Someone Is Wandering Around The Museum - Alternative View

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Someone Is Wandering Around The Museum - Alternative View
Someone Is Wandering Around The Museum - Alternative View

Video: Someone Is Wandering Around The Museum - Alternative View

Video: Someone Is Wandering Around The Museum - Alternative View
Video: James Acaster On The Absurdity Of The British Empire 2024, September

For some reason, ghosts are very fond of museums and often visit them. So, in one of the halls of the historical museum in Moscow, a surveillance camera recently spotted a mysterious pale silhouette resembling a human figure. Several years ago, similar cases took place in the Tretyakov Gallery … But the most amazing stories will be told by workers and visitors of provincial museums.

The merchant's wife and Levitan

So, ghosts are allegedly found in the Museum of Landscape, located in the small Volga town of Plyos, Ivanovo region. The mansion in which it is located was built at the end of the 18th century. It belonged to an Old Believer merchant who married a young girl Anna Grusheva. The merchant and his elderly mother tried in every possible way to convert Anya to their faith, established harsh order in the house … It ended in a scandalous way: once the painter Levitan came to the city with his beloved Sophia Kuvshinnikova. Having met a young merchant's wife, they persuaded her to go with them to the capital. Anya ran away from her husband and mother-in-law, and she was never seen again in Plyos. But many years later, after her death, she returned to the house where she had once been so unhappy. And now her ghost roams the halls of the museum.


- We already have one security guard who worked the night shift. He was very afraid of her. Another security guard said that he saw the bright outline of a girl who was standing near the front door of the house, - says the director of the Museum of Landscape Valentina Danilova. - There is even evidence that was recorded by CCTV cameras. The recordings show how something like a luminous ball flies through the halls. Once the cameras filmed a blurred silhouette of a girl.

Museum workers recall an episode when a handful of sawdust appeared from somewhere in a closed window, which was under an alarm. The same handful of sawdust was found on a work table in one of the offices. We came to the conclusion that only an ethereal spirit could joke like that …

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Poisoned Countess

A few kilometers from Veliky Novgorod, in an old stone mansion, the administration of the Vitoslavlitsy Museum of Wooden Architecture is located. At the beginning of the 19th century, the owner of the house was the daughter of Count Alexei Orlov-Chesmensky - Countess Anna, who served as a maid of honor at the imperial court.

Shortly after the museum administration settled in the mansion, the staff began to notice strange things. So, in the part where the countess's chambers were supposedly located, mysterious noises and knocks were heard … Moreover, we saw here an oblong clot resembling a female silhouette. This is how one of the employees describes her meeting with the phantom:

- It was at the beginning of winter, the street was getting dark quickly. The working day ended, I was one of the last to leave. I knew that there was no one on the second floor. Suddenly from there distinct rustles began to be heard, as if someone was walking. And I decided to make sure that there were no strangers in the building. You never know what? She got up and saw her in the hall. For some reason I had no doubt that this was a lady. She slowly moved from one wall to another. As if noticing my presence, she melted into the corner of the room. It was, of course, creepy, but I was reassured that two of my colleagues were still in the mansion.

They say that Anna Orlova-Chesmenskaya died under mysterious circumstances - she seemed to be poisoned. And under Soviet rule, her remains were disturbed by reburying them. So her spirit will not find rest for itself.

Pale stranger

Incomprehensible phenomena were also observed in the Aksakov House-Museum in Ufa.

- The creak of the steps, the knock on the batteries were sometimes heard by the watchmen, said the worker of the museum Lyudmila Smirnova. - Ufologists were invited. They took measurements and said that some kind of energy hovers here.

The local history museum in Togliatti is literally teeming with ghosts.

“When the museum was already closed and there were no visitors left, I noticed a moving black spot on the monitor of the security camera,” says the watchman Lidia Prikhodko. “It couldn't possibly be a shadow, because the lights had already been turned off.

Did you know that … Charles Geeta, who killed US President James Garfield, chose the Bulldog revolver with an ivory handle, rather than an ordinary wooden one, as the crime instrument, as he thought it would look better in a museum.

Over time, the phantom even received a name - Bear. Employees also noticed a pale female figure.

- She walked along the corridor and went down to the basement, where we have a storage, - recalls senior researcher Lydia Lyuboslavova. - She did not look like any of ours, and outsiders are prohibited from entering the office premises, so we decided to see who is wandering around the museum? But the store was empty.

Restless Explorer

In the old building of the Khabarovsk Regional Museum named after N. I. Grodekov, in the hall where the exhibition "Culture of Indigenous Peoples" is located, an alarm goes off by itself at night.

- It happens, sometimes something creaks, falls over, for example, the scabbard on top of each other, or the spear falls, - says the deputy director of the museum for scientific affairs Anna Ponomareva. - Things that are ancient, with a rich history, have been collected since the founding of the museum, since 1894. Sometimes with a tragic fate … True, I can't sit in the hall for a long time. As if something is pressing.

There are many shamanic and magical artifacts in the exposition, so it is not surprising that spirits are fooling around here. And there is also a rumor that the ghost of its former director, the famous researcher Vladimir Klavdievich Arsenyev, has settled in the museum. By the way, many exhibits, for example a fragment of the shamanic tree tesun, which means "shelter of spirits," as well as wooden figurines of idols (sevens), he brought here himself. So he walks now, checks his possessions …

Shaman's things

Occult paraphernalia in museums often causes strange phenomena. So, anomalous phenomena occur in the Khuzhir Museum of Local Lore named after N. M. Revyakin on Olkhon Island. They are associated mainly with the things of the Odegon shaman who lived about a century ago, which are now part of the museum's exposition.

According to the myth, Odegon was killed with a glance by a black shaman who was at odds with her. The body of the shaman woman was burned after her death, but some of the objects that belonged to her were preserved, in particular, jewelry and horse harness.

Once the director of the museum, Kapitolina Nikolaevna Litvinova, brought several of the most valuable exhibits to her home. In the evening, Litvinova's dog began to behave strangely - it seemed as if the animal was afraid of something … And in the hallway, where the backpack with the exhibits was left, something rattled strongly. The hostess began to swear with all her might "evil spirits", as the old custom dictates. The sounds stopped, but the next morning it turned out that part of the threshold in the entryway was turned out of the floor …

A local shaman performed a ritual of purification in the museum, and then climbed the Shamanka Rock, taking with him one of the exhibits - an arrowhead from the Odegon arsenal. He was going to summon the spirit of the shamaness. At the same time, he did not allow anyone from the museum staff or simply curious people to go with him, since, according to him, it could be dangerous for an unprepared person.

As soon as the shaman ascended the rock, the weather suddenly deteriorated sharply, although before that the day was sunny. A downpour began with a thunderstorm … And later a certain person who lived near the museum said that she saw a "transparent woman in white" sitting on the porch of the building, who then went towards the Shamanka rock before her eyes.

It is interesting that the “transparent woman” was seen by local schoolgirls returning from a disco. At first they did not understand that it was a ghost, but when the stranger suddenly got up from the stairs and walked through the wall, the girls rushed to run in fear.

The next morning, the shaman performing the ritual revealed that he had indeed succeeded in summoning the spirit of Odegon. She expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that she was separated from the horse. The fact is that the harness of her horse was not next to the rest of the things, but in another showcase. The ghostly shaman also demanded that a ram be sacrificed to her. However, museum workers limited themselves to a container with milk …

On the night of August 2–3 this year, researchers from the Irkutsk branch of the Cosmopoisk organization remained on duty at the museum. The premises were disarmed and the appropriate equipment was installed.

In some places, changes in the electromagnetic background were recorded. In addition, the researchers sensed someone's "otherworldly" presence. They tried to get in touch with the spirit of the shaman, asking him various questions. However, there was no answer. Finally, the guests asked if it was time for the members of "Cosmopoisk" to go home. And then there was a knock, as if hitting the floor with a wooden staff! It is not for nothing that they say that spirits do not like intruders.