Is It True That Colored Dreams Are A Sign Of Schizophrenia? - Alternative View

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Is It True That Colored Dreams Are A Sign Of Schizophrenia? - Alternative View
Is It True That Colored Dreams Are A Sign Of Schizophrenia? - Alternative View

Video: Is It True That Colored Dreams Are A Sign Of Schizophrenia? - Alternative View

Video: Is It True That Colored Dreams Are A Sign Of Schizophrenia? - Alternative View
Video: The 4 Schizophrenia Symptoms You Need to Know 2024, September

Everyone sees dreams, not everyone, however, remembers what they saw. Scientists say that most of us dream in black and white, but at the expense of color they have many different versions, literally refuting each other … Why do we see colored dreams?


The ongoing research in the field of sleep provides a clear explanation, yes, patients with schizophrenia often see colored dreams and more often remember them precisely because of their brightness, but there is no definite answer to whether a colored son is exclusively inherent in schizophrenics (present and future). However, scientists immediately say that colored frequent and memorable colored dreams are a sign of special brain activity typical for various borderline disorders, because most people see black and white dreams and very many do not remember them.

Many scientists around the world are conducting research in this area and most of them are inclined to believe that consciousness, subjected to some kind of change (stress, grief, overexertion), most often gives out colored dreams. True, many people enthusiastically talk about their color visions, considering them pleasant.


A study carried out with the help of tomography showed that people with schizophrenia, in addition to colored dreams, most often have nightmares, and with people with a healthy psyche, this does not happen. Scientists strongly recommend that those who see colorful, vivid dreams, interspersed with nightmares, pay special attention to their health, because they are convinced that such people are potential patients in psychiatric hospitals.


Of course, there is absolutely no need to panic, many people, including those who are completely healthy, have colored dreams.

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But if suddenly your dreams, being previously black and white, not memorable and not bright, have acquired a particularly bright color and it scares you, then for your own peace of mind you can undergo an examination.


It is, of course, impossible to diagnose schizophrenia based on dreams alone

Diagnosis requires at least a few symptoms. For example, they pay attention to nervous symptoms, which are manifested by a decrease in the emotional background, and, over time, it becomes more and more noticeable, in the predominance of associal manifestations. There is also isolation, a lack of positive emotions. At the same time, the patient ceases to be interested in professional activities, does not meet the standards of social behavior.


Often, the onset of the disease is manifested by aggression, avoidance of social contacts. A person becomes emotionally unrestrained, unfriendly to others.

At the same time, the initial signs of schizophrenia often exist in isolation, for a fairly long time (sometimes decades), and productive symptoms are often absent. When manifestations of psychosis join these manifestations, we can already talk about the presence of a clinical detailed picture of the disease. Often, delirium and hallucinations are added here, as well as acute forgetfulness (when a person cannot remember what he was doing just a few minutes ago). All this can result in psychosis and go into the terminal stage of "voices" in the head.

There are several more hypotheses about why we have colored dreams. Hypothesis 1:

Everyone sees color and black-and-white dreams, but the latter are not remembered, and color dreams are often accompanied by special events in a person's life (in most cases positive) - and plays with these "colors" in a dream. But overwork and fatigue are reflected in black and white dreams that we do not remember.


Hypothesis 2: Talented people have colored dreams

It has been proven that creative people are poets, artists, musicians, etc. have colored dreams much more often than ordinary people. Even if you are not fond of anything like that, maybe you have a certain talent that you have not yet discovered. True, here scientists again return to the issue of schizophrenia, keeping in mind that all creative people, in a sense schizophrenics, are present and future. Moreover, in this case, schizophrenia is explained by the fact that creative people go beyond the stereotypes imposed by society and this leads to psychosis, and then to schizophrenia. So, in essence, schizophrenia is a disease of a person who has given up on himself. And by and large we are all predisposed to this disease.


Hypothesis 3: Only highly intelligent people watch colored dreams

Today, this hypothesis, firmly established earlier, has been refuted. As a result of research, scientists have found that impressionable and emotional people of any social stratum can see brightly colored dreams. And the degree of intelligence can only affect the intricacy of the plot of a dream, the higher a person is educated, the more twisted the scenario and there are more events in it.


Hypothesis 4: Colored dreams are a consequence of the appearance of color cinema

The hypothesis was put forward and tested by American scientists. It turned out that colored dreams are more often seen by young people (under 25) than by the adult population (after 55). A version was put forward that people of the age in childhood saw only black and white cinema, and the emotional perception of the world is laid precisely in childhood.


However, it is worth noting that remembering the color of a dream is a subjective process, a person is inclined to remember objects as they are captured in their memory, and not in black and white.

Researchers are not completely sure: dreams are in fact black and white and are colored at the moment of remembering, or they really have color initially. When conducting many experiments, many people were mistaken and the black and white picture shown earlier was described as color, because

a normal person, who adequately perceives reality, is inclined to associate certain colors with objects: the sky is blue, the grass is green, the orange is orange, etc.


Interesting facts about dreams

The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the imagery and brightness of dreams, and the left one for their frequency. If the right hemisphere is well developed, which is inherent in left-handed people, then dreams are emotional and colorful.

Experiments conducted by scientists have made it possible to establish that left-handers more often than others can dream with continuation - i.e. seeing something interesting one night, they can provoke the continuation of sleep on another. Such “serials” are practically closed from right-handers, because they have more developed left half of the brain, which is responsible for mathematical abilities and logic. In right-handers, dreams are more realistic, close to everyday routine and less often brightly colored. If you want brighter dreams and with a continuation - write with your left hand, by the way, this exercise develops intuition.


Scientists have also found a direct relationship between the brightness of sleep and the severity of the past day

A hard day most often gives a black and white dream, a joyful and pleasant - colorful, full of numerous events - gives a vivid hectic sleep, in grief and serious problems people, most often see a "tough" dream - actions in a dream slow down, you cannot run, to get something, to catch up with someone.


By the way, black and white sleep is not always alarming, but color sleep is good, and vice versa.


By the way, returning to the issue of health - if you often stumble and fall in a dream, especially from a high cliff - check your heart, just in case.

Thus, sleep can be considered the second form of human life: too important processes occur in the body during sleep. And dreams are a reflection of external reality, intertwined with the inner world, which is formed throughout our life, starting from the intrauterine period of development.


If you often have dreams and you remember them, then you can compose your own dream book

According to scientists, our brain analyzes all the events of the past day millions of times faster than the most powerful computer and sometimes the analyzed one leads to certain conclusions, which are later realized in reality, i.e. essentially predicts the future.

If you combine what you dreamed on the eve of the event, then you can predict later what will happen. All dream books are built on this principle - excrement - to money, long hair - to the road, to see yourself naked - to illness, a tooth fell out - to grief, a dog - to a friend, a child - a boy - toil, a girl - to be surprised, a deceased - to change weather, gold - to trouble, and caught fish - to pregnancy, etc.


By the way, a person cannot see in a dream what he has never seen. Even the most terrible monsters crawling out of the depths of consciousness have already met somewhere - in the movies, in the picture, because the brain remembers even a glimpse of what it saw.

Therefore, look in your life more at the positive, pleasant and joyful and good dreams to you!