Contacts Of The Third Kind - Alternative View

Contacts Of The Third Kind - Alternative View
Contacts Of The Third Kind - Alternative View

Video: Contacts Of The Third Kind - Alternative View

Video: Contacts Of The Third Kind - Alternative View
Video: Close Encounters of the Third Kind Alternate Ending 2024, October

Previous part: Paleoufology and modernity. Part two

In the archives of ufologists, there is numerous evidence of alien abductions. In most cases, the victims have absolutely no memory of what happened to them, and can restore the circumstances of the abduction only under hypnosis. Such information should be taken seriously, since, according to experts, the hypnotic state excludes perjury.

Under the influence of regressive hypnosis, the abductees claim that humiliating and painful medical experiments were carried out on them: they were examined with the help of some unusual apparatus; needles, probes or sensors were inserted into various organs of the body (brain, stomach, liver, spleen, spinal cord, genitals); implanted implants (probably to quickly locate the test subjects, wherever they are). Ornithologists do the same when they ring birds, and ichthyologists install radio transmitters in the bodies of dolphins, sharks, and whales.

Most often, in abductees, implanted foreign bodies are found in the brain, under the eyeball, in the ears, nose, or under the skin of the legs or hands. Some of these devices resemble a spider in shape, numerous of the thinnest "legs" of which, in an unknown way, are connected to human nerve fibers. In 1993, the famous surgeon Antonio Borja from the Portuguese city of Braga removed a miniature device from the patient's head, which, according to the scientists who examined him, is a radio signal transmitter with which it was possible to control all the movements of a woman. Borzha said:

I understand why other doctors have not been able to identify the cause of the migraines. The fact is that the extracted mechanism is made of an unusual material that is invisible on an X-ray photograph. Only a thorough scan showed the presence of some foreign object in the patient's right temporal lobe. No one living on Earth could have done such an implantation, because modern surgery has not yet reached this level.

In 1955, New York State Richard Price was implanted with a 1 x 4 millimeter cylinder during his abduction, which exited through the skin 34 years later. The study of this miniature device was carried out in the physics department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology under the direction of Dr. David E. Pritchard. It turned out that the shell of the implant, which has a complex structure, consisted of 90% carbon, 3% oxygen and 7% tantalum.

In October 1986, the journal "Nature" published a report by scientists from the Laboratory of Medical Genetics at Oxford Hospital (England):

Ian Harlow and Georg Clark and colleagues discovered a strange object among the chromosomes, similar to a matrix with regular square cells containing inclusions in the form of a binary code. Subject was found during routine chromosomal studies of amniotic fluid during gynecological tests in one of the women.

Promotional video:

The human reproductive organs are of particular interest to the aliens. It is likely that aliens are conducting genetic experiments, including crossing humans and animals.

According to statistics, about two million people disappear from the world every year. In our time, tens of thousands of people disappear every year in Russia alone. It is natural to assume that most people became victims of crime, but there is still a significant part of the strange disappearances, which are rather difficult to explain. For example, who needs a pensioner taking out the trash, a grandfather who went out to smoke on the balcony, or a one-year-old child left by his parents for a few minutes in a locked apartment. And there are a lot of such mysterious "disappearances" of people.

Sometimes aliens, kidnapped for purposes unknown to us, are returned back to Earth. Almost all aliens who have been in the hands of aliens have deviations in the psyche: fear of the dark, loneliness, obsessive disturbing dreams. Some abductees display unusual paranormal talents, especially clairvoyance, foresight of the future, strong creativity and a gift to heal people.

There are a lot of ways to kidnap experimental individuals. Sometimes aliens catch people like butterflies - with the help of a power "net". Below is the story of Natasha Barinova, a vocational school student living in the Maisky district of Kabardino-Balkaria:

After class, I went to see a friend, then went home. It was dark and clear, the sky was full of stars. In our yard under a canopy-vineyard there is a moped, I climbed on it and thought. Suddenly I heard a voice, low, without intonation, like a robot, which sounded right in my head: "Sit still." I raised my head and saw a thin transparent mesh, like plastic. It was made of regular polygons, a beam of light streamed from each cell. The net began at the wheel of the moped, it surrounded me on all sides. I was in a string bag.

My head seemed to be squeezed, I felt someone else's breath, I was lifted along with the moped. I screamed with fear: "Mommy, they are taking me away!" And my voice was ringing, echoing like in a barrel. I tried to get up - I could not. I wanted to grab the shield against which the moped was leaning - my hand went into the void. I wanted to jump off the moped - my leg fell into something soft. I accidentally hooked this mesh with the fingers of my left hand - as if it had been an electric shock. I saw that Aunt Galya was hurrying to me across the yard, she could be clearly seen through the net. She was saying something to me, her lips were moving, but I didn't hear anything. As she approached, the mesh rose up and disappeared.

The girl's story was confirmed by her aunt and her husband. They claimed that Natasha was pushing something away from herself and shouting: “Grid! Grid!" At the same time, they were struck by the girl's voice - it was ringing and much louder than the usual cry. On the tips of the fingers of Natasha's left hand there was a trace of the "grid": depressed marks-burns.

In 1909, an 11-year-old boy, Oliver Thomas, mysteriously disappeared in Wales, England. On the farm where this event took place, in addition to his parents, there were guests: a pastor with his wife, a local veterinarian and a clerk. All people are serious enough to make up this story. At eleven o'clock in the evening Oliver was sent to fetch fresh water from the well. The boy left the house, and after a while everyone heard a cry for help. The adults rushed out into the courtyard, the pastor lit the street with a kerosene lamp, but there was no one at the well. Only from above came a voice: "Help, they are taking me away!" And then there was silence. There were footprints of the boy in the snow, leading from the porch to the well. They ended halfway. A search for Oliver throughout the county, with the involvement of the police and the local population, led to nothing. A reasonable explanation for this case was never found.

In 1930, all the inhabitants of the small Eskimo village of Angikuni disappeared in northern Canada. The disappearance of people was discovered by the hunter Joe Leibela. It is not known where the men, women and children have gone, but even more surprising, all the dead have disappeared from the graves. All household belongings and kitchen utensils remained in the dwellings. A study of berries left in the kitchen, which ripen only during a certain summer period, showed that people disappeared two months before they were discovered. The dogs tied to the trees died of hunger, and the Eskimos did not take their guns with them. Which is especially strange, since this northern people treasure both weapons and sled dogs.

David Stevens and Glen Gray were driving along the highway about forty miles from Loring, Maine, USA, when, according to the young people, their car was picked up by an "unknown force" and at a speed of about 100 miles per hour rushed towards the town of Poland … Above the car, they saw a cigar-shaped object about 100 feet long, illuminated by red, blue and green lights. Then the young people lost consciousness, and when they woke up a few hours later, they found that their arms and legs were swollen and their teeth were missing. Both developed red circles around their necks, and severe frostbite in some areas of the body was evident. Later, physician Herbert Hopkins hypnotized Stevens to find out what happened in the "lost time." Stevens recalled that he was in the domed room when the humanoid creature entered:

About 150 centimeters tall, she was dressed in gray clothes. His head was shaped like an electric bulb. The eyes were like slits, the hair and mouth were missing.

He was placed on a table and examined with a long-handled machine. They took samples of skin, blood and hair, and then injected some kind of brown liquid, as explained - sleeping pills. When he woke up, Stevens found himself lying next to his friend.

The well-known researcher of anomalous phenomena A. K. Priyma has collected a significant number of descriptions of mysterious phenomena, including UFOs. In the book "XX Century: Chronicle of the Unexplainable" he cites a message recorded from the words of a former employee of the criminal investigation department Nikolai Zheleznyak, who in early November 1990 found himself on official business in the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov Region. He and his colleague settled in a private house, which stood on the outskirts of the city, behind it the steppe already began. At about three o'clock in the morning, Nikolai woke up from a headache and decided to go out into the courtyard to get some fresh air:

I raise my head - and already squat in surprise! The full moon soars in the cloudless starry sky, floods everything around with its light. And in the steppe, a huge apparatus of a strange shape hangs above the ground - about a hundred meters from the fence.

The object looked like a half-biconvex lens cut in half. Domed, strongly stretched horizontally, it hung motionless in one place. From its flat bottom to the ground, it was, according to Zheleznyak, four or five meters. The object itself did not glow, but a bluish glow spread around it. Downward from the object in its entire width, a smoky column, clearly outlined along the edges, went to the ground:

A smoky mass swirled in that pillar. Something like a black fog … And around the "flying saucer", as if taking it in a ring, were hefty men! The height of each is at least two and a half meters. They were all dressed in shiny silver overalls, tight-fitting bodies. They were perfectly visible in the glow that surrounded the UFO.

Nikolai has excellent eyesight, he clearly saw the following picture in the moonlight: a group of quite earthly people - about 15-18 people - was slowly approaching the "plate" across the steppe. There were no children in the group. Nikolai recalled:

While people silently walked across the steppe, two giants in silver overalls moved next to them. One walked to the left of the group, the other to the right. As I understand it, they were escorting earthlings.

People without a single word went to the "flying saucer" and, having approached the edge of the space illuminated by the radiance surrounding the UFO, stopped. The guards silently separated three people from them and led them to the site. In a tight group, shoulder to shoulder, all five entered the smoky cloud that stirred under the "flying saucer" and disappeared into it. Seconds later, both guards reappeared in the illuminated area, took the next three of men and women, calmly standing waiting for their turn, and led under the UFO. This was repeated until all the people were escorted into the misty darkness under the object.

Then the ring of aliens standing motionless around the "plate" disintegrated, the guards moved towards the object. The dark pillar under the UFO sucked them into itself. The glow around the "plate" faded. The UFO quietly moved off and, climbing higher and higher, slowly and silently flew towards the central part of Kamensk. In addition to Nikolai Zheleznyak, several other people watched the takeoff and flight of an unidentified object.

In his book, A. K. Priyma describes another extraordinary case of a kidnapping. The oldest Rostov journalist Viktor Danilovich Burikov, having been ill for three months, died at the age of 80. Death occurred as a result of a slow, gradual paralysis of the arms, legs, heart. Before his death, he told his friends that aliens had infected him with an unknown disease. The journalist described in detail the place where he met the crew of the "flying saucer".

In October 1984, together with his relatives, Burikov went to the banks of the Don. While the others were laying out simple food on the grass, he went for a walk through the grove alone. I went out into the clearing and gasped: in the middle of it stood, leaning on three thin legs, a disk-shaped aircraft with a diameter of seven to eight meters. A short ladder was lowered from the open hatch to the ground. The journalist felt his whole body as if filled with lead, then felt himself grabbed from behind under the elbows and carried towards the "flying saucer". Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that he was being carried by tall, more than two meters tall, guys in light silver overalls and helmets that tightly fit their heads. Their faces were protected by transparent glass.

Viktor was brought into the "plate", a barely audible rumble was heard, and the device took off. After a few minutes, the hum stopped and the journalist was carried out of the UFO. Burikov defined the landscape that opened up as Caucasian: mountain peaks rose around them, a narrow valley ran between them. There were "flying saucers" around - about seven or eight, exactly the same as the one that brought the journalist. Aliens in silvery suits wandered between them. One of them went up to Victor and began to poke him in the head with some kind of wire twisted with a screw:

It felt as if the wire was penetrating through the frontal bone right into the brain. At the moments of her touching her forehead, fiery streams pierced her head.

Then Burikov was again dragged into the "plate", and five minutes later he was on all fours in the middle of the clearing from which he was abducted. The leaden weight slowly dropped from the body. There was a hum behind him. The "flying saucer", drawing in three landing supports, slowly flew over the clearing, hung in the air for a while, and then soared into the sky like a candle. All the bones in the senile body ached, a ball of fire pulsed in his head. Nausea rolled in waves. Neither the next day, nor a week later, nor a month later, Burikov did not feel better. He passed away three months later.

A. K. Priyma cites the message of Valentina Volodina from Rostov, which explains one of the possible reasons for the kidnapping. On the night of October 7, 1989, she saw two glowing balls flying over the outskirts of Rostov-on-Don. A few days later, the lights went out in her apartment:

Bright flashes flashed outside the window - something like lightning flashed. And at that very second a "woman" floated into the room from the window … She was very tall, beautiful, with huge black eyes on her pale face and resinous hair. In a blue overalls, as if cast, without any folds or fasteners.

The guest immediately announced to Valentina that she had arrived on Earth with a certain Blue Star. She, perplexed, could not find anything better than to ask why she came. The answer came immediately: “To take you with me. Agree, you won't regret it."

Valentina completely refused, although she felt that she could not even move. Apparently, the mysterious woman introduced her interlocutor into a typical contact stupor. Volodina recalls:

A screen was projected onto the wall. And I saw what made me shudder. A modern earthly city … And above it are huge monsters, akin to brontosaurs, which destroy everything that is created by the mind and hands of man.

The guest explained:

Look. This is what awaits your Earth. We stand in their way, do not let them here. But we are not omnipotent. Remember this. I give you three days, then I will come for you.

Valentina continues her story:

I still remember the words of the alien: “We want to help you. There are already many people like you here. When there is no one left on Earth, everything will start all over again - here. We will do it. For this we need you."

An interesting quote from a letter from a pensioner from the Leningrad Region is quoted by A. K. Priyma. Vitaly Shkvorts writes:

I first met "them" when I was a child. "They" entered the room right through the wall. Then they began to visit me regularly at intervals of five to six times a year. "They" are very similar to humans, but taller and translucent. Dressed in jumpsuits, tight-fitting bodies. There are men and women among them.

I don’t know why “they” chose me for their “interviews” and not someone else. Let me tell you briefly what I learned from the "interviews" … Their possibilities are unlimited. You, I, we are all under constant, most careful observation, vigilant control on their part. Everything that happens on Earth is monitored by them and analyzed in detail. And "they" are ready to intervene at any moment in order to improve the situation. I will say more, the disgusting state in which our society is now, is also set, programmed from above. The capitalist revolution in Russia is nothing more than an extraterrestrial program. I quote literally "their" opinion about all this abomination of today's Russian life: "It's even better …" Well, now - about the most important thing. Without exception, all their contacts with us, the people of the Earth, are accompanied by the adjustment of the human life program,chosen to influence. "They" say that the program originally embedded in the human brain can be slightly tweaked in the future. Here "they" are doing it. They direct the brains to people, whose further actions can have some, albeit weak, but still tangible impact on the development of human society as a whole. Do you think you are living the way you want it? Nothing like this! In fact, from time to time "they" control you like a robot … I will never forget how during one of the very first meetings "they" said: "We are the Stewards. We rule the whole world … "but still a tangible impact on the development of human society as a whole. Do you think you are living the way you want it? Nothing like this! In fact, from time to time "they" control you like a robot … I will never forget how during one of the very first meetings "they" said: "We are the Stewards. We rule the whole world … "but still a tangible impact on the development of human society as a whole. Do you think you are living the way you want it? Nothing like this! In fact, from time to time "they" control you like a robot … I will never forget how during one of the very first meetings "they" said: "We are the Stewards. We rule the whole world …"

It is likely that the aliens really control many spheres of human activity, they pay especially close attention to science and in all possible ways artificially slow down the development of our civilization. Scientists who have advanced too far in their research are simply destroyed by aliens.

The famous writer Sidney Sheldon conducted an independent investigation of the mysterious deaths of scientists interested in the UFO problem or working on secret military developments that can protect our planet from invasion. There are many suicides among them. But for aliens, it is not difficult to inspire a person with the idea of suicide or arrange an accident:

This happened in October 1986 in Bristol. A man in an elegant suit tied the end of a rope neatly to a tree, made a loop at the other end, threw it around his neck and jerked his car off the ground. Death came instantly. The police, who arrived at the scene, found documents in the wallet of the deceased in the name of Professor Arshad Sharif. The newspapers wrote about suicide. And no one, it seems, was interested in the strange fact that Professor Sharif, who decided to commit suicide, for some reason drove for this 100 kilometers from his home in London to Bristol …

A few days later, another London professor, Wimal Dazibay, made the same journey to jump off the Bristol Bridge. An alarming coincidence, especially when you consider that these scientists were working on the same topic - developing electronic weapons for the British government program, similar to the "Star Wars" in the United States. And one more curious detail - both Sharif and Dazibai were interested in UFOs.

According to Sheldon, in 1987 alone, several scientists who were involved in the problem of UFOs and the development of the latest weapons died:

January. Avtar Sing-Gid went missing and declared dead.

February. Peter Pippel is run over in the garage by his car.

March. David Sands committed suicide by driving the car at high speed into a cafe.

April. Mark Winser - hanged himself.

April. Steward Gooding - killed.

April. David Greenhalgh - Fell off the bridge.

April. Shani Warrenn - drowned himself.

May. Michael Baker - died in a car accident.

There are 23 names in the so-called "Sheldon's list". All these people died under mysterious circumstances. In the United States, famous scientists - UFO researchers - MD Jessup (investigated the circumstances of the "Philadelphia Experiment") and atmospheric physicist JE MacDonald (argued the inconsistency of scientists' arguments explaining the appearance of UFOs by optical effects) were killed. The writer F. Edwards, shortly before his death (1967), said that attempts to silence him by "intelligence representatives from another world acting in society" had been made more than once.

"Aliens" control the activities of some ufologists and intimidate eyewitnesses of UFO sightings in order to prevent any leakage of information that would indicate their presence on our planet. This function may be performed by biorobots or the so-called "men in black". They usually introduce themselves as FBI officers, Department of Defense officers, or intelligence agents. At the same time, they present service certificates that cannot be distinguished from real ones. During the checks of the relevant services, it turned out that such employees did not exist.

A curious order dated March 1, 1967 was sent to military units signed by the Deputy Chief of Staff of the US Air Force, Lieutenant General H. T. Welles:

The General Headquarters receives information that some persons calling themselves representatives of the Air Force or the Ministry of Defense come to eyewitnesses of UFOs and demand photographs or convince them of the error of their observations. Any military or civilian who knows about such cases is obliged to notify the local offices of the Special Investigation Directorate.

“Men in Black” are dressed in a kind of uniform: an outdated suit of black or dark brown color (new and without a single fold), a white shirt with a dark tie, a hat, dark glasses, black shoes with thick soles (witnesses also noted wires, going from under trousers to boots). They are distinguished by an overly formal manner of speech, a slight accent, a complete absence of a smile, shortness of breath during a conversation, a piercing gaze, unblinking eyes, brightly painted lips. After contact with them, people have a headache, fear, coordination of movements is impaired, speech becomes incoherent, sometimes complete or partial amnesia (memory loss) develops.

Dr. Joseph Luinston from Atlanta analyzed about 300 cases of visits of "men in black" to UFO eyewitnesses. In 20% of meetings, contactees were told that they "saw nothing, and nothing happened." Physical evidence was seized in 6% of cases. In 24% of visits by biorobots, aggression was shown, as well as threats against contactees. And 10% of the meetings ended tragically for the witnesses, or during their course there were obvious attempts to physically eliminate them.

In the former Soviet Union, various scientific institutions and psychiatric hospitals successfully coped with the functions of "men in black", reliably isolating eyewitnesses of anomalous phenomena under the guise of "paranoid".

Aliens clearly do not want people to know about their presence on our planet, they are trying in every possible way to intimidate contactees and prevent the spread of information about UFOs and aliens.

Aliens and pets do not bypass their "attention". In February 1910, on a remote farm in Wales, England, someone slaughtered fifty or more sheep every night. All the blood was sucked out of the animals through the jugular veins, and the meat remained intact. None of the known predators on earth are capable of consuming such an amount of blood at a time.

In July 1914, aliens staged a savage horse hunt in the Orenburg steppes. The commandant of the Orenburg garrison, Colonel N. V. Smirnov, received a dispatch from the Ministry of War of the Russian Empire with the following content:

No. 1461, confidential, performer I. I. Mavrin.

Please note, with subsequent investigation of the circumstances, that there are obviously unidentified airplanes in the area of your district. Repeatedly at night, they were seen flying over the factory buildings and settlement buildings. We recommend that you take measures to locate and detain the aviators, as well as to deliver intact the searchlights they are equipped with and use without hiding. We prescribe to shoot at airplanes only in case of emergency, associated with a threat to the life of military personnel and police guards. It is also necessary to carry out explanatory work with the population.

Obeying the instructions of the Ministry of War, Smirnov with a detachment of Cossacks set off on an expedition across the Orenburg steppes. In the village of Krasnenkoye, they had the opportunity to listen to the story of the peasant Pyotr Anuchkin and his three teenage daughters. They told the Cossacks that they saw in the backwater, near the mill, a huge fire-breathing watermelon, which, munching, rolled over the water, which made it covered with a crust of ice, despite the summer heat. Sharp pieces of ice flew from the fireball onto the shore, and it was snowing, which did not melt. Then the dark sky suddenly lit up and something black whistled through it. The ball "puffed", became white-hot, the water around it boiled, heaved and, together with the ball, shot up towards the light in the night sky.

While the colonel was investigating the village, a messenger arrived from Orenburg, delivering a binding circular:

According to available information, in some areas of the empire, aircrafts fly by and even land on the roofs of military supplies and ammunition warehouses at night. Tracked in Perm, Kazan, Vladimir provinces. With the light of searchlight devices, these machines set fire to farm buildings, mutilate livestock. At the same time, people do not suffer. We ask you to provide search measures in order to identify criminals or spies. Information, as well as the detained intruders, should be transferred to the military or police authorities.

Arriving at the mill with the Cossacks, Smirnov organized a watch and observation of the night sky. After midnight, they saw several beams of searchlights that moved across the steppe in the direction of the backwater and stopped a hundred meters from them. The circles of light moved in zigzags on the ground like hares. The circles of light, pouring over with heat and blinding the Cossacks, went to the water. A fireball the size of a wagon, suddenly appearing from nowhere, attacked the millwheel. It instantly caught fire, and the fire spread to dry feather grass and grass. The steppe was on fire.

The horses, which the Cossacks unsaddled, grazed nearby. Colored balls began flying out of the black smoke and hitting the hobbled, immobile horses. The poor animals fell and did not rise again. The brutal fun went on for an hour. The rain that began extinguished the steppe fire. When dawn broke, a terrible picture opened up to the Cossacks: the charred corpses of horses lay on the black burnt earth.

Colonel Smirnov traveled hundreds of miles across the Semirechye steppes. Many eyewitnesses claimed that they repeatedly observed airplanes equipped with powerful searchlights and even communicated with their pilots. On the way of the expedition, the Cossacks met traces left by fireballs - burnt buildings, barns, deep trenches dug with the same balls, and the corpses of horses.

On September 16, 1962, near the Brazilian village of Vila Concheicao, aliens abducted the peasant Telemaco Xavier. A worker from a nearby rubber plantation said that a luminous round object had sat in a clearing; three came out of it and seized a man who was walking along the path. At the scene, traces of a UFO struggle and landing were indeed found. At the same time, 17 chickens, six pigs and two cows disappeared from the village.

For what purposes these animals and people were abducted is unknown. To "replenish the collection", the aliens would have had only one or two copies. It remains to be assumed that some of the aliens are carnivorous. And the information about their abuse of our smaller brothers only deepens doubts about the civilization of aliens.

Coleman von Kewitzky, founder of the International Network for the Research and Analysis of UFO Activities (ICUFON) on our planet, in 1981 signed a memorandum addressed to the US Congress, which was called "On the problem of threats to national security emanating from the unfamiliar action of forces defined by the Pentagon as forces of extraterrestrial origin. " He was forced to resort to urgent measures by inexplicable incidents with livestock on US farms - about 15 thousand cases of animal deaths under mysterious circumstances have been recorded in 15 years. Someone systematically mutilates and kills cows, calves, horses. So, in September 1967, a dead horse named Skippy was found:

Skippy's body was intact, except for the area at the base of the neck. This part was a clean bleached skeleton. Blood, brain, spinal cord fluid were pumped out of the body and disappeared without a trace. Vital organs (heart, kidneys, liver, etc.) were also removed.

Similar cases of animal deaths were reported by the US Veterinary Academy of Sciences and the FBI. The memo says:

El Paso County Investigator Dr. Ulrich, as well as other veterinarians, forensic experts, investigators, biologists, diagnosticians, and cattle mutilation experts admit that the attackers must be very familiar with biology, pharmacology, surgery, especially veterinary medicine, since the work was done at night by someone with a good knowledge of veterinary anatomy.

On February 25, 1999, near Mount St. Helens (Washington, USA), local forestry workers watched an alien abduction of a deer. The unidentified object resembled "the heel of a man's boot with a small notch in the back." He approached the herd of deer very closely, the animals rushed up the hillside towards the dense thickets. One old female lagged behind the herd. The UFO hovered over it, the deer began to rise up, helplessly kicking its legs in the air. Then the object flew towards the forest thickets, where the rest of the animals disappeared. After a while, he began to climb steeply upward along a spiral trajectory and, having gained considerable altitude, flew away in a northern direction with great speed.

The next day, two miles from the place where the workers observed the UFO, the forester found the corpse of a deer without any damage to the body. Interestingly, for several days, coyotes and foxes did not touch the animal's corpse, although they left numerous traces around the tasty prey.

There are many more reports of kidnapping and animal vivisection. Apparently, aliens regard our planet as a giant testing ground, where earthlings are used as laboratory material, and on a par with animals, thereby not recognizing us as "brothers in mind."

"Extraterrestrial footprint in the history of mankind", Vitaly Simonov

Next part: Earth is an alien laboratory. Part one
