Moscow Geopathogenic Zones - Alternative View

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Moscow Geopathogenic Zones - Alternative View
Moscow Geopathogenic Zones - Alternative View

Video: Moscow Geopathogenic Zones - Alternative View

Video: Moscow Geopathogenic Zones - Alternative View
Video: Тайны Кольского полуострова.Загадочная гибель 152- й стрелковой дивизии. ( часть первая ) 2024, October

Scientists have analyzed the list of the most dangerous Moscow intersections, prepared by the State Traffic Inspectorate, at which the greatest number of accidents occurs. It turned out that most road accidents are recorded in the so-called geopathogenic zones - in areas with abnormal electromagnetic radiation

It is believed that in such areas a person feels unwell, and the devices fail, Novye Izvestia writes.

As it turned out, in Moscow, there are such dangerous sections on about 15% of the routes. According to experts, the capital's geopathogenic zones run along the beds of filled rivers and a tectonic fault line that crosses the capital from northwest to southeast. “This zone includes, for example, Leningradskoe Shosse and Vorobyovy Gory, the inside of the Garden Ring is simply stuffed with a geopathogen,” digger Yuri Sveshnikov told reporters. - This can also include the Kitay-Gorod area, Okhotny Ryad, st. Tverskaya and Bolotnaya squares are also considered "a bad place".

»The source of anomalies in such places is usually geological faults in the earth's crust, heterogeneities, even cracks. These soil areas are characterized by changes in the electromagnetic field and other parameters on the surface, - explains Alexander Pluzhnikov, Honorary Chairman of the Expert Council on Dowsing at the Union of Architects of Russia. “If a zone captures a road, then this section will be notorious for its increased accident rate.” Scientists believe that pipelines, underground passages, mines and metro tunnels can also influence the formation of geopathogenic zones.

It is easy to find out such “bad” places: usually it is here that the largest accumulation of funeral wreaths on the pillars is. “Vegetation is often an external sign of a geopathogenic zone,” Pluzhnikov adds. - Flowers and shrubs are weak, stunted, trees are strongly curved, they seem to be trying to leave the harmful zone. Such trees can be seen, for example, on Donskoy Square and on Izmailovskoye Highway."

People in such places also often begin to behave inappropriately: even the most persistent and cold-blooded of them suddenly, for no apparent reason, have unexplained anxiety, fatigue, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, legs cramp. In addition, electronic devices, including automobile ones, do not work well in the geopathogenic zone. All this can lead to a road traffic accident.

So, almost all accidents occurring at the intersection of Shchelkovskoe highway and st. Chusovskaya, are of the same type. The formal reason for the vast majority of them is that the driver lost control. But the motorists themselves say that a real devilry is going on at this intersection: one of them suddenly begins to confuse traffic light signals, the other suddenly locks the steering wheel. No less strange accidents often occur at the intersection of st. Hospitalnaya from Gospitalnaya embankment, at several intersections of Volokolamskoye, Altufevskoye highways and Volgogradsky avenue

"But most often accidents occur at the intersection of Mosfilmovskaya, Universitetsky Prospekt and Olof Palme Street," Viktor Pokhmelkin, chairman of the Russian Motorists' Movement, told Novyye Izvestia. ".

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The worst thing is to get stuck in a traffic jam in the place of the geopathogenic zone. Indeed, in this case, the impact on a person of unfavorable factors is prolonged - until the cork "dissolves". “After some time, a person begins to feel weakness, fatigue, stress, changes in pressure,” Vasily Korotky, a senior researcher at the Institute of High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences, told reporters. - Long-term exposure to powerful geopathogenic radiation can lead to cardiovascular, oncological diseases and even death. And accidents after such traffic jams are a nice thing."

A good example is a section about 15 - 20 m long at the beginning of Volzhsky Boulevard. According to the autobilists, here in the passenger compartment of a car stuck in a traffic jam, people often begin to suffocate, even if the air conditioner is turned on at full capacity inside. Having passed this "bad" section, drivers and passengers immediately stop suffering from unknown ailments. Similar stories are told by people stuck in traffic jams in the Kolomenskoye, Losiny Ostrov, Maryina Roshcha, Tsaritsyno, Teply Stan, Luzhniki and Kaluzhskaya squares districts.

It should be noted that the Moscow traffic police are skeptical about all of the above. The traffic police are sure that every accident has an objective reason. For example, when a motorist finally breaks free into a free space after a traffic jam, he tries to slip through the intersection at a flashing green or yellow traffic light. Naturally, this does not lead to anything good. As for the "bad" places, everything is simple: traffic jams usually occur at the same intersections, which are beginning to be infamous.

Nevertheless, many motorists believe in the negative impact of geopathogenic zones. Especially for them, unknown craftsmen have designed devices that, they claim, help to protect themselves from this impact. Advertisements for such devices, consisting of multiple metal discs, have already appeared on the Internet. They cost from 2 thousand rubles.