At The "Narts Cemetery" Burials Of Long-headed People Were Found - Alternative View

At The "Narts Cemetery" Burials Of Long-headed People Were Found - Alternative View
At The "Narts Cemetery" Burials Of Long-headed People Were Found - Alternative View

Video: At The "Narts Cemetery" Burials Of Long-headed People Were Found - Alternative View

Video: At The

According to the publisher and local historian Viktor Kotlyarov, back in 2011, in the upper reaches of the village of Zayukovo, black archaeologists began to actively excavate an ancient necropolis, popularly called the Nart Cemetery. It took several years for the burial, which archaeologists called the "Third Zayukovsky burial ground", was taken under state protection. Since 2014, an archaeological expedition of the State Historical Museum has been excavating here. The past year was marked by some serious findings. The current one turned out to be rich in them too. The burial was opened, in which there was a human skeleton with a deformed skull. It belongs to a girl of about 16 years old. The skull is very well preserved, even all the teeth are present. The burial is Sarmatian, dates back to the 3-4th century AD.


It is impossible to say who the skull of the second long-headed one belongs to - its condition is much worse.

It is worth recalling, says V. Kotlyarov, that a couple of years ago several long-headed skulls were found just below - on the right side of the village of Kendelen.


Even Hippocrates (460 - about 377 BC), the famous Greek physician, wrote in his work "On the Air, Waters and Localities":

I will keep silent about those peoples for which the differences are little noticeable, I will only talk about those that represent important features originating from nature or from customs. First of all, I will say about the long-headed ones. There is no other people that have a similar skull shape. Originally the most important reason for the elongated shape of the head was custom, and now nature also favors the custom, which has arisen because they consider the noblest those with the longest heads. This custom is as follows: as soon as a child is born, while his bones are still soft, his unhardened head is adjusted with his hands and forced to grow in length by means of bandages and other suitable devices, as a result of which the spherical shape of the head deteriorates and its length increases. Initially, this was done according to custom, so that such a shape was forced on the head;but with the passage of time it became part of nature, so that custom no longer raped her.

Here's another interesting piece of evidence. Konstantin Aleksandrovich Chkheidze, the author of books about Kabarda and Balkaria ("The Land of Prometheus", "Wings over the Abyss", "Bride of the Mountains", "Traveler from the East", etc.), left his memoirs, which are called "Events. Meetings. Thoughts. " Here's what they say, in particular:

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The roots of the history of Kabarda go back to ancient times. Kabardian legends speak of some kind of mysterious connection of this people with Egypt during the time of the pharaohs. This question is dark, but it is known that during excavations carried out on the territory of the Kabardian foothill regions, skulls with an elongated shape were found in ancient burials, and a scarab was also found. This form is created artificially - the head of a newborn baby is swaddled in a special way. This shape of skulls, as far as I know, is found only in two places: in Egypt and Kabarda.

Let's clarify that scarabs are beetles sacred in Ancient Egypt: amulets and jewelry carved from stone served as objects of the cult of the Sun. These figurines were indeed found in a number of burials on the territory of the republic, as everyone can see by looking at the National Museum of the KBR. Elongated skulls are also kept in the storerooms of the latter. They are found not in two places, as K. Chkheidze wrote, but rather widely: for example, among a number of tribes in South and North America, and the Maya people practiced deformation until recently.


There are many long-headed burials in Kabardino-Balkaria. Thus, the Balkar taubium Nauruz Urusbiev made a presentation at the 28th meeting of the departments of the anthropological and ethnographic imperial Society of Natural Science Lovers, held in the large auditorium of the Polytechnic Museum. This message (published in 1886) specifically states:

These skulls were found in two different localities, namely: two of them are near the village of Urusbievo, and the other two are in the town of Otluk-kala. The distance between them is no more than 30-40 versts. Both the aul Urusbievo and Otluk-kala are located in the Upland (near Elbrus) of the Terek region - where the mountaineers-Tatars, who are usually called Balkars, live.

And here is what the archaeologist Ismail Miziev wrote:

Eight kilometers from the confluence of the Hasauta and the Malka, where the farm now stands, pressed against the rocks, there was once a large cemetery to the right of the road. Part of it consists of ground pits lined with stone slabs, and part of it consists of underground crypts. Both of them are in the same cemetery and belong to the same time - V-VII centuries. In both, the skulls were artificially elongated - deformed. For many tribes of the Azov region, the Volga region and the North Caucasus, this rite of deformation of the skull existed in infancy from the first centuries to the seventh century of the new era. Of course, it was brought to the Caucasus, because until that time such skulls were unknown here. It is curious in this regard to recall that near the city of Tyrnyauz in 1968 it was possible to record a group burial in an underground crypt of the 5th-6th centuries AD, where ordinary and deformed skulls were found.


What was the goal of those who influenced the shape of the cranium, using the most varied forms and methods, from special wooden devices to tight bandages? By and large, only one: to get a disproportionately elongated head.

Then the question is, why? What purposes did the long-headed ones serve, what functions did they serve? Why did the ancients go for these experiments? Indeed, in addition to the mass of inconveniences caused by the process of forming an elongated skull, practice has shown (and modern medical research has confirmed) that such unique ones do not live long. Moreover, people, tormented by constant headaches, often become inadequate, so to speak, out of this world - clamoring seers.


Maybe this is the answer to the question posed? By placing the brain in an uncomfortable position, shaping a new reality, did not the people involved in the deformation create a caste of those for whom the future was slightly revealed?

Most modern scientists are unanimous: a change in the shape of the skull affects various areas of the cerebral cortex, contributes to a change in human skills. But how exactly and in what way this change manifests itself, in particular, whether it affects mental abilities, is unknown.


But if not a neurophysiological version, then how else to explain the reason for such a long, ubiquitous, monotonous tendency to pull out skulls? A cult ceremony? Then what is his motivation? Genetic memory based on the appearance of aliens - representatives of an alien civilization who once visited Earth and founded the human race? The version has the right to life, but so far only as fantastic.

"And the long-headed - they are something earthly: they lie in the graves next to their fellow tribesmen-contemporaries and do not differ from them in anything except skulls," says V. Kotlyarov.
