Exoplanets: The New Homeland Of Mankind Or The Utopia Of Scientists - Alternative View

Exoplanets: The New Homeland Of Mankind Or The Utopia Of Scientists - Alternative View
Exoplanets: The New Homeland Of Mankind Or The Utopia Of Scientists - Alternative View

Video: Exoplanets: The New Homeland Of Mankind Or The Utopia Of Scientists - Alternative View

Video: Exoplanets: The New Homeland Of Mankind Or The Utopia Of Scientists - Alternative View
Video: PLANET JUST LIKE EARTH: Alien Life - National Geographic Documentary HD 2024, October

Now scientists are actively looking for a new homeland for humanity, which in the future may leave the Earth, and therefore they are especially interested in exoplanets, potentially suitable for life. But for now, the nearest neighbors may turn out to be only a utopia or the most grandiose scientific discovery in the near future.


In the 18th century, people knew very well about the existence of other worlds, where highly developed civilizations live, which is eloquently indicated by the works of Kant, but the objects located in the solar system aroused the greatest interest. A great desire to know the truth led to the exploration of Mars, where channels of artificial origin were noticed along with other artifacts. These discoveries became a topic for science fiction writers and experts, but then it became known that the celestial body is a lifeless desert, and real hell was located on Venus due to the high temperature, and other analogs also did not meet the demands of science. This disappointment prompted scientists to try to find the coveted analogs in galaxies outside the system. They observed stars in the last century and developed new equipment with high-frequency spectrometers,which led to success.


In the 90s, star 51 was seen, located in the constellation Pegasus, which oscillated due to the fault of a giant planet, with a mass similar to Jupiter, located near the object. Then many such gaseous celestial bodies were found, but they were unsuitable for life. After 10 years, astronomers managed to find the first exoplanet with a temperature of 700 degrees, which was hiding in the Altar system near the luminary mu, but they wanted to expand their search capabilities. Then, using the method of transits, it was possible to observe the brightness of celestial bodies passing through the disk of the stars, but you need to choose the correct orientation of the orbit in order to fix the cosmic process. For such work, Kepler was created, capable of detecting 200,000 objects, and after its launch, the search became commonplace, because it constantly sees 1000 types of planets along with rock options.similar to the Earth.


Last year, Earth 2.0 was discovered near a star resembling a luminary, although it is much heavier than our planet. Therefore, scientists do not even doubt that new discoveries await them in the future thanks to various projects, so that it will be possible to think about the possibilities of colonization. But which ones can really be the sources of life? Unfortunately, while we are the only biological species, and cosmic forms can differ significantly from the usual image. While the versions of specialists talk about red dwarfs, the systems of which may include the objects of interest. They are stable ancient representatives of the Universe with an age of 100 billion years, so evolution in such galaxies is quite possible. Now these types of celestial bodies make up 90%, but due to the low luminosity, living worlds can be in stellar orbits, but only planets,those near red dwarfs are always turned to the light with one side and the day is equated to a year, and they also differ in the synchronization of rotation with the star.


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The dark side of the surface is shrouded in eternal darkness with oceans of ice and low temperatures, while the rest looks like a radiation desert under the sun's rays. Only the twilight zone can be habitable, but hurricanes with showers often occur there, which is unusual for humanity. Scottish scientists have suggested that the upper atmospheric layers of brown dwarfs can also form bizarre life forms in the form of "balloons" powered by solar energy. Readers may ask a logical question, what then is suitable for the world's population? There are satellites located near the giant planets, which can be seen in the example of Europa. It is located near Jupiter, but is covered by an icy ocean, from where large geysers erupt. This spectacle simply mesmerizes specialists, but there may be life forms in the bowels of the object,powered by volcanoes.


Galaxies can show many analogues that are not only larger than our planet, but also have water resources with volcanic activity, and people will only have to adapt to new conditions of survival. It is also worth mentioning the "super-Earths" with dense atmospheric layers and strong gravity. The biosphere there may be much richer than ours, but there are no tall representatives of flora or fauna on them. But these nuances are paid off by flying whales, collecting plankton in the air or other individuals. Such a discovery will indeed make a breakthrough in science, but it will not work for people either. Do not be upset in advance, because in the future colonists on starships will be able to visit such corners of space and transform them to fit their needs, after which the colonization of galaxies will begin. We can end our story on such an optimistic note,but there is one mystery associated with the depths of the universe. What a person will have to face there - no one knows, but while scientists will make new discoveries, it is worth taking care of the place where we are now, so that later it would not be excruciatingly painful to remember the lost paradise.

Irina Reshetnikova