Traveling In The Astral Plane And In Dreams - Alternative View

Traveling In The Astral Plane And In Dreams - Alternative View
Traveling In The Astral Plane And In Dreams - Alternative View

Video: Traveling In The Astral Plane And In Dreams - Alternative View

Video: Traveling In The Astral Plane And In Dreams - Alternative View
Video: Lucid dreams as a bridge between realities | Chongtul Rinpoche | TEDxFultonStreet 2024, October

The surrounding world perceived by the human senses is far from a complete picture of it. The ministers of the occult sciences have been repeating this for a long time. According to the generally accepted scientific point of view, the physical world is all that we have. However, even at the dawn of civilization, people held a different opinion, and believed that along with our ordinary world there was another, invisible, and maybe even several. For example, in occultism the existence of three worlds is recognized: physical, spiritual and astral.


The main role in the spiritual world is assigned to the spirit, in the astral - to force or energy, but in the physical matter dominates. The astral acts as an intermediary between the spiritual and physical worlds, and all these worlds are more or less interconnected, but man is simultaneously present in each of these worlds.


The ancient sages were sure of the existence of a special subtle matter - ether (among the Indians it was called akasa), which is the fifth element of the elements - the astral, in addition to the well-known earth, water, fire and air.

The entire Universe is saturated with astral matter, the solar and stellar systems are connected with it. There is no specifics in the astral world - there are numerous variants of the past and the future, energy copies of dead and unborn people, as well as all kinds of entities, live here. It is by entering the astral plane that psychics and mediums can get the information they need.


It is conventionally accepted to divide the astral world into two levels: higher and lower. The inhabitants of the lower astral have long been called by the people "evil spirits", these are brownies, demons, entities from nightmares, etc. A person's connection with them is often carried out involuntarily, and often without desire or without effort. The highest astral is the Cosmos.

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The practice of flying to the astral plane has been practiced for a long time by people, while the astral (etheric) double of a person leaves the physical shell without losing awareness of what is happening. Going out into the astral plane, a person can see his physical body from the side, but the astral body is perceived by people in different ways: some feel themselves just a particle of consciousness, and some perceive themselves as if in a cocoon.


Such travels are quite deliberate, and therefore a person can be in the place where he wishes. It is believed that everyone makes astral travel - in a dream, when the soul (etheric body) leaves the physical. However, as a rule, upon awakening, a person forgets about his flight. Perhaps the most famous astral "wanderer" can be called Robert Monroe, who developed a whole method for mastering the exit to the astral plane. According to Monroe himself, exits from the physical body began spontaneously in him, and caused understandable fears about the state of mental health.

However, gradually Monroe got used to this oddity of his, and in the middle of the last century, the Monroe Institute began to conduct experiments with the effect of sound signals on the human brain, with the help of which it was possible to control both the state of wakefulness and induce sleep. In 1968, researchers made an interesting discovery: with the help of certain sound combinations, they managed to induce states of consciousness that are not characteristic of the human mind. The Monroe Institute also studied the experience of out-of-body experiences of people. As it turned out, the exits of the astral body occurred not only during dreams, but also during loss of consciousness or during its artificial shutdown (under anesthesia). At the same time, people could see themselves from the outside, and observe the actions of others.


The experience of astral travel was also described by the famous scientist Carl Jung, who once had a serious heart attack that led Jung to his dying state. Later, the scientist said that he flew so high above the earth that he could see almost the entire planet. However, when Jung wanted to move into a light space, he was stopped by the voice of a doctor who told him that the time had not come for leaving, and he had to go back, which Jung did.

Any person repeatedly goes to the astral plane in a dream. This form of exit is called involuntary astral travel, which is completely forgotten upon awakening. However, with the help of deliberate travel, a person can remember everything that happened to him during a walk in the astral plane: he can visit different cities and countries, communicate with dead or still strangers, and even fly into Space. Such exits are achieved through training and practice, but there are more primitive ways, for example, taking drugs or alcohol, which help the soul to leave the body. But such measures do not allow the Soul to go to higher levels, and most often the walk is limited to the lower strata, where an unprepared person will be very unpleasant to meet some unattractive essence.


The practice of lucid dreaming is often associated with going to the astral plane, but these are far from two equivalent actions. Lucid dreams are still dreams, but the astral world is reality, but different.


But often even in dreams, people receive solutions to problems of interest to them, to which they are not able to answer during wakefulness. Some can "examine" dreams from the place where they woke up yesterday. So, the famous English writer Stevenson said that at night he even dreamed as if a series from which he took plots for his books.


Chemist Friedrich Kekula, who struggled for a long time over the structure of the benzene molecule, dreamed of a snake coiled up in rings, eating its own tail. When he woke up, Kekulé realized that it was an excellent graphical model of mathematical symmetry.


The famous chemist Friedrich Kekulé, who had been trying to figure out the structure of the benzene molecule for many weeks, decided to postpone the solution of the problem for a while. However, his brain probably already found the answer and created a dream about a snake coiled up and eating its own tail. Upon waking up, Kekule immediately realized that this was a beautiful graphic representation of mathematical symmetry.


The design of the first computer was dreamed of by the mathematician Alan Türig.


And the idea of making lead shot at one time was also taken from a dream. At first, the shot was prepared from sheets of lead or wire, which were cut into pieces, and then pellets were rolled out of them. But engineer J. Watt had a dream for several days in which he walked in a rain of lead balls. As a result, Watt came up with the idea of experimenting with lead in "free flight". The inventor climbed onto the bell tower and poured molten lead onto the ground. As a result, lead balls were formed, and pellets began to be made using this new technology. Through the practice of lucid dreaming, many choose to manage their dreams on their own. But doing this is often discouraged - just like astral travel, these practices are fraught with dangers.


In the case of lucid dreaming, it is rare, but there is a possibility of not waking up. But with astral travel, the situation is more serious, and it is not in vain that novice "wanderers" are advised to make exits under the supervision of more experienced teachers. The fact is that the entities living in the astral plane feed on energy. Fear is also energy, and therefore astral travelers are often tried to frighten in order to receive "nourishment" in this way.

At the same time, some entity can settle in the physical body, which remains in the material world for some time without a soul, and this is fraught with problems. In addition, frequent astral walks weaken the energy of a person, and this especially affects his psyche. Therefore, before you start developing the ability to "fly", you need to clearly realize whether you need it. And if necessary, then make every effort to ensure that, along with the development of this skill, all the necessary safety conditions are observed for both the physical and astral bodies.
