Did The Great Sphinx Of Giza Speak? Are The Winged Ones Coming Back? - Alternative View

Did The Great Sphinx Of Giza Speak? Are The Winged Ones Coming Back? - Alternative View
Did The Great Sphinx Of Giza Speak? Are The Winged Ones Coming Back? - Alternative View

Video: Did The Great Sphinx Of Giza Speak? Are The Winged Ones Coming Back? - Alternative View

Video: Did The Great Sphinx Of Giza Speak? Are The Winged Ones Coming Back? - Alternative View
Video: The Mystery of the Great Pyramid of Giza - was it a power plant? 4K UHD. 15# 2024, September

On August 9-10, 2018, all the world's newspapers and news agencies spread the sensational news that “another Sphinx” was found in Egypt.

At first glance, the news really looks like a sensation, since Egyptologists, including the official ones, have an assumption that the Sphinx in Giza had a twin statue and both Sphinxes stood side by side, forming a kind of portal leading to the pyramids.


However, as is usually the case with most journalists, they got a little excited with the sensation. All that we managed to unearth after a long search is the original report of the Egyptian newspaper, which states the following:

Archaeologists working to restore the alley between the temples of Luxor and Karnak came across a buried Sphinx statue, similar in design to the Great Sphinx of Giza: that is, the statue has the body of a lion and the head of a man. Egyptian news agency Youm has released the first images of a sub-surface Sphinx statue discovered during the development of the Kabbash road project, which is due for completion later this year. The buried Sphinx is barely visible in this image and is waiting to be excavated and restored….


Thus, where the press saw the "second Sphinx" remains unclear. Most likely we are talking about a small buried statue, which hardly fits into the ancient prophecy that "When the sphinx speaks, life on Earth will end."

Nevertheless, as a result of an intense search for real information about this plot, a much more grandiose topic surfaced at the amerobloodrome - the so-called "Project Isis", a secret expedition of the USSR KGB, which sent a special group to Egypt in 1961 to investigate an accidentally discovered ancient burial …

Promotional video:

By itself, the KGB's interest in archeology looks very strange, although the encryption of this department from the CIA agents looks no less strange. Why not share your archaeological knowledge with the world? And what is the interest in Ancient Egypt from the CIA?

We do not know what information the CIA had about Project Isis in 1961, but the general public only learned about it in 1998, when the US television network Sci-Fi released a documentary called "The Secret Files of the Secret KGB." The film was based on a short documentary from 1961, which, apparently, was taken with him to the United States by one of the Chekists who fled to America after the collapse of the USSR, in order, so to speak, to cut the dough for the first time.

The documentary is very short and there is little to be seen, nevertheless, the experts were able to spy out enough in it: the uniform of the military personnel, the equipment they used, and other trifles indicate that the video was indeed filmed in 1961. Or, even if it is a fake, it is a fake made by the KGB itself: if the video was filmed in Hollywood, the Russians would be wearing earflaps and bring a trained bear with them on a leash.

From what else the experts were able to extract from the video, the following things draw attention to themselves:

a) Strange gas released from the sarcophagus upon opening;

b) Mysterious material of the sarcophagus: if it were a stone, two soldiers would not even be able to lift its lid, but in the frames they move this sarcophagus freely, which again speaks in favor of the reality of the video - even the Asylum film studio would not allow such a blunder;

c) a study of the contents of the sarcophagus for the presence of radioactivity - the ancient Egyptians, it seems, did not know about uranium isotopes;

d) The growth of the mummy in the sarcophagus - according to approximate estimates, it is at least two meters, which is not typical for other mummies of other Egyptians:


e) poor preservation of the mummy, which is not typical for most of the remains found in Egypt.

c) the unusual design of the burial chamber - traditionally the sarcophagus either stands on a podium in the center of the hall, or the sarcophagus itself is so large that it dominates the surrounding space. In this case, the sarcophagus just stands against the wall, like an ordinary box;

If you believe the comments on the film, the mummy was determined by KGB experts as definitely inhuman and taken to Moscow for research, but no one really knows whether this is so or not. But what else the researchers saw in the film are unusual hieroglyphs on one of the walls of the burial chamber:


Their approximate interpretation of these hieroglyphs speaks of the imminent return of some "winged" ones. This will happen after the "Sphinx speaks".

And what does all this have to do with the discovery of the "Second Sphinx" - the reader is surely asking now? The question is correct and the answer to it is that, as the story of the Isis project clearly demonstrates, archeology is closely supervised by the special services. Civilian archaeological adepts, of course, are also digging and drilling something and somewhere, composing all kinds of unthinkable nonsense for the public about this, but completely different guys are engaged in real archeology. In 1961, guys from the KGB of the USSR were engaged in archeology in Egypt, and today guys from the US special services are digging there the same thing.

And there are serious suspicions that this summer the Americans dug something there, and their discovery is somehow connected with the Sphinx in Giza. Perhaps archaeologists managed to get to the legendary chamber with artifacts hidden, according to legend, under this statue, perhaps a real episode and a slightly different one. And since the excavation, with all the desire, is difficult to carry out in complete secrecy, most likely there was a leak about the find. And in order to somehow hammer this leak, a duck was launched into the press about some "second sphinx" found, about which all the newspapers are talking about today. This is a standard informational procedure: the mass consciousness with great difficulty retains more than three things in its head, so that two sphinxes at once will not fit there.

However, if with the informational stuffing about the Sphinx everything is clear to everyone in general terms, then the answer to the question "What have you actually found?" for conspiracy theorists remains a mystery. Is the Great Sphinx really, as it were, "spoke" and these "winged" ones are returning?