Stone Age Disputes - Alternative View

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Stone Age Disputes - Alternative View
Stone Age Disputes - Alternative View

Video: Stone Age Disputes - Alternative View

Video: Stone Age Disputes - Alternative View
Video: GMSA Weekends : Jul 10, 2021 2024, October

What versions of the creation and use of the oldest Crimean buildings are offered by the researchers of megaliths

The oldest man-made structures located on different sides of the Kerch Strait, despite the obvious similarity in many respects, had many differences. There are quite a few versions of their use - both in the Caucasus and on the territory of the peninsula - both strictly scientific and alternative versions. What are the only technologies for their manufacture! Or the displacement of the cardinal points in ancient times revealed during the study of these buildings, hinting at some kind of global catastrophe, as a result of which the displacement took place …


Versions, disputes, discoveries

The discovery, so to speak, of the Black Sea dolmens for the scientific world belongs to the very famous traveler, academician Peter Simon Pallas. In 1794, he visited the Black Sea coast, Taman and the mountains of the western Caucasus and was able to inspect and briefly describe the structures discovered. Other researchers followed Pallas to the Caucasus and Crimea. However, their work is not highly regarded in the modern scientific world. Say, too superficial a look, a lot of mistakes and wishful thinking.

Perhaps the only thing that is not disputed now is that the stone boxes, or tables - as anyone else - were kind of crypts. This is the official version. However, it is very difficult to choose the golden mean in the study of dolmens: representatives of scientific circles, on the one hand, and all kinds of esotericists and conspiracy theorists, on the other, go to extremes in their theories. In the heat of disputes about the purpose, some of those who consider them exclusively burial structures, even declare that, they say, holes were created in order to throw through them into the skulls of the dead … Their opponents also do not skimp on bold theories: transmitting and receiving devices for communications with space, teleports, energy cocoons …

There are suggestions that shamans were walled up inside, who - by analogy with Buddhist practices - were there in a kind of dark retreat, in complete voluntary self-isolation from the outside world. And the hole in this case is for water and food, which were passed to them inside.

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In many dolmens, during excavations, the remains of people and animals with ritual attributes were actually found. True, these findings belong to cultures scattered throughout almost all eras known in human history: from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages. Therefore, dating them based on surviving finds - for example, scrapers, ceramics or arrowheads, is, in our opinion, completely unacceptable. From this it is only clear that they already existed five thousand years ago.

As for the unique hermetically sealed structures of the Caucasus, which were previously common in the Crimea, they are referred to in the so-called Nart epic as "spuns" by the name of little people for whom such stone birdhouses served as homes.

Cults and Legends

A separate conversation is about the places where the stone boxes were built. In all likelihood, these are places that are now commonly called "places of power". Regardless of the correctness of this term, it is worth noting that really such special structures would not be erected anywhere. Moreover, the analysis of some of the places of accumulation of Crimean dolmens suggests that before there were not only stone boxes, but there was a whole complex of various megalithic structures. Maybe something like a Taurus sanctuary. As, for example, in the area of the Second forest cordon, not far from the Mekenziev mountains, in the vicinity of Sevastopol. By the way, as you know, on the sites of ancient temples, new structures associated with religious cults often appeared. Such places are traditionally considered special, the most suitable for prayer. So the secondary use of special places in Taurus, as well as the remains of their structures for the construction of new facilities, is quite possible. Due to the special past and associated memories, local residents have retained a special attitude to such places for generations, becoming literally legendary memory over time. The new peoples that appeared on this land interpreted these legends in their own way. And they often installed objects that were important for themselves in such special places.interpreted these legends in their own way. And they often installed objects that were important for themselves in such special places.interpreted these legends in their own way. And they often installed objects that were important for themselves in such special places.

Igor SHILOV. Photo by I. Shilov. The material was published in the newspaper "Crimean Telegraph" No. 433 of June 9, 2017
