The Emergence Of The Ancient Civilization Of The Great Russians - Alternative View

The Emergence Of The Ancient Civilization Of The Great Russians - Alternative View
The Emergence Of The Ancient Civilization Of The Great Russians - Alternative View

Video: The Emergence Of The Ancient Civilization Of The Great Russians - Alternative View

Video: The Emergence Of The Ancient Civilization Of The Great Russians - Alternative View
Video: History of Russia (PARTS 1-5) - Rurik to Revolution 2024, September

According to some scientists, the civilization of the Great Russians originated about 140 thousand years ago. The history of this civilization is much longer than all the existing ones. It was the Great Russians who became the ancestors of all white-skinned people of various nationalities. They were the first to learn how to cultivate the land and prepare it for growing various crops. The culture of the Great Russians was highly developed, and the technology was not inferior in quality to modern. If you believe the ancient Greeks, then 7 thousand years ago, white people had flying machines.

Not all scientists agree with this theory, because there is no evidence that a people with such a culture ever existed. It is especially interesting that on the territory of Russia the first finds confirming the existence of the Great Russians were found relatively recently - at the end of the Soviet Union.

Archaeological finds, myths and legends say that traces of the world's oldest civilization were found in Rome, Egypt, Israel, on the island of Crete.

But back to the end of the 20th century. In June 1987, pits for the construction of a hydroelectric power plant began to be excavated in the Southern Urals. In the midst of the work process, the ancient metropolis was found. Of course, the ruins of the wooden city have not been preserved as well as the Egyptian pyramids, but in general, the state of the archaeological find is far from bad. An expedition of Soviet scientists who visited the city managed to prevent the flooding of Arkaim. According to scientists, the age of the metropolis is almost 25 thousand years! Thanks to modern calculation methods, Arkaim was built even before the pyramids known to the whole world appeared in Egypt. At the moment, the city has been restored almost completely. Diligent scientists "corrected" even the foundations of every residential building, each of which had central water supply and heating. However, that's not all!The pipes in these houses were made of bronze. Experts ask the question: how was this possible if the "formula" for creating bronze was found by people several centuries later?

It is believed that ancient architects recreated the universe on earth. The place for the city was chosen ideally - thanks to the correct decision of its creators, it was possible to observe the night sky from almost anywhere. The city was built by repeating the horoscope and constellations. The reference point to the stars is so accurate that only the Egyptian pyramids can compete with Arkaim. It is noteworthy that neither human remains nor household items were found in the city. This may indicate that people left Arkaim alive, taking everything they needed with them.

Arkaim is a world heritage site of Russian history. But, as mentioned above, the discovery of the ancient city by Western scientists is not recognized as proof of the existence of the civilization of the Great Russians. They believe that all people with white skin originate from the Jews. But, nevertheless, the Great Russians are older than any other people.

Many people, even very far from history, have probably heard about the Etruscans at least once. This unusual people lived in the northwest of modern Italy. Surprisingly, the design of the Etruscan cities was identical to the design of Arkaim, and the Etruscans created writing 2 thousand years before the rise of Rome. Gladiator fights, so popular in the Roman Empire, chariot races, and some burial rites were invented by the Etruscans. As for the written monuments of the Etruscans, Western experts hardly understand their writing.

The task does not seem so difficult to our scientists - they know what a Slavic runica is. The Russian linguist, who followed in the footsteps of the great Volansky, Valery Chudinov, proposed to consider the Etruscan language a descendant of Slavic runes. However, official science is skeptical about Chudinov's attempts. Vladimir Shcherbakov, one of the modern scholars, believes that the Etruscans wrote as they heard. According to the geniuses of linguistics, amateurs often forget that the modern language is not at all similar to the ancient one, and therefore it is simply sacrilegious to draw parallels between them. It is for this reason that Shcherbakov's theory lends itself to constant criticism from specialists. The generally accepted version is as follows: Etruscan letters cannot be deciphered, because it is simply impossible.

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Russian linguists are no less easily versed in the writing of the Pelazgi, a people who lived on the Balkan Peninsula before the Greeks came to this territory. For a long time, the Pelazgs were considered a mythical people. Some scholars have said that the Pelazgians are the first wave of Indo-Europeans. In the USSR, issues related to the history of this people were dealt with by A. I. Nemirovsky and L. A. Gindin. They also studied architecture. And they found out that the cities created by the Pelazgi also have common features with Arkaim - the architecture of the cities is very similar.

One of the written monuments was found in Greece, the creation of which is attributed to the Great Russians. The Cretan or Fest disc was found in Greece in the early 20th century. A disc made of baked colored clay is dotted with various symbols. Scientists still argue about the nature of these icons. Some say that these are samples of ancient writing, others believe that these icons have nothing to do with letters - they are just drawings that do not carry any semantic meaning. That is why the disc remains the most mysterious find in the Mediterranean. No one was able to fully decipher the ancient writing, but Russian scientists came closest to the solution! And all for the same reason - our specialists are more familiar with Slavic runes than others. These signs were used by the Slavs for a long time before the invention of the Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabet.

Despite the fact that Western archaeologists and historians do not recognize the existence of the Great Russian civilization, its influence on the formation of the cultural heritage of Europe is undeniably great.

To date, a lot of evidence has been found that the civilization of the Great Russians is not an invention, and these unusual people really existed. Basically, they left architectural and written monuments, but the entire Great Russians have not been studied so far and it is quite possible that the vast Earth is fraught with many more mysteries and artifacts.