Belarusian Researchers Of The Paranormal About Their Unusual Everyday Life - Alternative View

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Belarusian Researchers Of The Paranormal About Their Unusual Everyday Life - Alternative View
Belarusian Researchers Of The Paranormal About Their Unusual Everyday Life - Alternative View

Video: Belarusian Researchers Of The Paranormal About Their Unusual Everyday Life - Alternative View

Video: Belarusian Researchers Of The Paranormal About Their Unusual Everyday Life - Alternative View
Video: Колыма - родина нашего страха / Kolyma - Birthplace of Our Fear 2024, October

The website of the Cryptology Committee, a non-profit organization that conducts research in the field of the paranormal, lucidly sets out uncompromising "principles of working with the media." Before the chairman of the committee, Ruslan Linnik, agreed to meet with me and talk about the activities of the association, I promised: the material will be released without inappropriate author's conclusions. Otherwise, KV risks getting blacklisted. I will not speculate on the information received and throw sarcasm - not only because of moral necessity, but because of my sincere sympathy for the hunters for the truth.


Intrigues of the underground gods

Among the organizations studying anomalous phenomena (hereinafter - AY), there is also the Ufological Committee. You yourself were once a part of this association … Without going into the details of interpersonal relations, tell me, Ruslan, how does your organization differ from other similar ones?

- We set ourselves practical goals, unlike others. Over time, I realized that all of the research in AM is related to politics. AY is not a fairy tale, but real-life things, which, if studied thoroughly, can lead to new technical inventions, discoveries and adjustments to the dominant picture of the world. Moreover, such studies have been and are being carried out at the state level in other countries.

Why are they not held at the state level in Belarus?

- The state does not consider it expedient to carry out them. Not that there are not so many organizations … even specific people who understand and understand the AL, there are not so many in our country. Ufologists are divided into two camps: the first is fanatics, the second is those who try to study things from the point of view of official science that contradict this science. They want to explain by known laws that which obeys completely unknown laws.

Promotional video:

Do you consider yourself to be in the second camp?

- We do not refer ourselves to any camp. This was the reason for the divergence of interests with the Ufological Committee. Most organizations are engaged in AL for fun. If someone sees a connection with politics, then they try to distance themselves, simply because they are afraid.

That is, the UFO committee conducts research for the sake of interest?

- For what they are doing research is a question for them, not for us. I don’t want to be offended. But our committee classifies them as such organizations. We often take bold versions, for example, I have conclusions on a number of phenomena that have not been voiced anywhere at all. And they are different from scientific ones.

Can you give an example?

- Yes, this is a partial explanation of the UFO mystery. The UFO mystery has two parts. The first examines objects piloted by certain civilizations, the origin of which is unknown. Another is related to the observation of gray men - what seems to be delusion from the point of view of common sense. These observations usually take place in the United States and Western Europe. Those isolated cases that were recorded in Belarus have a very yellow color - they are absolutely unverifiable.


When I connected these phenomena with politics, I got the following conclusions. After World War II, the Americans took out Nazi scientists and continued their research in genetic engineering. As we assume, they conducted tests in 1947, as a result of which one of the experimental samples crashed (the hero talks about the so-called Roswell incident - author's note). Products of genetic engineering were found on board the unusual apparatus. How they were raised and taught to control the object is unknown.

It is possible that the Americans conducted similar experiments earlier than the Nazis. In order to conceal the developments, double disinformation was launched by the American special services: either these are bodies of aliens, or a weather balloon. Both theories began to "procrastinate" in the press, but neither of them was correct. In general, in my opinion, all ufology is invented for the purpose of disinformation. It's not groundless, it's just that there is a lot of rubbish - useless material.

For a better understanding between us, I would like to clarify - do you think there is life on other planets?

- Not. I am of the opinion: a highly developed civilization exists. But she does not come from other planets, she is here.

In parallel dimensions?

- Not. This is the whole mystery. Have you heard the legend about the underground city of Shambhala, the city of the gods? Both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union tried to find him. By and large, there is a lot of evidence for this, for example, the pyramids. The civilizations that built them were not destroyed. They just moved under the earth's crust. I'm talking about the existence of underground cities with entrances around the mountains and Antarctica.

This civilization can influence our life?

- Yes, but so veiled that people don't understand it.

That is, what we call God's providence, karma, is in fact the influence of underground inhabitants?

- Yes. The influence just happens through religion, secret societies. For example, Freemasons worship the great architect of the universe. Who this architect is is not clear. The same prophets - they say that they communicated with God, but in fact they communicated with the one who introduced himself as God.

Maybe communication of people with a higher mind is a manifestation of schizophrenia?

- Schizophrenics cannot rule the world. Any psychological illness is accompanied by a violation of logic. Something can only be achieved with good analytical skills.

UFOs, poltergeists and holy faith

We figured out the gray men. Tell us about your experience with flying vehicles

- Just recently, a case was unearthed: over Minsk at different times, a large number of people observed links of unidentified flying objects. The balls moved chaotically and did not resemble any known device. It is impossible to say what it is. In general, it can only be unambiguously stated that UFOs are controlled by intelligent forces. On their part, a program is underway to classify information so that people cannot disclose these phenomena from a scientific point of view.

UFO over Minsk 2016-20-02


When did these cases occur?

- The last one is in February this year. We contacted witnesses, conducted interviews and analyzed. We have published two reports on these events on our website.

Do eyewitnesses turn to you themselves? Or are you looking for them?

“We usually look for witnesses ourselves. For 10 years, the site's domain has changed three times. We don't spend money on promotion, because we don't make money on our research. Many organizations make money by writing books on ufology. In general, we rarely deal with unidentified objects.

What kind of ALs do you do?

- The poltergeist is interesting. It has certain signs: the appearance of notes written in the handwriting of dead people, the disappearance of objects, the spontaneous combustion of objects - moreover, the fire must be cold. There was one curious incident. Two couples spent the night in a house near Minsk: one on the first floor, the other on the second. Everyone heard a loud knock on the door. When it turned out that none of them made this noise, the young people got very scared and decided to sleep together. There were also minor manifestations: for example, the flowers hanging on the wall were shaking. It must be said that there are no such ALs. There are laws of nature not studied by science, manifestations of intelligent forces unknown to science and products of occult activity.

And what is a poltergeist?

- Analysis of such cases suggests that a poltergeist is a manifestation of the soul of a deceased person. There are occult practices that can be used to send a poltergeist to an apartment, for example, to evict a tenant. Once this happened to a friend of mine: in her rented apartment, the light was turned on, then things were in the wrong places - then we really could not determine what was happening. It ended with the girl's card being in the doorway of the neighbor's door on the landing. She moved out very quickly.


In that case, I'll ask you a personal question. Are you a religious person?

- Not.

Do you consider yourself an atheist? Or are you still looking for God?

- I was both an atheist and an Orthodox. Today I do not consider myself to be in that category or in the other. But I believe in a higher power.

The Explorer Has One Dream

What devices do you use during your research?

- We can use any device. As one familiar researcher Alexei Yazykov said: "We do not know what we are working with, so we need to measure everything that we have." Of course, I can name a certain number of devices: a dosimeter for measuring radiation, an electromagnetic radiation detector, a remote thermometer, an ordinary cassette recorder (it helps to record electromagnetic anomalies on film), a compass. There is a specialized device - a recorder of chronic anomalies.


And where can you buy such a device?

- Nowhere. It was made to order. Digital display, two sensors - if the time goes differently in the sensors, this difference is displayed on the display. Again, instruments can be used to investigate certain cases. If we are talking about poltergeists, then the chronal recorder is not useful.

And what is useful for studying poltergeists?

- Dosimeter, detector of electromagnetic study. But it must be borne in mind that events take place in the apartment and that other equipment can affect the devices. There are unscientific methods, we also do not disdain them, in particular - fire. The candle (or lighter) should go out in the corners of the room if there is a poltergeist in the apartment. We have never recorded such an event. In any case, to research at the proper level, you need a decent technical base, which we do not have. Our organization is an amateur one, and we use devices when we doubt the veracity of the testimony of witnesses.

How is your organization useful to society?

- Now we can be useful only by preparing the ground for a serious study of the AN at the state level. We can also help people who are interested in this topic and answer their questions.

PS - Ruslan, who did you want to become as a child?

- I can say that I had a dream: to unite all the countries of the world into one state.

My plans for the future are related to the realization of a childhood dream. I probably wanted to become a politician.

Interviewed by Vera Belokon