George Carlin On Religion And God! - Alternative View

George Carlin On Religion And God! - Alternative View
George Carlin On Religion And God! - Alternative View

Video: George Carlin On Religion And God! - Alternative View

Video: George Carlin On Religion And God! - Alternative View
Video: Adolf Hitler: Leader of the Third Reich - Fast Facts | History 2024, October

People, I must tell you the truth about Razvodilov, any businessman is nothing compared to a priest. When it comes to absolute nonsense of all time, you should be in awe (stand in line) before the king of all false promises and exorbitant demands - religion. No controversy, religion is the greatest and most absurd story ever told.

Imagine, religion has actually convinced people that there is an invisible person in heaven who watches everything you do - every day, every minute, every moment, even when you create ads with the text sell a cat. And this invisible person has a (distinctive) list of ten things you shouldn't do. And if you do any of these things, then he has a place full of fire, smoke, burning, torture and torment, where he will send you to live, suffer, burn, suffocate, scream and cry forever, “forever and ever”! BUT! He loves you! And he needs money! Is always! He is omnipotent, all-knowing, all-seeing, only he cannot deal with money. Religion has billions of dollars in revenue, it does not pay taxes, and it always needs more. Here's a crazy story for you, shit!

When it comes to God, I want you to know, I really tried to believe that there is a God who created us in the image and likeness, that she loves us very much and is closely watching what is happening. but I must say (note) that the more you live, the more you learn, the more you understand that something is wrong here. War, disease, death, destruction, hunger, debauchery, poverty, torment, crime, corruption, ice ages as they are and show. Something in nature is wrong - that's not how things are done. If this is the best God is capable of, then I'm not impressed. Results like these are not suitable for a questionnaire (CV) of a higher order being. This is to be expected from a slipshod office worker on a temporary job, and by the way, out of any decent universe, this guy would have kicked out of work long ago with his omnipotent ass.and by the way, I say "this guy" because I firmly believe, looking at the results, that if God exists, then he must be a man. no woman could shit like that.

So if God exists, I think many sane people would agree that he is at least incompetent !? maybe he just doesn't give a shit ?! If he gives a fuck (which I appreciate in people), that explains all the bad results. Then it's better than being another mindless religious fanatic (robot), it's useless and aimlessly blindly believing that everything is in the hands of some terribly incompetent father-creator who just doesn't give a shit, I decided to look around in search of something else that I could idolize, since it is so necessary. Something I could really count on. and immediately I thought of the sun. Just like that, overnight, I became a sun worshiper. Well, not overnight - there is no sun at night, but this was the first idea in the morning. I became a sun worshiper for several reasons, firstly, I see him,unlike all other imaginary gods. I can see the sun, I am sure of that, and it seems to inspire at least some confidence. And so I see the sun every day, it gives me everything I need: warmth, food, flowers in the park, reflections in the lake, sometimes it leads to skin cancer, but stop! At least he does not have a crucifix and we do not send people to the fire for his glory or because they simply do not agree with us. It is very easy to bow to the sun. There is no mysticism, miracles, magnificent spectacles, no one asks for money, there are no songs that must be taught, there is no special building where we all gather once a week to show off our clothes. And the best thing about the sun is that it never tells me that I am unworthy. He does not reproach that I am a bad person who needs to be saved, does not use unkind words, always treats me well. I can see the sun, I am sure of that, and it seems to inspire at least some confidence. And so I see the sun every day, it gives me everything I need: heat, food, flowers in the park, reflections in the lake, sometimes it leads to skin cancer, but stop! At least he does not have a crucifix and we do not send people to the fire for his glory or because they simply do not agree with us. It is very easy to bow to the sun. There is no mysticism, miracles, magnificent spectacles, no one asks for money, there are no songs that must be learned, there is no special building where we all gather once a week to show off our clothes. And the best thing about the sun is that it never tells me that I am unworthy. He does not reproach that I am a bad person who needs to be saved, does not use unkind words, always treats me well. I can see the sun, I am sure of that, and it seems to inspire at least some confidence. And so I see the sun every day, it gives me everything I need: warmth, food, flowers in the park, reflections in the lake, sometimes it leads to skin cancer, but stop! At least he does not have a crucifix and we do not send people to the fire for his glory or because they simply do not agree with us. It is very easy to bow to the sun. There is no mysticism, miracles, magnificent spectacles, no one asks for money, there are no songs that must be taught, there is no special building where we all gather once a week to show off our clothes. And the best thing about the sun is that it never tells me that I am unworthy. He does not reproach that I am a bad person who needs to be saved, does not use unkind words, always treats me well. And so I see the sun every day, it gives me everything I need: warmth, food, flowers in the park, reflections in the lake, sometimes it leads to skin cancer, but stop! At least he does not have a crucifix and we do not send people to the fire for his glory or because they simply do not agree with us. It is very easy to bow to the sun. There is no mysticism, miracles, magnificent spectacles, no one asks for money, there are no songs that must be taught, there is no special building where we all gather once a week to show off our clothes. And the best thing about the sun is that it never tells me that I am unworthy. He does not reproach that I am a bad person who needs to be saved, does not use unkind words, always treats me well. And so I see the sun every day, it gives me everything I need: warmth, food, flowers in the park, reflections in the lake, sometimes it leads to skin cancer, but stop! At least he does not have a crucifix and we do not send people to the fire for his glory or because they simply do not agree with us. It is very easy to bow to the sun. There is no mysticism, miracles, magnificent spectacles, no one asks for money, there are no songs that must be taught, there is no special building where we all gather once a week to show off our clothes. And the best thing about the sun is that it never tells me that I am unworthy. He does not reproach that I am a bad person who needs to be saved, does not use unkind words, always treats me well. At least he does not have a crucifix and we do not send people to the fire for his glory or because they simply do not agree with us. It is very easy to bow to the sun. There is no mysticism, miracles, magnificent spectacles, no one asks for money, there are no songs that must be taught, there is no special building where we all gather once a week to show off our clothes. And the best thing about the sun is that it never tells me that I am unworthy. He does not reproach that I am a bad person who needs to be saved, does not use unkind words, always treats me well. At least he does not have a crucifix and we do not send people to the fire for his glory or because they simply do not agree with us. It is very easy to bow to the sun. There is no mysticism, miracles, magnificent spectacles, no one asks for money, there are no songs that must be taught, there is no special building where we all gather once a week to show off our clothes. And the best thing about the sun is that it never tells me that I am unworthy. He does not reproach that I am a bad person who needs to be saved, does not use unkind words, always treats me well.where we would all gather once a week to show off our clothes. And the best thing about the sun is that it never tells me that I am unworthy. He does not reproach that I am a bad person who needs to be saved, does not use unkind words, always treats me well.where we would all gather once a week to show off our clothes. And the best thing about the sun is that it never tells me that I am unworthy. He does not reproach that I am a bad person who needs to be saved, does not use unkind words, always treats me well.

I honor the sun, but I don't pray to it. Do you know why? I would not want to defile our friendship - that is not polite. I often think that people are rather rude to God, sending millions and billions of requests every day. Begging, begging and begging for favors. Do it, give me that, I need a new car, I want another job … And most often they pray on Sundays, when he has a day off! This is not good, you cannot treat your friends like that. But people pray and pray for many things, like a sister needs crotch surgery, or a brother was arrested for defecating in a department store … But more often than not, I just want to stick that hot little redhead in a secluded place. Well, the one with the eye patch and the clubfoot still. Do you pray for this? I think you just have to!

And I’ll even say well - pray about whatever you want, about anything, but what about the Divine Plan? Remember him? long ago, God came up with a divine plan. He used his brains, decided that the plan was good and implemented it. And for billions of years, the divine design worked perfectly. now, you come and pray for something. What if the things that you ask for are not part of His Divine Plan? What do you want him to do - change his plan? For you? Not too presumptuous? This is still a divine plan. What's the point of being God if any fuck with a prayer book can come and screw up Your Plan? Or something else we may face: suppose the prayers were not answered. What do you say? “All is God's will and so be it. great, but if it is God's will, then he will do what he wants. So what the hell was praying at all? To me this is a waste of time! Maybe just skip the prayer part and go straight to His Will?

And so to get around all this, I decided to honor the sun. But as I said, I am not praying to the sun. Do you know who I pray to? Joe Pesci. For two reasons: firstly, I think he is a good actor, and that means a lot to me. Secondly, he looks like a man of action. Joe Pesci doesn't waste time on shit. In principle, Joe Pesci achieved those things that even God had problems with. For years I have asked the Lord to do something about my noisy neighbor and his barking dog. Joe Pesci dealt with this bastard in one go. It's amazing what you can do with a baseball bat. So I've been praying to Joey for a year now.

And I noticed something. All of my prayers to Joey come true about the same 50% of the time. Half of the times I got what I wanted and half I didn't. The same is with God - 50 to 50. The same is with a four-leaf clover and a horseshoe, a well of desires and a rabbit's foot, the same is with Mojo and a fortuneteller who predicts fortune by pulling goat eggs. It's all the same - 50 to 50, so choose what to believe, sit back, make a wish and enjoy. And for those who are looking for moral lessons and quality literature in the Bible, I can advise a few things. I think they might be interested in the story of the Three Little Pigs - a very good thing. There is a happy ending, I'm sure everyone will like it. Then we can turn to Little Red Riding Hood, although there is a scene of violence when a big gray wolf eats all the same grandmother, but for that to me,honestly don't give a damn. Finally, I have always enjoyed Humpty Dumpty a lot. Most of all I like: "all the royal cavalry, all the king's men cannot gather Humpty Dumpty." This is because there is no Humpty Dumpty, and there is no God. There is none, and never has been.

Promotional video:

Let's put it this way: if God exists, let him slay the one who reads it tightly. See, nothing happened. everything is all right, everyone is alive ?! Okay, let's do this, raise the stakes: if God exists, let him slay the one who writes this. Well? Nothing happened, oh wait … my leg snapped … and my balls hurt … plus I went blind. Deaf, but no, again everything is in order, probably, it's all the same Joe Pesci playing around ?! Thank you all very much … bless you!
