Greetings From The "little Green Men" - Alternative View

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Greetings From The "little Green Men" - Alternative View
Greetings From The "little Green Men" - Alternative View

Video: Greetings From The "little Green Men" - Alternative View

Video: Greetings From The
Video: (3.55)New Concept Englis 3 Lesson 55: From the earth: Greetings 来自地球的问候 新概念3 2024, October

According to ufologists, the period from the late 80s to the mid 90s of the XX century was characterized by increased UFO activity not only in Russia, but also in many other countries. According to experts, in some regions of the planet, the number of UFO reports has increased by 10-12 times compared with the average statistical data.

Much is explained by earthly reasons

A man lives in Samara who in those years managed to see mysterious objects in the sky at least fifteen (!) Times. This is Sergey Markelov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Samara Aerospace University, and at the same time - an analyst of the non-governmental research organization "Avesta".

“I first observed a UFO in the spring of 1958, when I was ten years old,” says Sergei Aleksandrovich. - It was about 11 o'clock in the afternoon. A luminous ball appeared in the sky, which quickly disappeared. After a while, I heard from the side where he flew away, dull rumbles, reminiscent of an explosion. Most likely, then I observed the process of deceleration of a meteorite in the earth's atmosphere.

Now I understand that almost all such phenomena that I have seen are explained either by natural causes or by man-made processes - for example, by spacecraft flying through the Earth's atmosphere. Let me explain this with two examples.

On February 1, 1977, at about 22 o'clock in the sky over Kuibyshev, as Samara was called at that time, I suddenly saw a huge shining circle of greenish color - the light seemed to diverge from one point. A luminous yellow ball was clearly visible in the center of the circle. This lasted for about ten minutes, after which the ball disappeared as suddenly as it appeared, and the greenish circle slowly melted against the sky. There were no sound effects.

August 23, 1979 In the evening, being near the intersection of Chelyuskintsev Street and Lenin Avenue in Kuibyshev, I clearly saw a drop-shaped object hanging motionless in the sky. But it was impossible to determine the exact coordinates of the "drop" from my place. Later, when comparing my data with the data of another observer who was in another area of the city, I was able to calculate that the UFO was hanging at an altitude of 30 kilometers, and its length was at least 300 meters. The object was observed by many people for more than two hours.

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Laser message from aliens?

In the eyes of an inexperienced person, both of the facts described above are typical cases of the appearance of alien "plates" above the Earth. Meanwhile, the first of them can be easily explained by the destruction in the planet's atmosphere of a spacecraft created by earthlings. In such cases, light circles are almost always formed in the air, the color of which can vary from white to red.

The situation with the second incident is more complicated, but upon close examination it is mathematically fully described by the so-called Mukhortov's model. Imagine a cloud of dust particles hanging in the earth's atmosphere. From friction on the incoming air streams, these particles are charged and begin to glow, and at some points with the highest charge, the glow can be very bright and sharply differ from the background. This is how spherical or drop-shaped objects with "windows" on the sides appear in the atmosphere, which from the Earth's surface can be perceived as UFOs.

However, Markelov further admitted, even experts can not explain all such cases …

… According to Markelov's recollections, it was on April 5, 1990 at about 20 hours 40 minutes. The scientist was then in the city, not far from the banks of the Volga. The moon has risen. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, Markelov noticed that a spherical object of emerald green color appeared in the sky 20 degrees to her right, about three times the size of the lunar disk. The researcher was able to carefully examine the green ball, because it hung in the sky for about ten minutes, and then suddenly disappeared.

Then information about this object came to the address of "Avesta" from the cities of Russia on the section from Nizhny Novgorod to Astrakhan. At the same time, Markelov noted one detail in the messages: correspondents wrote that shortly before a green ball appeared in the sky to the right of the Moon, to the left of it, a similar object of bright red color appeared. He, too, hung in the sky for ten minutes, and then suddenly disappeared.

In the space from the Lower to the Upper Volga, these balls were seen at the same angular distance from the Earth's satellite. This means they should have been far away in space. With some stretch, their appearance can be explained by a laser beam directed at the Earth. But in this case, this laser was somewhere in the region of Jupiter's orbit, which excludes the version that the device was created by human hands.

Markelov also noted that it was in the first half of 1990 that scientists from different countries were catching incomprehensible radio signals, the source of which, according to their data, was between the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn.

UFO over Samarskaya Luka

Samara and Togliatti ufologists argue that UFO visits to the Middle Volga are not uncommon. In many parts of the world, some "points of attraction" of unidentified flying objects have been registered, where they are observed more often than in other places. One of such anomalous points is the Samarskaya Luka with the Zhigulevsky mountains, where people saw various UFOs hundreds of years ago. Here are just a few facts.

September 1952. At about 11 o'clock in the evening, in the suburb of Kuibyshev, several people observed a group of five red balloons moving in the sky in a dense formation from east to west. The balloons flew at an altitude of three to five kilometers.

End of August 1962. At about noon, a disc-shaped object passed over the Kurumoch airport. Its flight altitude exceeded ten kilometers. The unknown disc was moving at a speed faster than the speed of the jet fighter of the time. The subject very quickly disappeared from sight.

Summer 1972. At dusk in Togliatti, a dark disc-shaped object hovered over one of the electrical substations at a low altitude. The freeze was accompanied by a power outage for all substation consumers. This lasted about ten minutes, until the object took off and, sharply gaining altitude, disappeared, after which the supply of energy was restored.

And a few more stories

Autumn 1988. In the middle of the day over the Kurumoch airport, the cloud cover dropped to a height of 200-250 meters. Suddenly, below the clouds, a white ball flew over the airport. According to the dispatcher, there were no flights in this area at the indicated time, and no marks on the radar were observed. A few minutes later, the balloon entered the clouds and disappeared from sight.

May 11, 1990. At 11:45 a.m. in Togliatti, a cigar-shaped object with a thickening in the tail was moving above Mira Street. There were no external details, lights and glow on the object. After a short hang-up, the "cigar" fell off its place, and only it was seen.

August 15, 1990. At night, near the village of Bogatyr at the foot of the Zhigulevsky mountains, a group of Samara ufologists observed glowing balls slowly flying over the Volga. A lone ball with a barely noticeable "tail" moved ahead, and nine more objects of the same kind followed. The balloons gradually melted into the air.

Avesta regularly receives such information not only from specialists, but also from ordinary residents of the region. This evidence is important for researchers trying to decipher the mysteries of our world. The work is proceeding almost exclusively on a voluntary basis, and no one dares to say whether it will have concrete results.

Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" № 38. Valery Erofeev
