Aliens Dream Of Saving The Earth From People? - Alternative View

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Aliens Dream Of Saving The Earth From People? - Alternative View
Aliens Dream Of Saving The Earth From People? - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Dream Of Saving The Earth From People? - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Dream Of Saving The Earth From People? - Alternative View
Video: Alien Movies On Netflix That Should Be Required Viewing 2024, October

A group of Canadian astrophysicists have recently recorded as many as 234 cases of "unusual periodic spectral modulations in a small fraction of solar-type stars." According to scientists, the reason for such "non-standard behavior" of distant luminaries may be the existence of highly developed civilizations near them, reports the site

Are we being signaled?

The authors of the study, using the SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey), analyzed the spectral characteristics of about 2.5 million celestial bodies. In particular, they were interested in the change in light intensity depending on the wavelength. So, in 234 stars light "signals" with the same period were found - 1.65 picoseconds (one picosecond is equal to a trillionth of a second). Experts believe that such frequency cannot be explained by technical errors or natural features of the luminaries. Most likely, the signals are of artificial origin. The only alternative version is the special chemical composition of some stars in the galactic halo. But this is unlikely.

It is curious that all "anomalous" signals are emitted by stars of the circumsolar type of spectral types F2-K1. Researchers believe that the planets near these stars are inhabited by intelligent civilizations that deliberately change the intensity of light radiation in order to be noticed by their neighbors in the Galaxy. This is done, for example, using lasers. By the way, the parameters of the signal, which could be artificially modulated by our brothers in mind for communication purposes, were described back in 2012.

Why do we need them?

Meanwhile, many researchers hypothesize that contact with aliens will not do us anything good. After all, if they seek to get in touch with us, then, consequently, they need our resources. And they will certainly try to colonize the Earth.

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There is also the hypothesis of the "intergalactic club", the essence of which is that there is a community of civilizations, where not everyone is accepted, but only those who have reached a certain level of development. Brothers in reason simply hide from the rest …

What happens if, by emitting signals, the neighbors reach us? Most likely, they will try to collect as much information about us as possible in order to then understand how it can be used. And already on the basis of the analysis of this information, they will make a decision: either leave everything as it is, or take some action. And it's not a fact that friendly …

Will the earth be destroyed for security reasons?

Recently, published a scientific report prepared jointly by NASA and Pennsylvania State University. It follows from it that the development of our civilization may not meet the interests of our "neighbors" and they can take measures to protect themselves and other space civilizations.

In particular, our economic activities have turned into disastrous consequences for the environment … Over time, this may become a threat to the space environment. If aliens are watching our atmosphere, then they've probably already noticed signs of danger.

In addition, alien civilizations in general may be afraid of rapidly developing "neighbors", perceiving this as a factor of aggression. Sooner or later, such civilizations will want to go beyond their planet and, possibly, will engage in the extermination of alien life forms, if not consciously, then simply by engaging in their activities outside their home planet.

Do not forget that traces of civilizations that existed thousands of years before us have been found on Earth. And all of them either died as a result of their own aggressive activities, or were destroyed by someone from outside …

"This scenario provides us with a rationale for limiting our growth and reducing our impact on global ecosystems," the study authors write. “In particular, it will be very important for us to limit our emissions of greenhouse gases, since emissions of pollutants change the composition of the atmosphere and they can be observed from other planets … We would not really want advanced civilizations to appear on Earth and save our planet … from people” …