Scientists Have Started To Study The Phenomenon Of Poltergeist - Alternative View

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Scientists Have Started To Study The Phenomenon Of Poltergeist - Alternative View
Scientists Have Started To Study The Phenomenon Of Poltergeist - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Started To Study The Phenomenon Of Poltergeist - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Started To Study The Phenomenon Of Poltergeist - Alternative View
Video: A scientific approach to the paranormal | Carrie Poppy 2024, October

One of the unexplored phenomena in the galaxy of modern riddles is the spontaneous movement of objects, knocking and ignition of things, which are often combined by researchers under the name of poltergeist

Unfortunately, the lack of a unified methodology, the fragmentation of data and the disunity of scientists makes it difficult to develop priority areas in the proposed scientific programs and find a point of application of forces for further research. Recently, a material was published in which scientists for the first time made an attempt to summarize the literature data related to measurements of the electromagnetic field in apartments where a poltergeist was recorded.

Canadian researchers from the University of St. Lawrence, M. A. Persinger from the Neurosciences Laboratory of the Faculty of Psychology and R. A. Cameron from the Geophysical Laboratory of the Faculty of Geology is inclined to believe that at least some poltergeist-like phenomena may be associated with unusual physical forces of tectonogenic origin, generated by the growth of structural (tectonic) stresses in the earth's crust. These forces are mainly of an electromagnetic nature, focused in time (on the order of a few seconds) and simultaneously in space (on the order of one square meter or less), are capable of exhibiting very unusual properties both through gravitational forces and through compression forces. Ultra-low-frequency electromagnetic or magnetic components of tectonogenic forces can have a direct effect on the human brain with all the ensuing consequences.

Back in the late 80s of the last century, researchers concluded that poltergeist cases almost always occurred on the day or shortly before the burst of geomagnetic activity. The geomagnetic activity was normal a week before. The aa index (average antipodal) by Philip Majada (1973) was used as the most universal indicator of geomagnetic activity. Researchers of the Belarusian "Ufological Committee" have done a similar work with the currently known cases of poltergeist in Belarus. A total of 28 poltergeist episodes with established dates of occurrence (from 1980 to 2009) were analyzed. The average value of the aa-index for them is 31.7, which is a fairly high value (average value is 23.2).

Abbot Schnebel can be considered the ancestor of measuring the magnetic field during poltergeist, who brought stones that appeared "out of the air" to the compass, and his needle was deflected by almost 45 degrees. And ordinary stones brought from the garden had no effect on the arrow.

Quite contradictory information is encountered in the literature regarding the prerequisites for the onset of poltergeist manifestations. R. Golikova, I. Mirzalis believe that the greatest growth of the anomalous begins approximately from 13-20 nT (nanotesla). The above authors note the predisposition of anomalous phenomena to areas with a low geomagnetic field.

But another group of authors allocates increased values of the geomagnetic field for the poltergeist. Thus, E. Sidorov recorded an increase in the magnetometer readings up to 320 nT. Yu. Yaklichin noted an increase in the background up to 15000 nT. The author assumes that the epicenter of the poltergeist is in the area of the positive anomaly of the Earth's magnetic field.

The results of magnetometry carried out by the Bratsk NIG “Phenomenon” in the building of the sanatorium “Bratskoe Vzmorye”, where the manifestation of poltergeist was observed, indicate the presence of unexplained zones of increased electric field strength. At the beginning of the measurements there was an increase, then a rather sharp dip, and subsequently, as a rule, an increase again. The measurements were carried out at different times (in the morning and in the evening), but on a time interval, however, despite this, practically always the same curve was observed. Until the reasons for this effect are established, the researchers have called it "presence response", as it appears that the field strength "reacts" to the presence of the researchers.

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Electromagnetic theory has at least 4 prerequisites. There must be a mechanism that would convert electromagnetic flashes into kinetic energy of movement of objects and sounds; electromagnetic energy must have a certain amplitude in order to cause a poltergeist; it must be proved why only a few people can be associated with poltergeists; there must be a mechanism by which the content of consciousness, for example the anger of the child, could cause paranormal effects associated with the object of emotion, for example, the movement of the child's mother's circle, while other objects remain in place.

N. Tomin, candidate of technical sciences, Irkutsk:The work reflects various methods and approaches for studying electromagnetic manifestations in the case of poltergeist outbreaks. Information on devices and practical examples of their use in studying the phenomenon is given. The work reveals the connection between the manifestations of the poltergeist and the geophysical setting in a sufficiently detailed form. There are many studies on this subject, in particular the results of various statistical studies. The above scientific hypotheses are of undoubted interest in the work, on the basis of which an attempt is made to explain the multitude of poltergeist manifestations through the prism of various kinds of electromagnetic phenomena, primarily those associated with man and his environment. In my opinion, the material has made an important step towards understanding the electromagnetic picture of the poltergeist phenomenon.

Yu. Voropaev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Minsk: from my point of view, studying only the electromagnetic nature of a poltergeist is futile. Take measurements at the plant, where there are machines, welding, - there is such a poltergeist - you will download … I believe that two types of fields act in poltergeist manifestation - linear and nonlinear. If linear ones are well known to modern science, then the discovery of nonlinear ones is a matter of the future. We need a systematic approach to the problem: analysis of the impact of UFOs on equipment, instrumentally recorded strangeness of telekinesis, etc. Two types of fields with abnormal manifestations in the environment periodically transform into each other, change their configuration, in other words, have polymorphism. The poltergeist phenomenon is only partially associated with electromagnetic fields. Described in the material - echo of nonlinear fields.