Visitors From The Other World. Mystical Stories - Alternative View

Visitors From The Other World. Mystical Stories - Alternative View
Visitors From The Other World. Mystical Stories - Alternative View

Video: Visitors From The Other World. Mystical Stories - Alternative View

Video: Visitors From The Other World. Mystical Stories - Alternative View
Video: Visitors From Another Time And Place! (True Stories!) 2024, October

The publication devoted to inexplicable phenomena encountered by Academician Natalya Bekhtereva collected dozens of comments. Among them are the stories of our readers who survived a meeting with guests from the other world. Here are some of them. We warn you - looking at night, reading is not recommended.

Let's start with the episode that happened to Varvara Vedeshina: “After the death of my grandmother, strange things happened in the apartment. I was even afraid to stay at home alone (I was 12 then). One afternoon, my mother and I were in the kitchen and heard that the front door had opened, someone came in. And silence. Let's go into the hallway - no one. The door is locked with an internal lock … A little later, that summer, and again my mother and I were in the kitchen - we were cooking something, heard a noise from my room. It turned out that a large carpet that was hanging on the wall had fallen. He held on to homemade lace loops. They were all intact. I just took the carpet and took it off the carnations myself …”.

And here are the recollections of Valentina N.: “After mother's funeral, we three sisters sat in the kitchen in the evening. All three of them simultaneously heard footsteps in the hallway, the creak of the floorboards is very characteristic of our mother's walk. It was not scary. They understood that they were saying goodbye to the house."

Elena Morozova writes: “My aunt has died. We sit and remember her. She got up and started talking about her. And then the clock begins to strike! This clock had not run for over two years. They hung and hung. Such old ones with a pendulum without batteries. After all, I was not alone. Everybody heard!"

“After the death of my husband, we also heard footsteps and other inexplicable things happened, and we heard them for several years, then I told him, as if alive, so that he would not frighten the children and everything would stop,” Vera Ivanova wrote.


Perhaps the most terrible story was told by Irina Solovyova: “After the death of my father, inexplicable events began to take place in the apartment. In Soviet times, and outside the window it was 1985, the radio turned off after the night anthem and immediately after that footsteps were heard from my father's room … He was not tall, and the speaker hung high and he always stood with one foot on the sofa - the sofa creaked.

So these steps stopped and the characteristic creak of a sofa was heard and classical music began to play, while the light in the hall turned on by itself … it lasted three minutes, and then steps into the corridor - the front door slammed, the light went out and the music died down. There was always a feeling that someone of short stature was standing behind his back and breathing down his back. They invited the priest to bless the house, but nothing helped until I got married. My husband went to the toilet after midnight (sorry for the details) and disappeared …

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When he returned, he was shaking not like a child … It turns out, when he left the toilet, the light fell on the mirror in the corridor and there he saw a man with a scar on his face - he froze and felt the touch of a hot hand and a voice on his shoulder: “Come in, son “… In the mirror was my father, who died five years ago and my husband had never seen him. After that, the house was calm. Here's a story. I forgot to tell you that all this happened only in the absence of the mother ….

And these are just a few of the stories that our readers have shared. We must admit that it was scary to read them, but some of the authors of our channel themselves faced paranormal phenomena and, as they say, are experienced people. Agree, after all you've read, it's difficult to remain a skeptic. There is something beyond the threshold through which we are destined to cross. And what - we'll find out when the time comes.