The Stolen Bus - Alternative View

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The Stolen Bus - Alternative View
The Stolen Bus - Alternative View

Video: The Stolen Bus - Alternative View

Video: The Stolen Bus - Alternative View
Video: Live PD: School Bus Chase (Season 2) | A&E 2024, October

Several years ago, a colleague of mine, in the prime of his life, suddenly passed away. The woman was very sad and could not come to terms with the loss.

All her conversations were only about the deceased spouse. According to her, she constantly dreamed of him, in a dream they talked: she told him about her problems, he gave her advice - in general, everything was the same as in life. In addition, he constantly told her that he was next to her - in a parallel world, she just did not notice it and would understand it only after death.

Is the existence of another world possible, which is outside the area of normal human perception? This question has long interested people, especially scientists and science fiction writers. So some of them believe that this is possible. Our world, perhaps, is part of another, larger world, and we do not realize that we exist side by side with other worlds.

After all, these worlds do not have to be far from each other. They can exist in different space-time continua. Imagine that our time does not correspond to their time, the concepts of space will also be different, and the parallel world is not close, not distant, but in a completely different space. And our laws of nature, which we consider as an axiom, do not work at all in that world. Of course, representatives of science do not support this theory.

But such a hypothesis did not appear out of nowhere, but after many inexplicable collisions of people with the unknown. For example, until now no one can scientifically explain such a phenomenon as "flying saucers". It is also impossible to explain the sudden disappearance of people who then claim to be in some other world and in contact with other beings. And sometimes whole planes, steamers or buses disappear …

On September 4, 1999, in the Chinese city of Yumen, in broad daylight, the regular bus No. 561, which had 62 passengers, disappeared.

On Saturday at about 11 o'clock in the morning, the bus left the central bus station. After about half an hour, he drove out of the city … and suddenly disappeared. Naturally, there were many eyewitnesses on the rather busy highway at this time of day.

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One of the drivers behind the missing bus says:

- I was driving in the same direction as the bus, about a hundred meters away. Suddenly in front of me I saw something like a large vortex that descended directly onto the bus. From fright, I slowed down a little. The whirlwind completely enveloped the car, froze for a moment, and then began to rise up, high, high. And then, to my immense surprise and horror, I saw that there was no bus on the highway, it had disappeared. At first I thought it was my dream. But, as it turned out, all the drivers who were driving along the highway at that time saw it. Everyone was shocked, and no one could understand what it was …

In addition, when the bus disappeared, all of its passengers suddenly fell asleep. Some of them slept until the bus returned to Earth, and several people woke up and saw something that they still cannot remember without excitement.

Chon Anisan, 29 years old, designer:

- Literally a minute before what happened, I looked at my watch, it was 11.33 in the morning. Then I was seized by a terrible sleepiness, and I seemed to have failed somewhere. After a while I woke up and looked out the window. I look: it’s not clear what, it’s as if we are in a brightly lit hangar. Several more people woke up with me, we got off the bus, and some strange creatures of very tall growth, about two and a half meters, in overalls, were walking towards us.

Hands and feet, like humans, two pairs, the body is the same, only the proportions are slightly different. But their faces are like from a horror movie: eyes, or rather the likeness of eyes, in the amount of three pieces, one on the back of the head, on the forehead something like a luminous button that constantly blinks, the nose is flattened, instead of a mouth there is some kind of slit that looks like to the funnel.

They talk without opening their mouths, but their speech seems to go straight into your brain. They talked to me about my profession, gave me some valuable advice, and then brought me to the monitor and showed terrible pictures - the Earth is burning, nuclear mushrooms are everywhere.

"This is waiting for you, if you do not stop fighting with each other and fighting for world domination …"

Then they told everyone to go back to the salon. Everything was covered with fog, and we seemed to fly. Then a jolt, as if the bus had jumped on a bump. The fog outside the window cleared, and I saw that we were in a city.

It was already getting dark. I looked at the clock - 19.35, that is, a whole 8 hours have passed! And it seemed to me that only half an hour had passed. The rest of the passengers woke up, we got off the bus, not knowing where we were. Imagine our amazement when we learned that we were in the city of Urumqi! After all, the bus could not physically reach this city in eight hours, because there is more than one and a half thousand kilometers between Yumen and Urumqi.

Ki Jie Enshi, bus driver:

- We were driving along the highway, and suddenly I felt with horror that I was falling asleep. I managed to change gear and put on the brakes. Then the bus was clouded with a foggy veil, and he began to rise into the air. It got dark and I passed out.

I woke up from a bright light and saw that we were either in a tunnel or in a large garage. A monster stood next to me and looked at me. He said that I had better leave my hometown and change my profession, otherwise I could get into an accident, and he did not move his lips or open his mouth, but everything was clear. I again fell into oblivion and cannot say how we ended up so far, in Urumqi.

Subsequently, it turned out that one of the passengers - her name was Su Mun - did not want to return to Earth and remained with the aliens. Here is what a fellow traveler, who got into a conversation with her on the bus, said:

- We started talking with her even before boarding the bus. She complained about a difficult life: she was recently abandoned by her husband, fired from her job. We woke up at the same time and got off the bus, soon she left with one of the aliens. I, too, saw horrible footage of a catastrophe on our planet on my computer monitor. At first, I thought that I had all this in a dream, but when the bus ended up in Urumqi, I realized that everything was for real, because we could not travel such a distance so quickly.

Scientists who have investigated this phenomenal incident are still disagreeing. Orthodox materialists claim that this was a case of mass psychosis with hallucinations. True, they cannot scientifically explain how a simple bus, which can travel at a top speed of 110 kilometers per hour, could cover a distance of one and a half thousand kilometers in just 8 hours.

More progressive scientists suggest that this was not without the intervention of representatives of another world. After all, contacts with UFOs have long passed from the category of myths and inventions to the category of scientific facts. In the West, there are even statistics that clearly record all cases of communication between earthlings and fellow humans. Moreover, according to ufologists, recently there has been a tendency for contacts when people do not just observe, say, a "flying saucer" in space, but come into direct contact in the form of a telepathic conversation or even are abducted, as in our case.

Now in almost every country there are people who claim to have been on such a "flying saucer". Previously, no one believed them, and often such people were subjected to forced treatment in psychiatric hospitals. American writer Bud Hopkin, for example, was one of the first to take such stories seriously and published the book "Lost Time", where he described 20 cases of UFO abductions. Currently, there are already 400 similar testimonies in his personal archive. But why the aliens are doing this, science has yet to answer, and this will probably not happen soon.