Why Do Cymbals Break? - Alternative View

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Why Do Cymbals Break? - Alternative View
Why Do Cymbals Break? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do Cymbals Break? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do Cymbals Break? - Alternative View
Video: Why your cymbals suck! 2024, October

Very often we are faced with unexplained phenomena in everyday life that we simply do not pay attention to, but sometimes they cause superstitious fear in us. Researchers of anomalous phenomena sometimes note that plates can spontaneously break in haunted houses. Could the unexpectedly broken dishes in a closed cabinet in our kitchen serve as an indicator for calling "ghostbusters" to the house?

N. Novgorodov in his monograph on poltergeist writes that the plates are destroyed "due to internal stress such as an explosion, a sharp change in temperature or a sudden increase in Coulomb repulsive forces." A search we have undertaken on the blogs of users of the LiveJournal has shown that the plates explode in people with sufficient frequency, excluding the possibility of pure chance. Rather, they testify to some pattern caused by a combination of similar factors. We present at the same time the most fantastic and the most typical cases.

The most common case is dishes that explode in microwave ovens: they are usually glass or not designed to quickly heat food, as warned in the instructions. This kind of "explosions" usually raises the least questions. But what gods from the car, that is, from the microwave, beat the dishes if there is no miraculous oven in the house?

So, Soyalena says that “I freed a large deep plate of minced meat and put it in the sink. While I was vacuuming in the kitchen, this plate exploded by itself just like that, boom, and that's it - shattered into small pieces."

Lezginka-cat writes about how a glass plate exploded on its own in the kitchen cabinet, not just cracked, but scattered all over the cabinet, it was necessary to wash all the dishes from fine glass. It was assumed that this dark spirits scattered from the windmill hung in the corridor and hit the plates along the way.

Doors_and_locks reports on how his glass bowl of soup exploded. He suggests that "this is a jamb of production, there was an air bubble inside and such a nuisance occurs from the temperature drop."

It can often be noted that the explosion occurs with a certain category of plates, after hot food or contact with hot or cold water after a while in the dryer (liskin-lu4). Probably, from contact with the dumplings, the plate at the Destructor exploded “like this, it took and exploded into many small fragments, reminiscent of the war of the worlds and star wars”.

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Gimel11 also talks about self-breaking unbreakable cymbals. “The first time, when I saw a shattered plate in the closet, I didn’t hesitate to blame my daughter for it, who had carelessly put the dishes after the next party. But a couple of nights ago, I woke up to a characteristic rumble in my room. Having blamed the cat, I fell asleep calmly, deciding that the breakdown happened anyway, and what was destroyed can be found out in the morning. But in the morning I realized that the cat was not in the room, and the door was closed. I went in search of the broken one and found that a plate on top of the pile exploded in the cupboard (I can't say anything else), and nothing fell on it. She was blown into such small fragments, as if she had been violently banged against the asphalt. I must also say that these cymbals are from the category of unbreakable, they really did not react to the fall … . Unbreakable plates burst by themselves in the apartment at Devianosto (“wildly popular unbreakable dishes in the 90s”).

J-seagull gives details of breaking safety glass “a plate exploded in my house … a good one, made of dark, durable glass … fortunately there were no casualties.”

So, we can state that even such an ordinary thing as a plate can become dangerous. But what causes the explosion? The main reason is a sharp temperature drop or the consequences of a fall. However, there is a small percentage of completely unexplained explosions that, with some degree of probability, can be considered anomalous. If you suddenly thought badly about the plate, and it spilled after that in a glass rain - here already call Ufokom. Phones are listed on the website …