Magical Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

Magical Ancient Egypt - Alternative View
Magical Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

Video: Magical Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

Video: Magical Ancient Egypt - Alternative View
Video: Magic and Demonology in Ancient Egypt 2024, October

When the ruler of Ancient Egypt, Cheops, decided to build the largest pyramid, he knew about the need to possess certain secret knowledge in order to master such a grandiose plan. A man with the necessary secret knowledge and the ability to apply them was soon found - it was a Jedi priest. In ancient Egypt, he was considered a great magician. They said that he was subject to control of all living things, and he also had the ability to raise the dead. Cheops showered the priest with royal favors, begging him to discover the technology of building a pyramid. Since the pyramid was built, it means that the priest agreed to help in the construction of a unique object.

In Egyptian papyri and temple hieroglyphs, it is indicated that only the priests took part in the construction of the Cheops pyramid, since they carefully concealed, known only to them, the mysterious ways of laying huge stone blocks. Researchers of antiquities have found out how the priests "worked". They chanted spells with a certain tonality and the stones lost significantly in weight. Then they were put in the right place with calculated accuracy.

Scientists believe that Ancient Egypt and magic were inseparable. Today this magic is perceived as part of the entertainment industry, but for ancient people it was an integral part of their life. Possession of magical power was perceived by the ancients as a great gift capable of protecting and preventing the unwanted course of events. The Egyptians were confident that magic would help protect against evil and unwanted twists of fate. Of course, magic was actively used by the ancients in medicine and religious rituals: physicians, used magic spells in healing, at prayer, appeals to the gods were also pronounced using magic words. Egyptian magicians knew how to perform magical actions that help to effectively manage magical energy. The main actions were: whirling, well-defined gestures, spitting, exclamations and tying knots. Water, garlic, urine, blood were used as magical material … Moreover, each type of magic required certain ingredients.

The magicians of Ancient Egypt widely used all kinds of amulets for their ritual actions. During the transfer of a specific amulet to a person, special spells were pronounced. They were read only by specially trained priests. Often spells were carved on the amulets themselves, which, according to the priests, enhanced their effect. There was a powerful spell called "words of power." When a person died, the papyrus with the words of this spell inscribed on him was placed in the hands of the deceased. It was believed that with this scroll it was possible to subordinate the gods to the will of the deceased.

The magic of speech had the strongest influence on ancient people. It is known that many spells of the ancient Egyptians were recorded in the famous "Book of the Dead".

The name of a person was of particular importance for the ancient magical world. Knowing the real name, magicians received unlimited power over this person. But everything that did not have names or names, for the Egyptians simply did not exist.

Numerous myths and legends of Ancient Egypt helped to understand the spells written on tombs, papyrus and ritual objects. They made it much easier for researchers to decipher spells and helped to find out the nature of their occurrence.

From the chronicles it became clear that Egyptian magicians could work with spells at several levels. Fundamental to the work of magicians was the place where the magic ritual was performed, the action performed and the words spoken. In order for the magical action to take place, the priests and magicians pronounced words in a specific voice key and adhered to accuracy in the pronunciation of each sound. The correct rhythm and sound when casting a spell significantly increased the power of its effect, and repetition allowed the accumulation of magical energy. The play on words turned out to be the main magical tool: homophony (monotonous), meaningless words significantly increased the magical effect. If, when casting a spell, spitting was made at the image of the enemy or his statuette, this increased the destructive effect on the cursed one. The place where the spell was voiced was also important: a well-chosen one, it significantly enhanced the magical effect.

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Dough, wax, animal fat, glue were used to create magic dolls. This doll was made deliberately fragile so that it could be easily destroyed. Most often, dolls were used to impose curses or when using destruction magic.

In religious rites, special magic spells were used. The surviving chronicles say that the ancient priests mastered magic, so skillfully that they could change the fate of any person and influence events. Mages could easily cast spells, heal the sick, and cast out evil spirits. Even magic dolls made of simple material, as if alive, performed the task set by the magician.

Egyptian magicians never practiced black magic. Although many travelers insisted that the Egyptians used black magic in their rituals. It has already been proven that this was a delusion.

It is safe to say that the Egyptian magicians used two types of magic. The first is associated with funeral and ritual magic (this type worked for both the living and the dead), and the second is curses that were applied with the intention of causing great harm to the damned. Each practicing magician decided for himself what kind of magic he would do. But it should be noted that even a positive magical effect can bring negative and sometimes tragic results. Therefore, the ancient Egyptian magicians believed that any magic is in the "gray zone", since the result of its impact is not predictable.

The Egyptians knew about the degree of influence of magic on a person, on his mental state, and that with the help of magic you can give a person a chance to change himself.

Although today many scientists deny the existence of magic, this ancient art still operates in the sphere of the unknown and is a real force for the further development of mankind.