Road Of Death Or Abnormal Zones On The Roads - Alternative View

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Road Of Death Or Abnormal Zones On The Roads - Alternative View
Road Of Death Or Abnormal Zones On The Roads - Alternative View

Video: Road Of Death Or Abnormal Zones On The Roads - Alternative View

Video: Road Of Death Or Abnormal Zones On The Roads - Alternative View
Video: World’s Most Dangerous Roads | Russia - The Long Road to Siberia | Free Documentary 2024, October

Death Roads Anomalies

Researchers of anomalous and paranormal phenomena around the world are increasingly paying attention to the inexplicable phenomenon of “roads of death.” Studies in Russia, Slovakia, Poland, Germany and other countries prove the obvious thing. On highways there are certain sections of roads on which the number of road Traffic accidents (RTA) sometimes hundreds of times higher than the average. These places are called geopathogenic, or anomalous zones. In some areas the anomaly is more pronounced, in others - weaker. Such zones appear near tectonic faults or mineral deposits, near high-voltage power lines.

There are geopathogenic zones that can activate and subside depending on the time of day or season. Scientists have proven that all man-made tunnels, pits, pipelines and similar structures, laid in unfavorable areas, dramatically increase negative energy. There are certain signs by which the presence of abnormal areas is determined. This is a large number of ravines, oppressed vegetation, not naturally twisted trees.

For drivers who find themselves on such sections of the road, disturbances in the body occur at the molecular, protein, cellular level. The pulse rate, blood pressure may change significantly, and even a nervous breakdown may occur. Drivers get tired quickly, their reaction and visual acuity become dull. The result is driving errors and accidents. According to statistics, the number of people who died on the roads of our planet can be compared with the losses in the bloodiest wars.

Not many people know that almost in the very center of Moscow, on the “presidential highway” along which Russian statesmen pass every day, there is such a “dead zone”. At first glance, all this may seem like nonsense. However, the statistics of road accidents and testimonies of traffic police officers leave more questions than answers. "A lost place" - this is how the local traffic cops call a small section of Kutuzovsky Prospekt, not far from the turn to Minskaya Street. It is here that accidents occur with frightening regularity, and almost all of them are fatal. Two kilometers of Kutuzovsky Prospect (between 8th and 9th) became fatal for them. 2003 - 16 accidents were registered here, in which 25 people died. These figures alone are disconcerting. But it really becomes uncomfortable when you delve into each specific case. Terrible car accidents,taking human lives arise, in fact, out of nothing.

• August 11 - became fatal for a family of Muscovites, who rode their "Niva" to the center of the capital. In addition to the driver, his wife, mother-in-law, 23-year-old daughter and 8-year-old son were in the car. Suddenly a gazelle flew out from the oncoming lane. However, this accident was preceded by a whole chain of seemingly random events. Along Kutuzovsky Avenue, this "gazelle" rushed to the Moscow region. As they later found out, she was hijacked. While rebuilding into another lane, the driver of the gazelle hooked a Toyota on the front outer glass. The driver of the foreign car began honking and rushed in pursuit of the offender. He, trying to break away and hide, collided with a cargo "ZIL" and flew into the oncoming lane. And then the "Niva" was on the way. The driver of the car and his mother-in-law died on the spot, others have severe injuries. The gazelle hijacker fled from the accident scene and was put on the wanted list.

• September 2 - the accident that happened, witnesses call it nothing but mysticism. At 4 am, the multi-lane Kutuzovsky Avenue is practically empty. What gloomy, inexplicable coincidences of circumstances made three cars meet here! The sweeper and the 7 were heading towards the center, the Mercedes was heading for the area. It was a foreign car that suddenly flew into the oncoming lane. Then she collides with the "seven", turns over and, by inertia, "finds" the harvester. The result of this accident is the death of four young people.

• 2004, February 16 - four people are killed here in an instant. The described tragedies have one important circumstance: in all cases, the perpetrators of accidents on the road were sober. And there are a lot of such mystical accidents on this section of Kutuzovsky Prospekt. The weather conditions have nothing to do with it, since the "presidential route" is always well cleaned and there is no ice here.

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Law enforcers are people who, by the nature of their work, should not be superstitious and distrustful. They cannot explain the reason for such terrible coincidences. Now law enforcement officers have turned to historians and local historians to look for a clue in the labyrinths of centuries. There are rumors in the area that once there was a cemetery, a churchyard on this place. This was not confirmed in the archives. At the beginning of the last century, the authoritative specialist in local history A. Saladin described many destroyed cemeteries. In old Moscow, there were no cemeteries as such. People were buried next to churches, temples, in the territories of monasteries. During terrible epidemics, a large number of Muscovites died. Tsar Peter 1 issued a decree: "Dead human bodies, except for noble persons, cannot be buried inside cities."

So cemeteries began to appear in the Moscow region. In the past, Kutuzovsky Prospekt was called the Smolensk Road, it was a suburb, there were several villages in which there were cemeteries. But scientists became interested in one fact. In the archives, information was found that on one of the sides of the modern Kutuzovsky Prospect, once in the old days there were cattle slaughterhouses. The place is not at all happy. Perhaps this circumstance created that mysteriously eerie halo of the presence of death, blood in this area near Poklonnaya Gora?

• In the Ulyanovsk region. ufologists and researchers of anomalous zones came to the aid of local traffic cops. The Saransk-Ulyanovsk federal highway has certain sections where accidents occur regularly. Many drivers cannot explain what happened to them. Some say that the steering has failed, others that they have become ill with vision, others remember that they have fallen into some kind of incomprehensible stupor. Studies by ufologists have confirmed the presence of an anomalous zone here. Old-timers say that the road was laid through the old cemetery, while the graves of their ancestors were razed to the ground.

• One more section of this road has earned the glory of a "lost place". This is a part of the way from the village of Mirny to the turn to the regional center Cherdakly and the exit from the highway towards the Hollow. Accidents happen here every two weeks. An employee of the Ulyanovsk traffic police A. Karpeeva has collected a whole archive of road accidents. More often, drivers drive into oncoming traffic, although there are no deep ravines, sharp ups and downs on this section. And accidents happen with inevitable constancy. The locals dubbed this place “the valley of death”.

Several years ago, Ulyanovsk archaeologists carried out excavations in these places. The legend was confirmed: an ancient burial was actually found at the site of the road. In the archives, information was found that the old provincial road went around a Muslim cemetery. In the 1960s, it was considered that it was an obstacle to transport links, the area was "leveled" and an asphalt road was laid. Constant accidents with fatalities led the local traffic police authorities to an extraordinary solution. At their request, the rector of the local church, Father Nikolai, consecrated this road of death. On an on-board UAZ, father sprinkled the Cherdaklinsky track with holy water meter by meter. Every hundred meters, the car stopped and Father Nikolai read prayers.

• There is a road of death in the Yuzhno-Sakhalin region, on the Korsakov highway. This is a section from Khristoforovka to the “Distant” stop. The local population calls it a "dead zone"; here, with frightening regularity, people fall under the wheels of cars. Servants of the law adhere to their version - it is necessary to follow the rules of the road. The old-timers insist on their own: nothing can be built on the demolished cemeteries.

• There is another anomalous zone not far from Vestochka - on the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk-Okhotskoye road. The laws of physics state that the car must accelerate on the descent and slow down on the uphill. The opposite happens immediately. Drivers say the wheels feel like they are sticking a lot to the road surface. The researchers carried out the necessary measurements in this mysterious place, and they showed an overestimated magnetic background. No one yet knows what this may be due to, but the fact that there is an anomaly is a fact.

Many geopathogenic zones in St. Petersburg and the region. According to Russian scientists, they make up approximately one fifth of the city's territory. But the "black record" of accidents is given by several kilometers of the Murmansk highway. Here cars crash four times more often.

The statistics of road accidents on the roads of Belarus remains sad. Traffic policemen of Minsk region we have studied the “roads of death” well, where more accidents occur on a section of one or two kilometers of the road than along the entire route. Here are just a few of these unfavorable places:

• The section between the villages of Papernya and Vishnevka on the Minsk-Kalachi-Myadel highway is a non-steep hill. Here, for no good reason, the cars simply go into a ditch. Old-timers say that the road here is literally built on human bones - there used to be a cemetery here.

• The section of the highway near the village of Privolny on the Minsk-Mogilev highway is especially notorious. And this is only a 3-kilometer stretch. More than 10 accidents were registered here in two months. In this case, not only drivers were injured, but also pedestrians.

• Another of these "damned roads" is located between the sixth and seventh kilometers of the Sloboda-Novosady highway. This site consists of small hills. In 2001 alone, 7 people died here, and accidents continue with terrifying constancy. 10 fatal accidents occurred on the same road at the approach to the city of Zhodino (between the 24th and 27th km). But the road in this place is flat, smooth, without steep ascents and descents. The "Belorusskaya Delovaya Gazeta" reported that the astrologer I. Kiryushin conducted a special investigation of these areas. As it turned out, the anomalous zone with interruptions stretches along the road for several kilometers. The level of negative energy in this place on a 10-point scale is 10. The situation is aggravated by three high-voltage power lines that cross the route. And there is a cemetery nearby.

• There is a "damned" 65th kilometer on the Minsk-Molodechno-Naroch highway. The road here is completely flat. How can you explain that people die every year on a 150-meter site?

Not the best situation on the famous European highways and autobahns. In neighboring Poland, near the town of Tarnow, road accidents regularly occur on a 7-kilometer stretch of road. Cars lose control, take off into the oncoming lane, fall into a ditch for no reason. Basically, drivers are unable to explain their actions. Recently, Polish doctors carried out an analysis of the accidents, and the experts found rather mysterious things. It is on this section of the highway that the blood pressure of drivers sharply rises, the heart rate changes, the pulse and breathing rate sometimes drop to zero. All this leads to oxygen starvation and a short-term blackout.

• In the Czech Republic, a “fund of 88 kilometers” was created. On this section of the road the car of the prominent politician A. Dubchek got into an accident. The "dead zone" is located on the Brno-Prague road. In 1998 alone, 395 road accidents occurred here and 11 people died.

• A similar "road of death" exists in Germany between Frankfurt am Main and Mannheim. Over the past six years, 73 accidents have occurred on one kilometer of this route, in which more than 200 people have died. Moreover, the section of this route is absolutely straight.

• In Switzerland, in the valley of the Mentul River, there is the so-called "Valley of Death". The negative energy of this area also leads to a large number of accidents.

• The French have a bad reputation for the section of the highway passing through Korsheni, near Kontarga. The road is in excellent condition, but road accidents happen here with terrible regularity.

• “Land Bermuda Triangle” is the name of a stretch of road just one and a half kilometers long on the motorway near Milan in Italy. The greatest number of accidents occurs here, strange things happen to cars. For no apparent reason, flawlessly running engines stall, tires burst, and various systems fail.

It is clear that road accidents have occurred, probably, from the very time people invented the wheel. There can be many reasons leading to them. But, based on the gloomy statistics of those dying on the roads, it becomes clearer and clearer that it is necessary to take seriously the study of the so-called anomalous zones of the Earth: a kind of cancerous tumors of our planet. The pathogenic energy of geopathogenic zones affects everyone and everything. What is happening on the roads has forced scientists from different directions to look for a kind of antidote in the fight against an invisible enemy.

So, Doctor of Technical Sciences G. A. Sergeev and his assistant Yu. V. Vorontsova invented a microlaser. This device can change the chemical properties of gravitational particles and detect the presence of plasma matter. It is indispensable for detecting geopathogenic or anomalous zones. The microlaser will show where particles of matter are distributed unevenly, where there are violations of the gravitational field. In such places, a person usually feels bad. Specialists have developed special polymers that correct the unfavorable field. Now the driver only has to put such a polymer in his pocket, and his health will noticeably improve.

Particularly emergency road sections usually correspond to the places where strange energy emerges on the earth's surface, which is not always recorded by instruments. The most reliable device turned out to be a wire frame - a proven tool in the search for various anomalies. Scientists no longer question the assertion that the energy of the Earth in such zones should be carefully studied. In many countries of the world, detailed maps of anomalous zones are being compiled.

Abroad, abnormal zones on the road are marked with warning signs. In Slovakia and Austria, devices are used to neutralize the harmful effects of such zones on drivers. In Poland, areas of increased accident rate are fenced with special protective shields.

Modern science has proven that anomalous zones actually exist. From time immemorial, people have known about the existence of such "black spots". A person subconsciously wants to get out of there home as quickly as possible, before that it is uncomfortable, creepy and scary. And when sections of the highway pass through such places, they, as a rule, are distinguished by an increased accident rate. Our ancestors have always taken into account the location of "black spots" when building a house and paving the way. And nowadays it has become customary to erect monuments to those killed in road accidents right along the road, at the place of death. And their number is increasing every year. In our hectic time, it seems as if there is no time to think about such "trifles" as anomalous zones on the roads. But we are paying too high a price for this - with human lives.

V. Syadro, O. Ochkurova