How Do Psychics Work - Alternative View

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How Do Psychics Work - Alternative View
How Do Psychics Work - Alternative View

Video: How Do Psychics Work - Alternative View

Video: How Do Psychics Work - Alternative View
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Psychics, or mediums, are people who have the ability to get in touch with representatives of a parallel world. These representatives can be considered spirits, ghosts or energy-informational entities of the dead. Only a few have such abilities, moreover, of those who call themselves psychics - the overwhelming majority of charlatans. Identifying a real psychic can be simple: they know what others do not know.

The subtle world of Vanga

Classical science denies this phenomenon, but real life says the opposite. The Bulgarian medium Vanga said: “In my head there are silhouettes of people who have been dead for a long time, I see them as if through a column of water. They come to me because for them I am the gateway to the world of the living."

Here is what the Soviet writer Sergei Mikhalkov said about Vanga: “Today is July 2, 1978. For several days now I have been under the impression of communicating with Wanga. The psychic was warned about my visit, she was waiting for me in her reception, sitting on a couch."

- This Russian will live a long life! - Wang exclaimed. - I see your mother, she is offended that you have not celebrated your birthday for several years in a row. You should definitely celebrate your birthday. Your sister isn't happy with that either.

“I don’t have a sister,” said the writer.

- I see her, - Wang answered.

Promotional video:

- I have no sister…

- And who, then, is this little girl who stands next to your mother?

And Mikhalkov remembered that he had an older sister who died at the age of six months.

A year later, the Soviet actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov met with Vanga. As soon as he entered the house, the clairvoyant unceremoniously declared to him: “Have you forgotten about the desire of your best friend Yura Gagarin? After all, he said that he had no time, and you had to buy an alarm clock on his behalf and, looking at him, remember him."

Tikhonov and Gagarin were indeed friends. When Gagarin was gone, the actor forgot about his promise to buy an alarm clock because of his worries.

And here is the story of Natalia Bekhteeva, who for many years was the head of the Brain Institute in Leningrad: “She is blind, her face is twisted, but you cannot call her unpleasant. She was very unhappy with me, she immediately asked me why I came to her. And I simply replied that I had come to meet you for the sake of science."

After a pause, the clairvoyant leaned back in her chair and said:

- Here your mother is standing next to her, she says that you should go to Siberia

- What other Siberia, I have no one there - answered Bakhteeva.

Quite unexpectedly, upon arrival in Leningrad, she received an invitation to Irkutsk to give lectures.

Arthur Ford

The American Arthur Ford has been demonstrating the phenomenon of informational communication with people who have died long ago for forty years. Fame came to him in 1928. He learned that the American illusionist Harry Houdini, who was engaged in exposing mediums, before his death in 1925 agreed with his wife Beth that he would try to send her a message from the other world: "Betty, believe." The message he had to transmit in encrypted form, and the one who decrypts it Houdini promised 10 thousand dollars (a huge amount at that time).


In January 1928, medium Arthur Ford, in a deep trance state, said: "Betty, answer, say, I beg you … answer." Then he spelled the words: "Betty, believe." The shocked Mrs. Houdini confirmed their correctness.

Ford said that he developed psychic abilities during the First World War, when he fought in France. There he began to hear the names of soldiers who would die within the next few days. After the war, Ford began to study parapsychology and began speaking in public sessions. He was sent sealed envelopes with notes, and he unmistakably read out what was written in them. Later in public, he began to read other people's thoughts: "Is there anyone in the hall named Melton Jack?" When the man raised his hand, he said: "Your dead brother Michael is present in the hall." The man who stood up confirmed that he did have a brother named Michael, who had died long ago.

“I have not yet learned how to manage hypnosis, but I already knew for sure that it was a kind of state in which I can hear what those present in the hall want,” Arthur Ford recalled.

He soon realized that he had become a psychic, and during public sessions he began to establish contact with specific deceased, whom he was named. Skeptics said that Ford does not communicate with the dead, but has the gift of a telepath, reads the thoughts of those present and says what they want to hear.

“My long life experience has left me no alternative. For forty years of my life, I have lived amid incontrovertible evidence that the dead are near us, among the living,”wrote Arthur Ford in Life After Death.

Leslie Flint

Leslie Flint became the first psychic in history to actively collaborate with scientists. He was born in London in 1910 and at the age of eight realized that he did not look like his peers, as he saw dead people. In 1934 he announced this publicly and became a famous medium. Thousands of people came to his performances, who left shocked by what was happening before their eyes. In the same year, Leslie Flint began active collaboration with scientists. It was studied by psychologists, psychiatrists, specialists in the field of electronics. Flint could not be caught in the fraud.


Beginning in 1947, Flint began conducting seances and recording them on tape. There were even tapes with famous personalities. For example, in 1955 he was able to communicate with the spirit of the famous American actress Ellen Terry, who died in 1929. Over the years of his psychic practice, Leslie Flint, who died in 1995, received thousands of visitors who wanted to hear the voices of deceased relatives. In the vast majority of cases, he managed to do this.

Summing up, it can be argued that psychics are direct evidence that the soul, or the energy-informational essence of a person, is capable of existing outside the physical body. But these contacts do not give any details about the nature of the immaterial world and how the soul exists after the death of a person.