Soul Wanderings Or Prophetic Dreams? - Alternative View

Soul Wanderings Or Prophetic Dreams? - Alternative View
Soul Wanderings Or Prophetic Dreams? - Alternative View

Video: Soul Wanderings Or Prophetic Dreams? - Alternative View

Video: Soul Wanderings Or Prophetic Dreams? - Alternative View
Video: Zach Williams - Chain Breaker (Official Lyric Video) 2024, October

Sir Richard Barnett, a royal officer, having received leave, decided to visit his brother, who lived on his estate near Portsmouth. But before he had time to rest from palace intrigues in pastoral splendor, his brother puzzled him with his strange dream. In a dream he was in a big city, apparently in London, and was busy with a strange business: under cover of night he carried a sack into the basement of a certain majestic building, from which he carefully shook a keg of gunpowder onto the stone floor. There were other similar "thugs" there, and from a conversation with them he understood that they were preparing the explosion of this building. In the same conversations, the name of a certain Guy Fawkes was mentioned several times.

Hearing this story, Richard Barnett turned pale, but pulled himself together. According to his brother's description, the building being prepared for the explosion looked very much like parliament, and he knew Guy Fawkes as an officer loyal to the king. But his brother had never seen the Houses of Parliament, and he could not have known Guy Fawkes.

Sir Richard returned urgently to London and put Fox under surveillance. So in 1605 the famous "gunpowder plot" was revealed: Catholic opponents of King James I decided to blow up the parliament on the day of its opening. And according to tradition, the king was supposed to open the session of parliament. Although originally Guy Fawkes, who had experience with explosives, was not the head of this conspiracy, it was he who became famous in hysteria more than his other comrades, as he was tasked with lighting the fuse and then fleeing the Thames and leaving the country. The conspiracy was discovered and Guy Fawkes was executed. More than 400 years have passed since then, but before the start of each session of parliament, the royal guard, with lanterns in hand, descends into its cellars to check if there are barrels of gunpowder.

The second similar English story, alas, ended much worse. It is associated with the assassination of British Prime Minister Spencer Percival on May 11, 1812. Three days earlier, a Cornwall resident dreamed that a small man entered the lobby of the House of Commons, wearing a blue jacket and white waistcoat. Why would another man, taller, in a brown jacket with metal buttons, took out a small pistol and fired at the first one point-blank. He fell, bleeding, and the killer was immediately captured. When the sleeper asked (in a dream) who the slain was, he was told that it was Sir Percival. Struck by this dream, he decided to warn the Prime Minister, but relatives and friends dissuaded him: he would simply be mistaken for a madman.

Later, after the murder, he was in London, and on the engravings dedicated to this event, he recognized the place he had seen in the dream, and even the color of the clothes of the killer and his victim.

The third, also English case, lies, as it were, in the middle: the author of the prophetic dream was unable to prevent the catastrophe, but warned his friends about it.

John Dunn was England's first aeronautical engineer and often had prophetic dreams. To explain them, he tried to develop a different from the canonical theory of time, and even published the book "Experiment with Time".

Most of his prophetic dreams were purely everyday in nature, but the dream he saw in 1913 was of a completely different nature.

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“I saw a railroad embankment, and I knew for sure that this was the northern part of the Fort Bridge in Scotland. For some reason, I also knew that it was mid-April. The clearing under the embankment was covered with grass, along which groups of people walked. Suddenly the picture changed, and I saw a train heading north, which derailed and cars were scattered all over the slope."

Not really believing in the reality of this dream, but having experience of other prophetic dreams, John warned his friends not to travel by train in Scotland next April.

On April 14, 1914, the Flying Scotsman mail train did derail north of the Fort Bridge, falling 6 meters onto a golf course.

Now let's go to America. According to Jacqueline Kennedy, a few days before the assassination of Robert Kennedy, she dreamed of her previously murdered husband, who warned her about the impending attempt on his brother. She immediately called Robert, and he admitted that he had a similar dream. But public politicians, alas, are not free in their actions.

Let me remind you that there are two main hypotheses about the cause of dreams. Let's call them conditionally: natural-scientific and occult. The essence of the first was very briefly and accurately expressed by the famous Russian physiologist of the century before last, IM Sechenov: "Sleep is an unprecedented combination of experienced impressions."

A completely different interpretation is given by mystics and occultists: during sleep, the soul (or astral body) leaves the physical shell and goes on a journey through the subtle other world. Being a purely energetic entity, the astral body finds itself in a world where physical time ceases to function and at the same time the past, present and future are present. Such an entity instantly overcomes any distance, gets acquainted with any events of the past and future, and upon returning to the physical body transmits the information received to the brain.

And if now we analyze a small fraction of the prophetic dreams cited here, we will find the complete inconsistency, or rather, the limitations of the natural-scientific hypothesis. Within its framework, there can be neither "prophetic dreams" that carry accurate information about future events, nor the same dreams, when the same plot is dreamed by different people. Not even the parallel dreams, when you meet with some familiar person in a dream, and then you will find out that he met you in his dream that very night. And at the same time, all such dreams fit perfectly into the occult hypothesis.

In my opinion, the truth is just in the middle. A normal healthy person sees dreams "according to Sechenov," and it is extremely rare, if not never, prophetic dreams.

And only people with extrasensory abilities, who have broken the barrier between the conscious and subconscious, receiving information from both the real world and the subconscious, can actually communicate with information entities (souls, astral bodies) of other people.

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