8 Real People Who Claim To Be Time Travelers - Alternative View

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8 Real People Who Claim To Be Time Travelers - Alternative View
8 Real People Who Claim To Be Time Travelers - Alternative View

Video: 8 Real People Who Claim To Be Time Travelers - Alternative View

Video: 8 Real People Who Claim To Be Time Travelers - Alternative View
Video: 7 People Who Claimed To Be Time Travellers 2024, October

Time travel is a long-standing dream of many people. Unfortunately, modern science has not yet reached this point. Or did you get it? In this material you will find stories and testimonies of people who claim to have already traveled in time. And they do not just assert, but show evidence.


Andrew Karlsin

In 2002, the world was shocked by the news of the arrest of an unusual stock exchange fraudster Andrew Karlsin. In just two weeks, he made 126 successful deals and increased his fortune from an initial $ 800 to an unimaginable 350 million. Naturally, such a dizzying success could not fail to interest the US Securities Market Commission, and then the FBI.

Andrew Karlsin was arrested and charged with conspiracy with stock managers and insider information. The logical assumption is that without accurate knowledge of how the stock quotes will fluctuate, it is impossible to conduct transactions so successfully. However, the accused himself completely denied the existence of collusion. According to him, he came from the future - from 2256 and already had all the information about the state of the market.


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Hakan Nordqvist

The time travel of an ordinary Swede named Hakan Nordqvist began extremely mundane and even boring. One day, when Hakan came home from work, he found that the entire kitchen floor in his house was flooded with water. Naturally, he immediately took out a tool and reached into the cabinet under the sink to fix the leak. Then, according to the traveler himself, something amazing began. The closet around him began to dissolve, as it were, turning into a kind of tunnel, at the end of which light dawned.

Realizing that he had no other options, the Swede crawled towards the light. He got out in the same place: from under the cabinet in his own kitchen, only 36 years later. At the same time, he even met himself a 72-year-old. Contrary to all Hollywood stereotypes, no break in the time continuum occurred. On the contrary, Hakan even managed to film himself and his future together. And for persuasiveness, they showed the same tattoos in the same place.

The people who foresaw the bombing of Hamburg

An extremely mysterious and very unusual story happened in 1932 with two employees of a German newspaper. Reporter J. Bernard Hutton and photographer Joachim Brandt went to the Hamburg shipyard to do some interviews for their new article. When the work was done and the journalists were about to leave, they suddenly heard the hum of aircraft engines. And looking up, we saw the sky literally filled with military aircraft. The most severe bombardment began. Brand managed to take several photographs before they managed to leave this place.

Imagine their surprise when, after developing the film, they did not find any traces of an airstrike on it. The editor accused the guys of drunkenness and refused to publish their article. After this story, Hatton quit his job and moved to London. It was there, in 1943, that he was surprised to find an article in a local newspaper about how the Royal Air Force carried out a series of bombing raids on Hamburg. Under the article were photographs of the shipyard, which looked exactly as he and Brandt saw it 11 years ago.


Alfred Bilek

On October 28, 1943, the so-called "Philadelphia Experiment" was allegedly carried out, during which the destroyer "Eldridge" with a crew of 181 people allegedly disappeared and then instantly appeared in another place tens of kilometers away. Presumably - because the US Navy still officially denies the very fact of this experiment. But there are a lot of rumors about him. It is believed that then the entire destroyer team died, except for one person - Alfred Bilek. It was he who said that during the Philadelphia experiment in 1943 and the Montauk experiment in 1949, he managed to visit the future. Alfred claims that the organizers of these experiments then erased his memory, but over time it returns.

Bilek stated that he lived six weeks in 2137 and another two years in the distant future - from 2749 to 2751. While in 2137, he was surprised to find that only 300 million people lived on Earth at that time. When asked where the rest of the billions went, they could not answer him for sure. They only said that there was a third world war, during which the Earth was seized by disease, famine and the collapse of states. In addition, then there was an invasion of cannibal aliens, feeding on human flesh. Fortunately, the invasion was repelled. In the XXVIII century, according to Bilek, the world has changed even more, the very appearance of man has changed, people have become more graceful. Wars remained in the past, there was no army or police on Earth. The attitude towards religion has changed significantly. It existed, but in a completely different form and in a different understanding. People were building huge flying cities with 2000-story houses.


Father Pellegrino Ernetti

Benedictine monk Father Pellegrino Ernetti is famous for claiming to have photographed Jesus Christ himself. According to him, he, together with Nobel Prize laureate in physics Enrico Fermi and German scientist Werner von Braun, invented a "chronovisor" - a device that could be tuned to events from the past. Ernetti claimed that he could personally observe the last supper and crucifixion of Christ, as well as Napoleon and Cicero.

The team later admitted that they had to destroy the device for fear that it might fall into the wrong hands. When time travelers were criticized, Ernetti provided evidence as evidence of a photograph of Christ on the cross, allegedly taken by him with the help of a time camera. After the similarity of the provided photograph with the work of Kullo-Valera was noticed, Ernetti had to admit that the photograph was a fake. Nonetheless, Ernetti continued to insist that the time viewer was actually built.


Andrew Basiago

In 2004, a Seattle lawyer named Andrew Basiago publicly stated that between the ages of 7 and 12 he was a member of a secret US government program that dealt with teleportation and time travel. These works were the foundations on which the Montauk and Philadelphia Experiments were subsequently carried out. Although Basiago claims to have experienced eight different time travel technologies, most of the travels were based on technical documents allegedly found in the apartment of the genius mechanical engineer Nikola Tesla after his death in January 1943.

The traveler claims he went to Ford's Theater five or six times on the night that President Lincoln was assassinated. Moreover, each subsequent time he invariably met all his previous "copies" in this time. And each time influenced the subsequent course of history.


Unknown from the opening of the South Fork Bridge

Perhaps one of the most famous public time travelers. Despite the fact that neither the name nor the personality of this person was ever established. But the photo, in which he, among other guests, is present at the opening of the South Fork Bridge over the Shenandoah River in Arkansas, has spread all over the world. The photo shows a group of people watching the opening of this scenic bridge. But one of them - clearly stands out from the crowd for its unusual appearance. He looks too modern, then no one dressed like that. He is taller than average, wearing modern dark glasses, a varsity T-shirt, a modern sweater, and a camera more modern in shape than a 1940 model. Of course, this and other photographs in which this person was captured have been thoroughly checked and analyzed. Experts saidthat they did not find signs of photomontage on them.


Charlie Chaplin's woman

Another video evidence of time travelers. The video shows a documentary, which shows the premiere of Charlie Chaplin's film "Circus". A woman walks unhurriedly by the entrance to the cinema, holding her left hand near her ears as if she were talking on a mobile phone. This is quite normal today, but it is a little creepy to see it on 1928 film. At the same time, the footage clearly shows that the woman is not just walking around with her hand pressed to her ear, she is talking to someone, although there is no one next to her.