Astronomy Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

Astronomy Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View
Astronomy Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

Video: Astronomy Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

Video: Astronomy Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View
Video: History and Science of Ancient Astronomy - Stonehenge and Archaeoastronomy 2024, October

Diodorus of Siculus wrote in his writings on history that: “The stellar arrangement, as well as their movement for the Egyptians, were of great importance, they always watched and studied them, a lot of records have come down to us that concern all the stars. It should also be noted that all research has been carried out by them very scrupulously since ancient times."

The famous British journalist and writer Graham Hancock in his book "The Mystery of the Sphinx" refers to the monuments of Giza as "a stone book that came down to us from heaven", since the three great pyramids of Giza are nothing more than an analogue of the three stars from Orion's Belt. and the Sphinx is the symbol of the constellation Leo.

In a joint book by Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert, entitled "Secrets of the Pyramids," we are talking about a hypothesis that puts forward a correspondence in the planning of the complex of structures in Giza with the location of stars in Orion's Belt.

The authors even indicate the estimated time of the beginning of the construction of the pyramid complex in Giza and it is believed that this is approximately 10450 BC. e., they cite the arguments as astronomical calculations.

Thus, in order to find out the time when the pyramids were located in accordance with the position of the stars, Bauval used the program "Skyglobe 3.5" to calculate, and he also took into account the phenomenon of precession.

It is necessary to indicate the fact that the cycle of precession in the movement of stars is equal to 1 over a period of 72 years, and thus 360? are 25,920 years old. He managed to find such an era in the past, when the pyramids at Giza were located in a similar way with the stars in the sky, and this is 10450 BC. e., since this complex of pyramids also symbolizes a phenomenon that was only then:

The then Milky Way fully reproduced the meridional location of the Nile River valley;

At the western end of the Milky Way are these three very stars from the constellation Orion, which are located at an altitude equal to the precession cycle. Given that a star called Alnitak, which is analogous to the Great Pyramid, crossed the meridian at an angle equal to 11 ° 08.

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As indicated by the author, starting from the highest point of intersection over a period of 13,000 years, Alnitak descends to the lowest point, which was last recorded in 10450 BC. e. and it was immortalized for centuries in stone on the Giza plateau. In the next 13,000 years, the stars of this constellation will rise again until Alnitak returns to the previous point of 58 ° 11. This cycle is not interrupted: for 13,000 years it rises, while for the other 13,000 years it descends.

The Sphinx, on the other hand, symbolizes nothing else, but the Age of Leo following the calendar of the equinoxes and is equal to the period that is between 10970 and 8810 BC. And the pyramids in the Giza plateau are located in such an arrangement in relation to the Nile River valley in order to fully recreate the arrangement of the three stars of Orion in relation to the Milky Way, in the same 10450 BC. e.

The ancient Egyptians believed that the constellation Orion and Osiris are something identical. Sirius in the sky is the brightest star of Canis Major, which is located just below Orion, they were also identical with Isis, who was the sister and wife of Osiris, and the mother Horus was the goddess of fertility.

The entire religion of the ancient Egyptians and their calendar was based on the rise of Sirius. Thus, Sirius rises on July 23, 1 minute before the Sun rises, appearing as a bright red star. At this time, a unique phenomenon is observed: the Sun, Earth and Sirius are located in such a way that they create a straight line. This is called the solar rise of the star of Sirius. Most of the structures in Egypt, such as the pyramids and temples, are built in this direction.

Sirius rises in the sky after his long absence in the starry sky, he is not 70 days, and this coincides with the flood of the Nile River, the beginning of which is the summer solstice. In the calendar of the ancient Egyptians, the beginning of the year fell on the rise of Sirius

In various ancient Egyptian texts, Sirius is called the "pregnant star" in the sense that it consists of two different bodies. I consider the star Sirius A to be a female star - this is Isis, and she had an opposition in the form of Sirius B - Osiris.

The astronomer and scientist, whose name is Robert Temple, in one of his books, entitled "The Mystery of Sirius", found parallels between the high level of development of the civilization of Ancient Egypt 4000 BC. e. with creatures from other planets who once arrived on Earth from Sirius. Temple believes that it was the aliens from Sirius who were the founders of the civilization of Ancient Egypt and the first dynasties of the pharaohs.

He built Hepotizes based on the study of legends and knowledge of one of the ancient African Dogon tribes who live in Mali. The Dogons have knowledge of this star and the constellation Sirius in general. Following the Dogon data, this small planet makes its revolution in 50 years.

Astronomers, however, were able to confirm the presence of Sirius B only in 1862, and only after fifty years calculate which orbit of Sirius B's rotation around Sirius A is 50.1 years. The Dogon also have information about Sirius C, which will become the center of the whole world. The existence of this planet has not been confirmed by astronomers.

Temple believes that the Dogon acquired their knowledge in the pre-dynastic era. And some anthropologists generally attribute the Dogons to the descendants of the civilization of the ancient Egyptians.

The indisputable fact is that the ancient Egyptians had very deep knowledge of astronomy and such knowledge was not obtained independently. Therefore, one can only guess that the Egyptians received this knowledge from extraterrestrial civilization.

Interesting facts are:

The emblem of the Apollo program contains the letter "A" and Orion, or rather its three stars, which are located in such a way that they form the letter "A".

The lunar module, with the help of which the astronauts descended during their flight, was also called Orion. Only this module of all the others did not crash on the surface of the Moon.

NASA's lunar project is called Orion. Thus, this program should start in December 2019.

Orion is located between the two constellations Gemini and Taurus.