15 Signs You Are Not Ready To Become Rich - Alternative View

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15 Signs You Are Not Ready To Become Rich - Alternative View
15 Signs You Are Not Ready To Become Rich - Alternative View

Video: 15 Signs You Are Not Ready To Become Rich - Alternative View

Video: 15 Signs You Are Not Ready To Become Rich - Alternative View
Video: 15 Signs You’re Not Ready To Be RICH 2024, October

Not everyone is ready to become rich, and there are good reasons for that. Money doesn't come easy, it takes a lot more effort than you think, it requires you to transform yourself into something else to be smarter, work harder, and make sacrifices that you might not be willing to make at this stage.

Go through this list and see for yourself!

1. You Can't Save Money

If you cannot save 10% of your earnings now, you cannot do so if your income doubles. You assume that if your money doubled, your lifestyle would remain the same, but this is usually not the case.

People who spend all the money they earn usually adjust their lifestyle to match their income ceiling.

Try it yourself and see what happens. Break down everything that you spent money on in the last 2 weeks and find out which expenses were unnecessary. We guarantee that you will find over 10% spent on things that you don't need or don't really need.

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2. You still expect to get rich quick

It takes time to get rich. Gradually, brick by brick, to build a decent wall.

You always dream of what it would be like if you magically received $ 1 billion! Do you think about winning the lottery, or do you dream that you will find out about a distant relative who left you his fortune …

Those who really want to get rich don't waste time thinking about what they want; instead, they get to work.

Contrary to everyone else, they are slowly getting rich. It will take years, and in the first few years you won't see as much movement. But over time, things start to improve, and before you know it, they really get rich, and you stay in the same place, hoping that the universe will provide you with what you want, instead of working on your own.

3. You are waiting for the right time

This is another mistake that most people make. They wait for opportunities and special signs before they take a step. This is basically the same thinking we talked about above.

The timing will never be perfect. Here's what most people don't know, but it's incredibly valuable.

NOW is better than perfect! Mainly because there is no ideal, and now you can move forward. It allows you to assess what is going well and what is not. You can make adjustments and improve. The goal is to move forward!

4. You are proud of your humble lifestyle

Don't get us wrong: you should always be happy with your current reality, but that doesn't mean you can't look for ways to improve your life.

Given that you only have a limited time here on Earth, why not take advantage of this?

There is no nobility in poverty! Poverty means that you cannot take care of yourself if something happens, poverty means that you do not get access to the same opportunities as others.

5. You think hard work is all it takes

Let me put it this way: if hard work is all it takes to be successful, then the richest people in the world are miners.

It takes a lot of skills to become rich, which must work together in unison. Hard work and discipline are just one piece of this puzzle.

Your inability to use technology to your advantage is one of the biggest obstacles a person can create these days.

Your ability to discipline, motivate, learn, adapt and use the technologies available to you will make a difference.

You must think globally! Instead of opening a small store offline, why not try an online store and sell your wares internationally. Just launch the store as a first step, and then figure out how you can scale it.

6. You work at a job you hate

Raise your hand if it touches you. Are you at least paid an incredibly high salary? Or not? It's time to rethink what the hell are you doing with your life. Why aren't you looking for alternatives?

The fact that you understand this but do nothing about it is a clear sign that you are not ready to become rich.

Successful people always strive for a better life; they never settle for mediocrity or less than they want.

7. You spend too much time on fun

How many subscriptions do you have for entertainment services like Netflix? How much time do you spend watching mediocre TV shows or video games?

There is nothing wrong with spending time having fun, but let's be honest, what are you spending your time on? What is the ratio?

According to J. Cole:

At some point, you will see some of your friends making progress in life, creating families and creating joy, and you are still in your room, unable to cope with reality, let alone become rich.

8. You are afraid of change

The fool is afraid of what he does not understand! Change can be difficult, but these days, more than ever, you need to be able to embrace it, because if you don't, you are left behind.

The world is changing very quickly, and he laughs at people who want to live in the old way. See how different the world we live in is from the world 50 years ago.

We are evolving and you need to keep up if you want to survive, let alone if you want to be rich.

You have a unique opportunity right now, watch how the world is changing and adapt to what is coming. By the time this happens, you will be ready and the world will reward you.

9. Your friends want a simple life

Your environment is holding you back. You are the average of 5 people with whom you spend most of your time!

If you want to be rich, surround yourself with people who work for the same purpose. They will keep you motivated, you will see how they work on a schedule and can share their views in the group.

You don't have to compete with your friends, you have to help each other grow, because you are fighting against the world, not against each other.

Don't judge your friends for not wanting to be rich as much as you are, this life is not for everyone, and if you care more about these friendships, it might not even be for you!

10. You don't read for development

Reading can be fun, but most don't realize that it is also a growth medium.

Read to develop. Read to learn about the world and yourself. You have a direct link to the work of the brightest minds that have ever lived. All their knowledge and experience are waiting for you in books.

Technology allows you to access this value at the lowest cost ever. You just have to go and get it.

11. You are arrogant

Another sign that you are not ready to be rich is that you believe the world owes you success. You think you are better than everyone else without actually having any reason to do so.

We judge others by their actions, but we tend to judge ourselves by our intentions!

Take a moment to think about it and analyze your behavior objectively. Be humble and keep moving forward. Over time, you will notice that the world has finally paid attention to you, not because of how loudly you scream, but because of how far you have gone from where you started!

12. Your religion denies wealth

In many religions, you will hear that Heaven is not a place for the rich, or that if you live in poverty, you will be rewarded with abundance in your next life. While this is a controversial point since many church leaders live in luxury, some people do believe that money is evil.

In fact, wealth is a tool, nothing less, nothing more. In the same way, you can use a hammer to build a house, or you can use it to crush your finger.

Faith in God or lack of it has nothing to do with the good you can do in this world.

According to statistics, the poorest people in the world are also the most religious. They also have the least impact on human progress or the improvement of others.

Fatal diseases are cured by progress, not religion, and we are gradually improving the quality of life for all people in the world through new technologies and innovations.

13. You have only one source of income

There comes a moment in every person's life when you need to think about the worst that could happen.

What if tomorrow you are hit by a car and you cannot continue to work as you do now? Will you still be able to take care of yourself and those you care about, or will they have to take care of you?

This is where diversification of income streams begins. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

No matter how much money you make, start saving. Look for alternative investments. They may be less profitable, but they don't depend on you as much.

Real estate, royalties, other people's businesses can be critical to creating long-term wealth.

14. You need other people to motivate you

This is one of the most valuable inner skills you can possess. On your journey, you will sometimes have to fight your way through willpower. You should move yourself, and not wait for someone to push you.

Discipline and action are one of the basic requirements for achievement, and without strong thinking, you will never break through.

If you find it difficult to stay focused, self-disciplined, and pushing yourself forward, we have bad news for you. You are not ready to get rich!

15. You do not own the product or service that you are selling, you are the product or service

If you get paid for your time, someone is monetizing you. The problem with this situation is that there are only 24 hours in a day. This means that at work, you get your hourly rate. This is your ceiling, you will never earn more than that.

People get rich by wasting other people's time and efforts. They create systems and products that can simultaneously serve hundreds, thousands, and even millions of people.

This is an important shift in thinking. If you don't think so, you are not ready for riches!