How Many Great Floods Were There? - Alternative View

How Many Great Floods Were There? - Alternative View
How Many Great Floods Were There? - Alternative View

Video: How Many Great Floods Were There? - Alternative View

Video: How Many Great Floods Were There? - Alternative View
Video: Flood Myths From Across the World 2024, October

We know for certain only about two floods, but how many there actually were, it is not known exactly. The first occurred 18 thousand years ago, and the second - the so-called Dardanic flood, also known as the Biblical flood - about 7 thousand years ago (about 5 thousand years BC).

These two floods are often confused. And all because historians do not know planetary physics at all, and vice versa - physicists are not always strong in history.

The first flood mainly affected only oceanic civilizations, whose lands went into the ocean for one and a half kilometers. But what a loss it was! Humanity in its civilized form practically ceased to exist and was discarded in its development for almost twenty thousand years. Everything had to start all over again.

On the continents, the water level then rose slightly, a maximum of 70 meters, this happened gradually and, one might say, imperceptibly. Yes, there was nothing significant at that time on the continents, with the exception of India. Well, and probably, the Hyperboreans had some kind of colonies along the coast of the Arctic Ocean (at that time it was not yet Arctic).

The Second Flood had a local significance, but also very serious. The waters of the Mediterranean that poured into the Black Sea raised the water level by as much as one hundred meters, the coastline retreated as much as two hundred kilometers. And these lands were inhabited, so that, to contemporaries and their descendants, this catastrophe could well seem worldwide.

But what to do with the ancient Indian reports of the Flood, and at the same time with the Flood of the Slavic-Aryan mythologists? What flood do they mean? Most likely, we are talking about the first Flood.

The myths of the ancient Greeks are still quite fresh, they were created a maximum of three thousand years ago, while they based their myths on even more ancient legends. Indian sources contain information about a much earlier time, about truly Ancient civilizations - Atlantis, Hyperborea, Lemuria.

And if the Greeks received information in a twisted and winding way - from Tripoli through the Sumerians, Egypt and God knows through whom, then the ancient Indians themselves retained some memory, and from the Aryans who came from the North, they learned something.

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And besides, there was nothing special on the continent during the First Flood. In addition to India and the Arctic coast (if something even more significant can be found there), the Sphinx and Pyramids in Egypt deserve mention.

Plato says that the Atlanteans owned lands up to the borders of Egypt. Despite all the frivolity of Greek, and indeed European messages (to study the history of the ancient world according to Greek myths is like studying the history of the reign of Ivan the Terrible or Vladimir Monomakh from today's yellow press), some phrases are trustworthy. Of course, only if they are confirmed by other data.

And here is what data confirms the message of Plato. First, it is clear that the Sphinx was not built by the Egyptians.

1. The facial features of the Sphinx not only do not correspond to the portraits of the pharaohs, but also belong to a completely different race.

2. The nature of the destruction (wear) of the sphinx indicates water erosion. In other words, it was built at a time when the climate in Egypt was different - humid and rainy. And this could only be before the Great Flood. At the time of the pharaohs, there was already a desert here, and there could be no water erosion.

These two arguments suggest that the Sphinx is much older than commonly believed. It cannot be ruled out that it was created about 20 thousand years ago by the Lemurians, and not the Atlanteans - this is hinted at by the Negroid facial features of the Sphinxes, which were peculiar at the time, as scientists assume, only to Lemurians.

The Sumerian and Biblical Flood myths most likely have nothing to do with Atlantis and Hyperborea. The description of the second flood, which occurred according to various sources from 7500 to 5300 years ago, is well known from the Old Testament. True, the Bible is not the primary source, it only retells the chronicles of Babylon and Sumer.

Nevertheless, the description of the second flood, like the numerous saviors of humanity, can be found in almost all ancient peoples of the Earth. The only exception is the territory of Africa, where the existence of the second "Great Flood" was learned only in the Middle Ages from Christian missionaries. Obviously Africa was not affected by this flood.

Nevertheless, its waters once again almost completely destroyed the most developed civilizations of those years. Only in the area of the Mediterranean Sea, where most of humanity was concentrated, the water rose by more than 100 meters. The Black Sea has ceased to be closed, connecting the straits with the Mediterranean Sea.

The second flood also affected the territory of India, China, the civilization of South and Central America. The reason for the second Flood, scientists call a powerful earthquake.

At the same time, speaking about the "World Floods" mentioned in the sacred books and chronicles of the peoples of the Earth, one should take into account the fact that several thousand years ago, communications between different civilizations were minimal. The rise of water on a local, but significant part of the land, caused by precipitation, tsunami or melting of glaciers, quickly transformed into the legend of the "World Flood", which in its essence was not worldwide.

To date, linguists have recorded 59 flood legends in North America, 46 in South America, 17 in the Middle East, 23 in Asia, 31 in Europe and 37 in Australia and Oceania. The reasons for the floods, which many scientists have called, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, melting glaciers.

Today it is estimated that if the ice caps of the poles melt, the water on the planet will rise by 65 meters. At the same time, in antiquity, glaciers occupied a significantly larger territory than today. Their melting could provoke floods that have gone down in history as worldwide. This fact is confirmed by numerous flooded ancient cities found at a depth of 50 to 100 meters.

Of no less interest are the huge underground oceans identified by seismologists located at a depth of 1200-1400 kilometers. Their volume exceeds the amount of water in the world's oceans. In the event that these waters come to the surface, humanity will also be comprehended by the next Flood.