Gorgon's Gaze - Alternative View

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Gorgon's Gaze - Alternative View
Gorgon's Gaze - Alternative View

Video: Gorgon's Gaze - Alternative View

Video: Gorgon's Gaze - Alternative View
Video: Destiny - Killing All The Gorgon's At Once! Surviving Gorgon's Gaze Method in Vault of Glass 2024, October

What can you not find on the pages of periodicals! Political statements, opinion polls, economic feasibility studies. Reasoning on the topic "How do we equip …" and warnings like "Why we sometimes don't need to do this!" And, of course, popular science materials about paranormal phenomena: poltergeist, spiritualism, "green men" and various evil spirits. Raise your head - UFOs are flying over you, look into the pit - from there you can hear the screams and gnashing of teeth of tormented sinners. Go into an empty house - there you will certainly be greeted by ghosts and ghosts … And all this has become so commonplace that we no longer believe in anything: sorcerers and psychics are charlatans, clairvoyants and healers are deceivers, brownies and vampires are a product of the inflamed imagination of psychopaths or greedy "demons"!.. So we think. But in vain..


… They everywhere. They are around us, among us and in us. They are invisible and omnipresent. They differ in power, but their strength and their skill are directed only to us …

They are a hundred times stronger than us and never clashed with each other. And for what? - there are so many of us that all of them have enough in abundance. They live with us and live with us. Moreover, they are a product of ourselves. And the only way to get rid of them is to self-destruct.

They are smarter and more cunning than us. Thinner, deeper and more merciless. And it depends only on them how they will use their terrible gift: for good or for evil. We cannot resist them, and they can do whatever they want with us, guided only by their own understanding of moral norms. And their criteria do not correlate with ours in any way.

They are gender and ageless. Each of them can be both a man and a woman, and even a child. They feel any of our spiritual or spiritual movement. And they respond to him. They are always in the thick of things - where there are flashes, breaks and outbursts of emotions. The crowd is their breeding ground. They are practically immortal. Leaving their physical body, they are not. move to other levels of existence, and remain in the things that belong to them.

They support each other and pass on their knowledge and experience. They are not like-minded people, they are accomplices. It depends only on them whether they will only take from us or return part of the stolen goods.

Promotional video:

They are not able to create, but no one can, like them, stimulate the process of creativity in us. And they do this because the substances that are produced by us in the process of creation are their food. They need us. And only this saves us from disappearing …


In the middle of the 19th century, a very remarkable story happened to a high-ranking English official in India. An avid safari lover, he once shot a magnificent elephant while hunting. But here's the bad luck: a special knife for carving tusks remained nearby in the camp. Having ordered the servants to guard the trophy from predators, the sahib and the orderly set off on their way back. Returning after a short time, the Englishman saw a strange picture: undersized savages were swarming around the carcass, and the guards were lying on the ground in horror. To the question of the angry hunter, he was told that these were "people from the Mullu-Kurumba tribe, with whom it is better not to get involved, because it is fraught with all sorts of troubles." The proud imperialist only laughed at the superstitious nonsense of the aborigines and, taking out the whip, loudly demanded that the marauders get out of the way.

The savages, at the sight of the white man, did not run away as usual, but, grinning their teeth, stared at him. At that time, this was considered a violation of command and a challenge! Sahib could not stand it and hit the leader with a whip in the face. The savage did not dodge the blow, but only looked more closely into the eyes of the offender.

The Englishman felt an incomprehensible uneasiness bordering on fear. Immediately, his companions whispered about the "evil eye" and again fell to the ground. But the Briton could not afford to fold in front of some subhuman. He again raised the whip and dispersed all the greedy for someone else's company. The tusks were carved, and the hunters returned home. Immediately upon arrival at the camp, miracles began: the sahib's hand became very sore, he was overcame a long sleep that lasted more than a day. He woke up with the feeling that the blood in his veins had become viscous like tar and heavy like lead. The doctors were unable to make any intelligible diagnosis. The patient lost his appetite, sleeplessness, and, after four days, the proud Englishman died in agony from bleeding ulcers that covered his entire body …

But all these are "things of bygone days." Let's turn to the present. In one of the St. Petersburg kindergartens, the following happened: the children played "mothers and daughters", as it should be at 3.5 years old. The boy-dad, portraying, apparently, the drunken owner of the house, began to scold the girl-mother with bad words and, following the example of his own parent, scattered toy dishes and broke the doll's furniture. The girl tried to reason with the brawler in every possible way, but when she realized that she could not calm down the “father of the family” with words, she looked at the boy's hand, who was dragging her beloved daughter-doll by the hair. I just looked.

With a cry of pain, the "bully" unclenched his fingers and burst into tears. On the back of his hand, he developed a huge blister. To the teacher's question, how his girlfriend burned him, he answered crying - with his eyes.

The teacher did not believe it and asked the girl to do the same with her hand. The experiment gave its results: redness appeared on the hand and there was a slight burning sensation …

A trustworthy popular science magazine published a story that could be categorized as incredible, inexplicable. The point, in a nutshell, is as follows.

The girl unexpectedly in a short time lost all her friends and girlfriends. Even the closest people stopped communicating with her, except, perhaps, the parents and the groom, who brought her to see a psychiatrist.

“Since childhood, I have noticed strange things happening in my presence,” the patient told the doctor. - Something went wrong with all the people around me. As if there was some kind of curse on me. I interfere with any kind of activity. Everything breaks, breaks, burns … The circle of my acquaintances was very narrow and, so to speak, quite elite. I was friends with young artists, musicians, actors and writers. I myself am no stranger to creativity, but my success next to their works seems very modest. I never envied anyone, but I really loved watching others work, rehearse, play … For the time being, everyone treated me very well. We were invited to visit, to exhibitions, performances. We even consulted, asked for advice. They trusted, because, according to them, I acutely sense the falsity.

And then in one "beautiful month" everything was over. They began to notice that when I was around, everything fell out of their hands: the artist's paints did not fall on the canvas the way he wanted, the composition was disturbed. The color scheme becomes, in an incomprehensible way, flashy and clumsy. It's the same with poetry. A friend of mine writes good love lyrics. In the tradition of the Silver Age. And suddenly, as soon as I sit down next to her, the filigree lines "a la early decadents" break, curl up and fade …

The painting goes under the knife, poems fly into the trash can. Creative people are very superstitious and sensitive to what is happening. And after several such incidents, they began to shy away from me like a leper. They say that I am able to "jinx" anyone. So I remained completely isolated, although I did nothing wrong!..


- In the eyes! Looking only in the eyes! Focus on the pupils! Imagine how they expand and let you in. Keep the diameter! Do not let them narrow, otherwise you will spoil the person's eyesight on the way back! Okay! Now feel for the entrance to the corridor through which you have to reach the goal. Walk straight. Do you see three dark niches? These are the passages to the treasuries. The left one leads to the brain, the right one - to the heart muscle, the middle one goes down to the reproductive organs, downward. Where are we going today? Let's take the easiest route so as not to strain too much to begin with. Dive to the right. Take your time, descend more slowly. Okay. See the glowing cloud? A circle? Yes. This is the purpose of your journey. Stop. Mentally touch him with your lips, as if you want to kiss. More accurate! Happened! Now pull yourself in. Drink! More and more! Is the flicker fading? That's right, it should be so. You can only drink one sip! Leave it next time. Smooth out the damaged point. Softer! Excellent! Now climb back up! Do not rush! Come out of the pupils carefully. Stop! All! Lean back in your chair. Close eyes. How do you feel? Cheer than Before? Do you feel acid in your mouth? This is because you do not know how to Filter energy yet. Nothing, it will come … Give the second room a massage! Break! In fifteen minutes we will continue our games … Next topic: "Connecting to a donor object by touching." All! Relax! Everyone to the gym!..than before? Do you feel acid in your mouth? This is because you do not know how to Filter energy yet. Nothing, it will come … Give the second room a massage! Break! In fifteen minutes we will continue our games … Next topic: "Connecting to a donor object by touching." All! Relax! Everyone to the gym!..than before? Do you feel acid in your mouth? This is because you do not know how to Filter energy yet. Nothing, it will come … Give the second room a massage! Break! In fifteen minutes we will continue our games … Next topic: "Connecting to a donor object by touching." All! Relax! Everyone to the gym!..

It would have looked like a horror movie scene if it hadn't been happening in front of my eyes. In the last month of autumn of the last year of the century.

In a city "familiar to tears." But let's leave all the "oohs and oohs" about what is happening. Subject came out of trance and looked around. While everyone else is playing basketball during recess, it's not a sin to take a moment to get information. It was not for nothing that I came here, after all!..

- How are you feeling?

- As after a marathon distance, - smiled "number two". - My head is a little dizzy, and my ears tinkle. Now I know how a lemon feels after being in a juicer. But this is a pleasant weakness, as before falling asleep. No worries. Silence!..

- And the heart? - I did not lag behind, - You seem to climb into it …

"All right," the "patient" replied reluctantly. - At the first moment it seemed to stab, and then it leveled off. There is coolness in my chest.

- In general, how is it? - I cautiously proceeded to the main point. - What, in fact, did they do to you? Some kind of horror!

- No creepy! - the "experimental" grimaced. - At first it impresses, of course, especially the new ones, but there is nothing to be afraid of. It's a common thing to get rid of the "gray" energy … Don't look at me like an alien! We, though vampires, are local. We do not offend guests. Although…

- He stared with interest at my neck under the ear.

- Although … we do not refuse krovushka …

I shuddered involuntarily.

- Stop fooling around! - came the voice of the girl conducting these strange activities. - You will scare me a journalist, and then he will write this! Take a shower!

- Everything, everything, I'm leaving, - the student agreed with the "trainer". - Also news to me - blood! This, dear, - he turned to me, - yesterday. Stone Age!.. Although … - he made a carnivorous face, - after such a shake-up from a fresh glass, I would …

- Go, go, Dracula!.. Wash yourself. We will continue. If you want - stay with us, - the "trainer" smiled at me, - have some coffee …

For the first time I was impressed, as they say, “above the roof”. And I obediently followed the Dracula. Vampires, flushed after the break, walked towards us. Just some kind of Hitchcock!..


In the coffee cubicle, I frantically gathered my brains together. That under the satanic gaze of the image of Medusa the Gorgon that hung on the wall was very difficult. The insane pupils of the ancient Greek monster, seemingly rushing straight into the soul, did not allow concentration. And the strongest coffee clearly did not contribute to sobriety. Horror with a gun, and a bow on the side!..

The fact that a look can influence others, mankind has known since prehistoric times. Pre-lingual, pre-speech. So, they say, our ancestors communicated with each other, telepathically or something … All sorts of shamans, priests, sorcerers-hypnotists and advanced psychics came to mind. Juna, Chumaki and Kashpirovskie of the last spill. The cat cried scientific knowledge and facts. But still…

I suddenly remembered the stories about the experiments of the radio physicist Boris Kazhinsky, which he conducted together with the great trainer Durov back in 1922. The experimental dog named Mars followed the owner's mental orders. There, too, the impact went through the eyes.

The technique is approximately as follows: the trainer slowly penetrates the animal's brain and imagines as vividly as possible the actions that must be performed by her. For example, carry a certain book from the next room.

Nine times out of ten, Mars did the right thing. This is on average. But after three experiments in a row, he got very tired and refused to work further. I fell asleep, poor fellow …

The experiments of Wolf Messing, the hypnosis sessions of Academician Filatov, the method of coding from drunkenness of Dr. Dovzhenko also came to mind.

But these are special people, there are only one million of them, and here - about thirty people per circle! Where do they come from in such quantities?..

- With units in a million, you did a little bit, but, in general, that's right, - the voice of the "coach" who came in returned me to reality. “You’re sorry, we don’t usually eavesdrop, but you were thinking too loudly.

My jaw dropped …


Some time ago I met my old acquaintance on Nevsky. Word for word, we went into the cafe, remembered the past, softened. And as soon as I began to understand that not everything was lost with us, when suddenly some overgrown with the appearance and manners of a piggy came to our table and began to insolently cling to my companion, I am far from Schwarzenegger, but I tried to emerge: it all started well, 'and - on you! As soon as I was about to raise my voice breaking with fear, my friend squeezed my knee under the table: sit, they say, and don't rock the boat! Well, I didn't have to persuade me for a long time, especially since from the next table another such scumbag is glancing at us. And what? She looks calmly into the eyes of this pile of muscles and smiles. Here the harassor of her charms somehow strained strangely, turned pale and after a dozen seconds collapsed right on the marble floor!The second to him: "Baton, what's wrong with you?" - and also - somersault!

A minute later we were walking down the street. I look at her in a daze, and she: “It's elementary, Watson! Simplest knocking down the rhythms of the heart. Works flawlessly. Especially on the sticky ones. AND; it is possible and so … "- she pointed to me at a flock of youngsters, quickly walking ahead of us. One, second, third, - as if stumbling over an invisible obstacle, stretched out on the sidewalk. “And this is called a lack of coordination of movements. It's not difficult either. " My appearance, as I understand it, was not the smartest: "What are you, psychic?" - “Nonsense. There are no psychics. I am the most ordinary vampire."

Do I need to explain that I could not miss such a topic? In general, she not only told me about the informal club "Family of the Gorgon", but also promised to take me there with the condition: not to publish anything in print without the consent of a certain Irina, the head, as I understand it, of this damn little family. So I ended up in an ordinary kindergarten on Petrogradskaya …


The conversation we had with Irina, the “main Gorgon” of St. Petersburg, took three hours of dictaphone recording. Therefore, I had to squeeze it down to the most basic. Here's what came of it:

“People,” Irina began, “differ not only in skin color, curly hair and eye shape. Racial and national differences are insignificant. The main one is the method of obtaining vital energy necessary to maintain the spiritual life of the organism. Food only nourishes the body. Meat. A person is made a person by the presence and modern exchange of streams of the "vital substance QI", known to initiates of the Tibetans since antiquity. The name "CHI" is rather arbitrary, but the way of feeding it is the same for most people - through "chakras", "acupuncture points", "holes in the energy cocoon" … Here, whatever you call it, the essence does not change. The question is - where to get it - from the outside ("space", "world Treasury", "storerooms of the Eternal Set") or from fellow-creatures? From the latter, it is less troublesome, although not so sterile. Both Tibetans-go and Tibetans-mo knew this well …

When there was a division into feeding methods and whether there was any at all, history is silent. To put it simply, “one fine day from time immemorial” an immeasurably smaller part of young mankind suddenly discovered that some channel was closed for them. Why is unknown: maybe it was the worst punishment, perhaps, on the contrary, the best reward. Trouble began: those cut off from the "feeding trough" began to ache, wither. And - as a result - they became hardened in heart, as it is written in the Bible. And here the most cheerful ones noticed that in some situations they feel better. Now we would call these situations borderline: in conflicts, fights, quarrels, inter-tribal wars … The outburst of emotions that accompanies these manifestations of aggressiveness turned out to be "usable." Let it be a surrogate, but a replacement of the power source. At first unconsciouslyand then, fully aware of what was happening, the "deprived" began to connect to the most active and unbalanced relatives. For the time being it was a blessing for everyone: the conflicted calmed down, losing some of their aggressiveness, the "hungry" received surplus energy …

But nothing can last forever. The "normal" ones began to fear, avoid, even kill. But a solution was found here too. The smartest have managed to turn fear to their advantage. Knowing how not only to take away, but also to dump surplus, they began to regularly feed the strongest before vital events: hunting, battles, competitions. And the strong appreciated this support. The "hungry" were declared healers, shamans, priests, and even chieftains. When they came to power, they declared their abilities supernatural, which further strengthened their position …

Everything would have gone on like this until the end of time, but the "hungry", or rather, a part of them, were ruined by greed and laziness.

They only desired to take, giving nothing in return. The time has come for new persecution. They had to leave and live separately.

But without regular feeding, the "chosen ones" - as they began to call themselves - were doomed to extinction. They needed a reason to return to their fellow tribesmen. And then an event took place that has come down to us in legends, legends and appeared by that time, thanks to writing, in the scriptures.

The elect dispersed ideologically. The "light" returned to the people as healers, physicians of body and soul, being able to draw out and destroy negative energy, the "dark" remained elementary parasites. And a fierce battle took place in the world, which has come down to us as the "Great War of Light and Darkness" or, if you like, "First Armageddon". Subsequently, some began to be called angels, others - evil spirits. The unclean ones were defeated, but not destroyed and continued to exist nearby. Angels founded world religions, unclean satanic sects. The first inspired, the second mischievous …

The war has not ended; it has been going on with varying success for thousands and thousands of years. Ways and methods of struggle are changing, but its goal remains unchanged - the final victory. And the outcome of this worldwide battle largely depends on normal people. Because only people produce the energies of Good and Evil accumulated by the “chosen”. Who will take it depends on the people …"

This is what I learned, this is the old story in a new way told to me "Mother Gorgon", a thirty-year-old St. Petersburg woman Irina. "Light" vampire. When I asked if she was afraid of publicity, she chuckled: “Nobody will believe you anyway. But if even an insignificant percentage thinks - this is already a plus. The forces are approximately equal, so any help is beneficial. We do not care to live together until the end of time."

… They everywhere. They are all around us. They are among us, and they are in us. But don't be afraid of them. We will not be destroyed. They need us. And it depends only on us who will prevail. This is important for us …

Sergey OKMAN

Source: "X-Files of the 20th Century"