RNA Editing Could Be The Next Step In The Development Of CRISPR - Alternative View

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RNA Editing Could Be The Next Step In The Development Of CRISPR - Alternative View
RNA Editing Could Be The Next Step In The Development Of CRISPR - Alternative View

Video: RNA Editing Could Be The Next Step In The Development Of CRISPR - Alternative View

Video: RNA Editing Could Be The Next Step In The Development Of CRISPR - Alternative View
Video: RNA editing with CRISPR-Cas13 2024, October

Scientists at the prestigious Salk Institute said they were able to map the molecular structure of the CRISPR enzyme, which would allow scientists to more accurately manipulate functions in the cell. Over the past few years, CRISPR-Cas9 has captivated the public imagination with its ability to edit the genetic code to correct defects in individual cells - thus treating mutations and preventing the development of many diseases.

Cas9 enzymes, in particular, act as a kind of scissors, cutting out pieces of genetic code and inserting a replacement in their place. But these enzymes target DNA, which is a fundamental building block in the development of the body, and there is growing concern that using an enzyme to reprogram a cell's DNA could do more harm than good.

CRISPR: harm or benefit?

New data from the Salk Institute, published in the journal Cell, provides a detailed molecular structure for the CRISPR-Cas13d enzyme, which can target RNA instead of DNA.


RNA was once thought to be simply a mechanism for delivering instructions encoded in DNA for cellular operations, but we now know that it serves biochemical reactions like enzymes and performs its own control functions in cells. By identifying an enzyme that can target cell control mechanisms rather than an overall plan for cellular function, scientists will be able to perform more precise interventions with less risk.

Simply put, editing tools can allow scientists to modify the activity of a gene without making permanent - and possibly dangerous - changes to the gene itself.

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Ilya Khel