Illuminati - Heirs Of Secret Knowledge - Alternative View

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Illuminati - Heirs Of Secret Knowledge - Alternative View
Illuminati - Heirs Of Secret Knowledge - Alternative View

Video: Illuminati - Heirs Of Secret Knowledge - Alternative View

Video: Illuminati - Heirs Of Secret Knowledge - Alternative View
Video: Secret History of the Illuminati Revealed 2024, October

Since ancient times, people have been united in secret alliances, wishing by collective effort to comprehend certain truths and thereby gain power unknown to others. Centuries passed, and the seekers of knowledge and power formed more and more secret societies, because they understood: who owns information, owns the world.

In the beginning there was a mystery

The most ancient of the secret societies is the Masonic order. According to legend, Freemasonry originated in Ancient Egypt, where only a select few possessed the necessary knowledge to build the pyramids. From Egypt, the brotherhood of masons moved to Europe, and from the pyramids moved on to the construction of cathedrals and castles of the Middle Ages, and today striking lines with perfection. The ideological descendants of those Masons, although they preserved the trowel and compasses in symbolism, instead of erecting buildings, they wanted to rebuild the whole world.


In the Arab East in the Middle Ages, a community of assassins (mercenary assassins), led by a certain Hasan ibn as-Sabbah, also called the Old Man of the Mountain, gained great power. Assassins were famous for their iron discipline and extraordinary art of killing. Also, according to legends, they could command the elements, move with lightning speed in space and time and understood all languages in the world - living and long gone. The knightly order of the Knights Templar, which arose in the same region, managed to get along with Hasan's subordinates, and therefore enriched itself with secret knowledge and, upon returning to Christian Europe, brought it with him. A couple of centuries passed, and the Order of the Knights of the Temple - the Templars - turned into an independent force, not subject to anyone except the Pope. In fact, the Templars were a whole state without borders.

In addition to comprehending the secrets of nature, the Templars were actively involved in economics. The order built temples, castles and roads, and most importantly - lent money at interest. The success of the Templars in the financial field caused universal envy and led them to death rather than secret knowledge and secret rituals. The French king Philip IV (rumored to owe a lot to the templars) decided to end the existence of a powerful order. On a false denunciation, he once arrested all the Templars in the kingdom. Of course, they were not accused of what the king owed them. But they were accused of blasphemy, devil worship, sodomy and bestiality. As a result, the order was destroyed, and its property went to the treasury of the kingdom. Following France, the monarchs of other European countries fell upon the Templars, and soon the order finally ceased to exist.

Secret societies, one after another, seemed to disappear without a trace from the pages of history. However, there is a possibility that in fact they were transformed into one another. If this is really so, then for more than one thousand years only one secret society has been operating on the planet, having collected unprecedented knowledge during its existence and acquired an irresistible power.

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Bavarian enlightened

Several centuries passed, and at the end of the 18th century, the lawyer from Bavaria, Adam Weishaupt, founded an alliance, declared the heir of all secret alliances of the past.

Weishaupt himself was brought up in a Jesuit college and until the end of his days retained an aversion to theological ideas that were hammered into the heads of students. Then entering the University of Ingolstadt, he discovered there the same outdated principles of education based on limited religiosity. However, the inertness of the teachers did not prevent the talented ambitious young man from obtaining a doctorate in jurisprudence, and soon also a professorship. Adam successfully moved up the career ladder, but his interests lay outside the university walls. The pursuit of the ideas of the Enlightenment led Adam to the ranks of the Freemasons. The paradox is that Weishaupt did not find himself “on the other side of the barricades” either: among the free masons, everything was subordinated to rituals, but they, as a rule, were limited to them. Soon the young lawyer left the Masonic lodge,to start creating your own union, designed to make people better and the world more perfect. At the same time, Weishaupt himself, according to his contemporaries, had a difficult character, was prone to intrigue and was indiscriminate in achieving his goals.

Masonic initiation ritual
Masonic initiation ritual

Masonic initiation ritual

At the time of its foundation, the Illuminati society (from the Latin "enlightened") consisted of only five members, each of whom took a pseudonym from ancient or medieval history (Weishaupt, for example, was called Spartacus). The Order's charter provided for the strictest secrecy, absolute subordination to the leaders of the union, as well as the "ideological" vigilance of all members in relation to themselves and to each other.

The society enjoyed considerable success, and after a few years there were about 700 people and lodges (that is, branches) throughout Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, Austria, Hungary and other countries. Over time, such famous persons as the teacher Pestalozzi, the writer Goethe, the musician Mozart, and many different influential officials and courtiers appeared in the ranks of the Illuminati. And along with the growth of the order's influence, rumors about its mysterious activities steadily spread - the further, the more ridiculous.

However, the mighty of this world were alarmed by the union, especially not hiding its existence and at the same time keeping secret its intentions. The Bavarian Duke Karl Theodor, who came to power, banned the activities of the society, and after conducting searches in the apartments of the Illuminati, he still pretty much discredited him, publishing all the dirt that he could find, from excuses for suicide to forcing female partners to abortion. The head of the order had to hastily flee abroad.

After such a crushing defeat, the society seemed to cease its activities. However, Adam Weishaupt himself became an adviser at the court of the Duke of Saxe-Gotha, and after him his other like-minded people set off in orderly ranks to pursue a career in the civil service. What drove them: a simple desire to make a living or hidden reasons that become obvious if you consider the ideology of their union?

Explicit and hidden

The members of the order did not set themselves revolutionary goals. The Illuminati charter provided for a long hard work to educate people and improve society. It was supposed to work for centuries, having in the distant future the achievement of the kingdom of goodness and justice.

Burning of two Templars. Medieval drawing
Burning of two Templars. Medieval drawing

Burning of two Templars. Medieval drawing

As for the method of establishing the desired kingdom, it was well thought out. The members of the union attracted people who were dexterous, resourceful, who knew how to easily enter into trust. If at the same time they possessed wealth, connections or a high position - such characters became indispensable for society. All these craftsmen were obliged to gradually and unobtrusively incline the minds of people to the principles of the order, to instill the ideas of reason and public conscience wherever possible. The higher the Illuminati climbed the career ladder, the more influence they could wield. Ideally, each ruler would eventually have to be surrounded by members of the union in order to give its policy the direction the order needs. However, the "evolutionist" Weishaupt did not exclude the use of force on those who could not be convinced with goodness. He called for "tying the hands of everyone who resists" and "crushing everyone who cannot be convinced."

After the ban on the activities of the society, all information about it migrated to the realm of legends. It is believed, for example, that the Illuminati, disenchanted with the evolutionary path of changing society, took an active part in the Great French Revolution. They are also credited with moving overseas, to the lands of the New World, and a latent influence on all political processes in the United States of America since the beginning of the 19th century. Conspiracy theorists (supporters of the theory of the world conspiracy) generally argue that the secret union of the "enlightened" still exists, has subjugated the whole world and moves it in some unknown direction, towards the light or, conversely, towards disaster.

Is there a world conspiracy?

According to conspiracy theorists, individual events in world history are beginning to look like part of a single grandiose plan to reorganize the planet into one large state ruled by a single secret government consisting of new Illuminati. It is believed to include the 13 richest and most influential families around the world, and they have shaped all the significant events of recent decades. They are credited with electing some US presidents and killing others (for example, Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy). They influence society with the help of ancient occult practices, and for this they subordinated show business and cinema to themselves. The creation of popular today disaster films about aliens, wars in space and the coming of the Day of Judgment also aims to prepare the planet's population for the events of the distant future.

The first step towards the formation of a global government was the establishment of the United Nations (UN), designed to control what is happening on all continents of the Earth. A few decades later, the European Union (EU) was born, which is a model of a single authoritarian state, rigidly dictating its will to all its member countries. And at the helm of the EU are, of course, the Illuminati along with the Freemasons. For total control in the economy, a common currency (euro) operates on the territory of the union. However, in recent years, the influence of the EU government has decreased, and the prospects for the euro are vague. But conspiracy theorists never tire of repeating that the secret government continues to rule the world and is still leading it to its secret goal.

Source: "Secrets of the XX century"