Secret Reminders Of Bygone Civilizations - Alternative View

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Secret Reminders Of Bygone Civilizations - Alternative View
Secret Reminders Of Bygone Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: Secret Reminders Of Bygone Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: Secret Reminders Of Bygone Civilizations - Alternative View
Video: Neville Goddard Faith is your fortune: The conviction of things not seen. The only requirement? 2021 2024, October

As before, official science is of the opinion that megalithic pyramidal structures, found on almost all continents of the Earth, at one time served as royal tombs, but is this so? Today, the version about a completely different purpose of them is gaining more and more popularity, and that they were not built by modern people, but by representatives of earlier, and possibly alien civilizations. Supporters of such versions appeal first of all to the fact that these structures, in terms of the complexity of their design, easily bypass even many modern buildings. For a modern person to build such a thing, it will take an incredibly large amount of money and time.

Pyramids - what is their purpose?

Egypt, South America and Asia - these regions are the most visited by tourists today due to the presence of these ancient buildings. In addition to tourists, scientists are constantly present at these sites, since the pyramids continue to regularly present new mysteries. In particular, scientists are haunted by the fact that each of the pyramids points to a certain constellation with its tip. It is already clear that they were far from being erected with the help of slave labor, as official history represents, which means that there was also a certain technique that could lift the load to such a height.

Exploring the surface of the pyramids and the Sphinx statue, the researchers also found traces of rain erosion, which made it possible to assert that the origin of these structures is more ancient than previously thought. The fact is that the climate of Egypt, as it is now, has changed insignificantly over the past ten thousand years, and rains are not such a frequent phenomenon here. In order for the erosion processes provoked by rainwater to begin on the stone, constant precipitation is necessary, as it happens in the countries of South America. Thus, we can say with confidence that even ten thousand years ago, the planet was lived or ruled by an extremely technically advanced nation, and not at all by great apes.

Scientists who adhere to this hypothesis believe that the construction of the pyramids had a different meaning and most likely they were industrial energy facilities. Even now, they continue to emit electromagnetic pulses that are easily detected by sensitive devices. That is why, over them within a radius of one hundred meters, the flight of aircraft is prohibited, and tourists who tried to make video using a quadrocopter immediately lost contact with it, because of which several devices crashed against millennial walls.

Einstein once proved the inexhaustibility of the energy reserves of the ether, and Tesla even demonstrated an electric car and other inventions powered by it. Today's researchers believe that the pyramids were powerful receivers of energy, and energy flows were received from different systems, which explains the orientation of the tops to various points on the star map. Considering that there is a constant change in the arrangement of cosmic bodies, at some point the energy flow could weaken or completely disappear due to a random comet or the movement of any of the planets. In order not to be completely left without energy, who inhabited the Earth in ancient times, they just invented such a way to compensate for the lack of energy by increasing the power of the flow from the other direction. Also, if at a certain moment more energy was required,than usual, additional pyramids were connected to the system.

Today, when all sorts of global electronic resources are involved for research, and primarily satellite imagery, it is very clearly seen that the pyramids on different continents are arranged in a certain order. Obviously, the energy coming from space was distributed over the entire surface of the globe, interacting with its magnetic field and forming a coating similar to modern cellular communication networks, but at the same time it could provide not only communication, but also power supply of various mechanisms. This version is perfectly combined with the ancient Indian treatises - Mahabharata and Ramayana, where certain flying machines are constantly mentioned. The researchers also found images resembling flying saucers on the walls of the Egyptian and Peruvian pyramids, which also speaks of the planet's mysterious past.

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Will they come again?

Today, pyramids, Stonehenge and similar artifacts are almost the only evidence of what once was. Naturally, many are interested in the reason for the disappearance of this highly developed nation, which along with it took forever and mysterious technologies. Scientists have repeatedly investigated the pyramids, but they could not explain the phenomenon of radiation of electromagnetic pulses. The only thing that was discovered was the underground passages going deep and branching into many passages, where exactly they can lead out is unknown. Conducting research into the premises of the pyramids, in the uppermost part, a small room was always found, from which one could get to the top. The end of the pyramid itself had interesting features, everyone, whoever was there, noted the clearly missing element, that is, for receiving energy from the outside,something was installed at the peak, but later disappeared. Without a doubt, this was the main detail, quite possibly some kind of crystal, and without it, this massive building turned into just a pile of bricks.

The choice of the pyramidal structures by the builders is not accidental either. The fact is that the electric charge tends to flow down and concentrate on the tip, and accordingly, if the reception is carried out at the tip, but the flow is made to the base, then the power of the propagated wave will be quite large.

One of the versions of the disappearance of a mysterious nation is a cosmic catastrophe. The worldwide flood described in many chronicles, in fact, was the result of a huge meteorite passing at a very close distance from the planet. Scientists suggest that it was he who destroyed life on Venus and turned Mars into a lifeless desert, devoid of its atmosphere. Foreseeing such a catastrophe, although the Earth suffered less than the others, its ancient inhabitants apparently decided to leave the planet for a certain time and at the same time took energy crystals with them. This was done, according to the researchers, not at all because they were afraid of losing them, but most likely, these devices were some kind of amorphous substance, moreover, very unstable. The unpredictability of a cosmic catastrophe could lead to detonation and, as a consequence, the death of the entire planet.

Will they come back again, and if so, when? For humanity, which is still theoretically studying the depths of space, a time of tens of thousands of years seems to be quite large, however, possessing such technologies, it is quite possible to be outside of time or space. It becomes possible to pass through space, appearing at any point in it instantly, without the need to move in a straight line and spend a lot of time on it. In the same ancient Indian legends, it is mentioned that the "gods from heaven" will return to Earth again, and restore their former greatness, but in this case, what should the current humanity wait for?

The information about the role assigned to the representatives of the present civilization in those prehistoric times is rather vague today, but the fact that it existed can be stated unequivocally. Numerous drawings on slabs in these same pyramids confirm that earthlings were not the titular nation, but were not enslaved by aliens either. From the sources that have come down to us, it becomes clear that most likely it was the creatures who built the pyramids that created biorobots, populating the continents with them. Why was this done? Surely in order to have the necessary labor force, since even with an inexhaustible source of energy, the need for additional resources still existed.

A powerful power supply system made it possible to carry out any large-scale work, including the extraction of millions of tons of soil for the extraction of energy resources, in particular uranium, plutonium, mercury and silicon. It is possible that with the help of such a powerful potential, it became possible to create even entire continents by impacting powerful magnetic radiation on the earth's crust and thereby causing volcanic processes in it with subsequent uplift. In search of other elements of this energy system, scientists also drew attention to the Moai statues from Easter Island. The fact is that the island itself has a triangular shape, and the idols installed along the perimeter have a height of up to twenty meters, taking into account the body extending deep into the soil. All this together is very similar to the principle of operation of the resonator, that is,the island at one time served as an amplifier for the energy flow coming from the nearest pyramid.

Today's humanity, with its atomic and hydrocarbon energy, poisoning the environment in which it also lives, does not even correspond to half a percent of its former, and possibly real patrons. It may very well be that they did not disappear at all as far as is commonly thought, and the proof of this is the Moon. Our natural satellite has an age much less than the Earth, as well as a strange ideally rounded shape and, moreover, never turns its back to us, which means that the truth should be sought not only on Earth.