Secrets Of Dreams - Alternative View

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Secrets Of Dreams - Alternative View
Secrets Of Dreams - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of Dreams - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of Dreams - Alternative View
Video: The Secret of Dreams (Occult Audiobook) by Yacki Raizizun 2024, October

Do you think dreams are just freaky movies that we watch every night? Nothing like this. The subconscious communicates with us through dreams. Moreover, dreams give the key to solving life's problems, suggest a way out of a difficult situation, and help make the right decision.

• Water symbolizes our feelings in all their diversity. A dreaming flood can be a sign that you are suppressing strong emotions, and they literally "flood" you from the inside. If you are drowning in a dream, you probably also cannot cope with some feelings. Think about what would help you express and tame them. Water also serves as a symbol of change, renewal. People who have entered a new phase of life often dream that they are crossing a river or lake. A pleasant swim in clear water means harmony, joy and satisfaction from life. Swimming in dirty water - difficulties in business, worries.

• Hair symbolizes vitality and attractiveness. Loose, loose hair in a dream means that you no longer feel attractive or feel unhealthy. If someone has cut off, pulled out or shortened your hair, perhaps in real life someone is trying to suppress your will, make you dance to your tune, or simply humiliate you. Often such a dream portends a disease.

• Long and beautiful hair in a dream means the flowering of beauty and strength, an active desire to please. In addition, such a dream foreshadows the receipt of good news. If in a dream your hair darkens and becomes longer than it really is, then wealth and prosperity awaits you. If the hair has become less frequent and shorter, poverty and suffering are not far off.

• As you know, teeth are a symbol of aggression and the ability to stand up for oneself. If your teeth hurt in a dream, it is possible that in real life you will feel helpless, cornered. If you have been bitten in a dream, in reality you will feel offended, vulnerable, infringed on your rights. Losing teeth in a dream means the destruction of something. Spitting out your teeth in a dream is a disease that threatens you or your family. If in a dream the doctor pulled out your tooth, a serious, prolonged illness is possible. Seeing someone else in a toothless dream is evidence of the powerlessness of your enemies, who want to discredit you. If you dream that your teeth are becoming healthy and white, then your discomfort will soon pass.

• Legs are support and ability to move. If you are feeling insecure and confused, you may dream that you are not on your feet or walking on an unreliable surface, risking failure. Dreams in which you have grown to a place and are not able to take a single step indicate that some fears, phobias and stereotypes are bothering you. If in a dream you are walking or running through a forest or meadow, and this gives you joy, you are on the way to good change.

• Fleeing from persecutors means a serious internal conflict that is difficult for a person to cope with. Recurring chase dreams mean that you cannot achieve your goal and are worried about it. If such dreams are repeated regularly and have a bright emotional color, it makes sense to consult a psychologist.

• If in a dream it seems to you that it is difficult for you to breathe, that you are choking, this is a sure sign that it is time for you to take care of your health. If you dream that your mouth is clogged or sealed with something, that you want to talk (including on the phone), but cannot do this, most likely you have long suppressed the desire to loudly declare something - in a portable, and perhaps in the literal sense. Ask yourself if there is any reason in your life for serious discontent, which for some reason you prefer to remain silent? Your subconscious mind gives you a signal that you should not endure anymore.

Promotional video:

• Finding yourself naked in a public place is a fairly common dream. It often means that a person is ashamed of something and wants to hide it, has low self-esteem and is too sensitive to the opinions of others. He is afraid that people will find out who he really is and will push him away.

• Falling usually symbolizes anxiety and loss of control over the situation. Falling dreams often come at a time when you are already desperate and ready to pass, afraid not to cope with the current difficulties.

• If in a dream you cannot read the inscription, decipher signs or symbols, dial a phone number or a text message, this means that you are in a very confused situation, from which you are desperately trying to get out. There is a problem that is still difficult for you to figure out. Do not put off solving it until later. You are overwhelmed with anxiety.

Draw your dream

It turns out that each of us can interpret the meaning of our dream without the help of a dream book. To do this, you need to remember him as best as possible and work a little as an artist.

Stage one, theoretical

All the emotions that we hold back during the day find their expression in our dreams. But the images and characters in our dreams are part of ourselves, our "I". And the fact that we see acquaintances, relatives or friends in our dreams is explained by the fact that our subconscious mind thus chooses "whom to incarnate in", "materialize". This is similar to how an artist paints a picture: for example, he decided to paint anger. He portrays it like this: two people are fighting or something is broken. So in our dreams: you are angry - it means that you meet an alcoholic neighbor who annoys you terribly. Scared - you see a little girl who cannot stand up for herself.

Stage two, practical

We're done with the theory. It's time to move on to practice. Remember your dream, if possible, tell it to someone - so it will become more real. Highlight the main characters of the dream and the area where the action took place. Sketch what happened. Take a fresh look at the drawing. If you have heroes depicted in your drawing, imagine yourself in turn by each of them, and answer the following questions: How do I (this hero / image) feel in a dream? What am I worried about? What do I want to do? Which of the pictures in the picture attracts me the most? Who causes antipathy?

Try to give your characters names related to their behavior or experiences. So, a fragile little girl in your dream can get the name "Have pity on me", or "Let's play, I'm lonely." A terrible beast will be "I will beat everyone" or "I am very angry." In fact, such telling names will be interpretations of your dream.

Consider how the dream characters' feelings, actions, and experiences resonate with your own in real life. Surely you will understand that some of the heroes of the dream, by the fact that they behaved cruelly or aggressively, you do not allow to manifest, that is, you hide your negative emotions. Or maybe you will realize that, on the contrary, you are too angry and aggressive in real life, that it gives you pleasure to humiliate and offend people.

Stage three, final

In the next step, choose the most attractive dream character for you. For example, one of the heroes is strong, active, strong-willed somewhere running, doing something interesting - then it's time for you to actively do something, create and act. Most likely, you sit too long. And the dream inclines you to action. When you wake up, completely surrender yourself to the power of this character. Try for at least one day to act differently from what you would do, but how your favorite hero from a dream would do.

And the last thing. Pay attention to where the dream events take place. If this is a closed area with clear boundaries (building, structure, house), then, most likely, the dream is only about you and your inner state. If in a dream you find yourself on a city street or in nature, then most likely you are worried about your relationship with the world around you.

If, after analyzing your dream, you still don’t understand “what it was all about”, postpone the drawing, and after a while return to it again. The more often you work with your dreams, the better you will learn to understand the signals that your subconscious mind sends you.

Natalia Nekrasova