Russia Is A Civilization Of Planetary Importance - Alternative View

Russia Is A Civilization Of Planetary Importance - Alternative View
Russia Is A Civilization Of Planetary Importance - Alternative View

Video: Russia Is A Civilization Of Planetary Importance - Alternative View

Video: Russia Is A Civilization Of Planetary Importance - Alternative View
Video: Як виглядають чужорідні цивілізації? Шкала Кардашева 2024, May

She has a special become -

You can only believe in Russia.

F. I. Tyutchev

The word "Russian" in our understanding of it means a special worldview, ideals of morality and ethics, belonging to a civilizational community, and not a line in a passport, not a nationality. This is really so, because even opening the encyclopedia, you will read: the great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin, the great Russian artist Isaac Levitan, the great Russian linguist V. I. Dal.

They, like many others, were not “Russian by nationality,” but no one doubts that they belonged to a special Russian culture, different from the culture of other regional civilizations. And they are not the only creators of the Russian multinational culture, in whose veins alien blood flowed.

And it is precisely this perception of the word "Russian" that is characteristic of our people at the unconscious levels of the psyche, and it manifests itself through the established turns of speech. Listen carefully: “German man”, “American man”, “Georgian man” does not sound, it is not accepted to say that.

But "Russian man" sounds quite definitely, however, the same as "Western man" or "Eastern man". Russian is a supranational concept that embraces nationality. After all, a Russian German, a Russian Jew will not become either German or Jewish Russian even after moving to Germany or Israel. But if they selflessly serve Russia, they are Russians.

The difference between the Russian regional civilization and other regional civilizations of the planet lies in the fact that it gave rise to a culture and a state common to all its peoples, the boundaries of which in the history of the last few centuries coincide with the boundaries of civilization. It is because of this that, outside our borders, we are all “Russians” for foreigners, without distinction of our nationalities: Great Russian (“Russian”), Tatar, Bashkir, etc.

Promotional video:

In other regional civilizations, the opposite is true: within the boundaries of civilization there are many national states, as a result of which the same word "nation" denotes both the state and the people - the nation that created a mono-ethnic state in which one way or another exist problems of ethnically alien "national minorities".

It is for this reason that, based on the foreign mentality, the word "Rus", with a superficial view of life, is perceived as the name of the state of antiquity, which is inappropriate today. Although in reality this is the name of one of the regional civilizations of the planet, which for several centuries has been developing within the boundaries of a state common to all its peoples and still has global significance and the potential for original development.

The essence of the originality of Russia is that the West is a regional civilization, a civilization of matter. East - regional civilization, civilization of the spirit (in the meaning of spirit = information). Russia is also a regional civilization, a civilization of measure. It unites matter and information in their trinity, in the true trinity that God loves, as the popular saying goes.

If you do not treat the epics as groundless tales, then you can find out that the highest intra-social power - the power of life-speaking (in the sense of “as you have spoken - so it will be”) - in ancient Russian society belonged to that little-known nowadays social group, which epics are called “kaliks transiting "," Wise men ".

These top managers lived on the basis of a sense of proportion and were never distinguished by wealth from the rest of society. Their activities were recognized as socially useful, and 5% of the gross national product was allocated for their maintenance. Advancement into the system of supreme power proceeded not on the basis of electoral procedures and not on the basis of its usurpation, but through the best assimilation of knowledge about the system of social management and the development of appropriate skills, confirmed by the practice of their use and public recognition of their usefulness.

Hundreds of years before the formation of the Euro-American conglomerate, without fanfare and noise, they solved such civilizational tasks on the vast territory of the settlement of many tribes as a single language, a single money, a single system of measures and other macro-projects of general civilizational significance.

One of such macro-projects is Zmievy Vali. This is a monument of that era, a system of strategic fortifications that protected Russia from the south from the raids of the steppe inhabitants, the components of which stretch for tens and hundreds of kilometers across the territory of modern Ukraine. Such a thing cannot be built and exploited in conditions of tribal or specific-princely fragmentation.

That is, those issues that are only approached by the Western regional civilization, claiming to teach everyone else how to live, were successfully solved in Russia even in antiquity.

So Russia - and this is obvious, at least since the capture of Kazan under the power of Ivan the Terrible - is indeed a regional civilization within the boundaries of one multinational state, in which internal wars are episodes, not norms of existence. The "100 Years War", "30 Years War" are from the history of the West, not Russia. Our civilization developed inwardly peacefully, without exterminating anyone, like the Western civilization (let us remember at least the Indians), has long had a hierarchically echeloned control system in full function, resistant to all invasions, both forceful and informational-algorithmic.

This circumstance is behind the words of F. I. Tyutchev: "she has a special become," but at the time when he wrote these lines, this fact was beyond the understanding of both foreigners and the inhabitants of Russia themselves, and especially its cultural classes, educated on the basis of Western science. This is where the well-known lines preceding those that we have put into the epigraph follow: “You cannot understand Russia with your mind, you cannot measure with a common yardstick…”, which we omitted in the epigraph of this chapter.

State power in Russia is only one of the echelons of power, and not the highest in the hierarchy of governance in terms of full function. Statehood changed in Russia many times, but its civilizational essence remained unchanged and found more and more complete and vivid expression in the multinational Russian culture.

Follow the history - after each “squeezing” of Russia under the pressure of military or informational external aggression, the “civilizational accordion” of Russia was cracked down, including the peoples previously adjacent to it, when they experienced their development crises. In the past, people came to "civilize" Russia in their own way from the West, and from the East, and from the South, but all of them who did not die in the battles became Russians over time. So it will be this time too, when the West, having abused the crisis of development along the pseudo-socialist path, made another attempt to "civilize" Russia in its own way.

If the West does not change its mind in time, then Russia can become a civilization from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean. This is due to the complete resource and energy dependence of Europe on Russia. In addition, for a long time Europe has steadily demonstrated its inability to solve the problems of integrating representatives of different ethnically distinctive cultures, from Napoleon and Hitler to Yugoslavia and Greece. Political correctness, concealing mutual hostility and hatred, and the real unity of people are essentially different phenomena.

The essence of our peculiarities is that Russia-Russia in goal-setting, in general civilizational development is more perfect than the West. This is incomprehensible only to those who carry a consumer-parasitic attitude to the planet Earth on the principle “after us, even a flood,” and therefore considers Russia to be lagging behind the West. Although many among them are convinced that it is they who are truly Russian and that it is they who have the right to everything, while everyone else is obliged to revere them and obey them.

Contrary to the opinion of these pseudo-Russian, people in Russia were always assessed by their personal qualities, and not by blood, and they perceived humanity as a part of the biosphere of the planet, while the territorial and social community, as F. I. blood.

Unfortunately, in recent centuries mankind, falling under the "leadership" of the West, makes a deeply mistaken civilizational zigzag.

Without comprehending the goals of human civilization, its role and place in the biosphere of the Earth and Space, it identified progress not with the development of the development potential of man himself, but with purely technocratic development. This also applies to our country, but, fortunately, we are not leaders in the implementation of these trends. After the elimination of JV Stalin, we, unlike the West and the East, think, at least sometimes, about the meaning of life and not always to no avail.

And therefore, many of us understand that the long-term perspective of these “successes” in quotation marks will be as stated in the Bible: “Many of the first will be the last, and the last - the first” (Gospel of Mark 10:31) - this is the question about "leadership" on the technocratic path of development.

Just as Jonah, if he persisted in apostasy from God further, could perish “in the belly of the whale,” and the whale could spit out his remains without any harm to itself, so mankind persisting in evil and disbelief in God has the opportunity to perish in the global biosphere -ecological crisis, after which the Earth's biosphere will simply reject its remains, as has happened more than once in the past.

We are not the first human civilization on Earth, as evidenced by many artifacts found around the world, perplexing their interpreters, who are committed to the traditional cult historical myth that there was no civilization on Earth before labor made of a certain " monkeys "man.

In the Koran about the same global biosphere-ecological crisis people are told in a warning directly: “God is Truth” (Surah 31:29); “And if the Truth followed their (in the context: unbelievers) passions, then heaven and earth and those who are in them would have fallen into disarray” (Sura 23:73). And God, following the passions and gagging of people with all his heart, makes sure that "the earth and heaven and all who are in them" are in disorder due to the erroneous goals of human development.

Nevertheless, we can note with satisfaction that Russia retained 40% of the virgin territory inherited from God, China - 20%, the USA - 10%, Europe - practically nothing. Of course, modern and promising techniques and technologies allow "rolling the Earth into asphalt" and setting up concrete boxes, but they do not allow reproducing the main wealth of mankind - the God-given biosphere, of which the "Homo sapiens" himself is a part. It is no coincidence that Wealth and God are etymologically related words in the Russian language, and a new indicator of development has appeared in the West - the “coefficient of territory detonation”.

Many today have managed to appreciate the once attractive Western values: from overseas sausages and legs

Bush”, fruits and vegetables, to, if I may say so, art, music, cinema. All Western varieties of fruits and vegetables were bred not to make them tasty and healthy, but to keep them “marketable” for longer during long-term transportation and storage. Society receives, albeit painful, but curative inoculation from all that atheism and evil that are the essence of the culture of Western civilization.

Those who understand the history and variations of the prospects for the course of the global historical process simply consider it beneath their dignity to enter into polemics with the current oracles of "civilization in the Western manner." All of them, in any of the civilizationally significant issues, simply did not come out of the age when the diaper is an inevitable attribute of life. "Hold on to forgiveness, encourage goodness and distance yourself from the ignorant!" - said in the Qur'an (7: 199).

With a zeal worthy of better application, the West cultivates sexual promiscuity, reproaching Russia for being backward in these matters. Have you ever wondered why chastity of both sexes has always been revered in the history of Russian civilization? The fact is that for centuries chastity has developed and strengthened the genetics of offspring, although this was not always achieved on the basis of processes perceived by people. Ancestral lines that did not maintain chastity disappeared through natural selection due to the destructive effect of telegony. These facts were noticed, and the lineages that continued to live considered chastity as the norm of life and taught children to follow this norm.

It is because of this that the Russian people condemned the seduction of future mothers, and even the concept was appropriate - "spoil the girl", and getting married "spoiled" was very problematic, since only Love is able to neutralize the effects of telegony, but ardent passion is not capable of this, or, more simply, lust.

Likewise, the Muslim tradition is characterized by a categorical prohibition on marriage with a woman who had sex before marriage. Science, and even then not all of its representatives, recognized the existence of the phenomenon of telegony after many centuries. Nevertheless, contrary to the opinion of skeptics, the strong influence of the field characteristics of each of the sexual partners on the newborn is a long established fact.

So, the ideal of chastity kept in the soul of the Russian people is not a sign of darkness and backwardness from a pseudo-civilized world, in which licentiousness is identified with freedom by malice, but a sign of a real spiritual culture that comes from the depths of centuries. That is why it turned out at one of the world forums of physicists that 80% of these "foreigners" were born, raised and trained in Russia. That is, along with the conspicuous widespread drunkenness and an abundance of vices, the people of Russia have an unsurpassed intellect and genetics stored by its genetically stable core.

The traditions of Russian chanting are also significant. We do not have the opportunity to develop this topic, we only note that those who understand this action are called vocal therapy, which is capable of healing the human body. Each of our organs resonates with one or another vowel sound of the Russian language. The imposed rhythm of "pop music" in all its varieties is alien to our genetics and has a destructive effect on the body. Let's not forget that, unlike other types of arts, against your will, music is always not only directly loaded into the unconscious levels of the psyche, but also directly affects the body as a physical object vibroacoustic.

Often, in the process of discussing the special significance of Russian civilization, a counterargument arises about the absence of its own prophets in its history, that is, those people who include the founders of the so-called "world religions".

First of all, it should be noted that God sends prophets into the world to eliminate mistakes in social development. That is, if society in its development has reached a dead end, from which it is not able to get out of it, then the prophet is an external stimulus for the society to look at itself from the outside through his words. As Christ explained, the sick need a doctor, not the healthy (Matthew 9:12). And accordingly, if the process of self-development has not stopped, then society has no need for a prophet; and those in whose history the prophets were, now there is nothing to be particularly proud of, since the Single Covenant that they carried to people has not yet become the norm of life.

In addition, it should be noted that public recognition and announcement by the Prophets and their actual presence in life are two different things. If by the Prophets we mean those people who received systemic knowledge, Revelations from the Higher Reason, from God, then they were in Russia. But in thick books and in large editions, they publish works and create a cult of only those Prophets whose ideological heritage the earthly hierarchies have managed to distort and build into the political scenarios they have developed. Actually about this already quoted lines of A. Pushkin from his youthful poem "Gabrieliad".

A. S. Pushkin, undoubtedly, by his ancestral genetics, inherited the keys of access to the priestly egregors of antiquity. In addition, his nanny, Arina Rodionovna, was far from being an ignorant woman from the common people. The depth of A. Pushkin's penetration into the secrets of life can be judged even by individual rare subjects, where he gives information in a direct, uncoded form, but this is a special topic that requires more than one book for its presentation.

Let's give one more example of the prophetic mission of the Russian civilization. If you look closely at the main characters in the works of N. V. Gogol, you will find that the main characters of our time have not changed their appearance since the time of the characters he described in Dead Souls. It is useful to remember that some subjects were recommended to N. V. Gogol by another prophet of Russian civilization - A. S. Pushkin.

After August 1991, it became clear that with all the variety of candidates for the presidency of the country, only two of them had a real chance to be elected: Yeltsin and Zyuganov. In 1996, a third "pawn" appeared, which also had a certain chance to "get into the queens" - the Swan. However, despite all the differences in their slogans, our and the foreign press for some reason ignored their external similarity: all three were "very similar to an average size bear", although they "roared" in different ways.

And now we will quote Gogol: “Chichikov glanced sideways at Sobakevich, this time he seemed to him very similar to an average size bear. It is known that there are many such persons in the world whose decoration nature did not think for a long time, did not use any small tools, such as: files, gimbals, etc. the other - her lips came out, with a big drill she poked her eyes and, without scraping, let her into the light, saying: "He lives!"

This literary portrait of Sobakevich can equally well be attributed to Yeltsin, Zyuganov, and Lebed.

But this is not all: in the external and internal description of Nozdryov, one can easily recognize the collective portrait of Nemtsov and Zhirinovsky, regardless of their personal differences, which, attracting attention, they gladly demonstrate to the public: “Nozdryov was in some respects a historical person. Not a single meeting he attended was complete without history.

Some story certainly happened: either the gendarmes would take him out of the hall under the arms, or they were forced to push him out by their own friends. If this does not happen, then all the same, something will happen that will not happen to the other: either it will be cut in the buffet in such a way that it only laughs, or it will be cut in the most cruel way so that, finally, it will be ashamed of itself. And he will lie completely unnecessarily."

And here is a short and vivid portrait of Yavlinsky's Yabloko: “God alone could have said what Manilov's character was. There is a kind of people known by the name: people are so-so, neither this nor that, neither in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Se-Lifan, according to the proverb. Perhaps Manilova should also join them. At a glance he was a prominent man; the features of his face were not devoid of pleasantness, but in this pleasantness, it seemed, too, was transferred to sugar! In the next minute you will not say anything, but in the third you will say: "The devil knows what this is!" - and you will move away; if you do not move away, you will feel mortal boredom."

V. V. Putin is presented in the image of a prince-auditor, while the general atmosphere of our society, the situation with respect for rank and corruption are also clearly displayed. The modernity of the sound of the texts is such that it seems that the ink has not yet had time to dry. Let us quote excerpts from the sixth unfinished chapter of Dead Souls.

“In the large hall of the governor-general's house gathered all the officials of the city, from the governor to the titular councilor: the rulers of chanceries and affairs, advisers, assessors, Kisloedov, Red-nosed, Samosvistov, who did not take, who took, who were bending their souls, half-crooked and not at all crooked, - everything was waiting with some not quite calm expectation of the general's exit. The prince came out neither gloomy nor clear: his gaze was as firm as his step. The entire bureaucratic assembly bowed, many bowed to the waist. With a slight bow, the prince began:

- Leaving for Petersburg, I considered it decent to see you all and even explain to you partly the reason. We had a very tempting business. I suppose that many of those upcoming know what business I am talking about. This case led to the discovery of other, no less dishonorable deeds, in which, at last, even such people, whom I had previously considered honest, were mixed up. I also know the innermost goal of confusing everything in such a way that it turns out to be complete impossibility to solve it in a formal manner. I even know who the main spring is, although he very skillfully concealed his participation. I must now turn to only one insensible instrument of justice, an ax that must fall on our heads."

But, as can be seen from the further performance of the prince, the scenario, which can be called "Inquisitor", will not be realized.

“A shudder involuntarily ran over all faces. The prince was calm. Neither anger nor spiritual indignation expressed his face.

- Everything will be forgotten, blotted out, forgiven; I will be my own intercessor for everyone if you fulfill my request. Let us now leave aside who is to blame for whom. The point is that it has come to save our land; that our land is already perishing not from the invasion of twenty foreign languages, but from ourselves; that already, past the lawful government, another government was formed, much stronger than any lawful one.

Conditions were established; everything is priced and prices are even publicized. And no ruler, even if he was wiser than all the legislators and rulers, is unable to correct the evil, no matter how he limits the actions of bad officials by putting other officials as supervisors.

Everything will be unsuccessful until every one of us has felt that, just as in the era of insurrection, the people armed themselves against enemies, so he must rise up against untruth. As a Russian, as bound by a consanguineous relationship, by the same blood, I now turn to you. I appeal to those of you who have some idea of what nobility of thoughts is. I invite you to remember the duty that a person has in every place. I invite you to consider closer your duty and the duty of your earthly office."

What kind of earthly position of man is N. V. Gogol talking about? Of course, about the position of being a Man, a Man with a capital letter - the position of God's viceroy on Earth. In one of the first speeches of V. V. Putin, after he became president, a statement was made that the Russian people had not heard for more than half a century from a single senior person in the state: "All our problems today rest on morality." But morality is the property and business of everyone, and no one can lead others into righteousness by any administrative or terrorist measures.

And the line to which the genius of Gogol has risen in his moral feat, embodied in the poem "Dead Souls", we, her descendants, will have to move further. This will not be done by managers, but by all people - regardless of their professions and the social status imposed on them by the crowd- "elitism", who understand that the words "truth", "righteousness", "justice" and "management" are one-sided words and that the destiny of man is to be the governor of God on Earth, and not a slave or slave owner, no matter how civilizationally sophisticated the system of slavery is.

From the book of V. A. Efimova "Course of the Age of Aquarius"