The Last Chance For An Empire - Alternative View

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The Last Chance For An Empire - Alternative View
The Last Chance For An Empire - Alternative View

Video: The Last Chance For An Empire - Alternative View

Video: The Last Chance For An Empire - Alternative View
Video: Last Chance (Alt Version) 2024, October

On July 21, 1906 - one hundred and ten years ago - Minister of Internal Affairs Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin was appointed to the post of chairman of the Council of Ministers. Now they would say - the "silovik" has come.

Most of the articles about Stolypin begin with a phrase about the complex and contradictory figure of the protagonist. I dare to say that there was nothing complicated, and even more so contradictory in Stolypin. But surprising - more than enough. He is, perhaps, the only character in Russian history who knew exactly what he wanted and walked towards his goal, not paying attention to the demonic round dance circling around. He walked, knowing for sure that this arduous road did not bode well for him.

Now it is customary to extol Stolypin - even a monument was erected in Moscow in 2012. Veneration, I dare to assume, is based on the well-known phrase uttered by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers on May 10, 1907 to the Duma deputies: “Opponents of statehood would like to choose the path of radicalism, the path of liberation from Russia's historical past, liberation from cultural traditions. They need great shocks, we need Great Russia! The phrase is excellent, no doubt about it. Stolypin was generally a brilliant orator: there are so many bright, at the same time accurate images from another writer - to look. However, do fans of Pyotr Arkadyevich take into account the uncompromising nature of their idol? Then, for example, the circumstancethat he was not afraid to issue ultimatums to the one who always tried to stay away from the responsibility of the Emperor? What about the vertical of power in this case? No, the bronze Stolypin has nothing to do with the real Pyotr Arkadyevich. Had Stolypin been in the current government, not even in the role of prime minister, he would have made no less enemies than then. And the subjunctive mood has nothing to do with it. People like Stolypin are doing their job and leaving soon because they have no fear, no doubts, no allies, and no chance to survive. But full of enemies.that they have no fear, no doubt, no allies, and no chance to survive. But full of enemies.that they have no fear, no doubt, no allies, and no chance to survive. But full of enemies.


Enemies like Stolypin do not leave alone after death. Therefore, they live in the memory of the "Stolypin carriage" - a symbol of the trains going to Siberia, to the eyeballs filled with humiliated and insulted, and "Stolypin's tie" - the gallows. Meanwhile, few people take the trouble to get to the bottom of the truth. For example, to find out that the "Stolypin wagon", designed specifically to deliver peasants with implements and cattle to Siberia for the development of new lands as part of the agrarian reform initiated by the prime minister, was equipped with bars on the windows after the people who called Stolypin an executioner came to power. And the cadet Fyodor Izmailovich Rodichev, who talked in the Duma about military courts and called the gallows "Stolypin's tie," was forced by Pyotr Arkadyevich to apologize. And he apologized. Publicly. By the way, Fyodor Izmailovich died in 1933 in a foreign land - in Lausanne. Interesting,to whom in Switzerland did he talk about the "Stolypin tie"? Such talkers and blind people surrounded Stolypin in a dense crowd. Even now they are not lagging behind - they calculate by what percentage the agricultural production has decreased after the Stolypin government began to endow peasants with land on the basis of private property rights. The fact that the aforementioned event, according to Stolypin himself, was designed for "twenty years of inner and outer peace," is accidentally or maliciously forgotten. Meanwhile, the beginning of the reform is five years from the shots in Kiev, and eight from the shots in Sarajevo. That's all the Stolypin's government began to endow peasants with land as private property. The fact that the aforementioned event, according to Stolypin himself, was designed for "twenty years of inner and outer peace," is accidentally or maliciously forgotten. Meanwhile, the beginning of the reform is five years from the shots in Kiev, and eight from the shots in Sarajevo. That's all the Stolypin's government began to endow peasants with land as private property. The fact that the aforementioned event, according to Stolypin himself, was designed for "twenty years of inner and outer peace" is accidentally or maliciously forgotten. Meanwhile, the beginning of the reform is five years from the shots in Kiev, and eight from the shots in Sarajevo. That's all the statistics.

Stolypin saw the goal of his agrarian reform not only to strengthen the economy of peasant Russia without exception, but also to hit the forces of the revolution that was raging at the time of his appointment as chairman of the Council of Ministers. He did not hide this, declaring on December 5, 1908 in the Duma: "So much is needed for the reconstruction of our kingdom, its reconstruction on strong monarchist foundations, a strong personal owner, so much is he an obstacle to the development of the revolutionary movement." And he was completely right. In order to do without any "would" in the absence of twenty years set for the reform, let us recall that the backbone of Kolchak's army was made up of Siberian peasants - free tillers torn from the embrace of the community and socialists of all stripes. They did not need the Land Decree.

Of course, like anyone walking the unbeaten path, Stolypin was wrong. Sometimes cruel. Here are the words from the above-mentioned speech about the land bill: "… the main thing that is necessary is, when we write a law for the whole country, to keep in mind the reasonable and the strong, and not the drunk and the weak." Natural selection theory didn't work in this case. Destroying the peasant community, sending the peasant on a free voyage, Stolypin should have foreseen that many would not stand this test. I had to think about helping those who are left out of work. Alas, no program was adopted in this regard. Of the three million peasants who went to develop new lands, almost a fifth returned. Some, of course, moved to their native village, but many settled in cities. And the cities began to fill up with people who had neither the means nor the education to arrange their future. This human gunpowder will explode in the 17th.

Promotional video:

Doomed and doomed

But this will be six years after Stolypin's death. In the meantime, he is alive and receives open angry letters from Yasnaya Polyana. The humanist, Count Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy, is indignant at the naval courts established by the Prime Minister immediately after taking office: under the guise of something necessary, good, necessary …"

The subject of military courts is painful and terrible. Therefore, Stolypin's supporters try not to touch it, but opponents procrastinate with all their inherent talkativeness, turning into hysteria. One can endlessly talk about the viciousness of a speedy trial, in which the accused did not even have a lawyer, and the verdict was passed not by the jury, but by several officers of the local garrison, but you cannot argue against the facts - the measure of intimidation worked: in 1907, the revolutionary unrest came to naught, or rather - passed into the stage of latent decay. It can also be argued that the execution of the death penalty does not reduce the number of murderers. A lot of things you can - for example, talk about morality and soul. But this is if you are a “mirror of the Russian revolution”. And if the prime minister? And on the table is a summary in which it is written in black and white,that every day revolutionaries kill 18 people - gendarmes, district police officers, bailiffs, policemen. And if you are a father, and yesterday a bomb was thrown into your mansion on Aptekarsky Island, and now the doctors are deciding whether to amputate your daughter's legs or to wait - what then? God forbid anyone to answer such questions. Stolypin had to. And he answered. Because he knew that no one else would do it. Something unimaginable was happening around. Abusive letters from the creative intelligentsia are childish pranks. When Stolypin in the Duma talked about the losses incurred by the army and the police due to the attacks of the revolutionaries, from the audience rushed: "Not enough!" It seems that the deputies did not realize that there would not be enough seats on the British cruisers for everyone, and Paris was not made of rubber.and yesterday a bomb was thrown into your mansion on Aptekarsky Island, and now the doctors are deciding whether to amputate your daughter's legs or to wait - what then? God forbid anyone to answer such questions. Stolypin had to. And he answered. Because he knew that no one else would do it. Something unimaginable was happening around. Abusive letters from the creative intelligentsia are childish pranks. When Stolypin in the Duma talked about the losses incurred by the army and the police due to the attacks of the revolutionaries, from the audience rushed: "Not enough!" It seems that the deputies did not realize that there would not be enough seats on the British cruisers for everyone, and Paris was not made of rubber.and yesterday a bomb was thrown into your mansion on Aptekarsky Island, and now the doctors are deciding whether to amputate your daughter's legs or to wait - what then? God forbid anyone to answer such questions. Stolypin had to. And he answered. Because he knew that no one else would do it. Something unimaginable was happening around. Abusive letters from the creative intelligentsia are childish pranks. When Stolypin in the Duma talked about the losses incurred by the army and the police due to the attacks of the revolutionaries, from the audience rushed: "Not enough!" It seems that the deputies did not realize that there would not be enough seats on the British cruisers for everyone, and Paris was not made of rubber. Something unimaginable was happening around. Abusive letters from the creative intelligentsia are childish pranks. When Stolypin in the Duma talked about the losses incurred by the army and the police due to the attacks of the revolutionaries, from the audience rushed: "Not enough!" It seems that the deputies were unaware that there would not be enough seats on the British cruisers for everyone, and Paris is not rubber. Something unimaginable was happening around. Abusive letters from the creative intelligentsia are childish pranks. When Stolypin in the Duma talked about the losses incurred by the army and the police due to the attacks of the revolutionaries, from the audience rushed: "Not enough!" It seems that the deputies did not realize that there would not be enough seats on the British cruisers for everyone, and Paris was not made of rubber.

One cannot but agree with Lev Nikolaevich - every life is priceless. That's just about the numbers, the graph got confused. What are "hundreds of times"? Courts-martial sent 683 people to the gallows. In 1905-1907, the revolutionaries killed 9,000 people. However, this has nothing to do with questions of humanism. Naked arithmetic.

Stolypin joined the list of victims of revolutionary terror, having died on September 18, 1911 in Kiev from gunshot wounds. His death gives lovers of conspiracy theories rich food for thought. Still, the anarchist Bogrov, who is also a police informant, received a ticket to the theater where he shot the prime minister from the hands of the head of the Kiev security department. The investigation into the circumstances of the assassination attempt on Pyotr Arkadievich was, to put it mildly, crumpled and fleeting. A prominent lawyer, member of the State Council of the Empire Anatoly Fedorovich Koni will write about this: “Having repeatedly betrayed Stolypin and putting him in a defenseless position in relation to obvious and secret enemies, the“adored monarch”did not find it possible to be at the funeral of the murdered, but he found an opportunity to stop the case of connivance with the murderers. Let's leave the conspiracy theory to the enthusiasts, though. In the phrase, Horses is the essence. Stolypin was doomed, the "adored monarch" too, and Russia was doomed with them. Doomed to wait for the appearance of not a crafty healer or a violent bloodletter, but a normal doctor.