A Major Renovation In A Haunted House - Alternative View

A Major Renovation In A Haunted House - Alternative View
A Major Renovation In A Haunted House - Alternative View

Video: A Major Renovation In A Haunted House - Alternative View

Video: A Major Renovation In A Haunted House - Alternative View
Video: Haunting GHOST STORY of My Newly Bought Home 2024, October

The renovation is in full swing. Already in November, residents of Vladimir and guests of the city will be able to see the facade of the Center for the Promotion of Fine Arts updated. New lighting is planned for the former governor's house, and a balcony will appear on the top floor. What other changes await the building, what was the historical appearance of the building and why it was called "a haunted house", Christina Ivanova will tell.

The staff of the Fine Arts Center have collected here, on the main staircase, the main historical photographs of the building. The choice is small, therefore, even those where only fragments of the house are visible are valuable. Now special attention is paid to the images of the balcony. When and under what circumstances he disappeared, they do not know here. But they are going to recreate it from these pictures. As part of the renovation of the facade of the former governor's house.

Andrey Alexandrov, director of the Center for the Promotion of Fine Arts: “The work involves waterproofing the walls, restoring the walls and architectural lighting. Next year the work will be continued, but this is no longer restoration, but reconstruction. And as I understand it, we are entering a long-term regime of this reconstruction."

The history of the governor's house dates back to 1797. Initially, it was created for the needs of the order of public charity - a special provincial institution. Later, the governor Ivan Mikhailovich Dolgoruky began to live here, hence the popular name of the building.

Natalya Shustrova, head of the department of funds and scientific and analytical work of the Center for Propaganda of Fine Arts in Vladimir: “Initially, the building was three-story, in the 19th century there was a superstructure. And, unfortunately, the original appearance of the building has changed slightly. And even not only the original external appearance, but also the interior."

Then a men's gymnasium was located here, and after a fire in 1841, leapfrog began: a furniture store, a bakery, a hotel, a tavern, and administrative organizations. Evaluating the endless hustle and bustle of the building, one of the journalists, at the beginning of the 20th century, even once called this anthill a “haunted house”. However, there are still people confident that the house earned such a mysterious name long before the correspondent's article. An important part of the history of the governor's house is the mystical legends that live within these walls. In particular, here, on this staircase, employees of the Fine Arts Center often hear strange sounds and steps. And one morning in this door the security guard found a nail at all. He punched through the wooden board. And how he got here, no one can explain. Local poltergeist, which mystics consider the spirit of the wife of the governor Dolgoruky,flashes on the recordings of CCTV cameras. A black ball suddenly appears in the corridor and within ten minutes goes into the corner. Or as in this case - in the doorway. The workers are joking, maybe after the internal renovation of the building the ghost will calm down. I note that this particular staircase is older than even a restless spirit. It has not been repaired since the day of its construction - 220 years. The employees of the Fine Arts Center use it for household needs. But the main activity, they say, begins here at night. The employees of the Fine Arts Center use it for household needs. But the main activity, they say, begins here at night. The employees of the Fine Arts Center use it for household needs. But the main activity, they say, begins here at night.

Natalya Shustrova, head of the department of funds and scientific and analytical work of the Center for the Propaganda of Fine Arts: “When employees talk, they hear. Well, it remains such a small mystery and secret, well, at least for me. There is also a staircase upstairs, which leads to a balcony, a balcony leads to a large exhibition hall, musicians are sometimes located there, it is very beautiful."

The reconstruction of the building should take place in two stages. The first is the renovation of the facade, the second is the premises themselves. Contractor - "Vladimirrestavratsia", the amount of the signed contract for the facade - 12 million rubles. By the way, he demanded repair for a long time, say the leadership of the Center. The problem was only in determining who will provide the funds. The building was in federal ownership, but a regional organization was located there.

Promotional video:

Andrey Aleksandrov, director of the "Center for the Promotion of Fine Arts": "We managed to transfer the building from federal property to the regional one and now this repair is carried out at the expense of the regional budget."

The building will start tidying up next year. The main attention is planned to be paid to the halls of the former cafe "Slavyanka", then the service rooms will be occupied. Installation of an elevator, repair of bathrooms and improvement of equipment for exhibition halls is being prepared. The estimated costs have not yet been calculated, but it is already clear that they will be significant. Only the installation of the elevator will require at least 10 million.

Christina Ivanova, Alexander Chernyshev, Maxim Kotov, Vesti-Vladimir.