here.



continent was green

The area of Antarctica is about 14 million square kilometers. Almost the entire continent is covered with ice. In some places its thickness reaches 5 kilometers. And what is under it is known only about an insignificant part of the surface.

A team of scientists from China, Japan and the UK recently published the results of their 4-year research in the journal Nature. From 2004 to 2008, they drove powerful all-terrain vehicles through the most severe region of Antarctica - over the Gamburtsev mountains. And they shone it with radars. The result was a relief map of the surface with an area of about 900 square kilometers.

And it turned out that the continent was once free of ice. Even 34 million years ago, there were mountains and plains with flowering meadows. As now in the European Alps.

But something happened. Researchers have found a place from which a small glacier, located at the highest peak (about 2400 meters), began to grow. Gradually, he covered the whole of Antarctica. I hid several lakes under a layer of ice.

Martin Seigert from the University of Edinburgh, who took part in the expedition, is sure that frozen plants are still preserved in the valleys of the Antarctic Alps. Even small trees. Only it is unlikely to get to them. But you can try, for example, through drilling.
