Cheops, Open - Alternative View

Cheops, Open - Alternative View
Cheops, Open - Alternative View

Video: Cheops, Open - Alternative View

Video: Cheops, Open - Alternative View

French scientist Lauert came to Egypt 60 years ago to find the key to the secrets of the pyramids, and stayed there forever. And today he, who has written a lot of books, in his 90-odd years, declares that there are even more mysteries for him than there were. And the pyramids are still the first wonder of the world because everything we know about them is only guesses and assumptions. Tatiana Shakurova, an Egyptologist, Candidate of Historical Sciences of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, talks about the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids. Why exactly a pyramid? The simplest answer is that a pyramid is the simplest complete shape. But the pyramid can also personify the myth of the afterlife, which has evolved over time along with architectural thought. If the early graves were pits with steps down, then later there were burials such as benches, and later stepped pyramids. The pyramids of Cheops, Khafren and Mikein are also stepped, only covered with cladding on top. Thus, these structures were supposed to help the deceased rulers quickly get up the stairs to heaven.

There is an assumption that the pyramids performed not only a funeral, but also a ritual function during the life of the pharaoh. In front of the pyramids under construction, a courtyard was erected, in which, after 33 years of reign and then every three years, the Sed holiday was held - the anniversary of the pharaoh. During this ritual, the pharaoh had to prove that he is an intelligent ruler, a brave warrior and a strong male. Pharaoh ran around this courtyard, performed various exercises, and also demonstrated an erection, showing his sexual capabilities.

Representatives of unofficial science, engaged in the research of paranormal phenomena, are trying to unravel the secrets of the pyramids in their own way. Some believe that the stones in the Great Pyramid harbor a system of interconnected numbers, measures, weights, angles, temperatures, degrees, geometric problems and information about the cosmos. The second group of researchers supports the idea that the pyramid is primarily a giant solar astronomical observatory. And the third group of like-minded people concentrated on the shape of the pyramid and the ability attributed to it to exert a physical effect on living beings and inanimate objects.

They even started doing business on the pyramids. J. Patrick Flanagan from California began selling pyramids that he claimed could boost the energy of any place. Inside his pyramid model, for example, alfalfa shoots grew faster, and a dog placed in a pyramidal "kennel" suddenly became a vegetarian. In the same California, a dentist suspended 72 small metal pyramids above a patient's chair, which, according to his observations, reduced pain and healed wounds faster. And in Romania in 1989, a pyramidal installation for biological water purification appeared, which killed microbes. It has been found that in pyramid-like structures, agitated children are calmed, sleep improves, menstrual cramps decrease, the head starts working better, and sexual activity increases. In 1903 the Englishman Aleister Crowley,who called himself the "big beast" of the occult world, spent his wedding night in the pharaoh's tomb for a bribe. But prosaic problems arose in the wedding ceremony: the hard stone floor made sex and sleep impossible.

One can imagine the disappointment of the researchers who first opened the sarcophagus of Cheops and instead of the mummy found … only a small figurine. In the entire history of Egyptian archeology "alive and well", only the mummy of Tutankhamun, who died at the age of 18, was discovered. The rest of the mummies of the pharaohs of the Old Kingdom have not yet been found. And were they inside the sarcophagus? Tatyana Alekseevna suggests that since they loved to mystify in this culture, the absence of pharaohs is logical. After his death, the ruler had to go to the afterlife, and he disappeared … with the help of the priests, who hid his body in another place. Such a guess came after archaeologists discovered the place where the mummies of almost all the kings of the New Kingdom were hidden, whose tombs in the Valley of the Kings were found empty. Twenty mummies lay like woodfar from the Valley in a walled-up cave on the banks of the Nile.

In ancient Egyptian culture, people participated in one creation, believing that everything they do on the orders of Pharaoh is commanded to be done by God. By the way, as a result of excavations, traces of a village for workers were found, which confirms the theory that hired workers, not slaves, worked on the construction of the pyramid. Thousands of people lived in this village, whose daily needs for food and housing were effectively met. Although, one should not imagine the workforce as such rainbow idiots, since we, people of the 20th century, are not able to understand people who lived several centuries ago. But the general mood that prevailed at that time, we can imagine: something similar happened a little later on a large construction site of socialism.

The ancient assertion that time is afraid of pyramids is being challenged today: pyramids are collapsing. Local authorities have even stopped letting not only tourists, but also scientists into the Cheops pyramid and the Sphinx, because the monuments are falling apart before our eyes. On the pyramid of Cheops, instead of the top, a whole area of 10 square kilometers has already formed. Foreigners who wanted to trample the shrine with their feet were lifted up over the stones as follows: two Arabs grabbed them by the arms, and the third pulled up their legs. Sitting at the top of the first wonder of the world, one could even drink a cup of coffee brought from below by a helpful servant. By the way, Nicholas II sat on the great pyramid, while he was still the heir to the throne.

Russian scientists have not yet reached the pyramids and are unlikely to get there in the near future. Because for the pleasure of digging in Giza Sakkara you have to pay millions of dollars. If in the future you can expect discoveries concerning the first wonder of the world, then only from the French, who settled in Egypt since the time of Napoleon and spend huge amounts of money on the study of ancient Egyptian culture.

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The Egyptians do not allow foreign scientists to dig for themselves. Professional dynasties specializing in excavations have developed among the local population. Archaeologists are constantly monitored by local inspectors, making sure that not a single thing found is taken abroad. For some reason, the Egyptians stopped giving away the legal part of the finds, which was due in accordance with international treaties.

The Great Pyramid is silent. William Fix, author of The Pyramid Odyssey, writes: "It's huge, it's ancient, it's legendary, it's the result of a great enterprise, everyone can see the crossroads of the earth, and it doesn't seem to belong to our world."

From the book by Nikolai Nepomniachtchi "XX century: Discovery after discovery"